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- Croatian international relations review2017 https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=toc&id_broj=15038
- Discovering the Baltics? Think Tallinn! : prospects for New Zealand in the Baltic StatesVernygora, Vlad Alex2012 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2884385*est
- The EU in the eyes of Ukrainian general public : potential for EU public diplomacy?Chaban, Natalia; Vernygora, Vlad AlexBaltic journal of European studies2013 / p. 68-95 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2659759*est
- How Estonia is setting the bar for ‘smart defense’ : [interview with Mart Laar]Vernygora, Vlad Alex; Laar, MartThe Baltic times [Online publication]2012 http://www.baltictimes.com/news/articles/30662/
- The impacts of Trump advent on the realization of a Russian desirable world orderKeypour, Javad; Vernygora, Vlad AlexThird annual Tartu conference on Russian and East European studies "Reflecting on nation-statehood in Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia" 10-12 June 2018, University of Tartu, Estonia2018 / p. 15 https://sisu.ut.ee/sites/default/files/tartuconference/files/konverentsi_programm_loplik.pdf https://www.ester.ee/record=b5182583*est
- Interview : Yuriy Lutsenko and his quest for the Third republic in UkraineLutsenko, Yuriy; Vernygora, Vlad AlexLithuania Tribune : news and views from Lithuania [Electronic resource]2013
- Interview with Vitali Klitschko : only one opposition candidate in next Ukrainian presidential electionsKlitschko, Vitali; Vernygora, Vlad AlexLithuania Tribune : news and views from Lithuania [Electronic resource]2013 http://www.lithuaniatribune.com/37651/interview-with-vitali-klitschko-only-one-opposition-candidate-in-next-ukrainian-presidential-elections-201337651/
- Küsimus 'raskuskeskmest' Uus-Meremaa suhetes Balti riikidega kui ühest võimalikust arengusuunastVernygora, Vlad AlexPoliitika, riigiteadus, rahvusvahelised suhted2012 / lk. 112-134
- Mirroring the EU? Functional capacity of integration in AsiaVernygora, Vlad Alex; Chaban, NataliaEUSA Asia-Pacific Conference "EU’s Unknown Asia : New Horizons and New Beginnings", 4-5 June 2012, the EU Centre in Singapore, National University of Singapore, Singapore2012 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264847891_Mirroring_the_EU_Functional_capacity_of_integration_in_Asia
- Mirroring the EU? Functional capacity of integration in AsiaVernygora, Vlad Alex; Chaban, Natalia; Yi, Chae-DeugTrames2012 / p. 47-61 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264847891_Mirroring_the_EU_Functional_capacity_of_integration_in_Asia
- A modern empire and its public diplomacy : on Russia’s communication with EstoniaVernygora, Vlad Alex; Belonosova, ElizavetaThe New Zealand Slavonic Journal2019 / p. 59-94 https://resolver.scholarsportal.info/resolve/00288683/v53-54inone/59_ameaipd.xml
- NATO and its partnerships in the Asia-Pacific vs. China’s “marching West”: a new international system in the making?Vernygora, Vlad AlexMaailma Vaade2017 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2940426*est http://www.maailmavaade.ee/articles/vlad-alex-vernygora-14-09-2017
- NATO global perceptions - views from the Asia-Pacific regionChaban, Natalia; Bacon, Paul; Burton, Joe; Vernygora, Vlad AlexAsian security2018 / p. 1-7 https://doi.org/10.1080/14799855.2017.1361726
- NATO koostöö Aasia ja Vaikse ookeani piirkonna riikidega ehk Mida arvavad "elevandid" NATOst?Vernygora, Vlad AlexMaailma Vaade2014 / lk. 10-11 : fot
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- Prospects for New Zealand in the Baltic States : theoretical, structural and operational dimensions of cooperationVernygora, Vlad AlexBaltic journal of European studies2011 / p. 103-133 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2428981*est
- TalTech journal of European studies2021 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5290032*est
- The Eastern Partnership Programme : is pragmatic regional functionalism working for a contemporary political empire?Vernygora, Vlad Alex; Ramiro Troitino, David; Västra, SigridPolitical and legal perspectives of the EU eastern partnership policy2016 / p. 7-22 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27383-9_2 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4556715*est
- The EU’s Ukrainian question : the unbearable lightness of permanent integrationVernygora, Vlad AlexThe Lithuania Tribune : news and views from Lithuania [Online journal]2012 http://www.lithuaniatribune.com/14359/the-eus-ukrainian-question-the-unbearable-lightness-of-permanent-integration-201214359/
- The EU's cybersecurity : a strategic narrative of a cyber power or a confusing policy for a local common market?Kasper, Agnes; Vernygora, Vlad AlexCuadernos Europeos de Deusto = Deusto Journal of European Studies2021 / p. 29–71 https://doi.org/10.18543/ced-65-2021pp29-71 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100854772 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85116724892&origin=inward&txGid=ee2ed084474d54bc70f5255330a67f42 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=CUAD%20EUR%20DEUSTO&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000701745500003
- The region of the Baltic States : does it still exist?Vernygora, Vlad AlexThe Lithuania Tribune : news and views from Lithuania [Online journal]2012 http://www.lithuaniatribune.com/14026/the-region-of-the-baltic-states-does-it-still-exist-201214026/
- The unbearable lightness of permanent integration : why does the EU need to answer its Ukrainian question?Vernygora, Vlad AlexAustralian and New Zealand journal of European studies2013 / p. 92-94
- Towards a Cyber Maastricht : two steps forward, one step backKasper, Agnes; Vernygora, Vlad AlexThe future of the European Union : demisting the debate2020 / p. 186-210 https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/handle/123456789/52310 https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/bitstream/123456789/52310/1/Towards_a_%e2%80%98Cyber_Maastricht%e2%80%99_two_steps_forward_one_step_back_2020.pdf
- Views on NATO from Mongolia and the Republic of Korea : hedging strategy, and "perfunctory partnership"?Yoon, Sung-Won; Jamiyandagva, Adiyasuren; Vernygora, Vlad Alex; Burton, Joe; Luguusharv, Byambakhand; Dorjraa, MunkhturAsian security2018 / p. 51-65 https://doi.org/10.1080/14799855.2017.1361733