Genetic analysis of PCV2 capsid protein sequences reveals two main groups of Estonian isolatesTimmusk, Sirje; Fossum, Caroline; Põdersoo, Diivi; Saar, TiiuWorkshop No2 Porcine Circovirus : in 15th-16th May 2007 in Croatia : Sixth Framework programme (SSA) PCVD : towards improved food quality2007 / ? p Lawsonia intracellularis and porcine circovirus type-2 infection in EstoniaJärveots, Tõnu; Saar, Tiiu; Põdersoo, Diivi; Rüütel Boudinot, SirjePolish journal of veterinary sciences2016 / p. 291-301 : ill Porcine proliferative enteropathy and Porcine Circovirus 2 infection in EstoniaJärveots, Tõnu; Põdersoo, Diivi; Saar, Tiiu; Rüütel Boudinot, Sirje; Lindjärv, RaivoCutting Edge Pathology : Uppsala, 7.-10. September 2011 : abstracts2011 / p. 128 Presence of H1N1 Influenza 2009 within four Estonian swine herdsSuurväli, Jaanus; Põdersoo, Diivi; Saar, Regina; Nutt, Anu; Saaremäe, Merle; Sambrek, A.; Saar, Tiiu; Rüütel Boudinot, Sirje6th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases : Barcelona, 12-15 June 2011 : proceedings2011 / p. 263 Significant impact of the Rh blood group and gender on influenza infection in EstoniaKärdi, Liina; Nutt, Anu; Suurväli, Jaanus; Siimut, Siim Erik; Põdersoo, Diivi; Saar, Tiiu; Tiivel, Toomas, geenit.; Rüütel Boudinot, SirjeProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2016 / p. 195-204 : ill*est Spreading of influenza A (H1N1PANDEMIC09) among Estonian blood donors and swineherds during 2010/2011 and its link to gender and Rh D, C, c, E and e antigens : [poster abstract]Kärdi, Liina; Nutt, Anu; Saaremäe, Merle; Suurväli, Jaanus; Põdersoo, Diivi; Saar, Tiiu; Tiivel, Toomas, geenit.; Rüütel Boudinot, SirjeSymposium "HCV animal models and vaccine development" : Thursday, 16th - Friday, 17th May 2013 Meriton Grand Conference and SPA Hotel, Tallinn, Estonia2013 / p. 41 The Estonian H1N1 influenza 2009 outbreak was highly underestimatedSaar, Regina; Põdersoo, Diivi; Järvelaid, Mari; Tuubel, Linda; Suurväli, Jaanus; Nutt, Anu; Saaremäe, Merle; Saar, Tiiu; Rüütel Boudinot, SirjeProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2012 / p. 320-329 : ill