Deposition of fine solid particles in laminar flat-plate boundary layers [Electronic resource]Hussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiProceedings of FEDSM2007 : 5th joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, July 30 - August 2, 20072007 / [7] p. [CD-ROM] Deposition of solid particle in laminar boundary layer on a flat plateKartušinski, Aleksander; Krupenski, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorHigh temperature2009 / 6, p. 892-901 Deposition of solid particles from aerosol flow in laminar flat-plate boundary layer = Tahkete osakeste väljasadenemine aerosoolvoolustest tasapinnalise plaadi laminaarses piirkihisTisler, Sergei2006*est Estimation of the deposition of fine solid particles in a laminar flat-plate boundary layerHussainov, Medhat; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Štšeglov, Igor; Tisler, SergeiUK-Israel Workshop "Sprays : Modelling versus Experimentation" : Brighton, UK, July 16-18, 20072007 / ? p A model for the formation of "optimal" vortex rings with taking into account viscosityKaplanski, Felix; Rudi, Ülo21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics : August 15-21, 2004, Warsaw, Poland : ICTAM04 : abstracts and CD-ROM proceedings2004 / p. 189 The flow turbulisation by external acoustic field and heat transfer enhancement in laminar gas flowKäär, Harri; Tiikma, Toomas10th European Drag Reduction Colloquium, Berlin, March, 1997 : abstracts1997 / [1] p Transition to turbulence in accelerating flowAnnus, Ivar; Koppel, Tiit; Vardy, AlanProceedings of the HYDRALAB III Joint Transnational Access User Meeting : Hannover, February 20102010 / p. 9-12 : ill Transport mechanisms in waterAitsam, AinPure and applied chemistry1975 / p. 105-111 Исследование замены режима ламинарного нестационарного движения турбулентным в трубахAinola, Leo; Koppel, Tiit; Lamp, Jürgen; Liiv, UnoПятый Всесоюзный съезд по теоретической и прикладной механике, Алма-Ата, 27 мая - 3 июня 1981 года : аннотации докладов1981 / с. ?*est