Food tech and bioengineering

Research classification (Frascati)
Industrial biotechnology 2.9
Head of the research group
synthetic biology
systems biology
cell factories
local substrate valorization
Our research is focused on addressing globalchallenges of bio-sustainability, including sustainable production of food and feed, but alsobiochemicals and materials. We are developing novel bio-based processes where microbialcell factories are used to convert various wastecarbon like food- and wood industry waste intovalue-added products.Relying on the multi-disciplinary skill-set in ourresearch group, we have established the DesignBuild-Test-Learn cycle of cell factory designand bioprocess optimization. We use advancedmetabolic modeling for the design of novel cellfactories; we develop novel synthetic biology toolsfor the more efficient engineering of cell factories;and use our lab-scale bioreactor platform for theprocess characterization and optimization. Weare additionally utilizing the advancements ofadditive manufacturing to develop ’living materials’, which will improve biotechnology-basedproduction processes.By combining these approaches, we aim totranslate fundamental science results in industrial biotechnology applications by constructingmore efficient producer cells. Together with ourglobal and local partners, we are developing thewhole value chains in circular economy for thesustainable production of value-added productswith minimal waste streams.
Period of activity of the research group
Publications related to the research group