The distribution of the air leakage places and thermal bridges of different types of detached houses and apartment buildings
statement of authorship
T.Kalamees, J.Kurnitski, M.Korpi, J.Vinha
2. Europäisches BlowerDoor-Symposium Dichte Gebäudehülle Thermografie und Wohnungslüftung = 2nd European BlowerDoor-Symposium Tight Building Envelope, Thermography and Dwelling Ventilation : Kassel, Germany, March 16 and 17 2007
location of publication
year of publication
p. 71-81
Kalamees, T., Kurnitski, J., Korpi, M., Vinha, J. The distribution of the air leakage places and thermal bridges of different types of detached houses and apartment buildings // 2. Europäisches BlowerDoor-Symposium Dichte Gebäudehülle Thermografie und Wohnungslüftung = 2nd European BlowerDoor-Symposium Tight Building Envelope, Thermography and Dwelling Ventilation : Kassel, Germany, March 16 and 17 2007. Kassel, 2007. p. 71-81.