A tool for exploring the hidden structure of legislation
statement of authorship
Ermo Täks, Leo Võhandu, Ahti Lohk, Katrin-Merike Nyman-Metcalf, Addi Rull
Proceedings of the fundamental concepts and the systematisation of law : workshop at Jurix 2011 in Vienna
location of publication
University of Vienna
year of publication
p. 123-133
conference name, date
JURIX 2011: the 24th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, December 14, 2011
conference location
Vienna, Austria
TTÜ department
subject term
Täks, E., Võhandu, L., Lohk, A., Nyman-Metcalf, K., Rull, A. A tool for exploring the hidden structure of legislation // Proceedings of the fundamental concepts and the systematisation of law : workshop at Jurix 2011 in Vienna. [Vienna] : University of Vienna, 2012. p. 123-133.