Verifying hydrodynamic levelling results through improved land uplift rates in West-Estonian archipelago [Electronic resource]
statement of authorship
Liibusk, A., Ellmann, A., Kall, T., Kollo, K., Jürgenson, H.
International Workshop : Sea-Level and Adjustment of the Land Observations, and Models (SLALOM 2012) in Athens, Greece, March 19-22, 2012 : abstract book
location of publication
year of publication
p. 32 [CD-ROM]
conference name, date
International Workshop : Sea-Level and Adjustment of the Land Observations, and Models (SLALOM 2012), March 19-22, 2012
conference location
Athens, Greece
subject term
subject of location
Liibusk, A., Ellmann, A., Kall, T., Kollo, K., Jürgenson, H. Verifying hydrodynamic levelling results through improved land uplift rates in West-Estonian archipelago [Electronic resource] // International Workshop : Sea-Level and Adjustment of the Land Observations, and Models (SLALOM 2012) in Athens, Greece, March 19-22, 2012 : abstract book. Athens, 2012. p. 32 [CD-ROM].