- An experimental study of the grid-generated turbulence in a two-phase flow - the control of the velocity slip [Electronic resource]Hussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Štšeglov, Igor; Stock, D.E.; Tisler, SergeiProceedings of the 11 Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions : 2005, Merseburg, Germany2005 / [12] p. [CD-ROM]
- Application of particle tracking velocimetry for studying the dispersion of particles in a turbulent gas flowKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorHigh temperature2012 / p. 381-390 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0018151X12030133
- Deposition of fine solid particles in laminar flat-plate boundary layers [Electronic resource]Hussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiProceedings of FEDSM2007 : 5th joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, July 30 - August 2, 20072007 / [7] p. [CD-ROM] https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/FEDSM/proceedings-abstract/FEDSM2007/42886/911/327596?redirectedFrom=PDF
- Deposition of solid particle in laminar boundary layer on a flat plateKartušinski, Aleksander; Krupenski, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorHigh temperature2009 / 6, p. 892-901 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0018151X09060170
- Deposition of solid particles at streamlined surface in turbulent flowKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow : ICMF 2010 : Tampa, FL USA, May 30-June 4, 20102010 / [8] p. : ill
- Deposition of solid particles at streamlined surface in turbulent flowKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, MedhatDynamics of non-spherical particles in fluid turbulence, Udine Italy, 2011, April 6-82011 / [1] p
- Deposition of solid particles in laminar flat-plate boundary layer [Electronic resource]Hussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow : ICMF2007 : Leipzig, Germany, July 9-132007 / [8] p. [CD-ROM]
- Dispersion of solid particles in grid-generated turbulent flowHussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiANSYS Workshop "Multiphase Flows - Simulation, Experiment and Application" : 24-26 June 2008, Dresden, Germany2008 / ? p
- Estimation of the deposition of fine solid particles in a laminar flat-plate boundary layerHussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiUK-Israel Workshop "Sprays : Modelling versus Experimentation" : Brighton, UK, July 16-18, 20072007 / ? p
- Eulerian–Eulerian RSTM-PDF modeling of turbulent particulate flowKartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios E.; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, Igor; Akhmadullin, IldarMathematics2023 / art. 2647, 15 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.3390/math11122647 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100830702 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85164190172&origin=inward&txGid=be0e26f009f404304f8a0161d9ba40f8 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=MATHEMATICS-BASEL&year=2023 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001017281700001
- Experimental study of the effect of velocity slip and mass loading on the modification of grid-generated turbulence in gas-solid particles flowsHussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2005 / 2, p. 169-180 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1017959*est
- Grid-generated turbulence in two-phase flow : the effect of parameters of the carrier medium and particlesKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorHigh temperature2009 / 2, p. 272-278 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0018151X09020187
- Numerical modeling of a two-dimensional vertical turbulent two-phase jetKartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, IgorFluid dynamics2012 / p. 769-777 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0015462812060099
- Numerical simulation of grid-generated turbulent particulate flow by three-dimensional Reynolds stressKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Stock, David; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Šablinski, AleksandrProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2013 / p. 161-174 : ill
- Numerical simulation of three-dimensional gas-solid particle flow in a horizontal pipeKartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, IgorAIChE journal2011 / p. 2977-2988 : ill
- Numerical simulation of uprising gas-solid particle flow in circulating fluidised bedKartušinski, Aleksander; Martins, Ants; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Krupenski, Igor; Siirde, AndresOil shale2008 / p. 125-138 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1456418*est
- Numerical simulation of upward particulate pipe flows at constant ReKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, Igor; Šablinski, AleksandrProceedings of the 8th Internatinal Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2013) : Jeju, Korea, May 26-31, 20132013 / p. 1-7 : ill
- Numerical study of upward particulate pipe flows at a constant Reynolds numberKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, Igor; Šablinski, AleksandrProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2013 / p. 97-108 : ill
- Particles deposition at horizontal flat plate in turbulent particulate flowKartušinski, Aleksander; Hussainov, Medhat; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Krupenski, IgorThe Canadian journal of chemical engineering2014 / p. 1-12 : ill https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.21923 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/16366 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84897085820&origin=inward&txGid=dd34f31fd2f239e2707e245317f27a47 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=CAN%20J%20CHEM%20ENG&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000327693100001
- RANS numerical simulation of turbulent particulate pipe flow for fixed Reynolds numberKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Krupenski, IgorComputational and numerical simulations2014 / p. 21-40 : ill
- RSTM numerical simulation of channel particulate flow with rough wallKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Krupenski, Igor; Stock, DavidComputational and numerical simulations2014 / p. 41-63 : ill
- 3D RSTM and PDF modeling for turbulent particulate channel flowsKartušinski, Aleksander; Hussainov, Medhat; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiSmart and Green Interfaces : COST Action MP 1106 - Annual meeting and 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale Joint Conference : 22-24 April 2014, Campus St. Charles, Marseille, France : book of abstracts2014 / p. O-39
- 3D RSTM modeling for particulate grid-generated turbulent and shear flows [Electronic resource]Kartušinski, Aleksander; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Kosinski, Pawel; Balakin, Boris V.; Lauk, Peep; Seegel, Karl-Erik9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow : ICMF 2016 : May 22-27 2016, Firenze, Italy : proceedings2016 / [CD-ROM]
- Two-fluid RANS-RSTM-PDF model for turbulent particulate flowsLauk, Peep; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Hussainov, Medhat; Polonsky, Andrei; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Seegel, Karl-ErikNumerical simulation : from brain imaging to turbulent flows2016 / p. 339-363 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/63338
- Осаждение твердых частиц в ламинарном пограничном слое на плоской пластинеHussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Krupenski, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, IgorТеплофизика высоких температур2009 / 6, с. 927-936
- Осаждение твердых частиц на обтекаемую поверхность в турбулентном потокеKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorВсероссийская конференция «XXIX Сибирский теплофизический семинар» : Новосибирск, 15 – 17 ноября 2010 г. : тезисы докладов2010
- Применение цифровой трассерной визуализации для исследования дисперсии частиц в турбулентном газовом потокеKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorТеплофизика высоких температур2012 / с. 408-417: ил
- Сеточная турбулентность в двухфазном потоке : влияние параметров несущей среды и частицKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorТеплофизика высоких температур2009 / 2, с. 292-298
- Численное моделирование вертикальной двухфазной турбулентной струиKartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, IgorВсероссийская конференция «XXIX Сибирский теплофизический семинар» : Новосибирск, 15 – 17 ноября 2010 г. : тезисы докладов2010 / с. 102-103
- Численное моделирование двумерной вертикальной двухфазной турбулентной струиKartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, IgorИзвестия РАН : механика жидкости и газа2012 / с. 115-125 : ил
- Численное моделирование трехмерного потока "газ-твердые частицы" в горизонтальной трубеKartušinski, Aleksander; Martins, Ants; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Štšeglov, IgorВсероссийская конференция «XXIX Сибирский теплофизический семинар» : Новосибирск, 15 – 17 ноября 2010 г. : тезисы докладов2010 / с. 100 101