Philosophy of science and technology

Research classification (Frascati)
Philosophy, ethics and religion 6.3
Head of the research group
Research group member
philosophy of science and technology
The Philosophy of Science and Technologygroup (PST) works on fundamental science &technology, foundations of social and cognitivesciences, and general humanities, ethics andmethodology. Its world-class research achievements are recognised in publications, citationsand applications of theories such as abduction,pragmatism and diagram logics that characteriseinnovation and technological change, complexityeconomics, cognitive & computing sciences, andmore recently clinical reasoning. PST group’sfundamental results are achieved in logics in AI;cognition, active inference and human reason; creative, design and diagrammatic thinking.Applications include trustable software development and explainable AI. Research of PST hasyielded deep understanding of scientific discoveries, innovation and new modes of reasoning andcollective action that can tackle wicked problemsand social dilemmas.The PST group collaborates widely both oncampus (Data Lab on cognitive neurosciences,economics on behavioral game theory, and ITSchool on fundamental AI) and with its manyinternational networks.The group integrates with the general researchfocus of Ragnar Nurkse Department and TalTechin analytical and fundamental approaches tocope with fundamental uncertainty that characterises innovation and technological change, andto tackle societal challenges with methods thatcope with wicked and game-theoretic problemsin group action.
Important results
The group developed new diagrammatic methodsapplied e.g. in trustable software development.
Period of activity of the research group
Publications related to the research group