Gušča, Julija
Nime viited
Gušča, Jūlija
Gusca, Julija
Teenistuskäik TalTechis
soojustehnika instituut/energiatehnoloogia instituut, külalisdotsent 20.10.2015-19.10.2020
soojustehnika instituut, järeldoktor 01.10.2012–31.12.2016
Teenistuskäik mujal
Riia Tehnikaülikool, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, docent/associate professor 01.01.2012-
Riia Tehnikaülikool, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, researcher 01.01.2005–31.12.2011
Riia Tehnikaülikool, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, lektor 01.01.2003–31.12.2011
The Consumer Rights Protection Centre - Department deputy director 2007-2008
Läti Vabariigi Keskkonnaministeerium, projektijuht 2007
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Latvia, projektijuht 2006-2011
Ramboll Latvija Ltd, Project manager 2005-2006
Ramboll Latvija Ltd, Project assistant 2005
Olaine Mehaanika- ja Tehnoloogiakolledž (Läti), lektor 2004-2008
Ramboll Denmark A/S, Project Assistant 2004-2005
Läti Vabariigi Keskkonnaministeerium, projekti konsultant 2004
Teadusorganisatoorne ja administratiivne tegevus
Scientific Reviewer of the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (publisher Elsevier) 2010-
Scientific Reviewer of the International Journal "Environmental and Climate Technologies" (publisher Riga Technical University) 2010-
Coordinator at the advisory body under the Ministry of Environment Protection and Rural Development "Latvian Environmental Science and Education Council" 2006-
Chief organiser of the International conference „Environmental science and Education in Latvia and Europe“ 2006-
Chief organiser of the annual competition and ceremony "Environmental Science Award" 2006-
Certificate „How to multiply and to strengthen contacts via communication“(2009)
Certificate in „How to get YES and solve NO“ (2009)
Certificate in „Mediation – new techniqes and methods in conflict management“ (No. 4838) (2007)
Certificate for äPrince 2ö tm (No. P2R/237150) (2007)
Certificates in „Advanced geophysics in Environmental science“ (2005) and „Advances Geophysics in Waste management“ (2006)
Certificate in accountancy (2004)