Arvutivaba aastaring TTÜ auditooriumides : [TTÜ R. Nurkse innovatsiooni ja valitsemise instituudi õppejõudude arvamused]Kattel, Rainer; Lember, Veiko; Meos, Indrek; Ploom, IllimarMente et Manu2013 / lk. 16*est Covid-19 and supply chain issues : the case of the Estonian defence industryPiip, Kaarel; Ploom, Illimar; Kalvet, Tarmo; Tiits, Marek; Veinla, MarkusSõjateadlane = Estonian journal of military studies2023 / p. 88-102 : ill*est Defence industries in small European states : key contemporary challenges and opportunitiesPloom, Illimar; Kalvet, Tarmo; Tiits, MarekJournal of international studies2022 / p. 112-130 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Estonian perceptions of security : not only about Russia and the refugeesVeebel, Viljar; Ploom, IllimarJournal on Baltic security2016 / p. 35-70 : ill*est EU-Financed peripheral large-scale infrastructure projects and the white elephant syndrome : the example of Rail BalticaVeebel, Viljar; Ploom, Illimar; Markus, RaulRomanian journal of European affairs2018 / p. 113–128 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Eu-financed peripheral large-scale infrastructure projects and the white elephant syndrome : the example of Rail BalticaVeebel, Viljar; Markus, Raul; Ploom, IllimarActa Oeconomica2019 / p. 17 - 39 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Euroopa riigiabi reeglite otstarbekus perifeeriariikide seisukohast Estonian Airi näitelVeebel, Viljar; Ploom, IllimarRiigikogu Toimetised2015 / lk. 189-200 Managing risks in public procurement of defense innovation: lessons from the development of an anti-armor mine in EstoniaPloom, Illimar; Kalvet, Tarmo; Kütt, Raul; Veinla, Markus; Tiits, MarekJournal of baltic studies2024 Mapping the information flows for the architecture of a nationwide situation awareness system : (Poster)Bahsi, Hayretdin; Dieves, Veiko; Kangilaski, Taivo; Laud, Peeter; Mõtus, Leo; Murumets, Jaan; Ploom, Illimar; Priisalu, Jaan; Seeba, Mari; Täks, Ermo; Tammel, Kaide; Tammpuu, Piia; Taveter, Kuldar; Trumm, Avo; Truusa, Tiia-Triin; Vihalemm, TriinProceedings 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) : Las Vegas, NV, USA, 8-11 April 20192019 / p. 152–157 Modelling defence industry governance in small states : building an analytical toolPloom, Illimar; Kalvet, Tarmo; Tiits, MarekSõjateadlane = Estonian journal of military studies2023 / p. 108-122 : ill*est Professorid : väikeriik võib teha kaitsetööstuses läbimurdePloom, Illimar; Kalvet, Tarmoaripaev.ee2024 Professorid: väikeriik võib teha kaitsetööstuses läbimurde Shortcomings of the EU state aid model from peripheral perspective : the case of Estonian AirVeebel, Viljar; Ploom, Illimar; Kulu, LiinaBaltic journal of economics2015 / p. 50-64 Towards neoliberal imperialism? Discussing the implications of the new European governance emerging from the fiscal crisis and administrative reforms for the identity of the EUPloom, IllimarAdministrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri. Vol. 15, no. 12014 / p. 21-38*est Tudengiks hobi korrasPloom, IllimarEesti Päevaleht2011 / lk. 4 Western misperception when deterring Russia : Cultural and linguistic factorsVeebel, Viljar; Vihmand, Liia; Ploom, Illimar; Markus, RaulJournal of politics and law2020 / p. 151-159 Õppetoetused ja vanemate patudPloom, IllimarEesti Päevaleht2012 / lk. 4