Performing feature extraction and selection for pattern discovery in noisy acoustic data

statement of authorship
Sergei Astapov, Andri Riid, Jürgo-Sören Preden
location of publication
year of publication
p. 3-6 : ill
Bibliogr.: 10 ref
Teavikus puudub ilmumisaasta
TalTech department
Astapov, S., Riid, A., Preden, J.-S. Performing feature extraction and selection for pattern discovery in noisy acoustic data // Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technology : proceedings of doctoral session of BEC 2014 : October 6-8 2014, Laulasmaa. [Tallinn] : [Tallinna Tehnikaülikool], 2014. p. 3-6 : ill.