Applying probabilistic models for missing data prediction in network industries performance systems [Electronic resource]Kuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttAnnals of DAAAM International for 2014 & Collection of Working Papers for 25th DAAAM International Symposium2014 / p. 1-6. [CD-ROM] Assessment of the economic regulation of network industries : oil shale value chain in EstoniaUukkivi, Raigo; Koppel, OttOil shale2020 / p. 158-176 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Benchmarking the financial situation of road and railway construction companies : Estonian example [Electronic resource]Koppel, Ott26th International Baltic Road Conference : Kuressaare, 28-30 August, 20062006 Benchmarking the financial situation of road and railway construction companies : Estonian exampleKoppel, Ott26th International Baltic Road Conference : Kuressaare, 28-30 August, 20062006 / 15 p., 14 p. slides : ill. [CD-ROM] Blockchain-based solution for supply chain traceability: the case of SmartLog ProjectPilvik, Riivo; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, Ott2021 9th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE)2021 / p. 57-63 Calculating power distribution system reliability indexes from Smart Meter dataKuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, Ott; Palu, Ivo2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON) : [Leuven, Belgium, 4-8 April 2016]2016 / [5] p. : ill Classification and coding : approach of different internationalorganizationsKoppel, Ott; Hunt, Ü.Transport2006 / 3, p. 189-196 Cluster approach in organization of transportation in the Baltic Sea RegionNežerenko, Olga; Koppel, Ott; Tuisk, TarmoTransport2017 / p. 167-179 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Competence in logistics – designing a meta-model of logistics knowledge areasNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttDAAAM International Scientific Book 20142014 / p. 543-556 : ill A concept for performance measurement and evaluation in network industriesKuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 536-542 : ill*est Decision-making framework for industrial-size datacentersLeppiman, Ando; Kotka, Taavi; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttProceedings of the 10th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 12-13th May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 237-242 : ill Defining key performance indicators for infrastructure in Estonian national transportation policyKoppel, Ott; Kõrbe Kaare, KatiGeneral Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transport Research2013 / [2] p Developing intelligent logistics - building a competence model for logistics systems engineerNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttProceedings of 2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) : 18-20 March 2015, Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 239-248 : ill Developing road performance measurement system with evaluation instrumentKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Kuhi, Kristjan; Koppel, OttWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology2012 / p. 90-96 : ill Economic competencies in transportation engineering curriculaKoppel, OttJournal of international scientific publications : educational alternatives2011 / lk. 72-82 : ill Economic regulation assessment of network industries : railway infrastructure management in Estonia [Electronic resource]Uukkivi, Raigo; Koppel, OttEstonian discussions on economic policy = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused. 26 (1-2)2018 / p. 155-171 [CD-ROM] EessõnaKoppel, OttLogistika ja tarneahela juhtimine2011 / lk. 7 Ekspedeerija käsiraamat [Võrguteavik]Aasjõe, Ülle; Eidast, Ain; Koppel, Ott2016*est Ensuring performance measurement integrity in logistics using blockchainKuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, Ott2018 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2018) : Singapore, 31 July - 2 August 20182018 / p. 256-261 : ill Estimation of missing or incomplete data in road performance measurement systemsKuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International journal of mechanical, industrial science and engineering2013 / p. 79-85 : ill Estonian rail transport policy : cohesion with the European Union transport policyKoppel, OttXIV majanduspoliitika teaduskonverents : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 29. juuni - 1. juuli 2006)2006 / p. 168-186 : ill Findings from cluster analysis of logistics undergraduate curricula in EuropeNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttProceedings of 2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) : 18-20 March 2015, Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 231-238 : ill Formal and informal macro-regional transport clusters as a primary step in the design and implementation of cluster-based strategiesNežerenko, Olga; Koppel, OttTransport and telecommunication2015 / p. 207-216 : ill Formal and informal macro-regional transport clusters as primary tools for ensuring stable competitiveness of the Baltic Sea regionNežerenko, Olga; Koppel, OttResearch and technology - step into the future2015 / p. 12-14 Formal cluster formation in the development of the transport sector in the Baltic Sea macro-region = Formaalse klastri kujunemine Läänemere makroregiooni transpordisektori arengusNežerenko, Olga2016*est Future outlook and current situation for security of gas supply in Eastern Baltic regionLeppiman, Ando; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International journal of social, human science and engineering2013 / p. 1287-1294 : ill Human factor as the main operational risk in dangerous goods transport chainJanno, Jelizaveta; Koppel, OttBusiness logistics in modern management : proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Conference2017 / p. 63-78 : ill Impact of Russian hidden economic sanctions on Estonian Railway transportKoppel, OttEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]. XVI2008 / p. 26-30 The impact of technology trends on skills of logistics engineers - a novel competence approachNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttProceedings of the 10th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 12-13th May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 243-248 : ill Improving security of gas supply in Eastern Baltic region : LNG terminal alternativesLeppiman, Ando; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttInternational journal of energy2014 / p. 1-7 Improving the road construction supply chain by developing a national level performance measurement system: the case of EstoniaKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttInternational journal of social and human sciences2012 / p. 225-231 : ill Infrastruktuuri arvestus vertikaalselt integreeritud raudtee-ettevõtja korral: hinnakujunduse aspekt (Eesti peamise raudtee-ettevõtja näitel)Koppel, Ott2006*est Interactive teaching methods as human factors management tool in dangerous goods transport on roadsJanno, Jelizaveta; Koppel, OttTeaching and Learning in a Digital World : proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning. Volume 12018 / p. 619-628 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Kutsestandard : liikuvusinsener, tase 6 [Võrguväljaanne]2018 Kutsestandard : liikuvusinsener, tase 7 [Võrguväljaanne]2018 Kutsestandard : logistik, tase 5 [Võrguväljaanne]2017 Kutsestandard : logistikajuht, tase 6 [Võrguväljaanne]2017 Kutsestandard : logistiku abi, tase 4 [Võrguväljaanne]2016 Kutsestandard : veokorraldaja-logistik, tase 4 [Võrguväljaanne]2017 Kõigel on hind ehk kui palju kiiruseületamine tegelikult maksma läheb?postimees.ee2023 Kõigel on hind ehk kui palju kiiruseületamine tegelikult maksma läheb? Logistics management in the era of supply chain management – a gap in academic literatureNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttJournal of business management and applied economics2014 / p. 1-23 : ill Logistics systems engineer - interdisciplinary competence model for modern educationNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2015 / p. 54-63 Logistika õppekava Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisKoppel, OttTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 118-119 Logistikakoolitus Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisKoppel, OttTransport ja Teed2009 / 5, lk. 26-27 Logistikasõnastik [Võrguväljaanne]Tulvi, Ain; Villemi, Ene-Mall; Niine, Tarvo; Kiisler, Ain; Musto, Meljo; Koppel, Ott; Land, Marko2013 Managing human factors related risks. The advanced training model in dangerous goods transport on roadsJanno, Jelizaveta; Koppel, OttInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2018 / p. 70–88 : ill Measuring temperature and water content in road structures with sensor equipped RFID tagsKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Kuhi, Kristjan; Koppel, OttProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 12012 / p. 315-320 : ill New approach to knowledge transfer environment developmentHurt, Ulrika; Otto, Tauno; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttProcedia engineering2014 / p. 273-281 : ill New approach to knowledge-driven factory development [Electronic resource]Hurt, Ulrika; Otto, Tauno; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttAnnals of DAAAM for 2013 ; Vol. 242013 / p. 1-8 [CD-ROM] New approach to logistics education with emphasis to engineering competences = Logistika kõrghariduse kaasajastamine rõhuasetusega insenerivaldkonna kompetentsideleNiine, Tarvo2015*est Occupational qualification standard for truck drivers as a risk management tool in road transportation of dangerous goodsJanno, Jelizaveta; Koppel, OttEducating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020). Vol. 22021 / p. 277-288 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Ohtlike kaupade raudteevedu Tallinnas ja Tallinna lähiümbruses 2000-2005Koppel, OttKeskkonnatehnika2006 / 8, lk. 52-54 : ill*est Ohtlike kaupade veod Tallinna raudteesõlmesKoppel, OttTalveakadeemia 2006 : artiklite kogumik2006 / lk. 57-62 Operational risks in dangerous goods transportation chain on roadsJanno, Jelizaveta; Koppel, OttLogForum : Scientific journal of logistics2018 / p. 33−41 Performance indicators to support evaluation of road investmentsKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttDiscussions on Estonian economic policy : theory and practice of economic policy2012 / p. 88-107 : ill Performance measurement data as an input in national transportation policyKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttXXVIII International Baltic Road Conference : conference proceedings : Lithuania, Vilnius, 26-28 August, 20132013 / p. 1-9 : ill Performance measurement in network industries : example of power distribution and road networksKuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttProceedings of the 9th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 24-26th April 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 115-120 : ill Performance measurement of a road network : a conceptual and technological approach for Estonia = Teedevõrgu tulemuslikkuse mõõtmine : kontseptsioon ja tehnoloogiad Eesti näitelKõrbe Kaare, Kati2013*est Problems in international transport arising from the unbundling of railway companies in the Baltic States [Electronic resource]Nežerenko, Olga; Koppel, Ott4th International Conference "Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe" : 17-19 June 2012, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2012 / [10] p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Rail sector restructuring in the EU : implications for rail business environment in CEE countries [Electronic resource]Nežerenko, Olga; Koppel, Ott3rd International Conference „Economies of Central and Eastern Europe: Convergence, Opportunities and Challenges“, 12–14 June 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2011 / p. 1-16 : ill. [CD-ROM] Rail transit policy of the European Union and Estonia : objectives and outcomeKoppel, OttTransport2006 / 3, p. Ia-Ig : ill Raudteekaubaveo tariifi kujunemine ja veotasu arvestamise alused [Võrguväljaanne]Kirsipuu, Viive; Koppel, OttEkspedeerija käsiraamat2016 / lk. 340-347 : ill*est Retsensioon [Võrguväljaanne]Koppel, OttEkspedeerija käsiraamat2016 / lk. 3*est Risk management model : human factor related risks and their impacts in road transportation of dangerous goods = Riskide haldamise mudel : inimteguriga seotud riskid ja nende mõjud ohtlike kaupade autoveolJanno, Jelizaveta2019 Searching for the perfect SCM curriculum – comparative study of SCOR and APICS competence models and renowned SCM master’s programsNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttJournal of international scientific publications : educational alternatives2011 / p. 33-53 Security of gas supply in Eastern Baltic region : current situation and future outlookLeppiman, Ando; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttRecent Advances in Energy Planning and Environment : proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Energy Planning, Energy Saving, Environmental Education (EPESE '13), Paris, France, October 29-31, 20132013 / p. 71-80 : ill Some implications of the EU rail transport policy on rail business environment in CEE countriesNežerenko, Olga; Koppel, OttBaltic journal of European studies2012 / p. 21-45 : ill Some side notes about Rail BalticKoppel, OttBaltic rim economies2017 / p. 50 Systematic approach to economic regulation of network industries in EstoniaUukkivi, Raigo; Ots, Märt; Koppel, OttTrames2014 / p. 221-241*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The Baltic Sea macro-regional transport cluster as an element of the Silk Road Economic BeltNežerenko, Olga; Koppel, OttCroatian international relations review2017 / p. 77-95 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The Eastern Baltic LNG terminal as a prospect to improve security of regional gas supplyKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, Ott; Leppiman, AndoRecent Advances in Environment, Energy, Ecosystems and Development : proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Environment, Energy, Ecosystems and Development (EEEAD 2013), Venice, Italy, September 28-30, 20132013 / p. 158-164 The effectiveness of economic regulation of network industries: the case of Estonia = Võrguettevõtete majandusliku regulatsiooni tulemuslikkus Eesti näitelUukkivi, Raigo2021*est The role of performance measurement in forming Estonian national transportation policyKoppel, Ott; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati13th World conference on transport research (WCTR) : 15-18 July 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : selected proceedings2013 / p. 1-19 : ill Tire and pavement wear interaction monitoring for road performance indicatorsKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Kuhi, Kristjan; Koppel, OttEstonian journal of engineering2012 / p. 324-335 : ill Traceable temporo-spatial performance measurement concept for network industries = Tõestatav ja ajas ning ruumis jälgitav tulemuslikkuse mõõtmise kontseptsioon võrguettevõteteleKuhi, Kristjan2021*est Traffic safety management at single-level road-railway crossings : Estonian experience [Electronic resource]Koppel, OttProceedings of the XVII International Baltic Road Conference : August 24-26, 2009, Riga, Latvia2009 / ? p. [USB-mälupulk] Tulemusnäitajad teehoiuinvesteeringute hindamiselKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : aktuaalsed Euroopa Liidu riikide probleemid. 2 : [artiklite kokkuvõtted]2012 / lk. 46-49 : ill*est Tulemusnäitajad teehoiuinvesteeringute hindamisel [Elektrooniline teavik]Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused (artiklid) = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik (Beiträge) = Discussions on Estonian economic policy (articles). 22012 / lk. 335-338 [CD-ROM]*est Typology of logistics curricula - four categories of logistics of logistics undergraduate education in EuropeNiine, Tarvo; Koppel, OttInternational journal of engineering pedagogy2015 / p. 4-11 Use of different accounting methods in railway undertakingsKoppel, OttAccounting and performance management perspectives in business and public sector organizations : conference proceedings : May 8-9 2009, Tartu2009 / p. 128-137 : ill Use of smartphone accelerometers for winter road maintenance improvement in urban areasKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, Ott; Kuhi, KristjanUrban transport XIX2013 / p. 253-263 : ill Using probabilistic models for missing data prediction in network industries performance measurement systemsKuhi, Kristjan; Kõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, OttProcedia engineering2015 / p. 1348-1353 : ill Value stream mapping as a tool in optimising production logistics. Case: HE TeletechnicsHurt, Ulrika; Tomba, Andrei; Koppel, OttProceedings of the 10th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 12-13th May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 231-236 : ill Wireless sensing in road structures using passive RFID tagsKõrbe Kaare, Kati; Koppel, Ott; Kuhi, KristjanEstonian journal of engineering2012 / p. 314-323 : ill Võrguettevõtjate majandusliku regulatsiooni tulemuslikkuse mõõtmine : Eesti avaliku raudteeinfrastruktuuri näideUukkivi, Raigo; Koppel, OttEstonian discussions on economic policy : Republic of Estonia - 100 (24 February 1918). 100 years of the Estonian language national University of Technology in Estonia (17 September 1918) = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik : Republic Estland - 100 (24. Februar 1918). 100 Jahre von der Gründung der estnischsprachigen nationalen Technische Universität (17. September 1918) = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : Eesti Vabariik - 100 (24. veebruar 1918). 100 aastat eestikeelset rahvuslikku Tehnikaülikooli Eestis (17. september 1918)2018 / lk. 67-72 Võrguettevõtjate majandusliku regulatsiooni tulemuslikkuse mõõtmine : Eesti avaliku raudteeinfrastruktuuri näide [Elektrooniline teavik]Uukkivi, Raigo; Koppel, OttEstonian discussions on economic policy = Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschaftspolitik = Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused. 26 (1-2)2018 / lk. 198-203 [CD-ROM] У всего есть цена, или Сколько на самом деле стоит превышение скорости?rus.postimees.ee2023 У всего есть цена, или Сколько на самом деле стоит превышение скорости?