Kurnitski, Jarek
Career in TalTech
ehituse ja arhitektuuri instituut, direktor 19.04.2017-
ehitiste projekteerimise instituut, direktor 01.09.2013–31.12.2016
ehitiste projekteerimise instituut, professor 01.01.2012–31.12.2016
Teenistuskäik mujal
Aalto Ülikool, School of Engineering, Adjunct Professor of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (0,40) 01.01.2013–...
Sitra, Soome Innovatsioonifond, 01.01.2009–31.12.2012
Helsingi Tehnikaülikool, Adjunct Professor 01.01.2005–31.12.2010
Helsingi Tehnikaülikool, HVAC-technology, Research Manager 01.01.2001–31.12.2009
Helsingi Tehnikaülikool, Kütte ja ventilatsiooni labor, Research Specialist 01.01.1995–31.12.2001
Helsingi Tehnikaülikool, Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Building Physics, assistent 01.01.1990–31.12.1995
More information
Chair of the REHVA Technology and Research Committee (TRC) 2016-...
Committee Member in CEN TC 130 Space heating appliances without integral heat sources WG 13 Determination of parameters for the efficiency of heating and cooling emission products in relation to prEN 15316-2. Coordination - Group 2015-...
ETAG Hindamisnõukogu liige 2015-...
Expert of the advisory board of DG ENER/JRC Task 13.3 „Relation between high-energy performance and indoor air quality“ performed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) 2015-...
Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Building Physics 2014-...
Estonian State Representative in DG ENER Working Group of the Energy Performance of Buildings Committee (DIRECTIVE 2010/31/EU), (ENER Working Group on usability of EPB standards) 2014-...
Member of the editorial board of Energy and Buildings, since 2013. About 45 reviews of submitted articles 2011-2013, 2013-...
Expert in EPBD Concerted Action Energy Performance of Buildings, CA-EPBDIII and CA-EPBDIV 2013-...
Vice-President of the REHVA (Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations), 2012–2013, 2013–2016, 2016-2019, 2012-...
Member of the editorial board of the REHVA European HVAC Journal 2012-...
Member of the REHVA Technology and Research Committee (TRC) 2011-...
Chairman of the REHVA (Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations) Task Force on Nearly Zero Energy Buildings 2010-...
Member of the Advisory Board of Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Engineering, a peer reviewed journal published by the Estonian Academy of Sciences since 1.1.2006, 2006-...
Committee Member in CEN TC228 Heating Sytems in Buildings WG4 Calculation methods and system performance and evaluation 2014-2015
Expert in CEN TC156 Ventilation for Buildings WG21 Revision of calculation standards EN15241, 15242 and 15243, 2013-2015
Committee Member in CEN TC371 Project Committee – Energy Performance of Buildings project group WG1 EPBD Standards group 2012-2015
Co-Chair of the REHVA Technology and Research Committee (TRC) 2012-2016
Guest editor of The REHVA European HVAC Journal, Volume 48, Issue 3, May 2011
Reserve member of the board of the REHVA (Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations) 2011-2012
Member of the scientific committee of SB11 Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference, October 18– 21, 2011, Helsinki, Finland 2010-2011
Member of the scientific committee of PHN11 Helsinki, 4th Nordic Passive House Conference 17 - 19 October, 2011 Helsinki, Finland 2010-2011
Evaluator of 2nd Joint Call for Research and Development Proposals within the WoodWisdom-Net Researchprogramme „Sustainable, competitive processing and end-use concepts for forest-based industries“, the European Commission 7th Framework Programme 2010
WHO (World Health Organization) Temporary Adviser on interventions to reduce health effects from damp and mould, since January 2008 – 2009
Member of the WHO Advisory Group to coordinate EU project providing technical and policy relating solutions and approaches to fulfill the recommended guidelines, since April 2007 – 2008
Member of the WHO Working Group developing Background material for Development of WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality, Dampness, mould and ventilation, 2007-2008
WHO Temporary Adviser for development of WHO guidelines for indoor air quality, mould and dampness, since October 2006–2008
Expert and member in CEN (European Committee for Standardization) TC156 Ventilation for Buildings, WG7 System Performance working group, and expert in TC156 WG12 2003-2007, and expert in TC89 WG4, 2005-2006
Secretary of the CIB and ISIAQ’s joint Task Group Performance Criteria for Health and Comfort of Buildings, 1999 – 2003
Chairman of the organizing committee, Baltic Symposium on Indoor Air Quality and Building Physics, the satellite conference of Healthy Buildings 2000, Tallinn, Tallinn University of Technology, August 11–12, 2000, 1999-2000
Valgetähe 3. klassi teenetemärk 2024
Rydbergi kuldmedal ventilatsioonialase teadustöö eest 2024
TTÜ aasta teadlane 2015, 2016
Recognized reviewer of journals in 2015: Building and Environment, Automation in Construction, Energy and Buildings 2015
Outstanding reviewer award 2015 of Sustainable Cities and Society (within the top 10th percentile of reviewers for the Journal) 2015
Hopeinen ansiomerkki (Silver medal of professional service) 2015 of The Finnish Association of HVAC Societies SuLVI 2015
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli 2013. aasta teadusartikkel tehnika ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas: Thalfeldt, M., Pikas, E., Kurnitski, J., Voll, H. Facade design principles for nearly zero energy buildings in a cold climate, Energy and Buildings, 2013, Vol 67, 2014
Recognized reviewer of journals in 2014: Energy, Sustainable Cities and Society, Applied Energy, International Journal of Thermal Sciences in 2014
Outstanding reviewer award 2014 of Energy and Buildings (within the top 10th percentile of reviewers for the Journal) 2014
Energy & Buildings 2013 Journal award, Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the journal 2013
REHVA Fellow status 2011 granted by REHVA (Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations) in recognition of the outstanding services to REHVA organisation and work for the improvements of energy efficiency and the indoor environmen
EKVÜ professional award 2011 (Estonian Society of Heating and Ventilation Engineers)
Kultainen ansiomerkki (Gold medal of professional service) 2011 of The Finnish Association of Civil Engineers, RIL 2011
The REHVA Young Researchers Award 2005 (Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations) 2005
The SCANVAC prize for young researcher 2000 (Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations) 2000