ANDROMEDA Portfolio of Microplastics Analyses ProtocolsBooth, Andy M.; Bouwens, Jan; Brandt, Josef; Buhhalko, Natalja; Catarino, Ana Isabel; De Witte, Bavo; Everaert, Gert; Foscari, Aurelio; Lips, Urmas; Kikas, Villu; Lind, Kati2024 Applicability of a bioelectronic cardiac monitoring system for the detection of biological effects of pollution in bioindicator species in the Gulf of FinlandKholodkevich, Sergei; Kuznetsova, Tatiana; Sharov, Andrey; Kurakin, Anton; Lips, Urmas; Kolesova, Natalja; Lehtonen, Kari K.Journal of marine systems2017 / p. 151-158 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Assessing the eutrophication status of Estonian marine watersStoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Lips, Urmas; Lips, IngaФундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика2018 / c. 62-74 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-halocline oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, TaaviThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 94 Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-surface oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, TaaviFrontiers in marine science2019 / art. 54, 16 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-surface oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) : [conference paper]Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, TaaviBaltic Earth Workshop on multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region : Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia 26-27 November 2018 : [programme, abstracts, participants]2018 / p. 44 Autonoomsed allveeliugurid mereteadlaste kasutusesLips, UrmasMerevaated2017 / lk. 94-100 : ill*est : marine research = MereteadusLips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Ojamäe, Karin; Laas, Peeter2013*est Bimodal distribution patterns of motile phytoplankton in relation to physical processes and stratification (Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea)Lips, Urmas; Lips, IngaDeep-sea research part II: Topical studies in oceanography2014 / p. 107-119 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS BONUS INTEGRAL : improved biogeochemical monitoring and greenhouse gas flux assessment for the Baltic Sea through high resolution trace gas data acquisition [Online resource]Rehder, Gregor; Rutgersson, Anna; Laakso, Lauri; Kulinski, Karol; Lips, Urmas2nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea in Transition : Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018 : conference proceedings2018 / p. 59-60 : ill A cascade of multi-scale processes shaping the signal dynamics and maintaining the energy transfer in stratified Baltic Sea basinsLips, Urmas; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, Inga; Rünk, Nelli; Kikas, Villu; Laanemets, Jaan; Väli, GermoThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 15 Causes of the extensive hypoxia in the Gulf of Riga in 2018Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Laanemets, Jaan; Liblik, Taavi; Skudra, Maris; Samlas, Oliver; Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasBiogeosciences2022 / p. 2903-2920 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Central Baltic Sea Circulation Experiment – first resultsLiblik, Taavi; Rak, Daniel; Siht, Enriko; Väli, Germo; Karstensen, Johannes; Tuomi, Laura; Biddle, Louise; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Skudra, Maris; Lips, UrmasNew challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System research : conference proceedings2024 / p. 145-146 Changing subsurface oxygen conditions in the Baltic Sea basins – analyzing the drivers at different temporal scales = Pinnaaluste hapnikutingimuste muutused Läänemere alambasseinides - erinevatel ajaskaaladel mõju avaldavate tegurite analüüsStoicescu, Stella-Theresa2023*est Characteristics and inter-annual changes in temperature, salinity and density distribution in the Gulf of RigaSkudra, Maris; Lips, UrmasOceanologia2017 / p. 37-48 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Characteristics and variability of the vertical thermohaline structure in the Gulf of Finland in summerLiblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasBoreal environment research2011 / p. 73-83 : ill Characteristics of sub-surface chlorophyll maxima observed in the Gulf of Finland in July 2006Kuvaldina, Natalja; Lips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Liblik, TaaviBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 29 Chlorophyll a and phytoplankton bloomsKauppila, Pirkko; Eremina, Tatjana; Ershova, Alexandra; Maximov, Alexey; Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 114-123 : ill Climate in the Gulf of Finland areaAlenius, Pekka; Myrberg, Kai; Roiha, Petra; Tuomi, Laura; Pettersson, Heidi; Lips, UrmasThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 28-40 : ill Clustering of floating particles due to submesoscale dynamics : a simulation study for the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaVäli, Germo; Zhurbas, Victor; Laanemets, Jaan; Lips, UrmasФундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика2018 / c. 21-35 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Comparative analysis of microplastics detection methods applied to marine sediments: A case study in the Bay of MarseilleGerigny, Olivia; Blanco, Gustavo; Lips, Urmas; Buhhalko, Natalja; Chouteau, Leelou; Georges, Elise; Meyers, Nelle; Vanavermaete, David; Galgani, François; Ourgaud, Melanie; Papillon, Laure; Sempéré, Richard; De Witte, BavoMarine pollution bulletin2024 / art. 116787 Comparative studies of biological effects of surface water pollution on physiological state of molluscs : experience of caging studies in the Tallinn BayKholodkevich, Sergei; Kuznetsova, Tatiana; Lips, Urmas; Kolesova, Natalja; Sharov, Andrey; Kurakin, Anton10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 255 Compatibility of targets under different marine policies - Sufficiency of the EU WFD targets for individual rivers basins to achieve the BSAP goalsStoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Lips, Urmas2021 Compatibility of targets under different marine policies - Sufficiency of the EU WFD targets for individual rivers basins to achieve the BSAP goals Conditions that influence Good Environmental Status (GES) in the Baltic SeaKolesova, Natalja; Väli, Germo; Lips, Urmas2021 Continuing long-term expansion of low-oxygen conditions in the Eastern Gulf of FinlandStoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Hoikkala, Laura; Fleming, Vivi; Lips, UrmasOceanologia2024 / p. 139-152 : ill., map Corrigendum: Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-surface oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) [Front. Mar. Sci., 6, (2019), (54)] doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00054Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, TaaviFrontiers in Marine Science2019 / Art. 233 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A cross disciplinary framework for cost-benefit optimization of marine litter cleanup at regional scaleChristensen, Asbjørn; Tsiaras, Kostas; Murawski, Jens; Hatzonikolakis, Yannis; She, Jun; John, Michael St; Lips, Urmas; Brouwer, RoyFrontiers in marine science2021 / art. 744208, 18 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Currents of the Gulf of Finland: instrumental measurements and numerical hydrodynamic modelingSukhachev, V.; Zakharchuk, E.; Lips, Urmas; Tikhonova, N.; Suhhova, IrinaFrom small scales to large scales - The Gulf of Finland Science Days 2017, 9th-10th October 2017, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn : Oral presentations2017 / p. 62 Dangerous sea level rises in the Gulf of Finland : instrumental measurements and numerical modelingSukhachev, V.; Zakharchuk, E.; Lips, Urmas; Tikhonova, N.The 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 250 Demonstration of annual/quarterly assessments and description of the production systemLips, Urmas; Samlas, Oliver; Korabel, Vasily; She, Jun; Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Cusack, Caroline2022 A descriptive analysis of the linkage between the vertical stratification and current oscillations in the Gulf of FinlandSuhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasBoreal environment research2018 / p. 83-103 : ill*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A descriptive analysis of the linkage between the vertical stratification and current oscillations in the Gulf of Finland [Online resource]Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, Urmas2nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea in Transition : Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018 : conference proceedings2018 / p. 168-169 : ill Developing European operational oceanography for Blue Growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and ecosystem-based managementShe, Jun; Allen, Icarus; Buch, Erik; Lips, UrmasOcean science2016 / p. 953-976 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Developing realistic models for assessing marine plastic pollution in semi-enclosed seasShe, Jun; Christensen, Asbjørn; Garaventa, Francesca; Lips, Urmas; Murawski, Jens; Ntoumas, Manolis; Tsiaras, KostasOceanography2023 / p. 54 - 57 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus EessõnaElken, Jüri; Lips, Urmas; Keevallik, Sirje; Lips, Inga; Raudsepp, UrmasFüüsikaline okeanograafia. Läänemeri [Võrguteavik]2024 / lk. 7-8*est Elustav hapnikurikas süvavesi näitab Läänemeres mõju esmaseid märkeLips, UrmasHorisont2015 / lk. 14-15 : ill*est Estuarine transport versus vertical movement and mixing of water masses in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)Lips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Liblik, TaaviUS/EU-Baltic International Symposium : Ocean observations, ecosystem-based management & forecasting : May 27-29, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2008 / p. 87 Eulerian and Lagrangian submesoscale coherent structures on the sea surface driven by coastal upwelling: a case study for the Gulf of FinlandVäli, Germo; Zhurbas, Victor; Laanemets, Jaan; Lips, UrmasFrom small scales to large scales - The Gulf of Finland Science Days 2017, 9th-10th October 2017, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn : Oral presentations2017 / p. 43 Euro-Argo in work and new potential of gliders in the Baltic Sea BOOS [Online resource]Alenius, Pekka; Tikka, K.; Lips, Urmas; Tuomi, Laura; Purokoski, Tero; Roiha, Petra; Siiriä, S.Operational oceanography serving sustainable marine development : Proceedings of the Eigth EuroGOOS International Conference, 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway2018 / p. 143-148 : ill Euro-Argo in work and new potential of gliders in the Baltic Sea BOOS [Online resource]Alenius, Pekka; Tikka, Kimmo; Lips, UrmasInternational Conference Operational Oceanography Serving Sustainable Marine Development : 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway : book of abstracts2017 / p. 19-20 Euroopat kütvate hoovuste tulevikku varjutab katastroofilummReimann, Andresnovaator.err.ee2024 Euroopat kütvate hoovuste tulevikku varjutab katastroofilumm Features of thermohaline structure and circulation in the Gulf of Riga = Termohaliinse struktuuri ja tsirkulatsiooni mustrid Liivi lahesSkudra, Maris2017*est Ferrybox measurements : a tool to study meso-scale processes in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)Lips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Kikas, Villu; Kuvaldina, NataljaUS/EU-Baltic International Symposium : Ocean observations, ecosystem-based management & forecasting : May 27-29, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2008 / p. 88 FerryBoxes within Europe : state-of-the-art and integration in the European Ocean Observation System (EOOS) [Online resource]Petersen, W.; Colijn, F.; Gorringe, P.; Kaitala, S.; Karlson, B.; King, A.; Lips, UrmasOperational oceanography serving sustainable marine development : proceedings of the Eigth EuroGOOS International Conference, 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway2018 / p. 63-70 : ill Füüsikaline okeanograafia. Läänemeri [Võrguteavik]Elken, Jüri; Lips, Urmas; Keevallik, Sirje; Lips, Inga; Raudsepp, Urmas2024*est Füüsikaline okeanograafia. LäänemeriElken, Jüri; Lips, Urmas; Keevallik, Sirje; Lips, Inga; Raudsepp, Urmas2018*est Geological maps of the Gulf of Finland sea bottom as a basis for assessing the state of marine environmentSuuroja, Sten; Kask, Andres; Petersell, Valter; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Lips, Urmas; Lepland, AivoThe 13th Colloquium on Baltic Sea Marine Geology : September 12-16, 2016, Gdansk, Poland : abstract volume & field trip guidebook2016 / p. 75 Gulf of Finland physicsAlenius, Pekka; Myrberg, Kai; Roiha, Petra; Lips, Urmas; Tuomi, Laura; Pettersson, Heidi; Raateoja, MikaThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 42-57 : ill Hazardous substances in the sediments and their pathways from potential sources in the eastern Gulf of FinlandKuprijanov, Ivan; Väli, Germo; Sharov, Andrey; Berezina, Nadezhda; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, Urmas; Kolesova, Natalja; Maanio, Jaakko; Junttila, Ville; Lips, IngaMarine pollution bulletin2021 / art. 112642, 19 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS High-frequency automated observing systems to meet the monitoring and assessment needs in the Baltic Baltic SeaLips, Urmas; Lips, IngaAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 20!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf High-resolution characterization of the development and decay of seasonal hypoxia in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic SeaLiblik, Taavi; Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Buschmann, Fred; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2023 / art. 1119515 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS High-resolution dynamics of the spring bloom in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic SeaLips, Inga; Rünk, Nelli; Kikas, Villu; Meerits, Aet; Lips, UrmasJournal of marine systems2014 / p. 135-149 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS High‐resolution view on downwelling by underwater gliderin the Eastern Baltic ProperLiblik, Taavi; Salm, Kai; Lips, Urmas3rd Baltic Earth Conference : Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts, To be held in Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 1 to 5 June 2020, Held online, 2-3 June 2020 : Conference proceedings2020 / p. 21 : ill "porceedings" High-resolution view on the subsurface salinity maxima in the Gulf of RigaLiblik, Taavi; Skudra, Maris; Lips, Urmas1st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple Drivers for Earth System Changes in the Baltic Sea Region : Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania, 13-17 June 2016 : conference proceedings2016 / p. 20 : ill Hinnangu andmine merekeskkonna ökosüsteemipõhiseks korraldamiseks Soome lahe merepõhja ja setete näitel : (SedGoF) : projekti aruanneSuuroja, Sten; Heinsalu, Atko; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Lips, Urmas; Pajusaar, Siim; Liiv, Merlin; Buschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Kiipli, Tarmo; Kallaste, Toivo2016 Impact of the recent major inflow on the water column structure in the NE BalticLiblik, Taavi; Naumann, M.; Hansson, M.; Lips, Urmas; Lips, IngaThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 79 Influence of meso-scale dynamics on the phytoplankton distribution and species composition in the Gulf of Finland in July 2007Altoja, Kristi; Kikas, Villu; Kuvaldina, Natalja; Lips, Urmas; Lips, IngaBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 212 In-situ observation strategies in order to monitor and understand the functioning of pelagic ecosystem in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Kikas, Villu; Liblik, Taavi; Kuvaldina, Natalja; Altoja, Kristi; Norit, NelliBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 89 Inter-annual changes in temperature, salinity and density distribution in the Gulf of RigaSkudra, Maris; Lips, Urmas10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 99 Kõrge ajalise ja ruumilise lahutusega kontaktmõõtmised Läänemere uuringutesLips, UrmasTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 232-242 : ill Linkage between the vertical stratification and current oscillations in the Gulf of FinlandSuhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 244 Linking the development of stratification with the variability of velocity profiles in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Liblik, Taavi; Suhhova, Irina; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Laanemets, JaanAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 154!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf Long-term changes in stratification in the Baltic SeaLiblik, Taavi; Lips, Urmas2nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea in Transition : Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018 : conference proceedings2018 / p. 27 : ill Läänemerel algas haruldane soolvee sissevoolPiir, Raitnovaator.err.ee2023 Läänemerel algas haruldane soolvee sissevool Läänemeri lämbub ja see on sinu süüParksepp, AnetteLP+Eesti Päevaleht2019 / lk. 16-17 Mapping microplastic pathways and accumulation zones in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea – insights from modelingMishra, Arun; Siht, Enriko; Väli, Germo; Liblik, Taavi; Buhhalko, Natalja; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2024 / art. 1524585 Merealasest haridusest ja Läänemere kaitsestLips, UrmasTalveAkadeemia 2010 : Läänemeri - vaga vesi, sügav põhi : 26.-28. veebruar Laulasmaal2010 / lk. 9 : ill Mereteadlase tööst paremat eriala on raske ette kujutada! : vastab teenetemärgi saanud merefüüsik Urmas LipsLips, UrmasPostimees2020 / lk. 24 : portr*est Mereteadlase tööst paremat eriala on raske ette kujutada! : vastab teenetemärgi saanud merefüüsik Urmas Lips Mesoscale variability and river plume dynamics in the Gulf of Riga (a model study)Lips, Urmas; Zhurbas, Victor; Skudra, Maris; Väli, Germo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 72 Mida parem mereanalüüs, seda parem mereringeRammus, KristinTrialoog2025 Mida parem mereanalüüs, seda parem mereringe Missing monitoring : review of relevance, methods, gaps and monitoring recommendations for additional ecosystem components in the Baltic SeaLindegarth, Mats; Künnis-Beres, Kai; Wikner, Johan; Lehtiniemi, Maiju; Kuss, Joachim; Hentzsch, Barbara; Schulz-Bull, Detlef; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Nygård, Henrik2020 Mitmekihiline mereuurimineLips, UrmasHorisont2021 / lk. 36-40 : fot*est Modeling submesoscale processes in the gulf of finland - case scenario upwelling events in the summer 2006Väli, Germo; Zhurbas, Victor; Laanemets, Jaan; Lips, Urmas; Elken, Jüri10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 82 Modeling the pathways of microplastics in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea – sensitivity of parametrizationsSiht, Enriko; Väli, Germo; Liblik, Taavi; Mishra, Arun; Buhhalko, Natalja; Lips, UrmasOcean dynamics2025 / art. 9 A multiplexed FBG based sensor platform for flow and temperature measurements in the Baltic SeaDzipalski, A.; Morton, J. A. S.; Papachristou, N.; Maier, R. R. J.; MacPherson, W. N.; Ristolainen, Asko; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Reilent, E.; Suhhova, Irina; Lips, UrmasProceedings of SPIE2023 / art. 1264307-1 : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus A multiplexed reconfigurable modular FBG-based sensor platform for flow and temperature measurements in the North SeaDzipalski, Adrian; Morton, Jonathan A. S.; Papchristou, Nikolitsa; Maier, Robert R. J.; MacPherson, William N.; Ristolainen, Asko; Reilent, Enar; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Wolf, Ben J.; Pirih, Primoz; Van Netten, Sietse M.; Suhhova, Irina; Lips, Urmas; McFarlane, Nathan; MacLeod, Robert; Hendry, Mark; Sheehy, Jack; Almoghayer, Mohammed; Rojas, Natalia; Davies, GarethProceedings of SPIE2024 / 6 p Multi-sensor in situ observations to resolve the sub-mesoscale features in the stratified Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaLips, Urmas; Kikas, Villu; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, IngaOcean science2016 / p. 715-732 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Near-bottom hypoxia impacts dynamics of bacterioplankton assemblage throughoutwater column of the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)Laas, Peeter; Šatova, Elina; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Simm, Jaak; Kisand, Veljo; Metsis, MadisPLoS ONE2016 / art. e0156147, p. 1-19 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nord Streami mõjude uurimine annab väärt teavet ka tulevikuksLips, UrmasPostimees2010 / Looduse Hääl, lk. 8 A numerical study of circulation in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea. Part I : Whole-basin gyres and mean currentsLips, Urmas; Zhurbas, Victor; Skudra, Maris; Väli, GermoContinental shelf research2016 / p. 1-13 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A numerical study of circulation in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea. Part II : Mesoscale features and freshwater transport pathwaysLips, Urmas; Zhurbas, Victor; Skudra, Maris; Väli, GermoContinental shelf research2016 / p. 44-52 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nutrient load : targets and required reductionsKnuuttila, Seppo; Kondratyev, Sergey; Lips, Urmas; Ekholm, PetriThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 134-141 : ill Nutrients in the waterRaateoja, Mika; Pitkänen, Heikki; Eremina, Tatjana; Lips, UrmasThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 94-113 : ill Observed thermohaline fields and low-frequency currents in the Narva BayLaanearu, Janek; Lips, UrmasProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2003 / 2, p. 91-106 : ill*est On the buoyant sub-surface salinity maxima in the Gulf of RigaLiblik, Taavi; Skudra, Maris; Lips, UrmasOceanologia2017 / p. 113-128 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS On the turbidity dynamics in the near-bottom layer of the Gulf of FinlandBuschmann, Fred; Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 16 Physical processes controlling the surface layer dynamics in the stratified Gulf of Finland : an application of Ferrybox technology = Pinnakihi muutlikkust kontrollivad füüsikalised protsessid kihistunud Soome lahes : Ferrybox tehnoloogia rakendusKikas, Villu2016*est Phytoplankton distribution affected by the coastal upwelling event in the Gulf of Finland in August 2006 : observational resultsLips, Inga; Lips, UrmasBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 44 Phytoplankton dynamics affected by the coastal upwelling events in the Gulf of Finland in July-August 2006Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasJournal of plankton research2010 / p. 1269-1282 : ill Plankton biodiversity and species co-occurrence based on environmental DNA - a multiple marker studySildever, Sirje; Laas, Peeter; Kolesova, Natalja; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Nagai, SatoshiMetabarcoding and metagenomics2021 / p. 175-197 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Processes responsible for the formation and maintenance of sub-surface chlorophyll maxima in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Kuvaldina, NataljaEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2010 / p. 339-349 : ill Propagation of impact of the recent major Baltic inflows from the Eastern Gotland Basin to the Gulf of Finland [Online resource]Liblik, Taavi; Naumann, Michael; Lips, Urmas; Laanemets, JaanFrontiers in marine science2018 / art. 222, 23 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Quality of Estonian coastal waters by underwater optical measurementsAlari, Victor; Erm, Ants; Väli, Germo; Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasUS/EU-Baltic International Symposium : Ocean observations, ecosystem-based management & forecasting : May 27-29, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2008 / p. 14-15 : ill Quantification of dissolved oxygen dynamics in a semi-enclosed sea – a comparison of observational platformsMeyer, David; Lips, Urmas; Prien, Ralf D.; Naumann, Michael; Liblik, TaaviContinental shelf research2018 / p. 34–45 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Quasi-steady circulation regimes in the Baltic SeaLiblik, Taavi; Väli, Germo; Salm, Kai; Laanemets, Jaan; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasOcean science2022 / p. 857-879 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Rare saltwater inflow in Baltic Sea could have 'widespread' environmental impactPiir, Rait; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, Taavinews.err.ee2023 Redox-specialized bacterioplankton metacommunity in a temperate estuaryLaas, Peeter; Simm, Jaak; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Kisand, Veljo; Metsis, MadisPLoS ONE2015 / art. e0122304 Salinity dynamics of the Baltic SeaLehmann, Andreas; Myrberg, Kai; Post, Piia; Chubarenko, Irina; Dailidiene, Inga; Hinrichsen, Hans-Harald; Hüssy, Karin; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, Urmas; Meier, H. E. Markus; Bukanova, TatianaEarth System Dynamics2022 / p. 373−392 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Simulation of mesoscale structure of a coastal upwelling event and related nutrient transport in the southern Gulf of FinlandVäli, Germo; Zhurbas, Victor; Elken, Jüri; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Laanemets, JaanBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 42 Simulation of mesoscale structures and nutrient transport during summer upwelling events in the Gulf of Finland in 2006Laanemets, Jaan; Väli, Germo; Zhurbas, Victor; Elken, Jüri; Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasBoreal environment research2011 / p. 15-26 : ill Soe ilm pole vett veel õitsema ajanud : [TTÜ professori Urmas Lipsi lühikommentaar artikli juures]Kelder, Kärt; Lips, UrmasEesti Päevaleht2010 / 7. juuli, lk. 5 Soome lahe keskkonnaseisundi hinnang lähtuvalt merepõhja setetestSuuroja, Sten; Kask, Andres; Petersell, Valter; Karimov, Mark; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Tõnisson, Hannes; Lips, Urmas; Lepland, AivoXXIII aprillikonverents "Eesti maapõue strateegiast" : teesid2015 / lk. 30-32 : ill Soome lahe merepõhja geoloogilised kaardid merekeskkonna seisundi hindamiseksSuuroja, Sten; Kask, Andres; Petersell, Valter; Karimov, Mark; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Tõnisson, Hannes; Lips, Urmas; Lepland, AivoXXIV aprillikonverents "Maapõuekasutus ja keskkonnahoid" : teesid2016 / lk. 46-47 : ill Soome lahe pelagiaali ökosüsteemi struktuur ja selle muutlikkusLips, UrmasTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 74-78 Soome lahe seisund ja tulevikLips, Urmas; Loigu, Enn; Lääne, Ain; Martin, Georg; Pachel, Karin; Raia, Tiiu1998*est Spatio-temporal variability of environmental parameters in the surface layer of the Gulf of Finland in spring (on the basis of Tallinn-Helsinki FerryBox data 2007-2009)Norit, Nelli; Kikas, Villu; Lips, Inga; Kuvaldina, Natalja; Lips, UrmasBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 211 Spatiotemporal variability of microplastics in the Eastern Baltic SeaMishra, Arun; Buhhalko, Natalja; Lind, Kati; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Väli, Germo; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2022 / art. 875984 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Spreading of suspended matter in a shallow sea area influenced by dredging activities and variable atmospheric forcing : results of in-situ measurementsLiblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasJournal of coastal research2011 / p. 561-566 : ill Spring bloom in the Gulf of Finland - interannual variability caused by meterorological and hydrological conditionsLips, Inga; Sildever, Sirje; Lips, Urmas; Rünk, Nelli; Kikas, Villu10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 106 Stratification has strengthened in the Baltic Sea - an analysis of 35 years of observational dataLiblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in earth science2019 / art. 174, 15 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Submesoscale processes in the surface layer of the central Baltic Sea: A high-resolution modelling studyVäli, Germo; Meier, H.E. Markus; Liblik, Taavi; Radtke, Hagen; Klingbeil, Knut; Gräwe, Ulf; Lips, UrmasOceanologia2024 / p. 78-90 Submesoscale structures related to upwelling events in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea (numerical experiments)Väli, Germo; Zhurbas, Victor; Lips, Urmas; Laanemets, JaanJournal of marine systems2017 / p. 31-42 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Submesoscale variability in a mesoscale front captured by a glider mission in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaSalm, Kai; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2023 / art. 984246, 18 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Submesoscale Variability in a Mesoscale Front Captured by a Glider Mission in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaSalm, Kai; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasESS Open Archive2022 / 27 p. : ill Sub-regional observing and forecast system for the NE Baltic: needs and first resultsElken, Jüri; Kõuts, Tarmo; Lips, Urmas; Raudsepp, Urmas; Lagemaa, PriidikUS/EU-Baltic International Symposium : Ocean observations, ecosystem-based management & forecasting : May 27-29, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2008 / p. 38 Synoptic scale assessment of oxygen depletion in the Gulf of FinlandLiblik, Taavi; Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Laanemets, Jaan; Samlas, Oliver; Kuprijanov, Ivan; Buschmann, Fred; Lips, UrmasAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 207!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf A synthesis of marine monitoring methods with the potential to enhance the status assessment of the Baltic SeaMack, Leoni; Attila, Jenni; Aylagas, Eva; Beermann, Arne; Borja, Angel; Hering, Daniel; Kahlert, Maria; Leese, Florian; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2020 / 16 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The hydrographic conditions in the Gulf of Finland in 2014 base on extensive joint monitoringMyrberg, Kai; Lips, Urmas; Korneev, Oleg; Raateoja, Mika; Alenius, Pekka; Bruun, Jan-Erik10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 234 The importance of Mesodinium rubrum at post-spring bloom nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the vertically stratified Baltic SeaLips, Inga; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2017 / art. 407, p. 1-16 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The influence of a coastal upwelling event on chlorophyll a and nutrient dynamics in the surface layer of the Gulf of Finland, Baltic SeaKuvaldina, Natalja; Lips, Inga; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, TaaviHydrobiologia2010 / p. 221-230 : ill Towards a healthier Gulf of Finland – results of the International Gulf of Finland Year 2014Myrberg, Kai; Lips, Urmas; Orlova, MarinaJournal of marine systems2017 / p. 1-3 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Transnational FerryBox monitoring in the Baltic Sea : common measures for quality assuranceSeppälä, Jukka; Maunula, Petri; Haavisto, Noora; Rehder, Gregor; Karlson, Bengt; Willstrand Wranne, Anna; Lips, Urmas; Kikas, Villu; Jaanus, Andres; London. Lauri; Laakso, LauriIEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea ; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea)2021 / p. 121-125 Understanding harmful algae in stratified systems: Review of progress and future directionsBerdalet, E.; McManus, M.A.; Ross, O.N.; Burchard, H.; Chavez, F.P.; Jaffe, J.S.; Jenkinson, I.R.; Kudela, R.; Lips, Inga; Lips, UrmasDeep-sea research part II: Topical studies in oceanography2014 / p. 4-20 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Unraveling ocean dynamics with glider profiling and ship‐based microstructure observations in the Slupsk FurrowBulczak, Anna Izabela; Rak, Daniel; Salm, Kai; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasNew challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System research : conference proceedings2024 / p. 138 Upwelling characteristics in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) as revealed by Ferrybox measurements in 2007-2013Kikas, Villu; Lips, UrmasOcean science2016 / p. 843-859 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Variability of pycnoclines in a three-layer, large estuary : the Gulf of FinlandLiblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasBoreal environment research2017 / p. 27-47 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Variability of stratification and currents at the submesoscale detected from CTD and current profiles in the central Gulf of FinlandLilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, Urmas; Liblik, Taavi; Suhhova, Irina; Väli, GermoBoreal Environment Research2025 Variability of thermohaline structure in the gulf of Finland in summer = Termohaliinse struktuuri muutlikkus Soome lahes suvekuudelLiblik, Taavi2012 Water exchange between the Baltic Sea Proper and the Åland SeaAlenius, Pekka; Tikka, Kimmo; Tuomi, Laura; Lips, UrmasAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 170!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf Vertical dynamics of summer phytoplankton in a stratified estuary (Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea)Lips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Kikas, Villu; Altoja, Kristi; Buhhalko, Natalja; Rünk, NelliOcean dynamics2011 / p. 903-915 : ill ViewpointPitkänen, Heikki; Kuosa, Harri; Eremina, Tatjana; Lips, Urmas; Lehtoranta, Jouni; Maximov, AlexeyThe Gulf of Finland assessment2016 / p. 86-88 : ill Wind-driven residual circulation and related oxygen and nutrient dynamics in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) in winterLips, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Suhhova, Irina; Suursaar, ÜloEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2017 / p. 4-15 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Wind-driven variability of pycnoclines in the Gulf of FinlandLiblik, Taavi; Lips, Urmas10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 93 Wind-forced variability of vertical structure of temperature and salinity fields in the Gulf of FinlandLiblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 117 Wintertime reversals of estuarine circulation and related changes in oxygen and nutrient conditions in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; Elken, Jüri; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Raudsepp, Urmas; Suhhova, Irina; Buschmann, Fred; Suursaar, Ülo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 94