An unassailable fortress? Neo-liberalism in EstoniaNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusLocalities2015 / p. 103-138 : tab British approach to the European Union: from Tony Blair to David CameronMölder, HolgerBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 153-173 Can Europe prosper without the common currency? A historical perspectiveNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusJournal of reviews on global economics2017 / p. 129-142 : tab Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Changes in sovereign debt dynamics in Central and Eastern EuropeCuestas, Juan CarlosInternational journal of finance & economics2020 / p. 63-71 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Cooperation or integration? Churchill’s attitude towards organization of EuropeRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Hrebickova, AndreaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 33-56 Current account sustainability in Central and Eastern Europe : structural change and crisisCuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort, MercedesEmpirica2021 / p. 141–153 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Cybersecurity in the era of hypercompetitiveness : can the EU meet the new challenges?Munkoe, Malthe; Mölder, HolgerRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 69-94 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS E-governance and integration in the European unionRamiro Troitino, David; Mazur, Viktoria; Kerikmäe, TanelInternet of Things2024 / art. 101321 Elite agenda, media framing, and public perception of European integration in EstoniaMölder, Holger; Chochia, Archil; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeTalTech journal of European studies2023 / p. 63-110 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS EU enlargement to Austria, Finland, and SwedenRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2018 / p. 97−104 The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 EU in twenty-first century, does crisis mean opportunity?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Martin de la Guardia, Ricardo; Perez Sanchez, Guillermo A.The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 3-9 Euratom and Brexit : could the United Kingdom maintain one foot in the European Union? Current scenarios and future prospects of British withdrawal from the EAECCircolo, Andrea; Hamulak, OndrejInternational and comparative law review2018 / p. 134–151 European Commission and the management of Europe : past, present and futureRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2014 / p. 241-250 : ill European identity and English as official language of EuropeRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilL'Europe unie = United Europe2013 / p. 131-142 European identity the European people and the European UnionRamiro Troitino, DavidSociology and anthropology2013 / p. 135-140 : ill European Union and Great Britain: after Brexit, who wins the break-up?Laitinen, Essi; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 103-116 The first European community and the British positionChochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, Olga; Lindstrom, NicoleBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 59-81 Foreign affairs of the European Union: how to become an independent and dominant power in the international arenaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, ArchilThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 209-230 Georgia and the European Union from the Mediterranean perspectiveRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilBaltic journal of European studies2012 / p. 81-102 Has the Current Account Broken Up With its Fundamentals in Central and Eastern Europe?Coleman, Simeon; Cuestas, Juan CarlosInternational journal of finance & economics2023 / p. 962-980 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Has the relationship between the real exchange rate and its fundamentals changed over time?Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort, Mercedes; Shimbov, BojanBaltic journal of economics2022 / p. 68-89 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Have real exchange rates and competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe fundamentally changed?Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Monfort, Mercedes; Ordóñez, JavierInternational Review of Economics & Finance2023 Internal security: terrorism and criminality fostering integration in the EUOliievska, Nataliia; Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 85-100 Jean Monnet before the first European community : a historical perspective and criticRamiro Troitino, DavidTrames2017 / p. 193-213*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS La ciberseguridad en la era de hipercompetitividad: ¿puede la Union Europea afrontar los nuevos retos?Munkoe, Malthe; Mölder, HolgerRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 69-94 La comision para el estudio de la Union Europea. El sueno Europeo del periodo de entreguerrasRamiro Troitino, DavidHistoria actual online2021 / p. 17-34 La estrategia de las instituciones de la Unión Europea ante el reto de digitalizaciónRamiro Troitino, DavidRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 17-40 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS La Unión Europea y el Reino Unido. Divergencia histórica y miopismo contemporáneoRamiro Troitino, DavidA Unión Europea post-brexit e o novo escenario institucional e político2020 / p. 61-73 Lessons from the "Constitutional Mythology" or how to reconcile the concept of state sovereignty with European intagration [i.e. integration]Hamulak, OndrejDanube : law and economics review2015 / p. 75-90 Margaret Thatcher : ¿Precursora del Brexit o Europeista Ambigua?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelHistoria y Política2019 / p. 331-356 Mitterrand and the great European design - from the cold war to the European UnionRamiro Troitino, David; Färber, Karoline; Boiro, AnniBaltic journal of European studies2017 / p. 132-147*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus On the evolution of competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe: is it broken? [Online resource]Cuestas, Juan Carlos2019*est Panel cointegration, quantile regressions, asymmetric adjustments and crises: The case of EU current accountsColeman, Simeon; Cuestas, Juan CarlosEconomic systems2021 / art. 100870 ; 20 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Predatory preferences and external anchors : the political sources of European imbalancesNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusBaltic journal of European studies2012 / p. 8-20 The British position towards European integration : a different economic and political approachRamiro Troitino, DavidBaltic journal of European studies2014 / p. 119-136 : map*est The EU foreign affairs and the European values : future enlargements of the EU and limits of the organizationRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilL'Europe Unie = United Europe2012 / p. 2-26 The EU’s common security and defence policy in facing new security challenges and its impact on cyber defenceKasper, Agnes; Mölder, HolgerThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 271-294 The Euro Plus Pact : competitiveness and external capital flows in the EU countriesGabrisch, Hubert; Staehr, Karsten2014 The European Council and the Council of the EU - past, present and futureRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2014 / p. 7-17 The European Union : the building of a nationRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2017 / p. 119-134 The European Union and its policy towards the neighbours from South CaucasusChochia, ArchilL'Europe Unie = United Europe2012 / p. 27-35 The European Union and its political leaders : understanding the integration process2022 The Single European Act - the creation of the interior market in EuropeRamiro Troitino, DavidJournal on legal and economic issues of Central Europe2014 / p. 8-13 Transport policy in the European UnionRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2015 / p. 135-141 Winston Churchill and the European UnionRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilBaltic journal of law & politics2015 / p. 55-81 Winston Churchill y el proceso de construcion EuropeaRamiro Troitino, DavidRevista Notas Historicas y Geograficas Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas2020 / p. 453-482 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Де Голль и Европейские cообществаRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Shumilo, OlgaВопросы истории2020 / c. 70-81 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Уинстон Черчилль о европейской интеграцииPanikar, Marina; Ramiro Troitino, DavidВопросы истории2018 / c. 85-96 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS