Advanced structures and products

Head of the research group
structural analysis and design optimization
numerical methods
composite materials
The competencies of the workgroup coverdevelopment and application of the AI basedoptimization algorithms, procedures and toolsfor design of products and production processes.One of the main directions of recent years is theimplementation of Evolutionary (EA) methodsand tools in engineering design. Current issuesinclude the development of hybrid methods andthe combined use of artificial intelligence toolsin algorithms (ANN + EA). One subtopic is thedevelopment and adaption of new numericalmethods with focus on Haar wavelet based discretization methods. The research team has a long experience inwave propagation research in channels andmore generally in a limited space. Various testmethods for sound field decomposition have beendeveloped. The developed applications can beused for experimental determination of acousticproperties of different materials and products,as well as for the collection of energy (noise) inthe acoustic field and are converted into a usefultype of energy.
Period of activity of the research group
Publications related to the research group