Applications of recycled hardmetal powderZimakov, Sergei; Pihl, Toomas; Kulu, Priit; Antonov, Maksim; Mikli, ValdekProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2003 / 4, p. 304-316 : ill Applications of recycled hardmetal powderZimakov, Sergei; Pihl, Toomas; Kulu, Priit; Antonov, Maksim; Mikli, ValdekEngineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB - 2003 : 12th International Baltic Conference : October 2-3, 2003, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2003 / p. 43-44 Coefficient of thermal expansion, modulus of elasticity and residual stresses of some powder coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasAbstracts of Scientific Conference Civil Engineering'99, 1999, Jelgava1999 / p. 12 Composite powders for coatings on the base of recovered hard metalsKulu, Priit; Tümanok, Aleksei; Arensburger, Daniil; Pihl, ToomasReports and theses of International Conference of Welding Technologies, Equipment, Materials : MET-971997 / p. 135-143 Formation of microstructure of spray fused powder coatingsPihl, Toomas; Kulu, PriitProceedings of the 3rd International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 25-27 April 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 201-204 : ill Formation of microstructure of spray-fused powder coatingsKulu, Priit; Pihl, Toomas; Tammjärv, Kristi; Vuoristo, PetriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2002 / 1, p. 38-51 : ill Formation of microstructure of spray-fused powder coatingsKulu, Priit; Pihl, Toomas; Tammjärv, Kristi; Vuoristo, PetriMaterials Engineering & Balttrib 2001 : materials of the X-th International Baltic Conference : September 27-28, Jurmala, Latvia2001 / p. 148-153 : ill Influence of the technology to the properties of gas-flame coatingsPihl, Toomas; Kulu, PriitProceedings of the Third National DAAAM Conference in Estonia : SCIENCE '981998 / p. 118-121: ill Investigation into the residual stresses in gasflame sprayed coatingsKulu, Priit; Kõo, Jakub; Lille, Harri; Pihl, ToomasTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1994 / lk. 17-31: ill Measurement of residual stresses in brush-plated nickel coatingLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Pihl, ToomasProceedings of the 3rd International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 25-27 April 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 185-188 : ill Mechatronical system to investigate the wear and shift of construction elementsAjaots, Maido; Jakobson, Mart; Ojamäe, Argo; Pihl, ToomasOST-98 Symposium on Machine Design : [Oulanka, Finland, October 1-3, 1998] : proceedings1998 / p. 51-55: ill*est On residual and thermal stresses in powder coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasProceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 27-29th April 2000, Tallinn, Estonia / DAAAM International Vienna, DAAAM National Estonia2000 / p. 221-224 : ill On residual stresses in flame sprayed coatingsPihl, Toomas; Lille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, PriitCivil Engineering'99 : proceedings of the conference in Latvia, Jelgava, 19991999 / p. 11-16 On residual stresses in flame sprayed coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasProceedings of the 8th International Baltic Conference : Materials Engineering-99 : September 23-24, Kaunas, Lithuania1999 / p. 156 On residual stresses in flame sprayed coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasMedžiagotyra = Materials science1999 / 2, p. 27-29: ill On the residual stresses in melted Ni-based powder coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasProceedings of the Third National DAAAM Conference in Estonia : SCIENCE '981998 / p. 110-113: ill Powder coatings for abrasive wearPihl, Toomas2002*est Recovery of hardmetals and the coatings on the base of recovered hardmetalsKulu, Priit; Tümanok, Aleksei; Pihl, ToomasMaterials Engineering-96 : materials of VI-th International Baltic Conference, Kaunas, 22-23 October 19961996 / p. 44-50: ill Recycling of hard metalsKulu, Priit; Tümanok, Aleksei; Arensburger, Daniil; Pihl, Toomas; Mikli, Valdek; Käerdi, HelmoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering1996 / p. 49-60 : ill Residual stresses in brush-plated gold coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Pihl, Toomas15th International Baltic Conference "Engineering Materials & Tribology. Baltmattrib - 2006" : October 5-6, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2006 / p. 38-39 : ill Residual stresses in different brush-plated coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Rjabtšikov, Aleksander; Laaneots, Rein; Pihl, ToomasProceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic : Industrial Engineering - Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur : 20-22 April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia2006 / p. 273-278 : ill Residual stresses in different thermal spray coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2002 / 3, p. 162-173 : ill Residual stresses in some thermal sprayed coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasMaterials Engineering & Balttrib 2001 : materials of the X-th International Baltic Conference : September 27-28, Jurmala, Latvia2001 / p. 164-168 : ill Residual stresses, modulus of elasticity and coefficient of thermal expansion of some powder coatingsLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Kulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasInternational DAAAM : [DAAAM National Estonia] : proceedings of the 1st International Conference, 25-27th September 1997, Tallinn, Estonia1997 / p. 165-168: ill Selection criteria for wear resistant powder coatings under extreme erosive wear conditionsKulu, Priit; Pihl, ToomasJournal of thermal spray technology2002 / p. 517-522 : ill Study of residual stresses in some gas-flame sprayed coatingsKulu, Priit; Kõo, Jakub; Lille, Harri; Pihl, ToomasPowder Technology 95 : Vth Baltic Conference, November 7-8, 1995, Tallinn1995 / l. 42*est Termopihustatud barjäärpindedPihl, ToomasTallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli Toimetised2005 / lk. 54-59 : ill The properties of different barrier coatingsPihl, Toomas; Vainola, Vello; Pihl, RiinaProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 519-524 : ill The technology and properties of sprayed coatingsPihl, Toomas; Mikli, ValdekProceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 27-29th April 2000, Tallinn, Estonia / DAAAM International Vienna, DAAAM National Estonia2000 / p. 218-220 Wear resistance of thermal sprayed coatingsKulu, Priit; Pihl, Toomas; Zimakov, SergeiAbstracts of papers of International Conference Balttrib'991999 / p. 23 Wear resistance of thermal sprayed coatingsKulu, Priit; Pihl, Toomas; Zimakov, SergeiInternational Conference Balttrib'99 : 21-22 September 1999, Kaunas, Lithuania : proceedings1999 / p. 311-318: ill Wear-resistant composite hard metal consisting coatingsKulu, Priit; Arensburger, Daniil; Tümanok, Aleksei; Pihl, Toomas; Halling, JaanusInternational DAAAM : [DAAAM National Estonia] : proceedings of the 1st International Conference, 25-27th September 1997, Tallinn, Estonia1997 / p. 160-164: ill Wear-resistant WC-Co-NiCrSiB composite coatingsKulu, Priit; Pihl, Toomas; Halling, JaanusNORDTRIB '98 : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tribology, Ebeltoft, Denmark, 7-10 June 1998. Vol. 21998 / p. 809-818 Исследование возможностей повышения эрозионной стойкости направленных покрытийKulu, Priit; Halling, Jaanus; Pärnapuu, Arnold; Pihl, ToomasТезисы докладов пятой республиканской конференции "Эрозионностойкие порошковые материалы и покрытия"1988 / с. 53-54*est Перспективы использования защитно-износостойких покрытий на заводе "Ильмарине"Arensburger, Daniil; Pihl, Toomas; Rõuk, ArnoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 19-27: ill