Axial defect imaging in a pipe using synthetically focused guided wavesRatassepp, Madis; Fletcher, Sam; Klauson, AleksanderEstonian journal of engineering2011 / 1, p. 66-75 : ill Detection of axial cracks in pipes using focused guided wavesFletcher, Sam; Lowe, Michael John Stewart; Ratassepp, Madis; Brett, ColinJournal of nondestructive evaluation2012 / p. 56-64 : ill Implementation of focused guided waves to locate axial defects in pipesFletcher, Sam; Ratassepp, Madis; Brett, C.; Lowe, Michael John StewartThe 48th Annual British Conference on NDT : Blackpool, UK, 14-17 September, 20092009 / ? p Implementation of focused guided waves to locate axial defects in pipesFletcher, Sam; Lowe, Michael John Stewart; Ratassepp, Madis; Brett, C.Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation. Volume 292010 / p. 223-230 Reflection of the fundamental torsional guided wave mode from axially aligned defects in pipesFletcher, Sam; Ratassepp, Madis; Lowe, Michael John Stewart; Brett, C.; Trelawny, J.Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference abstracts : Arcachon, France, 8-10 December 20082008 / p. 8 Scattering of the fundamental torsional mode at an axial crack in a pipeRatassepp, Madis; Fletcher, Sam; Lowe, Michael John StewartThe journal of the Acoustical Society of America2010 / 2, p. 730-740 : ill