Structural engineering research group

Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
structural engineering
fire resistance
steel structures
engineered wood
The studies of the group are related to theanalysis of various building structures andfoundations.Current research is focused on timber and steelstructures at ambient and elevated temperatures. Design methods are developed regardingthe effect of the charring layer on resistance oftimber elements in fire. Interaction of timberstructures with different insulation materialsand claddings is also studied. The Europeantest method for determining the fire resistanceof adhesives used in engineered wood structuresis under development. The research results havedirect connection with the revision process ofEurocode 5.Other topics of research cover connections andstiffness properties of cross laminated timberelements and behaviour of steel elements andconnections in fire.The members of the group provide their expertisein industrial research and development projectsof the construction sector.The research group cooperates with other technical universities and research institutes (ETH,RISE, TUM, MPA Stuttgart).
Period of activity of the research group
Publications related to the research group