Analysing undisturbed bottom boundary layer profiles of some North-Estonian coastal areasErm, Ants; Voll, Martin; Buschmann, Fred; Roots, Ott10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 227 Assessing near-bottom velocity field using an experimental particle image velocimeterBuschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Listak, MadisThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 317 Assessing sediment transport and dissolved oxygen conditions in the western part of the Gulf of FinlandBuschmann, Fred; Laanemets, Jaan; Suursaar, Ülo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 240 Autonomous PIV-measurements in the Tallinn BayErm, Ants; Listak, Madis; Rebane, Jaan; Toming, Gert; Buschmann, FredInternational Coastal Symposium 2013 : book of abstracts : Plymouth University, 8–12 April 20132013 / p. 376 Autonomous underwater device for 2D particle image velocimetry field analysisBuschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Listak, Madis; Rebane, Jaan; Toming, GertBSSC 9th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2013 : New Horizons for Baltic Sea Science, Klaipeda, Lithuania, 26-30 August 2013 : [abstracts]2013 / p. 147 A case study on microlitter and chemical contaminants: Assessing biological effects in the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland (Baltic sea) using the mussel Mytilus trossulus as a bioindicatorKuprijanov, Ivan; Buhhalko, Natalja; Eriksson, Ulrika; Sjöberg, Viktor; Rotander, Anna; Kolesova, Natalja; Lipp, Maarja; Buschmann, Fred; Hashmi, Arslan; Liblik, Taavi; Lehtonen, Kari K.Marine environmental research2024 / art. 106628 Dioxins and furans in surface sediment of NW Estonian coastal sea [Online resource]Erm, Ants; Buschmann, Fred; Voll, MartinBaltic Earth Workshop on multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region : Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia 26-27 November 2018 : [programme, abstracts, participants]2018 / p. 31-32 Environmental impact of water exchange blocking in a strait – a multidisciplinary study in the Baltic SeaLiblik, Taavi; Buschmann, Fred; Siht, Ergo; Kuprijanov, Ivan; Väli, Germo; Lipp, Maarja; Erm, Ants; Laanemets, Jaan; Eschbaum, Redik; Verliin, Aare; Saks, Lauri; Zekker, IvarOceanologia2023 / p. 9-25 : ill High-resolution characterization of the development and decay of seasonal hypoxia in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic SeaLiblik, Taavi; Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Buschmann, Fred; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Lips, UrmasFrontiers in marine science2023 / art. 1119515 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Hinnangu andmine merekeskkonna ökosüsteemipõhiseks korraldamiseks Soome lahe merepõhja ja setete näitel : (SedGoF) : projekti aruanneSuuroja, Sten; Heinsalu, Atko; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Lips, Urmas; Pajusaar, Siim; Liiv, Merlin; Buschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Kiipli, Tarmo; Kallaste, Toivo2016 Investigating sediment resuspension using combined optical and acoustic methodsBuschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Rebane, Jaan; Listak, Madis1st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple Drivers for Earth System Changes in the Baltic Sea Region : Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania, 13-17 June 2016 : conference proceedings2016 / p. 111 : ill Investigating the bottom boundary layer using a submersible particle image velocimeterBuschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Listak, Madis; Rebane, JaanMeasuring and Modelling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29. 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 27 Linking contaminant exposure to embryo aberrations in sediment-dwelling amphipods : a multi-basin field study in the Baltic SeaKolesova, Natalja; Sildever, Sirje; Strode, Evita; Berezina, Nadezhda; Sundelin, B.; Lips, Inga; Kuprijanov, Ivan; Buschmann, Fred; Gorokhova, ElenaEcological indicators2024 / art. 111837 Monitoring sediment transport in the coastal zone of Tallinn BayBuschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Alari, Victor; Listak, Madis; Rebane, Jaan; Toming, Gert2012 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium (BALTIC) : May 8-11, 2012, Klaipeda, Lithuania : [proceedings]2012 / p. 1-13 : ill Near bottom dynamics measurements in coastal waters of NW EstoniaErm, Ants; Buschmann, Fred; Alari, Victor; Rosin, Kai; Rebane, Jaan; Listak, Madis8th Baltic Sea Science Congress 22–26, August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia : book of abstracts2011 / p. 82 Near bottom sediment transport in some possible wind farm locations in the Estonian coastal seaErm, Ants; Buschmann, Fred; Alari, Victor; Kask, Jüri; Listak, Madis; Rebane, Jaan; Toming, Gert11th Colloquium on Baltic Sea Marine Geology : Helsinki 19th−21st September, 2012 : abstract book2012 / p. 15-16 : ill On the turbidity dynamics in the near-bottom layer of the Gulf of FinlandBuschmann, Fred; Suhhova, Irina; Liblik, Taavi; Lips, UrmasThe 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Living Along Gradients : Past, Present, Future" : June 12-16, 2017 : abstracts2017 / p. 16 Particle Image Velocimetry - an attractive method to make the near bottom velocity field visible [Online resource]Buschmann, Fred; Erm, Ants; Listak, MadisBaltic Earth Workshop on multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region : Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia 26-27 November 2018 : [programme, abstracts, participants]2018 / p. 30 Seasonal near-shore nutrients load in Tallinn Bay coming from storm water outletsErm, Ants; Buschmann, Fred; Maljutenko, Ilja; Meerits, Aet; Suhhova, Irina10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 230 Spring bloom dinoflagellate cyst dynamics in three eastern sub-basins of the Baltic SeaSildever, Sirje; Kremp, Anke; Enke, Annely; Buschmann, Fred; Maljutenko, Ilja; Lips, IngaContinental shelf research2017 / p. 46-55 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Synoptic scale assessment of oxygen depletion in the Gulf of FinlandLiblik, Taavi; Stoicescu, Stella-Theresa; Laanemets, Jaan; Samlas, Oliver; Kuprijanov, Ivan; Buschmann, Fred; Lips, UrmasAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 207!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf Underwater experiments and a theoretical model – case study in Tallinn BayErm, Ants; Buschmann, Fred; Listak, Madis; Rebane, Jaan; Toming, GertJournal of coastal research2013 / p. 1521-1526 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Wintertime reversals of estuarine circulation and related changes in oxygen and nutrient conditions in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; Elken, Jüri; Lips, Inga; Liblik, Taavi; Raudsepp, Urmas; Suhhova, Irina; Buschmann, Fred; Suursaar, Ülo10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 94