Assessment of student's design results in e-learning-scenarios [Electronic resource]
statement of authorship
H.-D.Wuttke, R.Ubar, K.Henke, A.Jutman
8th International Conference on Technology Based Higher Education and Training : 10th to 13th July, 2007, KKR Hotel Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan : [proceedings]
location of publication
year of publication
[6] p. [CD-ROM]
conference name, date
8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 10-13 July, 2007
conference location
Kumamoto, Japan
TTÜ department
subject term
Wuttke, H.-D., Ubar, R.-J., Henke, K., Jutman, A. Assessment of student's design results in e-learning-scenarios [Electronic resource] // 8th International Conference on Technology Based Higher Education and Training : 10th to 13th July, 2007, KKR Hotel Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan : [proceedings]. Kumamoto, 2007. [6] p. [CD-ROM].