Venesaar, Margit (author)

types of item

  • journal article
  • journal article
    Remarks on entrepreneurial behavior and trust in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve; Venesaar, MargitForschungsstelle Osteuropa. Arbeitspapiere und Materialen - Bremen2002 / 37, Entrepreneurial strategies and trust structure and evaluation of entrepreneurial behavioural patterns in East and West European environments - contsepts and considerations, p. 31-36
    journal article
  • book article
    Usaldus ärisuhetesVenesaar, Urve; Venesaar, MargitUsaldus. Vastutus. Sidusus : Eesti sotsiaalteaduste III aastakonverents, 22.-23. novembril 2002 Tallinnas2002 / lk. 45-48
    book article
Number of records 3, displaying 1 - 3