Analysis of fill factor losses in thin film CdS/CdTe photovoltaic devicesPotlog, Tamara; Spalatu, Nicolae; Ciobanu, V.; Hiie, Jaan; Mere, Arvo; Mikli, Valdek; Valdna, VelloMoldavian journal of the physical sciences2010 / 3/4, p. 363-367 Anneealing of bulk crystalline CdTe under CdCl2 controlled vapor pressureHiie, Jaan; Valdna, VelloE-MRS Spring Meeting : Strasbourg, 1999 : abstracts1999 / p. 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O24 Complex defects in Cl doped ZnTe and CdTeValdna, VelloMRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 1996 : abstracts. 11996 Complex defects in Cl doped ZnTe and CdTeValdna, VelloMaterials Research Society symposia proceedings series1997 / p. 585-591: ill Conductive polymer back contact in CdTe based solar cellBereznev, Sergei; Kois, Julia; Volobujeva, Olga; Öpik, AndresEMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8-12 of June 2009, Symposium A2009 / p. 25 Conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS back contact for CdTe solar cellJarkov, Aleksandr; Bereznev, Sergei; Laes, Kristjan; Volobujeva, Olga; Traksmaa, Rainer; Öpik, Andres; Mellikov, EnnThin solid films2011 / p. 7449-7452 : ill Conductivity conversion in CdTe layersValdna, Vello; Buschmann, Felix; Mellikov, EnnJournal of crystal growth1996 / p. 164-167: ill Conductivity of evaporated CdTe filmsNirk, TiitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1994 / lk. 13-19: ill Configuration-coordinate model and the defect states of semiconductors, CdTe in particularHjelt, Kari; Collan, Heikki; Krustok, Jüri; Mädasson, JaanAnnual report 1994 / Optoelectronics Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology1995 / p. 50-51 Deep center luminescence in p-type CdTeKrustok, Jüri; Valdna, Vello; Hjelt, Kari; Collan, HeikkiJournal of applied physics1996 / 3, p. 1757-1762: ill Deep-level photoluminescence of doped CdTe in 0,8 eV regionKrustok, Jüri; Lõo, A.; Piibe, ToomasJournal of physics and chemistry of solids1991 / 8, p. 1037-1038 Defect structure of silver-doped cadmium tellurideNirk, TiitTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1994 / lk. 3-12: ill Defects in chlorine doped CdTe thin filmsValdna, Vello; Hiie, Jaan; Gavrilov, AlekseiAbstracts POLYSE2000 / p. 36 Defects in chlorine-doped CdTe thin filmsValdna, Vello; Hiie, Jaan; Gavrilov, AlekseiSolid state phenomena2001 / p. 155-160 : ill Defects in Cl and Na doped CdTe monograin powdersAltosaar, Mare; Kukk, Peeter-Enn; Raudoja, Jaan; Mellikov, EnnE-MRS Spring Meeting : Strasbourg, 1999 : abstracts1999 / p. O-32 Development organic back contact for thin-film CdS/CdTe solar cellKhrypunov, G.; Bereznev, Sergei; Meriuts, A.; Kopach, G.; Kovtun, N.; Deyneko, N.Physics and chemistry of solid state2010 / 1, p. 248-251 : ill Does the low-temperature Arrhenius plot of the photoluminescence intensity in CdTe point towards an erroneous activation energy?Krustok, Jüri; Collan, Heikki; Hjelt, KariJournal of applied physics1997 / 3, p. 1442-1445: ill Effect of CdCl2 annealing treatment on structural and optoelectronic properties of close spaced sublimation CdTe/CdS thin film solar cells vs deposition conditionsSpalatu, Nicolae; Hiie, Jaan; Mikli, Valdek; Krunks, Malle; Valdna, Vello; Maticiuc, Natalia; Raadik, Taavi; Caraman, MihailThin solid films2015 / p. 128-133 : ill Effect of the vacuum annealing on p-type CdTeValdna, VelloPhysica scripta1997 / p. 315-318: ill Efficiency limits of CdTe thin film solar cellsValdna, Vello; Hiie, JaanSeventeenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the International Conference held in Munich, Germany, 22-26 October, 2001. 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P31 High temperature properties of CdTe crystals, doped by SbFochuk, P.; Grill, R.; Nykonyuk, Y.; Krustok, Jüri; Armani, N.; Zakharuk, Z.; Grossberg, Maarja; Panchuk, O.IEEE transactions on nuclear science2007 / 4, p. 763-768 Highly conductive PEDOT-PSS back contact layer for CdTe photoabsorber layer in the solar cellBereznev, Sergei; Volobujeva, Olga; Laes, Kristjan; Kois, Julia; Öpik, AndresICSM-2008 : International Conference of Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals : Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, July 6-11, 2008 : book of abstracts2008 / p. 160 Impact of CdS annealing atmosphere on the performance of CdS-CdTe solar cellMaticiuc, Natalia; Spalatu, Nicolae; Mikli, Valdek; Hiie, JaanApplied surface science2015 / p. 14-18 : ill Implications of the negative capacitance observed at forward bias in nanocomposite and polycrystalline solar cellsMora-Sero, Ivan; Bisquert, Juan; Oja Acik, IlonaNano letters2006 / 4, p. 640-650 Influence of copper and oxygen on the optoelectronic properties of chlorine doped CdTe fhin filmsValdna, VelloThin solid films2001 / p. 192-194 : ill Influence of Na doping on opto-electrical properties of CdTe:ClAltosaar, Mare; Kukk, Peeter-Enn; Raudoja, Jaan; Krustok, Jüri; Krunks, Malle; Mellikov, Enn; Raudoja, Jaan vt.ka Mädasson, Jaan11th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference : Sept. 20-24/1999, Hokkaido, Japan : technical digest1999 / p. 457-458: ill Influence of the secondary thermal annealing on the properties of CdTe/CdS:CdCl2:O2 structureYang, Wangjun; Spalatu, Nicolae; Maticiuc, Natalia; Krunks, Malle; Hiie, JaanProceedings of 13th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues : CYSENI 2016 : May 26-27 2016, Kaunas, Lithuania2016 / p. VII-220 - VII-225 : ill Investigation of P-type conductivity in CdTe and ZnTeValdna, Vello; Hiie, Jaan; Krustok, Jüri; Mellikov, EnnInternational Conference Advanced Optical Materials and Devices, Riga, 19961996 / p. 204 Isothermal grain growth of CdTe in CdCl2 and Te fluxesHiie, Jaan; Altosaar, Mare; Mellikov, Enn; Mädasson, Jaan; Sapogova, J.; Mikli, ValdekConference record of the Twenty Sixth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1997, Anaheim, CA, 29 September - 03 October 19971997 / p. 455-458: ill Isothermal grain growth of CdTe in liquid Te fluxHiie, Jaan; Altosaar, Mare; Mellikov, Enn; Mädasson, Jaan; Sapogova, J.; Mikli, Valdek26th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Anaheim, 1997 : abstracts1997 / p. 111 1.4 eV photoluminescence in chlorine-doped polycrystalline CdTeHjelt, Kari; Collan, Heikki; Krustok, Jüri; Mädasson, JaanAnnual report 1994 / Optoelectronics Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology1995 / p. 47-48 1.4 eV photoluminescence in chlorine-doped polycrystalline CdTe with a high density of defectsKrustok, Jüri; Mädasson, Jaan; Collan, Heikki; Hjelt, KariJournal of materials science1997 / p. 1545-1550: ill 1.4-eV photoluminescence in cholorine doped plycrystalline CdTeKrustok, Jüri; Mädasson, Jaan; Hjelt, Kari; Collan, HeikkiJournal of physics and chemistry of solids1994 Optoelectronic properties of CdSe - CdTe solid solutionsValdna, Vello; Mere, Arvo; Voronin, A.MatTech '91 : The Second European East-West Symposium on Materials and Processes, May 26-30, 1991 : abstracts1991 / p. 256 Optoelectronic properties of CdTe thin filmsValdna, VelloEUROMAT 99. 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B-26 Photoconductivity formation in CdTe in the annealing processHiie, Jaan; Valdna, Vello; Mellikov, Enn; Altosaar, MareOptical organic and semiconductor inorganic materials1997 / p. 123-129 Photoconductivity formation in CdTe in the annealing processHiie, Jaan; Valdna, Vello; Altosaar, Mare; Mellikov, EnnInternational Conference Advanced Optical Materials and Devices, Riga, 19961996 / p. 197 Photoluminescence from deep acceptor - deep donor complexes in CdTeKrustok, Jüri; Collan, Heikki; Hjelt, Kari; Mädasson, Jaan; Valdna, VelloICL'96, Prague : International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-23 August 19961996 / p. 1-17 Photoluminescence from deep acceptor - deep donor complexes in CdTeKrustok, Jüri; Collan, Heikki; Hjelt, Kari; Mädasson, Jaan; Valdna, VelloJournal of luminescence1997 / p. 103-105: ill Photoluminescence properties of Z-bands in CdTeKrustok, Jüri; Mädasson, Jaan; Hiie, JaanPhysica status solidi (a)1998 / p. 517-525: ill Photoluminescence study of the 1.1 eV deep emission band in p-type CdTeHjelt, Kari; Collan, Heikki; Krustok, Jüri; Valdna, VelloProceedings of the XXX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society : March 21-23, 1996, Espoo, Finland1996 / 8.29 Point defects in Cl and Na doped CdTeAltosaar, Mare; Kukk, Peeter-Enn; Mellikov, EnnThin solid films2000 / p. 443-445 Preparation and properties of CdTe films on Mo/glass substratesValdna, Vello; Grossberg, Maarja; Hiie, Jaan; Kallavus, Urve; Mikli, Valdek; Traksmaa, Rainer; Viljus, MartThin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 20092009 / p. M08-24 Properties of the CdCl2 air-annealed CSS CdTe thin filmsSpalatu, Nicolae; Hiie, Jaan; Valdna, Vello; Caraman, Mihail; Maticiuc, Natalia; Mikli, Valdek; Potlog, Tamara; Krunks, Malle; Lughi, VanniEnergy procedia2014 / p. 85-95 : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Properties of the CdCl2 air-annealed CSS CdTe thin filmsSpalatu, Nicolae; Hiie, Jaan; Valdna, Vello; Maticiuc, Natalia; Krunks, Malle; Mikli, ValdekTÜ ja TTÜ doktorikool "Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad" : 04.-05. märts 2014, Tartu2014 / [1] p p-type doping of CdTeValdna, VelloAbstracts of the International Conference POLYSe'98 : Polycrystalline Semiconductors - Bulk Materials, Thin Films and Devices, 13-18 Sept. 1998, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany1998 / p. P27 p-type doping of CdTeValdna, VelloSolid state phenomena1999 / Polycrystalline Semiconductors V : Bulk Materials, Thin Films and Devices : Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, held in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, September 13-18, 1998, p. 309-314 Radiative and nonradiative recombination centers in Cl and Na doped CdTeAltosaar, Mare; Kukk, Peeter-EnnJournal of materials science2000 / p. 1135-1138 Recrystallization of CdTe film under conditions of high temperature and mechanical pressureMikli, Valdek; Hiie, Jaan; Viljus, Mart; Nisumaa, Reet; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kallavus, UrveThin solid films2008 / 20, p. 7041-7045 : ill Recrystallization of CdTe under conditions of high temperature and pressureMikli, Valdek; Hiie, JaanNanostructured and advanced materials2005 / p. 351-354 Selection of processing conditions for solution growth of CdTe and CuInSe2 monograin powders on the base of phase diagramsAltosaar, Mare; Hiie, Jaan; Mellikov, Enn24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 11 Stability of p-type CdTe thin filmsValdna, VelloProceedings of EMRS 1999 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 1-41999 / p. 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Volume II2002 / p. 1240-1242 : ill Модель точечных дефектов кристаллической решетки теллурида кадмияNirk, Tiit; Nei, ToomasМатематическое моделирование физических процессов в полупроводниках и полупроводниковых приборах : Тезисы докладов III всесоюзного совещания (Паланга, 5-9 сент. 1989 г.).1989 / с. 75-76 Особенности температурного поведения полосы 0,81 эВ фотолюминесценции теллурида кадмияKrustok, Jüri; Piibe, Toomas; Лыо А.Э.Физика и техника полупроводников1991 / 7, с. 1257-1259: ил Фотоэлектрические свойства твердых растворов селенотеллуридов кадмияValdna, Vello; Voronin, A.I.; Mere, ArvoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 30-39: ill