Berezovski, Arkadi
TalTech ametikoht
1981-1982, 1997-
Teenistuskäik TalTechis
küberneetika instituut, vanemteadur 01.01.2017–...
TTÜ Küberneetika Instituut, projekti vastutav täitja 2004-2007
ehitusmehaanika kateeder/mehaanikainstituut, pedagoogiline töö kohakaasluse alusel 1993-1995
sanitaartehnika kateeder, vanemteadur 1981-1982
Teenistuskäik mujal
Rakendusgeofüüsika Instituut, Lääanemere osakond, vanemteadur 1981-1988
Kaug-Ida Polütehniline Instituut (Vladivostok), kateedrijuhataja, 1979-1981
Kaug-Ida Polütehniline Instituut (Vladivostok), assistent, vanemôpetaja, 1971-1979
füüsika-matemaatikakandidaat 1978
Teadusorganisatoorne ja administratiivne tegevus
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics - Editorial board member 2014-...
The International Research Center for Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems, Italy - member 2013-...
Applied and Computational Mechanics - Editorial board member 2011-...
2nd International Conference on Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids, Co-chairman 2018
28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, October 22-23, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia - Chairman 2015
The mini-symposium "Wave Modelling in Solids" at 11th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, October 6-10, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic - Co-chairman 2014
EUROMECH Colloquium 540 "Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids", October 1-3, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic - Co-chairman 2012
The Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics - member of executive committee 2012-2018
International Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves October 5-7, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia - Co-chairman 2009