Rauwel, Erwan

TalTech department
In TalTech
Career in TalTech
TTÜ Tartu Kolledž, Säästva tehnoloogia õppetooli erakorraline dotsent (1,00) 01.02.2013–30.11.2013, professor 01.12.2013-31.08.2018
Teenistuskäik mujal
Eesti Maaülikool, professor 12.09.2018-
Oslo Ülikool, Department of Chemistry, inGAPSMN, Forsker (Researcher) 2009-2012
Aveiro Ülikool, Associate Laboratory CICECO, Dpt. of Physics, FCT posdoctoral grant (SFRH/BDP/45136/2008) 2008-2009
Aveiro Ülikool, Associate Laboratory CICECO, Dpt. of Chemistry, Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (EIF) MEIF-CT2006-041632 2006-2008
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP), Postdoctoral position, collaboration with STMicroelectronics 2004-2006
More information
International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery (Nano Delivery 2017), May 29-31, 2017, Osaka, Japan
The International Journal of Nanomedicine, Dove Press, toimetaja nõustamine 2015-
Journal of Coating Science and Technology, Lifescience Global, editorial board member 2013-
Dove Press - Reviewer for 2 journals 2013-
Member of the American Chemical Society 2010-
Member of the Electrochemical Society 2005-
Technical Program Committee member for International conference on Advanced Materials Research and Applications (AMRA2016) (http://www.amra2016.org/?op=committee), 2016
4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes (http://www.ic-cmtp4.eu), Chairman in the SESSION 1: Advanced Materials for Bio- and Medical Applications and SESSION 11: Nanomaterials for Environment and Health, 2016
Hindawi Publishing Corporation: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Special isuue on "Silver Nanoparticles:Synthesis, Properties, and Applications", külalistoimetaja 2013-2014
Euroopa Sotsiaalfond (ESF) DoRa programmi tegevus grand professori (10 kuud) 2014
Euroopa Sotsiaalfond (ESF) DoRa programmi tegevus grand professori (10 kuud) 2013
Physica Status Solidi A, Parim raamat 2011 (http://www.materialsviews.com/best-of-pss-2011/)
inGAP Comtipetion 2009: Research project on catalytic chemistry for natural gas conversion
1st price Project: „Metal nanoparticles synthesis for catalyst applications“ 6 month funding for a Post-Doc + 6000 Euros for consumables
Name reference
Rauwel, Ervan Yann