Bio-recalcitrant pollutants removal from wastewater with combination of the Fenton treatment and biooxidation

statement of authorship
Marina Trapido, Taavo Tenno, Anna Goi, Niina Dulova, Deniss Klauson, Eneliis Kattel, Marika Viisimaa, Arthur Kivi, Kati Klein
location of publication
year of publication
p. 24 : ill
conference name, date
20th International Scientific Conference EcoBalt 2016, October 9-12, 2016
conference location
Tartu, Estonia
TalTech department
recalcitrant organic pollutants
treatment schemes
Trapido, M., Tenno, T., Goi, A., Dulova, N., Klauson, D., Kattel, E., Viisimaa, M., Kivi, A., Klein, K. Bio-recalcitrant pollutants removal from wastewater with combination of the Fenton treatment and biooxidation // 20th International Scientific Conference EcoBalt 2016 : Tartu, Estonia, October 9-12 : book of abstracts. Tartu : Institute of Chemistry of the University of Tartu, 2016. p. 24 : ill.