- A logic programming perspective on rulesSterling, Leon; Taveter, KuldarHandbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approaches2009 / p. 195-213
- A model of sediment resuspension in the bottom layer of natural water bodyHeinloo, Jaak; Toompuu, AleksanderBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 60
- A semiotic approach to quality in specifications of software measuresEessaar, ErkiEnterprise information systems : 10th International Conference, ICEIS 2008 : Barcelona, Spain, June 12-16, 2008 : revised selected papers2009 / p. 73-86 : ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-00670-8_6
- A setup of systemic description of fluid motionHeinloo, JaakProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2009 / 3, p. 184-189 : ill
- Aasta betoonehitise konkursil osaleb TTÜ Raamatukogu : [lühisõnum]Mente et Manu2009 / 11. dets., lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Aasta betoonehitise žürii kommentaarid võistlustöödele ja võitjaile : [ka TTÜ erakorralise dotsendi Toomas Lauri kommenataar]Laur, ToomasEesti Betoonehitis 20082009 / lk. 26
- Aasta kolleeg : [TTÜ raamatukogu aasta kolleeg 2009 on Hilja Rikmann : lühisõnum]Mente et Manu2009 / 15. jaan., lk. 1 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Aasta parimad tudengisportlased : [valitud Eesti Akadeemilise Spordiliidu poolt : TTÜst parim meessportlane orienteeruja Sander Vaher]Jaakson, TarmoMente et Manu2009 / lk. 4 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Aasta parimad tudengite meelest : [tiitlid anti välja viies kategoorias]Mente et Manu2009 / 5. juuni, lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Aasta tehnikaüliõpilane on mees nagu orkester : [intervjuu Kristjan Pildiga]Pilt, Kristjan; Feldmann, MatiInseneeria2009 / lk. 36-37 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1140678*est
- Aastapäeva ettevalmistamisest : [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva]Rajangu, VäinoTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 12-17 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2489652*est
- Aastapäeva logo : [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva]Rajangu, VäinoTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 18-21
- Aastapäeva tähistamise põhiüritused : [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva]Meri, Marit; Vaikmäe, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 22-39
- Aastapäeva väljaanded ja artiklid : [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva]Rajangu, VäinoTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 111-127 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2489652*est
- Abatement of CO2 emissions in Estonian oil shale-based power production : Mai Uibu defence of the doctoral thesisOil shale2009 / p. 96 https://www.kirj.ee/public/oilshale_pdf/2009/issue_1/oil-2009-1-news-3.pdf
- Abikäsi MaripuuleUudelepp, AguEesti Päevaleht2009 / lk. 2 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/51155478/agu-uudelepp-abikasi-maripuule
- About analysis and forecasting of the development of banking : the Estonian case [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vainu, JaanManagements theory and practice : synergy in organisations : IV international conference : Tartu, 03-04 April 20092009 / [CD-ROM]
- About family enterprises among active beef animal breedersKirsipuu, MaretBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30-October 2, 20082009 / p. 7-18 : ill
- About methods for forecasting of important changes in society's developmentSaal, ToomasEducation and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference2009 / p. 111-118
- About the conformity of data used in planning and performing in the controlling process : a survey of Estonian SMEsAlver, Jaan; Kadak, TarmoControlling für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen2009 / p. 295-314
- Abrasive erosive wear of powder steels and cermetsVeinthal, Renno; Tarbe, Riho; Kulu, Priit; Käerdi, HelmoWear2009 / 11, p. 1838-1844 : ill
- Abrasive impact wear: tester, wear and grindability studies = Abrasiivlöökkulumine: seade, kulumise ja jahvatatavuse uuringudTarbe, Riho2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?435 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2499200*est
- Abrasivity and grindability study of mineral oresKulu, Priit; Tarbe, Riho; Käerdi, Helmo; Goljandin, DmitriWear2009 / 11, p. 1832-1837 : ill
- Acid/base properties of some conformationally flexible organocatalystsUudsemaa, Merle; Kanger, Tõnis; Tamm, Toomas13th ICQC International Congress of Quantum Chemistry : June 22-27, 2009, Helsinki, Finland : abstracts and program2009 / p. 168
- Active learning in electric drives and power electronicsRaud, Zoja; Vodovozov, Valery7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II : [Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia, 16.06-19.06.2009]2009 / p. 63-68
- Adapting to climate change in Sami reindeer herding : the nation-state as problem and solutionReinert, Erik S.; Aslaksen, Iulie; Eira, Inger; Mathiesen, Svein; Reinert, Hugo; Turi, EllenAdapting to climate change : thresholds, values, governance2009 / p. 417-432
- Adaption in IS integration and enterprize migrationJaakkola, Hannu; Uusitalo, Olavi; Henno, JaakMIPRO 2009 32nd International Convention May 25-29, 2009, Opatia, Croatia : European Year of Creativity and Innovativity : proceedings. Vol. IV, CE Computers in Education2009 / p. 218-223 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jaak-Henno/publication/288046426_Adaptation_in_IS_integration_and_enterprise_migration/links/5d9b6ab092851c2f70f3f547/Adaptation-in-IS-integration-and-enterprise-migration.pdf
- Adequacy of dietary fiber and vitamin C in preschool children' menusPitsi, Tagli; Liebert, Tiiu; Vokk, Raivo; Ilves Annunziata, Anne-Reet; Lorenz, A.Food and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2009 / p. 22-33 : ill
- Advanced topics of FSM design using FPGA educational boards and web-based toolsSudnitsõn, Aleksander; Mihhailov, Dmitri; Kruus, MargusEast-West Design & Test Symposium : Moscow, September 18-21, 20092009 / p. 446-449 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=5742086
- Aerial imagery terrain classification for long-range autonomous navigationHudjakov, Robert; Tamre, MartProceedings of International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies : ISOT 20092009 / p. 88-91 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5326104
- Ahaa! Ohoo! Innovatsioonist ja muustki : [intervjuu Mart Min'iga]Min, Mart; Ummelas, MartMente et Manu2009 / 6. märts, lk. 2 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Aiapidaja unistusest : Kas molekulaarbioloogia vabastab meid kunagi vajadusest muru niita? : vastas Erkki TruveTruve, ErkkiHorisont2009 / 4, lk. 6 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1477672*est
- Ain Kallis: mida teeb kliimamuutus Eestiga?Kallis, AinMeie Kodu : [Austraalia ajaleht]2009 / 4. nov., lk. 7 : fot
- Ainulaadne pingemuundur taastuvenergeetikaleRoasto, IndrekMente et Manu2009 / 22. mai, lk. 2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Air tightness of apartment buildings in EstoniaKalamees, Targo; Arumägi, Endrik; Tähiste, M.Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Building and Ductwork Air tightness (BUILDAIR) / 30th AIVC conference Trends in High Performance Buildings and the Role of Ventilation : Berlin, Germany, October 1-2, 20092009 / ? p
- Aita leida Eesti ettevõtetel uudseid lahendusi huvitavatele probleemidele - tipikate insenerivõistlus 2009 : [Best-Estonia korraldatavast tipikate insenerivõistlusest]Studioosus2009 / oktoober, lk. 16 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Aivar Kuusmaa : "Treeningtingimused on TTÜ-s ideaalilähedased!" : [intervjuu TTÜ Korvpalliklubi peatreeneriga]Jaagant, LiisStudioosus2009 / lk. 16-18 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Ajahädas töönarkarRillo, MarkoAppi! Kes siin õieti ülemus on?, ehk, Igapäevased jamad tööl2009 / lk. 10-13
- Ajaleht kui aja lugu : [Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ajalehe 60. aasta juubeliks]Reinde, UrmiMente et Manu2009 / 17. apr., lk. 1 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Ajujahi motivatsioonipäevLaanemets, UllabrittStudioosus2009 / mai, lk. 4 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Ajujaht 2009 finalistid selgunud : [noorte ettevõtluskonkursist]Ugand, KadriMente et Manu2009 / 16. jaan., lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Akadeemia uurija-professorid : [kolmeaastane periood lõppes: TTÜst Malle Krunks]Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 20-21
- Akadeemik Arnold Humal : ettekanne akadeemik Arnold Humala 100. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud seminaril 10. märtsil 2008 TTÜsPuusemp, PeeterTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 345-348
- Akadeemik Arnold Humala 100. sünniaastapäevaksEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 244-248 : portr
- Akadeemik Dimitri Kaljo 80Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 102-103 : portr.
- Akadeemik Lembit Krumm : Energiasüsteemide integratsiooni ja koordinatsiooni nõuab EL : [intervjuu akadeemikuga]Krumm, Lembit; Aro, ReinElektriala2009 / lk. 12-14 : ill
- Akadeemik Lembit Krumm 80Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 104-105 : portr.
- Akadeemik Mart Saarma juubelikonverents TallinnasEesti Loodus2009 / lk. 54 : portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1476742*est
- Akadeemik Raimund-Johannes Ubari peokõne "Kõrgharidus on võime näha puude taga metsa" : [Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli 90. aastapäeva pidulikul koosolekul 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 138-142
- Akadeemik Uno Mereste : 27.05.1928-6.12.2009Mente et Manu2009 / lk. 7 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Akadeemik Uno Mereste 80Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 108-109 : portr. (Juubelid)
- Akadeemik, arhitekt, kunstnik ja teadlane Aleksander Poleštšuk : [oli ka Tallinna Tehnikumi õppejõud]Kirss, UrveMeie Maa2009 / lk. 2
- Akadeemikud taunivad Lukase kava : [TTÜ professor J. Engelbrecht]Lukas, Tõnis; Engelbrecht, JüriPostimees2009 / 12. nov., lk. 5
- Akadeemikuid ei rahuldaks nuditud teaduspreemia : [ka TTÜ professori Jüri Engelbrechti arvamus]Seaver, UrmasPostimees2009 / 12. nov., lk. 4 https://leht.postimees.ee/186979/akadeemikuid-ei-rahuldaks-nuditud-teaduspreemia
- Akadeemikust õppejõud ja tema multiagentsüsteemid : [intervjuu Leo Mõtusega]Kello, Karl; Mõtus, LeoÕpetajate Leht2009 / 9. okt., lk. 7 : fot https://dea.digar.ee/page/opetajateleht/2009/10/09/7
- Akadeemiline bankett Tondi õppehoones : [Tallinna kõrgkoolides õppivate soomlaste akadeemilise organisatsiooni TSOJ algatusel toimunud banketist International University Audentes'es 12. märtsil 2009]Müürsepp, PeeterMente et Manu2009 / 3. apr., lk. 2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Akadeemiline kaitsevägi : [akadeemiliste ametikohtade lahtiseletamine]Lasn, KasparStudioosus : Abituriendi ERI2009 / lk. 8
- Akadeemiline keskus: akadeemik Leo Mõtus on meie teaduste akadeemia üks tänane edasiviija, aga – nagu ta mainib – administraator olude sunnilMaidla, Marguskes-kus.ee2009 http://kes-kus.ee/akadeemiline-keskus-akadeemik-leo-motus-on-meie-teaduste-akadeemia-uks-tanane-edasiviija-aga-nagu-ta-mainib-administraator-olude-sunnil-kirjutas-margus-maidla/
- Aksel Kirch 60Mente et Manu2009 / lk. 3, 4 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Aleksander Poleštšuk - Saaremaa patrioot, kes tegi palju meie majanduse ja kultuuri arendamiseksKirss, UrveMeie Maa2009 / lk. 6 : ill
- Algas tormijooks ülikoolidesse : [ka vastuvõtust TTÜsse]Kangur, MariiPostimees2009 / 27. juuni, lk. 6
- Allkirjastati Ida-Virumaa kompetentsivõrgustiku koostöölepe : [osapooleks ka TTÜ]Villamaa, MerilinMente et Manu2009 / 20. märts, lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Alma mater'it ja oma õpetajaid meenutades : sõnavõtust juubeliaktusel 3. augustil 1986 Tallinna Projekteerijate MajasKusmin, NikolaiTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 418-423
- Al-SiC nanocomposites produced by high-energy milling and hot pressingKollo, Lauri; Bradbury, Christopher R.; Leparoux, Marc18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22-23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2009 / p. 25 : ill
- Alternative technologies for oil shale liquefaction and upgradingLuik, HansInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 44-45 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Altkaevandatud alale ehitamisel tuleb arvestada võimalike stabiilsusprobleemidegaKaru, VeikoPiirideta geoloogia : [5. geoloogia sügiskooli artiklid ja ettekanded]2009 / lk. 109-113
- Altkaevandatud maa tehnogeoloogilised erisusedReinsalu, EnnoKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 3, lk. 10-11 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1448344*est
- Aluselised värvained ; Ananassikiud ; Aramiidkiud ; Arimiidkiud ; Aromaatne polüesterkiudViikna, AntiTEA entsüklopeedia. 2.köide, Alžiir-Aruba2009 / lk. 21, 135, 284, 340, 378
- Ametikool ja kolledž arendavad innovatsiooni : [TTÜ Kuressaare Kolledž ja Kuressaare ametikool]Tuisk, TaaviMeie Maa2009 / 2. mai, lk. 3
- Aminoplastid ; Amorfsed polümeerid ; Anorgaanilised polümeerid ; Armeeritud plastidChristjanson, PeepTEA entsüklopeedia. 2.köide, Alžiir-Aruba2009 / lk. 113, 120, 202, 371
- Amsterdami leping ; Anneksioon ; Anarhia ; Anarhism ; Amnesty International ; Arbiiter ; Arbitraaž ; ArbitraažikohusKoitel, HeinuTEA entsüklopeedia. 2.köide, Alžiir-Aruba2009 / lk. 125, 197, 135, 136, 119, 287
- An application - a web-based electrical drives laboratory : objectives, structure and experimentsRosin, Argo; Möller, Taavi; Hõimoja, HardiIECON 2009 : 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ICELIE 2009 : 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-learning in Industrial Electronics : Porto, Portugal, 3-5 November 2009 : abstracts2009 / p. 392 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5413215/
- An attempt for an Amazon geoid model using Helmert gravity anomalyBlitzkow, D.; Matos, A.C.O.C.de; Campos, I.O.; Ellmann, Artu; Vanicek, P.; Santos, M.C.Observing our changing Earth : proceedings of the 2007 IAG General Assembly : Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 20072009 / p. 187-194 : ill
- An enhanced situational awareness of a mission for an autonomous vehicle by multirate controlAstrov, Igor; Pedai, AndrusProceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Control : CONTROL'09 : La Laguna, Spain, July 1-3, 20092009 / p. 33-39 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228809791_An_enhanced_situational_awareness_of_a_mission_for_an_autonomous_underwater_vehicle_by_multirate_control
- An improved high-power DC/DC converter for distributed power Generation [Electronic resource]Vinnikov, Dmitri; Roasto, Indrek; Jalakas, TanelEPQU'09 : 10th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation : 15-17 September 2009, Lodz, Poland2009 / [6] p. [CD-ROM]
- An improved high-voltage IGBT-based half-bridge converter for railway applicationsVinnikov, Dmitri; Laugis, JuhanFourth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles & Renewable Energies : March 26-29, 2009, Monaco : one-page abstract proceeding2009 / [1] p
- An improved interface converter for a medium-power wind-hydrogen systemVinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Andrijanovitš, Anna; Roasto, Indrek; Lehtla, Tõnu; Klytta, Marius2nd International Conference on Clean Electrical Power Renewable Energy Resources Impact : Capri (Italy) June 9-11, 20092009 / p. 426-432 : ill
- An object-oriented approach to curriculum design [Electronic resource]Vodovozov, Valery; Raud, ZojaWMSCI 2009 : The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. [IMSCI'09 : ... IMETI 2009 : ...] : July 10th-13th, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings2009 / p. 225-230 [CD-ROM]
- An optimal model for balancing fluctuating power of large wind parksTammoja, Heiki; Palu, Ivo; Agabus, Hannes; Keel, Matti; Oidram, Rein8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power and on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms : Bremen, Germany, 14-15 October, 20092009 / p. 647-652
- An output signal based combination of two NLMS adaptive algorithmsTrump, Tõnu16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing : July 5-7, 2009, Santorini, Greece2009 / ? p https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5201077
- Analüütiline filosoofiaSelg, Peeter20. sajandi mõttevoolud2009 / lk. 471-478
- Analyses of sea buckthorn berries grown in 2007 in EstoniaRaudsepp, Piret; Lõugas, TiinaFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2009 / p. 4-9
- Analysis and design of 3.3 kV IGBT based three-level DC/DC converter with high-frequency isolation and current doubler rectifierVinnikov, Dmitri; Jalakas, Tanel; Roasto, IndrekScientific journal of Riga Technical University. Serija 4, Power and electrical engineering2009 / p. 97-102 : ill
- Analysis and design of ultracapacitor-boosted back-up power supply for tramcars [Electronic resource]Hõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Jalakas, TanelEUROCON 2009 : International IEEE Conference devoted to the 150-anniversary of Alexander S.Popov : May 18-23, 2009 Saint Petersburg, Russia2009 / p. 598-604 [CD-ROM] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5167691
- Analysis and development of the PLC control system with the distributed I/Os = Hajutatud sisenditega/väljunditega programmeeritavate kontrollerite juhtimissüsteemi analüüs ja arendamineRuban, Olga2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?294 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2508774*est
- Analysis of chemical warfare agent degradation products using portable capillary electrophoresis instrument with various injection devicesMakarõtševa, Natalja; Vaher, Merike; Kaljurand, MihkelNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 113 : ill
- Analysis of energy models and their adaptability for Estonian energy marketDementjeva, Nadežda; Siirde, AndresEnergetika2009 / 2, p. 107-115
- Analysis of fatty acids in plant extracts by CE-SALDI MSBorissova, Maria; Vaher, Merike; Palk, KlairyNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 125
- Analysis of implementation possibilities and benefits of three-level half-bridge NPC topology in static auxiliary converters for rolling stock [Electronic resource]Vinnikov, Dmitri; Jalakas, Tanel; Roasto, IndrekPOWERENG 2009 : 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives : 18-20 March, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal2009 / p. 587-592 : ill. [CD-ROM] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4915180
- Analysis of power consumption and losses in relation to supply voltage quality [Electronic resource]Vinnal, Toomas; Janson, Kuno; Kalda, HeljutEPE 2009 : 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : 8-10 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain2009 / [9] p. : ill. [CD-ROM] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5278764
- Analysis of power demand and wind power changes in power systemsKeel, Matti; Kilk, Kalle; Valdma, MatiOil shale2009 / 3S, p. 228-242 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1483779*est
- Analysis of sea buckthorn berries grown in 2007 in EstoniaRaudsepp, Piret; Lõugas, Tiina4th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology : Foodbalt-2009 : Kaunas, May 12-122009 / p. 39
- Analysis of state of the art and development trends in soft-switched half-bridge DC/DC convertersEgorov, Mikhail; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Vodovozov, Valery6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 49-54 : ill
- Analysis of the current Estonian energy situation and its modelling for developing future forecasts using energy planning modelsDementjeva, Nadežda; Siirde, Andres6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 77-80 : ill
- Analysis of the Gulf of Finland circulation patterns in relation to forcingElken, Jüri; Lagemaa, Priidik; Nõmm, MardenBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 118
- Analysis of the properties of fast ferry wakes in the context of coastal management = Kiirlaevalainete omaduste analüüs rannikualade haldamise kontekstisKurennoy, Dmitry2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?448 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2508754*est
- Analysis of the stable free radical scavenging capability of artificial polyphenol mixtures and plant extracts by capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-diode array detection-tandem mass spectrometryHelmja, Kati; Vaher, Merike; Püssa, Tõnu; Kaljurand, MihkelJournal of chromatography A2009 / p. 2417-2423 : ill
- Analytical theory of nonlinear long wave runup on a coastDidenkulova, IrinaBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 132
- Anatomy of melt intrusion at 15-18 km depth beneath Upptyppingar, IcelandWhite, Robert S.; Drew, Julian; Soosalu, Heidi Elisabet; Key, Janet; Jakobsdottir, Steinunn S.European Seismological Comission Workshop : Azones, Portugal, 20092009 / [1] p
- Anatomy of melt intrusion at 15-18 km depth beneath Upptyppingar, IcelandWhite, Robert S.; Drew, Julian; Soosalu, Heidi Elisabet; Key, Janet; Jakobsdottir, Steinunn S.Earthquakes and Pre-earthquake Processes : Reykjavik, 30.10.20092009 / p. 28
- Anion effect of zinc source to chemically deposited ZnS(O,OH) filmsErnits, Kaia; Muska, Katri; Danilson, Mati; Raudoja, Jaan; Varema, Tiit; Volobujeva, Olga; Altosaar, MareAdvances in material science and engineering2009 / [5] p. : ill
- Annual report 2007/2008 / BEST-EstoniaSürje, Peep2009
- Another insight into lithology and geochemistry of the El-Lajjun and Attarat Oil Shale, Maastrichtian, JordanPuura, Väino; Konsa, Mare; Soesoo, Alvar; Voolma, MargusInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 51 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Appliation of the new catalyst manufactured on the basis of ammonium nitrate in the production of particle boardsŠumigin, Dmitri; Meier, PilleProceedings of the 5th meeting of the Nordic-Baltic Network in Wood Material Science and Engineering (WSE) : October 1-2, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark2009 / p. 147-152 : ill
- Application of EU competition law to the sports sectorPijetlovic, KatarinaDevelopments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities2009 / p. 57-85
- Application of SEC technology for shale-oil productionOts, Arvo; Petersen, Ilmar; Poobus, Arvi; Uus, M.International Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 72 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Application of the Haar wavelet based discretization technique to problems of orthotropic plates and shellsMajak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Eerme, MartinMechanics of composite materials2009 / 6, p. 631-642
- Application of the indentation method for cracking resistance evaluation of hard coatings on tool steelsSivitski, Alina; Gregor, Andre; Saarna, Mart; Kulu, Priit; Sergejev, FjodorEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 4, p. 309-317 : ill
- Application of ultracapacitors in low-voltage power supply systems of light rail vehiclesHõimoja, Hardi; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Strzelecki, RyszardThe 2009 World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering : WCEEENG'09 : April 6-9, 2009, Cairo, Egipt2009 / [5] p
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- Aqueous photocatalytic oxidation of amoxicillinKlauson, Deniss; Babkina, J.; Stepanova, Kristina; Kritševskaja, Marina; Preis, SergeiProceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (EAAOP-2): Nicosia, Cyprus, September 9-11, 20092009 / [12] p
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- Assessment of perspective development of oil shale depositsSabanov, Sergei; Reinsalu, Enno; Valgma, IngoInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 100-101 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Assessment of the potential of lubricated contact condition laboratory testing and surface analysis for improving the performance of machine elements. Comparison of model and real component test methodsAntonov, Maksim; Michalczewski, Remigiusz; Pasaribu, Richard; Piekoszewski, Witold18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22-23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2009 / p. 55
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- Backfilling and waste management in Estonian oil shale industryPastarus, Jüri-Rivaldo; Tohver, Tarmo; Vali, ErikInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 48-49 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Backfilling in Estonian oil shale minesPastarus, Jüri-Rivaldo; Sabanov, Sergei3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009) : Assessing the Footprint of Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece2009 / p. 344-347 : ill
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- Behaviour of the very-low-temperature crystallization peak of linear low-density polyethylenePoltimäe, Triinu; Tarasova, Elvira; Krumme, Andres; Lehtinen, Arja; Viikna, AntiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2009 / 1, p. 58-62 : ill
- Beneficiation of Estonian (kukersiit) oil shalesPuura, VäinoInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 98 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
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- Biological redox switchesPalumaa, PeepAntioxidants & redox signaling2009 / 5, p. 981-983 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19186997/
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- Block-level fault model-free debug and diagnosis in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 12th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, Architectures, Methods and Tools : Patras, Greece, August 27-29, 20092009 / p. 229-232 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5350128
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- BRCA1 mutations in Estonian high risk breast and ovarian cancer familiesRebane, Egle; Kostina, Olga; Kanne, Triin; Valkna, AndresThe 11th International Meeting on Human genome variation and complex genome analysis (HGV2009) : 11th - 13th September, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia2009 / p. 100
- BSCCO ceramics doped with ferromagnetic manganite phasesStaneva, Anna; Stoyanova-Ivanova, Angelina; Terzieva, Stanimira; Shoumarova, Janna; Grigorov, K.; Zaleski, Andrzej; Mikli, Valdek; Angelov, Christo; Dimitriev, YankoJournal of optoelectronics and advanced materials2009 / 10, p. 1541-1544 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279900785_BSCCO_ceramics_doped_with_ferromagnetic_manganite_phases
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- Building trust on body sensor network signalsGiani, Annarita; Seppä, Ville-Pekka; Hyttinen, Jari; Bajcsy, Ruzena4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering : 23-27 November, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium. 82009 / p. 887-890 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-89208-3_211
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- Capillary electrophoresis frontal analysis for the study of flavonoid noncovalent interactions with human serum albuminKnjazeva, Tatjana; Kobrin, Eeva-Gerda; Kaljurand, MihkelNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 104
- Capture-transport-storage scenario of CO2 emissions produced by oil-shale-based energy industry of EstoniaŠogenova, Alla; Šogenov, Kazbulat; Pomeranceva, Raisa; Neele, Filip; Hendriks, ChrisInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 54-55 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
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- Challenges and possible solutions in the Baltic Region after legislation of EU CCS directiveŠogenova, Alla; Šliaupa, Saulius; Šogenov, Kazbulat; Šliaupiene, Rasa; Pomeranceva, Raisa; Vaher, Rein; Uibu, Mai; Kuusik, Rein, keemik5th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society Geophysics at the Cross-roads : 10-16 May 2009, Belgrade, Serbia2009 / [6] p https://www.etis.ee/Portal/Publications/Display/ec0af0a8-42ca-479d-823c-9cef94948ca7
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- Change of traffic amount and air pollution as potential negative health factors after re-independence and in rapid economic growth period in TartuOrru, Hans; Kaasik, Marko; Antov, Dago; Forsberg, BertilSecond European Road Transport Arena TRA 2008 : Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21-24 April 20082009 / p. 315
- Changes in Estonian higher education systemRajangu, VäinoEducation and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference2009 / p. 93-102
- Changes in Estonian oil shale deposit groundwater dynamics opening new oil shale mines using advanced groundwater modeling techniquesLind, HelenaInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 87 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Changes in phosphorite composition and properties during mechanical activationPetkova, Vilma; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Traksmaa, RainerThe Third International Conference on the Valorization of Phosphates and Phosphorus Compounds : COVA Phos 3 : Marrakech, Morocco, March 18th-20th, 2009 : abstracts2009 / p. 186-188
- Changes in phosphorite composition and properties during mechanical activationTõnsuaadu, Kaia; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Petkova, Vilma; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kirsimäe, KalleResearchers' Network on Phosphates : The Third International Conference on the Valorization of Phosphates and Phosphorus Compounds : COVAPHOS III : Marrakech, Morocco, March 18th-20th, 2009 : proceedings2009 / p. 15-21
- Changing properties of wind waves and vessel wakes on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea = Tuulelainete režiimi ja laevalainete omaduste muutused Läänemere idarannikulKelpšaite, Loreta2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?451 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2508681*est
- Characteristics of sub-surface chlorophyll maxima observed in the Gulf of Finland in July 2006Kuvaldina, Natalja; Lips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Liblik, TaaviBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 29
- Characterization and prediction of abrasive wear of powder composite materialsVeinthal, Renno; Kulu, Priit; Pirso, Jüri; Käerdi, HelmoWear2009 / p. 2216-2222 : ill
- A characterization of a class of 2-groups by their endomorphism semigroupsGramushnjak, Tatjana; Puusemp, PeeterGeneralized Lie theory in mathematics, physics and beyond2009 / p. 151-159
- Characterization of disintegrator milled electronic waste powders for combustion and pyrolysisKers, Jaan; Goljandin, Dmitri; Vilsaar, Kristiina; Tall, Kaspar; Mikli, Valdek; Zuo, Xiangjun; Zhang, Lifeng18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22-23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2009 / p. 61
- Characterization of thermally pretreated kukersite oil shale using the solvent-swelling techniqueSavest, Natalja; Hruljova, Jelena; Oja, VahurEnergy & fuels2009 / 12, p. 5972-5977: ill
- Chemical bath deposition of ZnS films using different Zn-saltsErnits, Kaia; Muska, Katri; Kauk, Marit; Danilson, Mati; Raudoja, Jaan; Varema, Tiit; Volobujeva, Olga; Altosaar, MarePhysics procedia : EMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8-12 of June 20092009 / p. BP4-10
- Chemical peculiarities of the Silurian-Ordovician and Cambrian-Vendian aquifer systems in Estonia : an overview of hydrochemical studiesKarro, Enn; Marandi, Andres; Vaikmäe, Rein; Uppin, MargeEstonian journal of earth sciences2009 / 4, p. 342-352 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1944680*est
- Chemical-looping combustion CO2 ready gas powerMattisson, Tobias; Adanez, Juan; Proell, Tobias; Kuusik, Rein, keemikEnergy procedia2009 / p. 1557-1564 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610209002057
- Chemical-looping combustion with natural gas using spray-dried NiO-based oxygen carriersLinderholm, C.; Lyngfelt, Anders; Beal, C.; Trikkel, Andres; Kuusik, Rein, keemik; Jerndal, E.; Mattisson, TobiasCarbon dioxide capture for storage in deep geological formations. 32009 / [8] p
- Chitinozoan diversity in the East Baltic SilurianNestor, Viiu-KaiEstonian journal of earth sciences2009 / 4, p. 311-316 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1944245*est
- Chlorine doping of cadmium sulfide on the example of CBD CdSHiie, Jaan; Quinci, Frederico; Lughi, Vanni; Sergo, Valter; Valdna, Vello; Mikli, Valdek; Kärber, Erki; Raadik, TaaviThin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 20092009 / p. M08-17 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/mrs-online-proceedings-library-archive/article/abs/chlorine-doping-of-cadmium-sulfide-on-the-example-of-cbd-cds/070F0DAEB40CD83B771895FED27CBEA1
- Circulating fluidized bed and two-fluid modelKrupenski, Igor; Kartušinski, Aleksander; Siirde, Andres; Rudi, Ülo6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 85-88 : ill
- Cleaning-up dirty isotachopherograms in time and frequency domainReijenga, Jetse; Seiman, AndrusNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 131
- CO2 and SO2 emissions in Estonia in the period 2000-2030Kuhi-Thalfeldt, Reeli; Valtin, Juhan7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II : [Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia, 16.06-19.06.2009]2009 / p. 47-56 : ill
- CO2 and SO2 rebinding by oil shale ashes : effect of pre-treatment on binding kineticsTrikkel, Andres; Keelmann, Merli; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Kuusik, Rein, keemikMEDICTA 2009 : 9th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis : June 15-18, 2009, Marseille, France : book of abstracts2009 / p. 116
- CO2 emission from circulating fluidized bed boiler firing Estonian oil shale fuel with different qualityPlamus, Kristjan6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 93-97 : ill
- CO2 mineral sequestration in oil-shale wastes from Estonian power productionUibu, Mai; Uus, Mati; Kuusik, Rein, keemikJournal of environmental management2009 / p. 1253-1260 : ill
- CO2 rebinding by oil shale CFBC ashes : effect of pre-treatmentTrikkel, Andres; Keelmann, Merli; Aranson, Aljona; Kuusik, Rein, keemikProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. II2009 / p. 1123-1129
- Coastal processes in the Eastern Gulf of Finland - possible driving forces and the connection with nearshore developmentRyabchuk, Daria; Sukhacheva, Leontina; Spiridonov, Mikhail; Zhamoida, Vladimir; Kurennoy, DmitryEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 3, p. 151-167 : ill
- CoCo-SIM : object-oriented multi-pole modelling and simulation environment for fluid power systems. Part 1, FundamentalsGrossschmidt, Gunnar; Harf, MaitInternational journal of fluid power2009 / 2, p. 91-100 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313134680_COCO-SIM_-_Object-oriented_multi-pole_modeling_and_simulation_environment_for_fluid_power_systems_Part_1_Fundamentals
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- Code coverage analysis for concurrent programming languages using high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Reinsalu, Uljana; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing : EWDC 2009 : Toulouse, France, May 14-15, 20092009 / [4] p. : ill https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00381559
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- Colinearity-based marker mining for high density mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance locus QPm.tut-4AValarik, Miroslav; Jakobson, Irena; Timofejeva, Ljudmilla; Kladivova, Monika; Järve, Kadri; Doložel, JaroslavAbstracts of the 19th International Triticeae Mapping Initative - 3rd COST Tritigen : Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 31st - September 4th 20092009 / p. 88
- Combination of ozonation and the Fenton processes for landfill leachate treatment : evaluation of treatment efficiencyGoi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaOzone : science & engineering2009 / 1, p. 28-36 : ill
- Combined fault-model free cause-effect and effect-cause fault diagnosis in block-level digital networksUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanASQED'09 : 1st Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design : Kuala Lumpur, Malaisia, July 15-16, 20092009 / p. 385-390 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5206232
- Combined heat and power plants balancing wind powerKuhi-Thalfeldt, Reeli; Valtin, JuhanOil shale2009 / 3S, p. 294-308 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1490006*est
- Combined retorting of oil shale and ligniteSoone, Jüri; Doilov, Svjatoslav; Kaev, Mihhail; Kekiševa, LjudmillaInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 76 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Combined SEM microscopic and spectroscopic study of selenization of thin metallic filmsVolobujeva, Olga; Mellikov, EnnFirst Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung and Multinational Congress on Microscopy. 3, Materials science2009 / p. 449-450 : ill
- Companies' financial decisions under the distributed profit taxation regime of EstoniaHazak, AaroEmerging Markets Finance and Trade2009 / 4, p. 4-12 : ill
- Comparative analysis of the essential oil and supercritical carbon dioxide etracts of Juniperus communis L.berries and needles from EstoniaOrav, Anne; Koel, Mihkel; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 123
- A comparative QSAR study of SVM and PPR in the correlation of lithium cation basicitiesKatritzky, Alan R.; Ren, Yueying; Slavov, Svetoslav H.; Karelson, MatiCollection of Czechoslovak chemical communications2009 / p. 217-241 https://doi.org/10.1135/cccc2008191
- Comparison of 2- and 3-level Half-Bridge DC/DC converters for high-voltage high-power applicationsVinnikov, Dmitri; Strzelecki, RyszardPrzeglad elektrotechniczny = Electrical review2009 / 10, p. 217-221 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283654804_Comparison_of_2-and_3-level_half-bridge_DCDC_converters_for_high-voltage_high-power_applications
- Comparison of a tribological model and real component test methods for lubricated contactsAntonov, Maksim; Michalczewski, Remigiusz; Pasaribu, Rihard; Piekoszewski, WitoldEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 4, p. 349-358 : ill
- Comparison of ash from PF and CFB boilers and behavior of ash fieldsArro, Hendrik; Pihu, Tõnu; Prikk, Arvi; Rootamm, Rein; Konist, AlarProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 22009 / p. 1054-1060
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- Comparison of essential oils composition from shoots, leaves and stems of the wild Ledum palustre from EstoniaGretšušnikova, Tatjana; Orav, Anne; Koel, Mihkel; Järvan, KerlyNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 90
- Comparison of interface converter topologies for small- or medium-power wind-hydrogen systemsAndrijanovitš, Anna; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Hõimoja, Hardi; Klytta, Marius6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 122-127 : ill
- Comparison of lactic acid bacteria population in the continously propagated industrial rye sourdoudh starter and the original lyophilised starterViiard, Ene; Morozozova, S.; Sarand, IngaFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2009 / p. 10-21 : ill
- A comparison of parameterized, simulated and measured eddy diffusivities in the Gulf of FinlandLilover, Madis-Jaak; Stips, Adolf KonradBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 119
- Comparison of pricing behaviour of firms in the euro area and EstoniaDabušinskas, Aurelijus; Randveer, MarttiMicrofoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia2009 / p. 19-76 : ill
- Comparison of rectangular wave excitations in broad band impedance spectroscopy for microfluidic applicationsMin, Mart; Giannitsis, Athanasios; Land, Raul; Cahill, Brian; Pliquett, Uwe; Nacke, T.; Frense, Dieter; Gastrock, Gunter; Beckmann, DieterWorld Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering : September 7-12, 2009, Munich, Germany2009 / p. 85-88 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-03885-3_24
- Comparison of the composition of phenolic acids and antioxidativity of different wheat varietiesMatso, Kersti; Levandi, Tuuli; Helmja, Kati; Vaher, MerikeNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 116
- Comparison of the essential oil composition of Acorus calamus obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and hydrodistillation methodsGretšušnikova, Tatjana; Koel, Mihkel; Orav, Anne9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids : Arcachon, France, May 18-202009 / p. 301
- Comparison of the MONERIS and MESAW models for the Peipsi lake watershedVassiljev, Anatoli; Venohr, M.; Tuvikene, L.First MONERIS user conference : Nutrient Fluxes in River Basins - State of Play and Perspectives : Berlin, November 18th-20th, 20092009 / p. 1-2
- Comparison of the RANS and PDF methods for air-particle flowsKartušinski, Aleksander; Michaelides, Efstathios; Zaichik, LeonidInternational journal of multiphase flow2009 / 10, p. 914-923 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301932209000986
- Comparison of the thermobituminiztion kinetics of Baltic oil shale in open retorts and autoclavesJohannes, Ille; Tiikma, LaineInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 70 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- A comparison of the universal and the regular database designEessaar, Erki; Soobik, MarekDatabases and information systems V : selected papers from the Eighth International Baltic Conference, DBAMPIS 20082009 / p. 289-300 : ill
- Comparison of three-phase isolated DC/DC converters with Z- and quasi-Z-source invertersEgorov, Mikhail; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Strzelecki, Ryszard; Adamowicz, Marek7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II : [Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia, 16.06-19.06.2009]2009 / p. 9-14 : ill
- Comparison of uncertainty relations in quantum mechanics and signal processingUdal, Andres; Kukk, Vello; Velmre, Enn; Klopov, Mihhail11th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations and 4th Feynman Festival : Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 22-26, 20092009 / p. 154
- Comparison of uncertainty relations in quantum mechanics and signal processing [Electronic resource]Udal, Andres; Kukk, Vello; Velmre, Enn; Klopov, Mihhail11th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations and 4th Feynman Festival : Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 22-26, 2009 : conference proceedings2009 / [16] p. [DVD]
- Competition law and regulation natural monopolyMerimaa, MatiEducation and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference2009 / p. 57-69
- Composition and properties of the iron hydroxides-cemented lenses in Estonian sandstone of Middle Devonian AgeŠogenova, Alla; Kleesment, Anne-Liis; Hirt, Ann; Pirrus, Enn-Aavo; Kallaste, Toivo; Šogenov, Kazbulat; Vaher, ReinStudia geophysica et geodaetica2009 / 1, p. 111-131
- Compositional dependence of Raman scattering and photoluminescence emission in Cu-Ga-Se films grown by MOCVDGrossberg, Maarja; Krustok, Jüri; Siebentritt, Susanne; Albert, JürgenPhysica B : condensed matter2009 / 14/15, p. 1984-1988 : ill
- Computational chemistry approaches for understanding how structure determines propertiesKatritzky, Alan R.; Slavov, Svetoslav H.; Radzvilovits, Maksim; Stoyanova-Slavova, Iva B.; Karelson, MatiZeitschrift für Naturforschung B - a journal of chemical sciences2009 / 6, p. 773-777
- Computational intelligence methods for process control : fed-batch fermentation applicationRiid, Andri; Rüstern, EnnuInternational journal of computational intelligence in bioinformatics and systems biology2009 / 2, p. 135-162 https://www.academia.edu/19788077/Computational_intelligence_methods_for_process_control_fed_batch_fermentation_application
- Computational study of cesium cation interactions with neutral and anionic compounds related to soil organic matterBurk, Peeter; Tammiku-Taul, Jaana; Tamp, Sven; Sikk, Lauri; Sillar, Kaido; Mayeux, Charly; Gal, Jean-Francois; Maria, Pierre-CharlesJournal of physical chemistry A2009 / 40, p. 10734-10744 : ill
- Computer graphics (2D) and studentsMägi, Rein; Meister, Külli10th International Conference on Engineering Graphics BALTGRAF-10 : June 4-5, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania : conference proceedings2009 / p. 98-103 : ill
- Conceptual model for the development of the accounting curriculumAlver, Jaan; Alver, Lehte21st Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues : Las Vegas, USA, November 22-25, 20092009 / 21 p
- Conceptual model for the development of the accounting curriculumAlver, Jaan; Alver, Lehte21st Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues : Las Vegas, USA, November 22-25, 2009 : program and proceedings2009 / p. 97
- Conceptual web users' actions prediction for ontology-based browsing recommendationsRobal, Tarmo; Kalja, AhtoInformation systems development : towards a service provision society2009 / p. 121-129 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/b137171_13
- Condition assessment of power plant components operating under creep by testing of miniature specimensKlevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, AndreiCreep and Fracture in High Temperature Components : April 21-23, 2009, Zurich, Swizerland2009 / p. 1126-1137
- Conductive polymer back contact in CdTe based solar cellBereznev, Sergei; Kois, Julia; Volobujeva, Olga; Öpik, AndresEMRS-2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8-12 of June 2009, Symposium A2009 / p. 25
- Conference Education and Economy 2009Rajangu, Väino; Lukas, MatiZarzadzanie w samorzadzie terytorialnym = Management in local government2009 / p. 142-144 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2515823*est
- Connections between foreign and domestic politics in theories of international relationsHendla, IvarEuropean Union : current political and economic issues2009 / p. 67-89
- Contaminated soil remediation with hydrogen peroxide oxidationGoi, Anna; Trapido, Marina; Kulik, NiinaProceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology2009 / April, p. 185-189 : ill
- Contemporary teaching methods as the basis of the curriculum for technical teacher training at Tallinn University of TechnologyRüütmann, Tiia; Vanaveski, Jüri38th IGIP Symposium - Q2 of E2 (Quality and Quantity of Engineering Education) : 6-9 September 2009, Graz, Austria : book of abstracts+CD2009 / p. 139-142
- Contemporary teaching methods emphasizing conceptual understanding adapted for engineering education at Estonian Centre for Engineering PedagogyRüütmann, Tiia; Vanaveski, JüriProblems of education in the 21st Century2009 / p. 159-170
- Context awareness in distributed computing systemsPreden, Jürgo-Sören; Helander, JohannesAnnales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae : sectio computatorica2009 / p. 57-73
- Contracting-out public services and public procurement for innovation : revisiting contracting limits in Estonia and beyondLember, Veiko2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2560933*est
- Control of hovering manoeuvres in unmanned helicopter for enhanced situational awarenessAstrov, Igor; Pedai, AndrusProceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation : August 9-12, Changchun, China2009 / p. 143-146 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5156580
- Conversion of pine Pinus sylvestris cones with supercritical waterLuik, Lea; Luik, Hans; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 June - 3 July 20092009 / p. 1941-1944
- Conversion of the Estonian fossil and renewable feedstocks in the medium of supercritical waterLuik, Lea; Luik, Hans; Palu, Vilja; Kruusement, Kristjan; Tamvelius, HindrekJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysis2009 / 1/2, p. 492-496 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165237008001253
- Cooling demand and daylight in commercial buildings - the influence of window designVoll, Hendrik; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusEnergy Problems and Environmental Engineering : [proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on ... EPESE'09, RES'09, WWAI'09] : Tenerife, Canary Islands, July 1-3, 20092009 / p. 65-70 : ill
- Cooling demand commercial buildings - the influence of window designVoll, Hendrik; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusКабарлары = Вестник = News2009 / 1, p. 20-24 : ill
- Cooling methods for high voltage IGBTsBlinov, Andrei; Vinnikov, Dmitri6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 134-139 : ill
- Cooperation of FPGA-based educational boards and web-based point design tools for research and educationSudnitsõn, Aleksander; Mihhailov, Dmitri; Kruus, MargusIFIP EduTech'09 International Workshop : Florianopolis-Brazil, October 15-16, 20092009 / ? p
- Co-processing of biomass and heavy shale oil using catalytical hydrocracking methodLuik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Johannes, Ille; Tiikma, Laine; Sokolova, Julia17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition from Research to Industry and Markets : proceedings of the International Conference held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 June - 3 July 20092009 / p. 1082-1084
- Co-processing of oil shale with some other energy sourcesLuik, Hans; Bojesen-Koefoed, Jorgen; Luik, Lea; Palu, Vilja; Sokolova, Julia; Tamvelius, Hindrek; Tiikma, LaineInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 71-72 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Copyrolysis of Estonian oil shale and peatSokolova, Julia; Luik, Hans; Palu, ViljaInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 75 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Correlated percolating networks in the thin film of polymeric PEDT/PSS complex as revealed by the mesoscale simulationKaevand, Toomas; Kalda, Jaan; Öpik, Andres; Lille, ÜloMacromolecules2009 / 4, p. 1407-1409 : ill https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ma802160x
- Correlation between the UV-reflectance spectra and the structure of poly-Si films obtained by aluminium induced crystallizationDimova-Malinovska, D.; Angelov, O.; Sendova-Vassileva, M.; Mikli, ValdekJournal of optoelectronics and advanced materials2009 / 9, p. 1079-1085 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288122478_Correlation_between_the_UV-reflectance_spectra_and_the_structure_of_poly-Si_films_obtained_by_Aluminium_Induced_Crystallization
- Corroded hydrothermal quartz in Ordovician altered volcanic ash beds of the Baltoscandian RegionKiipli, Tarmo; Kallaste, Toivo; Kleesment, Anne-Liis; Nielsen, Arne T.Estonian journal of earth sciences2009 / 4, p. 268-272 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1944231*est
- Corrosion of air preheater tubes of oil shale CFB boiler. Part 1, Dew point of flue gas and low-temperature corrosionPihu, Tõnu; Arro, Hendrik; Prikk, Arvi; Rootamm, Rein; Konist, AlarOil shale2009 / 1, p. 5-12 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1141180*est
- Corrosion of air preheater tubes of oil shale CFB boiler. Part II, Laboratory investigation of temperature impactTallermo, Harri; Klevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, AndreiOil shale2009 / p. 13-18 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1141180*est
- Creating interactive learning objects with web servicesRobal, Tarmo; Kalja, Ahto2009 EAEEIE annual conference : 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering : Valencia, Spain, June 22-24, 20092009 / [6] p
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- Critical analysis of uncertainty relations based on signal duration and spectrum widthUdal, Andres; Kukk, Vello; Velmre, EnnElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2009 / 6, p. 31-34 : ill
- A critique of the global financial crisis : from the perspective of buddhist ethics and psychologyMiller, LeonABAC journal Asumption University2009 / p. 49-63 http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/abacjournal/article/view/522/468
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- Cu2ZnSnSe4 films by selenization of Sn-Zn-Cu sequential filmsVolobujeva, Olga; Raudoja, Jaan; Mellikov, Enn; Grossberg, Maarja; Bereznev, Sergei; Traksmaa, RainerJournal of physics and chemistry of solids2009 / p. 567-570 : ill
- Cu-In and Cu-Zn-Sn films as precursors for production of CuInSe2 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin filmsVolobujeva, Olga; Mellikov, Enn; Raudoja, Jaan; Bereznev, Sergei; Pilvet, MarisThin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 20092009 / p. M05-40
- Curing behaviour of urea-modified phenol-formaldehyde resinSiimer, Kadri; Süld, Tiia-Maaja; Kaljuvee, Tiit; Christjanson, Peep; Pehk, TõnisBook of abstracts of the Polymer Processing Society 9th Annual Meeting PPS-09 : Larnaca, Cypros, October 18-21, 20092009 / p. P-190
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- Dark fermentation of biomass and organic waste for production of renewablesVaalu, Tarmo; Michelis, Merje; Mets, Aita; Lepane, Viia; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Suurväli, Jaanus; Menert, Anne12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology : Tallinn, Estonia, June 14-17, 2009 : program and abstracts2009 / p. 43
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- Decision support system for multi-project cash-flow managementKramarenko, Sergei; Ševtšenko, EduardAnnals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria2009 / p. 1111-1112 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289455147_Decision_support_system_for_multi-project_cash-flow_management
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- Decomposition method for solving optimal material orientation problemsMajak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis15th International Conference on Composite Structures : Portugal, Porto2009 / ? p
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- Delocalization of prodution : threats and opportunities for EstoniaKilvits, KaarelA litmus test case of modernity : examining modern sensibilities and the public domain in the Baltic States and the turn of the century2009 / p. 49-73
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- Demokraatiahariduse ideaalide saavutamise võimalusedHaav, KaarelHaridus2009 / 1/2, lk. 35-39
- Deposition of solid particle in laminar boundary layer on a flat plateKartušinski, Aleksander; Krupenski, Igor; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorHigh temperature2009 / 6, p. 892-901 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0018151X09060170
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- Design-for-destability-based external test and diagnosis of mesh-like network- on-a-chipsRaik, Jaan; Govind, Vineeth; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIET computers and digital techniques2009 / 5, p. 476-486 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-cdt.2008.0096
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- Detection of mine collapses with seismic methods - a case study from EstoniaSoosalu, Heidi Elisabet; Valgma, IngoInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 101-102 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Determination of antibiotic residues in sewage sludge by pressurized liquid extraction and LC-ESI-MSKipper, Karin; Lillenberg, Merike; Yurchenko, Sergei; Herodes, Koit; Pihl, Viljar; Sepp, Kalev; Lõhmus, Rünno; Nei, LembitNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 102
- Determination of electrical conductivity of metal plates using planar spiral coilsKolyshkin, Andrei; Kübarsepp, Toomas; Märtens, Olev; Pokatilov, AndreiRecent Advances in Systems : proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Systems2009 / p. 545-550
- Determination of energy performance requirements for apartment buildings in EstoniaHani, Allan; Kalamees, Targo; Kõiv, Teet-Andrus9th International Conference & Exhibition Healty Buildings 2009 : September 13-17, 2009, Syracuse, NY, USA2009 / paper 409, [4] p. : ill
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- Determination of mechanical properties of thin hard coatings using nanoindentationYaldiz, Can Emrah; Veinthal, Renno; Gregor, Andre; Georgiadis, Kyriakos18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22-23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2009 / p. 48
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- Development of liquification process through thermobitumen stageZaidentsal, Aleksei; Doilov, Svjatoslav; Johannes, Ille; Kaev, Mihhail; Kaidalov, Kirill; Soone, JüriInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 76-77 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Development of palaeolake HaljalaSaarse, Leili; Niinemets, Eve; Amon, Leeli; Heinsalu, Atko; Veski, Siim; Sohar, KadriExtent and timing of the Weichselian Glaciation southeast of the Baltic Sea : International Field Symposium of the INQUA Peribaltic Working Group : Tartu, September 13-17, 2009 : [abstracts & guidebook]2009 / p. 41-42 : ill
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- Development of the late glacial Baltic basin and the succession of vegetation cover as revealed at Palaeolake Haljala, northern EstoniaSaarse, Leili; Niinemets, Eve; Amon, Leeli; Heinsalu, Atko; Veski, Siim; Sohar, KadriEstonian journal of earth sciences2009 / 4, p. 317-333 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1944248*est
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- DexterNet : an open platform for heterogeneous body sensor networks and its applicationsKuryloski, P.; Giani, Annarita; Seppä, Ville-PekkaProceedings of the 6th Workshop on Body Sensor Networks2009 / ? p https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5226911
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- Diagnostics of induction motor rotor faults using analysis of stator currentVaimann, Toomas6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 13-17 : ill
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- Digital microfluidic sampler for capillary electrophoresisGorbatšova, Jelena; Jaanus, Martin; Kuuskmäe, Edur; Kaljurand, MihkelNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 66 : ill
- Dimerisation of glutathione analogues in the presence of cellular redox cycle enzymesMahlapuu, Riina; Vaher, Merike; Ida, Katrin; Viirlaid, Säde; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Soomets, UrselNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 112
- Direct evidence of the cyclooxygenase pathway of prostaglandin synthesis in arthropods : genetic and biochemical charaterization of two crustacean cyclooxygenasesVarvas, Külliki; Kurg, Reet; Hansen, Kristella; Järving, Reet; Järving, Ivar; Valmsen, Karin; Lõhelaid, Helike; Samel, NigulasInsect biochemistry and molecular biology2009 / 12, p. 851-860 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965174809001490
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- Discovering logical constructs from Estonian children language = Loogiliste konstruktsioonide avastamine eesti laste keelestMatsak, Erika2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2557755*est
- Discrete analysis for classical and single-pylon suspension bridgesIdnurm, Juhan; Kiisa, Martti; Idnurm, SiimProceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing : 1-4 September 2009, Madeira2009 / p. Paper 218 [12 p.]
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- Dissolution kinetics of oil shale thermobitumen in different solventsJohannes, Ille; Tiikma, Laine; Sokolova, JuliaInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 69-70 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Dissolution of magnetite particles in acidic conditionsSalmimies, Riina; Häkkinen, Antti; Ekberg, Bjarne; Kallas, JuhaFILTECH 2009, Wiesbaden, October 13-15, 20092009 / ? p
- Dissolution rate of oil shale thermobitumen in different solventsJohannes, Ille; Tiikma, Laine; Sokolova, JuliaOil shale2009 / 3, p. 399-414 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1947063*est
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- Distance learning in electrical engineeringLaugis, Juhan; Lehtla, Tõnu; Vodovozov, Valery6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 148-153
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- Diversity and function of soil biota of seminatural communitiesIvask, Mari; Kuu, Annely; Meriste, Mart; Truu, Marika; Kutti, Sander; Peda, Jane12th Nordic Soil Zoology Symposium and PHD cource : Tartu, Estonia, August 28-31, 2009 : book of abstracts2009 / p. 80-82
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- Downward nominal and real wage rigidity : survey evidence from European firmsBabecky, Jan; Du Caju, Philip; Kosma, Theodora; Lawless, Martina; Messina, Julian; Rõõm, Tairi2009
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- Economic, scientific and technical outlook for oil shale retorting activities within the coal to liquids strategic context in EuropeJakobson, Indrek; Siirde, AndresInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 106 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
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- Eesti haldusterritoriaalse reformi õiguslikke ja majanduslikke probleemeMäeltsemees, SulevEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : artiklid (CD-ROM) ja kokkuvõtted. XVII2009 / lk. 56-63
- Eesti Haridusfoorum 2008 : Õppija ning õppimine tänases ja homses Eestis : 5. ja 6. detsember 2008, Mõdriku ja RakvereAarna, Olav2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2548532*est
- Eesti huvidest ArktikasVeiderma, MihkelEesti Päevaleht2009 / 13. mai, lk. 2
- Eesti insener leiutas "aruka" südamerütmuri : [TTÜ professori Mart Min'i leiutisest]Eesti Ekspress2009 / lk. A5
- Eesti insener leiutas "aruka" südamestimulaatori : [M.Mini jt teadlaste leiutisest]Inseneeria2009 / lk. 5 : ill
- Eesti keel õppe- ja teaduskeelena tehnikahariduses : ettekanne XLI Johannes Voldemar Veski päeval "Eesti keele rollist vabariigi algusaegadel" 27. juunil 2008 Tartu ÜlikoolisKübarsepp, Jakob; Mägi, VahurTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 355-360
- Eesti kergejõustik 100Teemägi, Erlend2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2504653*est
- Eesti keskkonnaseisundi näitajad 2009Antso, Kait; Kaukver, Karmen; Kallis, Ain2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2543504*est
- Eesti keskraamatukogude efektiivsuse mõõtmine DEA-meetodilKikas, Konrad; Miidla, PeepTeenuse kvaliteet - raamatukogutöö tulemuslikkuse näitaja = Service quality - library performance indicator2009 / lk. 245-272
- Eesti kolmesambaline pensionisüsteem - kas saime, mida tahtsime?Staehr, KarstenEesti Päevaleht2009 / 4. sept., Möte, lk. 10-11
- Eesti kolmesambaline pensionisüsteem - kas saime, mida tahtsime?Staehr, KarstenMaksumaksja2009 / 9, lk. 38-39
- Eesti kulla otsingul... : [projektist "Põlevkivimaa"]Keva, ToivoPõlevkivimaa2009 / lk. 1 : ill
- Eesti kõige edukamad leiutised : [ka TTÜ kunagise rektori prof. Agu Aarna leiutisest : DFK-liim]Lõhmus, AloPostimees2009 / lk. 8-9 : fot (Arter)
- Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseksKadarik, PeeterI kõrghariduskonverents "Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks" : 22. aprill 2009 : [esseekogumik]2009 / lk. 17-18
- Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseksLillepruun, MiinaI kõrghariduskonverents "Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks" : 22. aprill 2009 : [esseekogumik]2009 / lk. 28-29
- Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseksViil, KaireI kõrghariduskonverents "Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks" : 22. aprill 2009 : [esseekogumik]2009 / lk. 46-47
- Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseksPlatohhina, JaroslavaI kõrghariduskonverents "Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks" : 22. aprill 2009 : [esseekogumik]2009 / lk. 36-37
- Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks, ehk, kuidas elustada varjusurmas triigrit?Poom, Uve; Talmar, Madis; Jõeleht, Rene; Härm, Juhan; Lääts, MartinI kõrghariduskonverents "Eesti kõrghariduse roll uue majanduskasvu saavutamiseks" : 22. aprill 2009 : [esseekogumik]2009 / lk. 40-41
- Eesti leiutis ootab tootjaid : [TTÜ doktorant Erkki Joasoon leiutas puutetundliku ekraani]Arvutimaailm2009 / lk. 56-57 : fot
- Eesti maapiirkondade ettevõtluspoliitikaKirsipuu, MaretEesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused : artiklid (CD-ROM) ja kokkuvõtted. XVII2009 / lk. 42-46
- Eesti maapõu - avastamata rikkused või ammu teada asjad? : [arutlevad Alvar Soesoo ja Erik Puura]Soesoo, Alvar; Puura, Erik; Gaškov, AgoTarkade Klubi2009 / 7, lk. 56-59 : ill
- Eesti maapõu sisaldab väärtuslikkuSoesoo, AlvarInseneeria2009 / 10(11), lk. 46-47 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1207124*est
- Eesti mahajäetud turbatootmisalade taastaimestumineRamst, Rein; Orru, MallEesti Põlevloodusvarad ja -jäätmed2009 / 1/2, lk. 6-7
- Eesti Mereakadeemia toimetised. Nr. 8Kann, Jüri; Kask, Jüri; Raukas, Anto2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1967725*est
- Eesti Mäeseltsi liikmed seisuga 13.04.2009 : [nimekiri]Mäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 159-168
- Eesti mäetudengite maine siin ja mujalVästrik, Aire; Karu, Veiko; Grossfeldt, GaiaMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 137-141 : ill
- Eesti radikaalseim friedmanist - Ivan OravEnnuste, ÜloPärnu Postimees2009 / 20. veebr., lk. 11 https://parnu.postimees.ee/84784/ulo-ennuste-eesti-radikaalseim-friedmanist-ivan-orav/comments
- Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fondi stipendiumidMente et Manu2009 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eesti rahvuslik rikkus ja akadeemik Arvo OtsMaidla, MargusKultuuri KesKus2009 / lk. 56-57 : ill
- Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu kevadkonverentsMeister, LyaTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 386-389
- Eesti Rektorite Nõukogu esimehe Tartu Ülikooli rektori Alar Karise tervitus [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva aktusel 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Karis, AlarTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 72-73
- Eesti Rektorite Nõukogu juhatuse esimehe Tartu ülikooli rektori Alar Karise tervitus : [Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli 90. aastapäeva pidulikul koosolekul 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Karis, AlarTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 146-147
- Eesti teadlase kuldkalakest varjas Läti savi : [TTÜ Geoloogia instituudi teaduri Elga Mark-Kuriku tööst]Olesk, ArkoTarkade Klubi2009 / lk. 40-43 : portr
- Eesti teadlased lähevad eurooplaste toidu kallale : [Anu Viitaki kommentaariga ja keemiainstituudi tööst toiduainete koostise uurimisel]Narusk, Agne; Viitak, AnuHEI = Hea Eesti Idee2009 / apr., lk. 30-32 : ill
- Eesti teadlased paguluses : [artiklikogumik]2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2506866*est
- Eesti teadus : kes on mõjukaimad? : [enimtsiteeritud Eesti teadlaste edetabelis 1999-2009 ka Mart Saarma ja Mati Karelson]Päärt, VilluTarkade Klubi2009 / lk. 26-35 : ill
- Eesti teadus paguluses : [24. märtsil Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemilises Raamatukogus toimunud konverentsist]Vahtra, MilviMente et Manu2009 / lk. 2 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eesti teaduse tippkeskus infotehnoloogia teaduskondaUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Fridolin, Ivo; Min, MartTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 19-26
- Eesti Teadusfondi aastaraamat 20082009
- Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1218094*est
- Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Meeskoor 50 : [artiklikogumik]Viirand, Martin2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2497502*est
- Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Meeskoori sünniluguSoonurm, EnnoEesti Teaduste Akadeemia Meeskoor 502009 / lk. 10-19 : fot
- Eesti teadusülikoolide koostöö tiheneb : [TTÜ ja TÜ koostöölepingu sõlmimisest : ka Peep Sürje kommentaariga]Nõges, Krõõt; Sürje, PeepMente et Manu2009 / 16. veebr., lk. 1 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eesti tehnikaartiklid 1918-1927 : bibliograafia2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2499490*est
- Eesti Tudengisatelliidi seminar TallinnasVahter, ToomasStudioosus2009 / mai, lk. 13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Eesti turba kasutamise võimalused balneoloogiasOrru, MallXVII aprillikonverentsi "Unustatud maavarad" teesid : [3. aprill 2009, Tallinn]2009 / lk. 26-27 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2522366*est
- Eesti tänab Tõnu Karki ja 96 teist tublit inimest ordeniga : [TTÜst professor Mihkel Kaljurand ja TTÜ sertifitseerimisasutuse juhataja Toomas Laur]Laasik, AndresEesti Päevaleht2009 / lk. 6-7
- Eesti töötervishoiu arengulugu 1918-2008 : faktid, mälestused, seisukohad, hinnangud, soovidKahn, Hubert2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2530796*est
- Eesti Vabariigi haridusministrid aastatel 1918-1940Normak, VillemHaridus2009 / lk. 17-21 : portr
- Eesti Vabariigi Presidendi Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kõne [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva aktusel 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Ilves, Toomas HendrikTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 47-49
- Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia kandidaadid : [ka TTÜst]Mente et Manu2009 / 16. jaan., lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad : [konkursi eelteade]Mente et Manu2009 / lk. 2 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 20092009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1226072*est
- Eesti vajab rohkem mäeinsenereVesiloo, Paul; Õnnis, Ave-ÕnneMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 9-12
- Eesti venelased : tähelepanekuid identiteedikriisistLensment, Anželika; Ahmet, IlzijaHaridus2009 / 7/8, lk. 7-10 : ill
- Eesti viies kliimaaruanne : ÜRO kliimamuutuste raamkonventsiooni elluviimise kohta2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2695548*est
- Eesti vokaalikategooriate piirid vene ja eesti emakeelega kõnelejate tajuruumisMeister, LyaEesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat. 52009 / lk. 143-156 : ill
- Eesti võimalus - elektri reaalaja tariifLehtla, Tõnu; Järvik, JaanTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 364-366
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- Eesti ülikoolid alustasid esimeste tuumaspetsialistide koolitamist : [TTÜ valmistab ette tuumajaamade insenere]Reimer, AndresEesti Päevaleht2009 / 9. sept., Ärileht, lk. 5
- Eesti ülikoolimaastik - palju koole, vähe raha : [vestlusringis on haridusminister Tõnis Lukas, Tartu Ülikooli rektor Alar Karis, Tallinna Ülikooli rektor Rein Raud ja TTÜ õppeprorektor Jakob Kübarsepp]Simson, Priit; Kupinskaja, Maria; Lukas, Tõnis; Karis, Alar; Raud, Rein; Kübarsepp, JakobEesti Päevaleht2009 / 20. veebr., lk. 2-3 https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/51159693/eesti-ulikoolimaastik-palju-koole-vahe-raha
- Eesti ülikooliseaduses tuleks taastada nõue "edendada üldist ja eriti Eesti maad ja rahvast käsitlevat teadust"Roosimaa, ToivoÕpetajate Leht2009 / 13. märts, lk. 8
- Eesti Üliõpilaste Selts kutsubVanamölder, LauriStudioosus2009 / veebr., lk. 6-7 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi XIX album2009
- Eesti üliõpilaste sisemeistrivõistlustelt : [ka TTÜ tudengite tulemustest]Mente et Manu2009 / 30. jaan., lk. 4 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eesti üliõpilaste teadustööde konkursi tulemused : [I preemia Kristel Kaer'ale TTÜst : lühisõnum]Mente et Manu2009 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eestikeelse kõnetuvastuse meetodite uurimine ja arendamineAlumäe, Tanel; Kirt, ToomasEKKTT 2009 : riikliku programmi "Eesti keele keeletehnoloogiline tugi (2006-2010)" teine konverents : 6.-7. aprill 2009, Tartu2009 / lk. 6
- Eestimaa kulla otsingul ... : [projektist "Põlevkivimaa" õpilastele]Keva, ToivoMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 29
- Eestimaa suured kivid : suurte rändrahnude luguPirrus, Enn-Aavo2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2454644*est
- Eestlane De Beersi teemandiimpeeriumi teenistuses : [Arthur Alexander Linari-Linholm]Uibopuu, Lembit; Linari-Linholm, ArturEesti teadlased paguluses : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 261-266 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b2506866*est
- Eestlane leiutas puutetundliku ekraani pimedatele : [TTÜ doktorandi Erkki Joasoone leiutisest]Inseneeria2009 / lk. 5 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1140830*est
- Eestlane valiti Euroopa Üliõpilasliidu juhatuse aseesimeheks : [Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liidu senine juhatuse aseesimees Allan Päll]Studioosus2009 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Eestlased loovad tarka muuseumiportaali : [kuue Euroopa riigi koostööprojektis Smartmuseum osalevad ka TTÜ teadlased]Tamm, LiinaEesti Päevaleht2009 / 6. juuli, lk. 9
- Eestlased söövad liiga vähe köögivilju : [ka TTÜ toitumisteadlane Sirje Vaask puu- ja köögiviljadest]Erala, Siiri; Vaask, SirjePostimees2009 / 21. okt., lk. 23
- Eestlased söövad teisiti kui varem : [eestlaste toitumisharjumuste muutumisest räägib Raivo Vokk]Vokk, Raivo; Rebane, SiiriElukiri2009 / 12, lk. 42-44 : ill
- Eestlased Vene sõjaväes 1940-1945. Teine osa (M-Sel) = Estonians in Russian armed forces in 1940-1945. Part 2, (M-Sel)2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2527196*est
- Efedrooni (metkatinoon) ja mangaani toime hiirtel kroonilises katses : [TÜ arstiteaduskonna päeva 2009 stendiettekande teesid]Asser, Andres; Kõks, Sulev; Nairismägi, JaakEesti Arst2009 / 9, lk. 612-613 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1496051*est
- Effect of enhanced anhydride copolymer coupling agents in micropowder filled thermoplastic matricesSüld, Tiia-Maaja; Viikna, AntiPPS-25 : 25th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society : Goa, India, March 1-5, 2009 : program & abstracts2009 / p. 45
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- Effect of polymer layer deposition and annealing on photovoltaic properties of CuInS2/polymer structuresVerbitsky, Anatoly; Vertsimakha, Yaroslav; Studzinsky, Sergei; Bereznev, Sergei; Golovtsov, Igor; Kois, Julia; Öpik, Andres; Lytvyn, OksanaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2009 / 1, p. 18-23 : ill
- Effect of Zn(II) and Cu(II) ions on aggregation and fibrillation of amyloid-beta(1-42) peptidePalumaa, Peep; Karafin, Ann; Zovo, Kairit; Chung, Roger S.; Howells, Claire; West, Adrian K.; Tõugu, VelloSinapsa Neuroscience Conference '09 : Ljubljana, 26-29 September 2009 : abstract book2009 / p. 34
- Effect of the length of branches on hydrodynamic and conformational properties of hyperbranched polycarbosilanesTarabukina, E.; Shpyrkov, A.; Tarasova, Elvira; Amirova, A.; Filippov, Alexander; Sheremet'eva, N.; Muzafarov, A.Polymer science series A2009 / 2, p. 150-160 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0965545X09020023
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- Effect of thermo-elastic residual stresses on erosive performance of cermets with core-rim structured ceramic grainsHussainova, Irina; Kolesnikova, Anna; Hussainov, Medhat; Romanov, AlexeyWear2009 / p. 177-185 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0043164809001446
- Effect of vitamin B6 vitamers on platelet aggregationKobzar, Gennadi; Mardla, Vilja; Rätsep, Indrek; Samel, NigulasPlatelets2009 / 2, p. 120-124 : ill
- Effective strategies and models for teaching thinking skills and capitalizing deep understanding in engineering educationRüütmann, Tiia; Vanaveski, JüriProblems of education in the 21st Century2009 / p. 176-187
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- Efficiency bounds for adversary constructions in black-box reductionsBuldas, Ahto; Jürgenson, Aivo; Niitsoo, MargusInformation Security and Privacy : 14th Australasian Conference : ACISP 2009 : Brisbane, Australia, July 1-3, 2009 : proceedings2009 / p. 264-275 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-02620-1_19
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- Ehitiste nurgakivi paneku ja avamisüritusedArumaa, HelgiTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 92-93
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- Eksaminandile matemaatika riigieksamistUudelepp, Helgi; Lõhmus, Ahto; Pais, Enno2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1442174*est
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- Electrochemical synthesis of polypyrrole films containing nucleotidesKovtun, Aleksandr; Malikova, O.; Sõritski, Vitali; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, AndresBook of abstracts of Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, 22-25 September, 20092009 / ? p
- Electrode reactions in Cu-Pt coated Nafion[r] actuatorsJohanson, Urmas; Mäeorg, Uno; Brandell, Daniel; Punning, Andres; Torop, Janno; Kruusmaa, Maarja; Aabloo, AlvoArtificial Muscle Actuators using Electroactive Polymers2009 / p. 75-80 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236115789_Electrode_Reactions_in_Cu-Pt_Coated_NafionR_Actuators
- Electrosynthesized conducting polymers, polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), for molecular imprintingÖpik, Andres; Menaker, Anna; Reut, Jekaterina; Sõritski, Vitali; Malikova, O.; Kaev, Jevgeni; Kovtun, AleksandrBook of abstracts of Baltic Polymer Symposium 2009 : Ventspils, Latvia, 22-25 September, 20092009 / ? p
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- Electrosynthesized surface-imprinted conducting polymer microrods for selective protein recognitionMenaker, Anna; Sõritski, Vitali; Reut, Jekaterina; Öpik, Andres; Horvath, Viola; Gyurcsanyi, Robert E.Advanced materials2009 / p. 2271-2275 : ill https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/adma.200803597
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- Elektrienergia säästmine Wattsoni ja Holmes'igaPikner, RandoElamu2009 / 3, lk. 22-23, 62-63 : ill
- Elektriliste valgusallikate keskkonnasäästlikust valikustRisthein, EndelTEUK XI : Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : üheteistkümnenda konverentsi kogumik : Tartu, Estonia, 20092009 / lk. 33-44 : ill
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- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2478886*est
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- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2462030*est
- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2462031*est
- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2462024*est
- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2462027*est
- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2462029*est
- Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmedRisthein, Endel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2462036*est
- Elektritarbimine puust ette ja punaseksPikner, RandoTM : Kodu ja Ehitus2009 / 5, lk. 12-14 : ill
- Elektritarbimise sääst : puust ette ja punaseksPikner, RandoInseneeria2009 / 6(14), lk. 30-33 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1476443*est
- Elektriõhuliinid vahelduvpingega üle 45 kVRaesaar, Peeter; Metusala, Tiit; Tiigimägi, Eeli2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2536964*est
- Elektroenergeetika instituut 1918-2008 : ettekanne seminaril "TTÜ elektroenergeetika instituut 90" ning Tiit Metusala ja Eeli Tiigimägi raamatu "Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Elektroenergeetika instituut 1918-2008" esitlusel 2. oktoobril 2008 TTÜ energeetikamaja auditooriumis VII-226Metusala, Tiit; Tiigimägi, EeliTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 401-403
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- Elektrooniline üliõpilaspilet ja õpetajakaart : [puutevaba kiibiga varustatud rahvusvahelise ISIC üliõpilaspileti ja ITIC õpetajakaardi kasutuselevõtust ka TTÜs]Mente et Manu2009 / 6. märts, lk. 5 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Elektrotehnika alused : loengukonspekt : [käsikiri]Järvik, Jaan2009
- ELi energiapoliitika suunab Eesti elektritootmise struktuurimuutusiRudi, ÜloElektriala2009 / 3, lk. 9-11 : ill
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- EluaseOjamäe, Liis; Paadam, KatrinTöö, kodu ja vaba aeg : argielu Eestis aastatel 1985-20082009 / lk. 93-113 : ill
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- Elukvaliteet ; Intelligentsus ; LäbipõlemineTeichmann, MareTervise ABC2009 / lk. 96, 180-181, 296
- Eluväärtused ja eetikaPaas, MaritaEesti oikumeenia lugu2009 / lk. 396-407
- Ema ja tütarLawrence, David Herbert; Keevallik, Leelo2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2465120*est
- Emajõe ja Tartu linnaruumi tugevam kontakt : [workshop'ist "Jõgi kui linna võtmeelement" : viisid läbi TTÜ Tartu Kolledži ja Lissaboni Tehnikaülikooli õppejõud ja magistrandid : lühisõnum]Mente et Manu2009 / 5. juuni, lk. 2 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- E-manufacturing concept solution for tooling sectorLõun, Kaia; Otto, Tauno; Riives, JüriEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 2, p. 108-120 : ill
- Emergence of solitary deformation waves in Mindlin-type microstructured solidsTamm, Kert; Salupere, AndrusInternational Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves : October 5-7, 2009 : book of abstracts2009 / p. 33
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- Emeriitprofessor Kaido Kallas 70Mente et Manu2009 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Emeriitprofessor Kaido Kallas 70Lõokene, IngaRaamatupidamiselt majandusarvestusele. II : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 6-7 : fot
- Emissions from Estonian oil shale PF and CFB firingLoosaar, Jüri; Parve, Teet; Konist, AlarInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 62-63 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Employing haptic input-output for cognitive training applicationsJoasoon, Erkki; Tulviste, Jaan; Mellik, Andres2009 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurements Systems (VECIMS 2009) : Hong-Kong, China, 11.-13.05.2009 : proceedings2009 / p. 12-15 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5068857
- Employment, cultural differences and work safety : Estonia exampleJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaEkonomika ir vadyba - 2009 = Economics & Management - 2009 : programme and collected abstracts of international scientific conference2009 / p. 111-112
- Employment, cultural differences and work safety : Estonian exampleJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaEconomics & management2009 / p. 567-574
- EMTEL ja Eesti mäenduse maineVoog, ReinMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 13-14
- En bok i folkrättSevastik, Per; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Spiliopoulou Akermark, Sia; Marsäter, Olle2009
- En mulighet til a forme fremtiden : teknologisk endring og bosboblerPerez, CarlotaFritt fall : finanskrisen og utveier2009 / ? p
- Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of aldehydes to [beta]-nitrostyrenesLaars, Marju; Ausmees, Kerti; Uudsemaa, Merle; Tamm, Toomas; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusThe journal of organic chemistry2009 / p. 3772-3775 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/jo900322h
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- Energia- ja geotehnika doktorikool ja sümpoosion KuressaaresPettai, ElmoElektriala2009 / 1, lk. 34 : ill
- EnergiaaugudLiebert, TiiuÜks2009 / 6, lk. 107
- Energiatõhususe hindamise ja energiasalvestite arvutuse metoodika linna elektertranspordileHõimoja, Hardi2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2559283*est
- Energy consumption and indoor climate analysis in detached housesMaivel, Mikk; Kuusk, KalleEnvironmental Science and Sustainability : proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on ... [NAHA'09, CGB'09, URES'09] : Baltimore, USA, November 7-9, 20092009 / p. 97-101 : ill
- Energy efficiency in residential buildings : the comparison between degree day calculation and simulationsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Voll, Hendrik; Hani, Allan2nd International Scientific Conference : Energy and Climate Change : 8-9 October 2009, Athens, Greece2009 / p. 73
- Energy efficient daylight assessment - the influence of facade designVoll, Hendrik; Kõiv, Teet-AndrusSelected topics on energy and development-environment-biomedicine 2009 : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Development-Environment-Biomedicine (EDEB 09)2009 / p. 47-52
- Energy planning models analysis and their adaptability for Estonian energy sector = Energeetika planeerimise mudelite analüüs ja nende rakendatavus Eesti energiasektorisDementjeva, Nadežda2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?453 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2540310*est
- Energy pollution : the relative influence of wind-wave and vessel-wake energy in Tallinn Bay, the Baltic SeaKelpšaite, Loreta; Parnell, Kevin Ellis; Soomere, TarmoJournal of coastal research2009 / Special issue 56, Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium ICS 2009. Volume I, p. 812-816 : ill
- Engineering optimization of a car frontal protection cystem componentPohlak, Meelis; Majak, Jüri; Eerme, MartinEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 1, p. 61-72 : ill
- Enhanced selection of biofueld small-scale combined heat and power plant [Electronic resource]Latõšov, Eduard; Siirde, AndresThe 6th Annual Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues : CYSENI 2009 : Kaunas, 28-29 May 2009 : conference proceedings2009 / ? p. [CD-ROM]
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- Ennustaja kimbatus, ehk, Tulevikku vaatamise asjaoludPurju, AlariSirp2009 / 18. sept., lk. 4 https://sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c9-sotsiaalia/ennustaja-kimbatus-ehk-tulevikku-vaatamise-asjaolud/
- Ensuring large-scale semantic interoperability : the Estonian public sector's case studyHaav, Hele-Mai; Kalja, Ahto; Küngas, Peep; Luts, MartinDatabases and information systems V : selected papers from the Eighth International Baltic Conference, DBAMPIS 20082009 / p. 117-128 : ill
- Enterprises' response to the economic crisisRõõm, TairiKroon & economy2009 / 3/4, p. 52-58
- Entrepreneurship and SME development in EstoniaVenesaar, Urve10th International Academic Conference on the Economic and Social Development : April 7-9, 2009, Moscow2009
- Environment protection measurement by the technical inspection of vechiclesKulderknup, Edi; Riim, JürgenTransverse disciplines in metrology2009 / p. 313-326
- Environmental conditions at possible Estonian offshore windfarm locations, comparison with working stationErm, Ants; Väli, Germo; Kask, Andres; Alari, Victor; Mark, Rainer; Konts, Mari-Liis; Vahter, KaimoBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 227
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- Environmental impact of Estonian oil shale CFB firingLoosaar, Jüri; Parve, Teet; Konist, AlarProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 12009 / p. 422-428
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- E-riigist intelligentseks riigiksUmmelas, MartMente et Manu2009 / lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Erik Lillepalu ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli uus raamatukoguhoone : [TTÜ raamatukogu ehituse projektijuhist ja raamatukogu ehitusest]Ehitaja2009 / lk. 40-41 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1508617*est https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1508617*est
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- E-solutions for innovative manufacturingMatsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Pääsuke, KaarelAnnals of MTeM for 2009 & proceedings of the 9th International Conference Modern Technologies in Manufacturing : 8th-10th October 20092009 / p. 165-168 : ill
- E-solutions for innovative manufacturingMatsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Pääsuke, KaarelAcademic journal of manufacturing engineering2009 / 3, p. 42-47 : ill
- Estimates of employment and welfare effects of personal labour income taxation in a flat-tax countryStaehr, KarstenMicrofoundations of economic success : lessons from Estonia2009 / p. 242-290 : ill
- Estimates of employment and welfare effects of personal labour income taxation in a flat-tax country: the case of EstoniaStaehr, KarstenEALE : [21st Annual Conference] : Tallinn, 10-12 September 2009 : [abstracts]2009 / p. 85
- Estimation of wind power production through short-term forecastAgabus, Hannes; Tammoja, HeikiOil shale2009 / 3S, p. 208-219 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1483751*est
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- Estonia : regulation of sports bettting under the new gambling actPijetlovic, KatarinaThe international sports law journal2009 / 3/4, p. 112-118
- Estonia in the European legal system : protection of the rule of law through constitutional dialogueKerikmäe, Tanel2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2539906*est
- Estonia must focus on the grand challenges of our time : the process of the implementation of the Knowledge TriangleKirch, AkselEuropean Union : current political and economic issues2009 / p. 36-49 : ill
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- Estonian civil religion and national unityMiller, LeonInternational journal on World peace2009 / 1, p. 127-138
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- Estonian housing market : searching for origins of the boomKolbre, Ene; Kallakmaa-Kapsta, Angelika; Ojala, TaaviResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2009 / 2, p. 59-76 : ill
- Estonian hyper-crisis lessons confirm importance of more effective high quality coordination/regulation and harmonisation : mechanism design theoretic approachEnnuste, ÜloEuropean Union : current political and economic issues2009 / p. 11-35
- Estonian oil shale as an "artificial oil" resourceKattai, Vello; Västrik, AireInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 106-107 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Estonian oil shale as power fuelOts, ArvoInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 47 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Estonian real estate market - the day after housing boomKallakmaa-Kapsta, Angelika; Kolbre, Ene16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference : Stockholm, July 11-14, 20092009 / paper eres2009 179
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- Eurokoodeks 1 : ehituskonstruktsioonide koormusedKulbach, Valdek2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2529113*est
- Eurokoodeks 3, Teraskonstruktsioonide projekteerimineTalvik, Ivar2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2504189*est
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- Eurokoodeks 4: Terasest ja betoonist komposiitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimineIdnurm, Siim2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2466709*est
- Eurokoodeks 5: Puitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimineÕiger, Karl; Just, Elmar-Jaan; Just, Alar2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2478915*est
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- Eurokoodeks 6: Kivikonstruktsioonide projekteerimineVoltri, Väino2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2466716*est
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- European social model and schemes of social protection financingPüss, Tiia; Viies, Mare; Maldre, ReetThe key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis2009 / p. 107-122
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- European Union, politic production and collective intelligenceKostakis, VasileiosRe-public journal2009 / ? p
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- Evaluation method of coating thickness of coating thickness standardLaaneots, Rein; Riim, Jürgen14 International Congress of Metrologie : Paris, France, 22-25 juin 20092009 / ? p
- Evaluation of cleanliness in dairy plants and innovations for improving hygieneKutsar, Liina; Mets, Marite; Rätto, Marjaana; Salo, Satu; Veskus, Tiina; Wirtanen, GunMicrobial risk management in food processes : 2nd Workshop arranged by SAFOODNET - Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries : Lyngby, Denmark, October 13-15, 20082009 / p. 82-83
- Evaluation of mechanical properties and residual stresses of hard PVD coatingsGregor, Andre; Lille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Sergejev, Fjodor; Traksmaa, Rainer; Sivitski, Alina; Kulu, Priit18th International Baltic Conference : Engineering Materials & Tribology : BALTMATTRIB-2009 : October 22-23, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts2009 / p. 34
- Evaluation results of the Earth gravitational model EGM08 over the Baltic countriesEllmann, Artu; Kaminskis, J.; Parseliunas, E.; Jürgenson, Harli; Oja, TõnisNewton's bulletin2009 / 4, External quality evaluation reports of EGM08, p. 110-121 : ill
- Evaluative analysis of 2- and 3-level DC/DC converters for high-voltage high-power applications [Electronic resource]Vinnikov, Dmitri; Egorov, Mikhail; Strzelecki, Ryszard6th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : May 20-22, 2009 : CPE 2009 : conference proceedings2009 / p. 432-437 [CD-ROM]
- Evalveerimine ja edetabelid ülikoolide prioriteete ja kvaliteedikultuuri mõjutamasKübarsepp, JakobMente et Manu2009 / lk. 2 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Event-based optimization of air-to-air business processesSterling, Leon; Taveter, KuldarIntelligent Complex Event Processing : AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Event Processing : March 23-25, 2009, Stanford, California, USA2009 / p. 80-85 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221251496_Event-based_Optimization_of_Air-to-Air_Business_Processes
- Evidence based study of blood pressure candidate genes using genome wide association dataSõber, Siim; Eyheramendy, Susana; Viigimaa, MargusAnnual Conference of Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and Estonian Biocentre : 15.12.2009-16.12.20092009 / p. 77-78
- Evidence-based development of safety culture at the Estonian enterprisesJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaReliability, risk and safety : theory and applications. 22009 / p. 1269-1276
- Evolution of the 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase family in Eukaryotes and BacteriaKjaer, Karina Hansen; Poulsen, Jesper Buchhave; Reintamm, Tõnu; Saby, Emilie; Martesen, Pia Moeller; Kelve, Merike; Justesen, JustJournal of molecular evolution2009 / 6, p. 612-624 https://www.proquest.com/openview/0fe0284ce650961a365d42300b2e597f/1?cbl=54027&pq-origsite=gscholar&parentSessionId=dz9k38w4a1zaAkRvUbi61rwVTwqEtV4qKOMQV6XmYsw%3D
- E-õpe võimaldab õppijate erinevate vajadustega arvestada : [TTÜ lektorit Tea Hunti intervjueeris Marge Kusmin]Hunt, TeaE-õppe uudiskiri2009 / lk. 4 : ill
- E-õppe uudised. Tallinna TehnikaülikoolKusmin, MargeE-õppe uudiskiri2009 / lk. 8
- E-õppe uudised. Tallinna TehnikaülikoolKusmin, MargeE-õppe Uudiskiri2009 / kevad, lk. 15 http://uudiskiri.e-ope.ee
- E-õppe uudised. Tallinna TehnikaülikoolKusmin, MargeE-õppe uudiskiri2009 / suvi, lk. 18 http://uudiskiri.e-ope.ee
- EÜNi ja TTÜ Tartu Kolledži Üliõpilasnõukogu koostööKahk, SanderStudioosus2009 / mai, lk. 19 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- EÜN-i tegemistest Tehnikaülikoolis ja mujal : [energeetikateaduskonna üliõpilasnõukogust]Matin, Jevgeni; Kahk, SanderStudioosus2009 / mai, lk. 17
- Excel ja VBALuczkowski, Teodor2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2462056*est
- Exchange students caught a glimps of South-Estonian's landscapes and tasted hard drink puskar : [Erasmuse vahetusprogrammi tudengi muljed reisist Lõuna-Eestisse]Margarete, BirgitStudioosus2009 / apr., lk. 14-15 : fot
- Exchanging situational information in embedded networksPreden, Jürgo-Sören; Pahtma, RaidoProceedings of International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology : ICAST 2009 : Accra, Ghana, 14-16 December 20092009 / ? p https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5409713
- Expectations and problems of offshore wind parks in EstoniaTomson, Teolan; Kallis, AinOffshore Wind and other Marine Renewable Energies in Mediterranean and European Seas : proceedings2009 / p. 263-269
- Experimental determination of sound transmission in turbo-compressors : SAE Tech. paper no.2009-01-2045Rämmal, Hans; Abom, MatsSAE Technical Papers2009 / [7] p https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A750030&dswid=-9882
- Experimental setup for testing and mapping of high temperature abrasion and oxidation synergyAntonov, Maksim; Hussainova, IrinaWear2009 / 11, p. 1798-1803 : ill
- Experimental study of voltage-fed quasi-z-source inverter based isolated DC/DC converterVinnikov, Dmitri; Roasto, Indrek; Strzelecki, RyszardElectrical engineering research report2009 / [7] p
- Experimental study on the influence of process variable on the performance of a horizontal belt filterHäkkinen, Antti; Huhtanen, Mikko; Ekberg, Bjarne; Kallas, JuhaFILTECH 2009, Wiesbaden, October 13-15, 20092009 / ? p
- Expert system for parametric modelingPekshujev, Deniss; Smirnov, Anton; Kramarenko, SergeiAnnals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria2009 / p. 1395-1396
- Exploring the limits of freedom of speech and the indenpendence of the judiciary : Kudeshkina v. RussiaBurns, William; Caddell, RichardCommunications law2009 / 4, p. 123-125
- Expression analysis of the CLCA gene family in mouse and human with emphasis on the nervous systemPiirsoo, Marko; Meijer, Dies; Timmusk, TõnisBMC developmental biology2009 / p. 10 : ill https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2653474/
- Expression of RNA silencing suppressors in heterologous systemsSarmiento Guerin, Maria Cecilia; Kärblane, Kairi; Lehto, Kirsi; Truve, ErkkiKeystone Symposium "The Biology of RNA Silencing" : Victoria, BC, April 25-30, 20092009 / p. 102
- Extending the work life : collection of articles2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2490578*est
- External cost of electricity generation in Baltic StatesStreimikiene, Dalia; Roos, Inge; Rekis, JanisRenewable & sustainable energy reviews2009 / 4, p. 863-870
- Extracting and exploiting linguistic information from a Fuzzy process model for bed-batch fermentation controlRiid, Andri; Rüstern, EnnuIntelligent engineering systems and computational cybernetics. III2009 / p. 95-105 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226373084_Extracting_and_Exploiting_Linguistic_Information_from_a_Fuzzy_Process_Model_for_Fed-Batch_Fermentation_Control
- Extremes of apparent and tap densities of recovered GFRP filler materialsKers, Jaan; Majak, Jüri; Gregor, Andre; Malmstein, M.; Vilsaar, Kristiina15th International Conference on Composite Structures : Portugal, Porto2009 / ? p https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263822309004085
- Factors influencing students' entrepreneurial initiative: an Estonian caseVenesaar, Urve; Kolbre, Ene; Piliste, ToomasTowards entrepreneurial regions: universities & innovation networks challenged by the knowledge society : Second BEPART Conference, Tartu, 26-27 October 2006 : proceedings. Selected papers2009 / p. 47-62
- Faktooring kui kaasaegne juhtimisinstrumentTikk, JutaEesti Majanduse Teataja2009 / 3, lk. 69-73
- Far-zone contributions to the gravity field quantities by means of Molodensky's truncation coefficientsTenzer, Robert; Novak, Pavel; Prutkin, Ilya; Ellmann, Artu; Vajda, PeterStudia geophysica et geodaetica2009 / p. 157-167 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11200-009-0010-1
- Fast alternation of solar radiation [Electronic resource]Tomson, TeolanProceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress : Renewable Energy Shaping Our Future : Johannesburg, South Africa, 11-14 October 20092009 / p. 149-155
- Fast extended test access via JTAG and FPGAsDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Aleksejev, Igor; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInternational Test Conference 2009 : November 1 - November 6, 2009, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas USA : proceedings2009 / p. 1-7 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TEST.2009.5355668
- Fast pyrolysis of Estonian oil shaleArpiainen, Vesa; Luik, Hans; Luik, Lea; Oasmaa, Anja; Solantausta, YrjöInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 29-30 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Fault simulation of digital systems = Digitaalsüsteemide rikete simuleerimineDevadze, Sergei2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?445 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2508727*est
- Feedback control of a coupled IPMC (Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite) sensor-actuatorHunt, Andres; Tan, Xiaobo; Chen, Zheng; Kruusmaa, MaarjaProceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems Control Conference : California, USA, 12-14.10.20092009 / ? p https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/DSCC/proceedings/DSCC2009/48920/485/346423
- Fenton treatment efficacy for the purification of different kinds of wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinWater science and technology2009 / 7, p. 1795-1801 : ill
- Fetal trisomy 13 and 21 mosaicism diagnosed at aminocentesis : a case reportVelthut, Agne; Peters, Maire; Roovere, Tiiu; Kilusk, Gerli; Horelli-Kuitunen, Nina; Šois, Marek; Salumets, AndresPrenatal diagnosis2009 / 10, p. 995-997 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19565618/
- Film "Per libros ad scientiam" : [TTÜ raamatukogu 90. aastapäevaks valminud filmist]Kikas, KonradMente et Manu2009 / lk. 5 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Filosoofiakirjanduse mahukaim algupärandKaevats, ÜloLugu2009 / 1, lk. 40 : ill
- Financial experimentation, technological paradigm revolutions and financial crisesKregel, Jan AllanTechno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 203-237
- Finantsaruannete analüüsimise arengust enne Teist maailmasõdaSiimann, PaavoRaamatupidamiselt majandusarvestusele. II : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 89-92
- FinantsarvestusTikk, Juta2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2467319*est
- Finantsarvestus : põhikursusAlver, Lehte; Alver, Jaan2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2464453*est
- Finantsoligarhia juubeliorgiadKoslov, VladimirInvestor & Ettevõtja2009 / Sügis, lk. 10-11 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1496911*est
- Finding the light to exit Plato's CaveO'Neil, James EdwardDevelopments in political, legal, societal and cultural thought : articles in social sciences and humanitities2009 / p. 98-132
- Firing Estonian oil shale fuel with different quality in circulating fluidized bed boilerPlamus, Kristjan; Nešumajev, Dmitri; Ots, Arvo; Parve, Teet; Pihu, Tõnu; Prikk, Arvi; Rootamm, ReinInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 64-65 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Five years of banking analysis [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vainu, JaanManagements theory and practice : synergy in organisations : IV international conference : Tartu, 03-04 April 20092009 / [CD-ROM]
- Five years of banking analysis with the help of production function [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vainu, JaanBusiness Strategies and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development : Creating Global Prosperity for Humanity2009 / p. 1-6 : ill. [CD-ROM]
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- Food and nutrition2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1189751*est
- Forecasting of the development of banking : the Estonian case [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vainu, JaanBusiness Strategies and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development : Creating Global Prosperity for Humanity2009 / p. 7-13 : ill. [CD-ROM]
- Foreign entry mode of Colombian SMEsLumiste, Rünno; Martinez Carazo, P.Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administrativ Disciplines (IABPAD) : Dallas, United States, 23-25 April 20092009 / ? p
- ForewordKüttner, ReinEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 1, p. 2
- ForewordKüttner, ReinEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 2, p. 75
- Foreword to the 12th IEEE DDECS SymposiumPliva, Zdenek; Manhaeve, Hans; Renovell, Michel; Novak, Ondrej; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Drabkova, JindraProceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 15-17, 2009, Liberec, Czech Republic2009 / p. iii http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2009.5012081
- Formal and physical consideration of magnetic flux in inductor with ferromagnetic coreJärvik, Jaan6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 164-167 : ill
- Formal concepts in the theory of monotone systems = Formaalsed mõisted monotoonsete süsteemide teooria käsitlusesTorim, Ants2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2540617*est
- The formation of a good safety culture at enterpriseJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaJournal of business economics and management2009 / 2, p. 169-180 : ill
- Formation of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films by selenization of electrodeposited stacked binary alloy layersGanchev, Maxim; Kaupmees, Liina; Iljina, Julia; Raudoja, Jaan; Altosaar, Mare; Volobujeva, Olga; Mellikov, Enn; Varema, Tiit; Dikov, H.Proceedings of EMRS, Strasbourg, June 20092009 / ? p
- Formation of structure of the CdTe film, recrystallized on Mo/glass substrate under high temperature and mechanical pressureMikli, Valdek; Hiie, Jaan; Valdna, Vello; Viljus, Mart; Traksmaa, Rainer; Kallavus, UrveThin solid films2009 / 7, p. 2252-2255 : ill
- Fotonäitus "TTÜ 90"Jegorov, GeorgTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 91
- Fourteenth Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (EWSCS'09) : Park Hotel Palmse, Lahemaa, Estonia : March 1-6, 20092009
- Fraction collection in capillary electrophoresis for various stand-alone mass spectrometersHelmja, Kati; Borissova, Maria; Knjazeva, Tatjana; Jaanus, Martin; Muinasmaa, Urmas; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Vaher, MerikeJournal of chromatography A2009 / p. 3666-3673 : ill
- Fracture mechanism of Al-Al4C3 nanomaterials studied by "in-situ tensile test in SEM"Besterci, Michal; Velgosova, Oksana; Ivan, Jozef; Hvizdoš, Pavol; Kvackaj, Tibor; Kulu, PriitKovove materialy = Metallic materials2009 / 4, p. 221-225
- FSM decomposition with application to FPGA synthesisSudnitsõn, Aleksander; Mihhailov, Dmitri; Kruus, Margus; Tarletski, KonstantinInternational Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech'09 : Ruse, Bulgaria2009 / p. IV.4.1-IV.4.6
- Full-scale fire tests of timber frame walls : test reportJust, Alar2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2565179*est
- Functional importance of RGS16 signaling in the activation of human monocytesSuurväli, Jaanus; Pahtma, Merlis; Saar, Regina; Veide, Argo; Adib-Conquy, Minou; Cavaillon, Jean-Marc; Timmusk, Sirje2nd European Congress of Immunology : September 13-16, 2009, Berlin, Germany2009 / ? p
- Füüsikakroonika 2008Grossberg, MaarjaEesti Füüsika Seltsi aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 143-183
- Füüsikud maia templite vahelKalda, JaanHorisont2009 / 5, lk. 51-52 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1483498*est
- Gammakiirguse spektromeeter-andmelogerSinivee, VeljoKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 3, lk. 22-23 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1448354*est
- Gas-phase photocatalytic oxidation of acrylonitrileKritševskaja, Marina; Jõks, Svetlana; Katšina, Anna; Preis, SergeiPhotochemical & photobiological science2009 / 5, p. 600-603 : ill
- Generalization of network-on-chip communication modellingEllervee, Peeter; Tagel, Mihkel; Jervan, GertWorkshop Digest. Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips - Test, Debug, and On-Line Monitoring : DATE 2009 : Nice, France, 20-24 April, 20092009 / ? p
- A generalized conceptual architecture of the Estonian statistical information systemElmik, Lea; Roost, Mart; Kuusik, Rein, inform.; Veskioja, Tarmo; Rava, Karin; Randlepp, AllanProceedings of the IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2009 : Rome, Italy, 19-21 November 2009. Vol. 22009 / p. 333-336
- Generalized Lie theory in mathematics, physics and beyondSilvestrov, Sergei; Paal, Eugen; Abramov, Viktor; Stolin, Alexander2009
- A generalized vortex ring modelKaplanski, Felix; Sazhin, Sergei; Fukumoto, Yasuhide; Begg, Steven; Heikal, MorganJournal of fluid mechanics2009 / p. 233-258
- Genes targeted by the estrogen and progesterone receptors in thehuman endometrial cell lines HEC1A and RL95-2Tamm, Karin; Rõõm, Miia; Salumets, Andres; Metsis, MadisReproductive biology and endocrinology2009 / 12 p. : ill https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20034404/
- Geodeetiliste mõõtmiste andmetöötluse teooria alusedKala, Vello2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2520511*est
- Geoleegiline ehitus ja arengRaukas, AntoViimsi vald 902009 / lk. 13-25 : ill., kaart
- Geological structure of the Quaternary sedimentary sequence in the Klaipeda Strait, Southeastern BalticBitinas, Albertas; Damušyte, Aldona; Molodkov, AnatoliЧетвертичная геология, геоморфология, геоэкология Беларуси и сопредельных территорий : материалы Международного научного семинара, посвященного 80-летию со дня рождения Л.Н. Вознячука, 25-26 сентября 2009 г.2009 / с. 6-9
- Geoloogia Selts 2006-2009. Geoloogide koolitus : [ka TTÜ rakendusgeoloogia ja geotehnoloogia erialade lõpetajad]Peetermann, SaimaVõrtsjärv geoloogide vaateväljas2009 / lk. 44-47
- Geoloogia sügiskool Mulgimaal Tuhalaanes Kopral : [korraldajaid ja esinejaid ka TTÜst]Einasto, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 7, lk. 44-45 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1502474*est
- Geotehnoloogia karjäärivõimaluste tutvustamine õpilasteleVäizene, Vivika; Karu, VeikoMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 125-128 : fot
- Geotourism highlights of the Saaremaa and Hiiumaa islandsRaukas, Anto; Bauert, Heikki; Willman, Sebastian; Puurmann, Elle; Ratas, Urve2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2529506*est
- Geto vabaturumajanduse poeesia : Mari Saat, "Lasnamäe lunastaja"Ennuste, Ülo; Meel, MariPärnu Postimees2009 / ??? https://parnu.postimees.ee/132025/geto-vabaturumajanduse-poeesia-mari-saat-lasnamae-lunastaja-2009
- GHG emission trading implications on energy sector in Baltic StatesStreimikiene, Dalia; Roos, IngeRenewable & sustainable energy reviews2009 / 4, p. 854-862 : ill
- Glehni loss eile, täna, hommeTärno, Ülo2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2474998*est
- Globaalsed kliimamuutused : kiretud faktid ja kirglik debatt - kus on tõde? : ettekanne rahvusvahelise planeet Maa aasta avamisel 17. märtsil 2008 RahvusraamatukogusVaikmäe, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 349-354
- Globalisation as EuropeisationMüürsepp, PeeterIdeas of/for Europe : Congress book. Abstracts2009 / p. lxxxvii - lxxviii
- Good governing : lessons from Greek polis and Italian comune for the Europe of today : ETF research project 2004-2007Drechsler, WolfgangEstonian Science Foundation 20082009 / p. 14-15 : ill
- Governance and ownership : international corporate governance research network survey in EstoniaWahl, Mike FranzResources, Efficiency and Globalisation : 36th Annual Conference of the Academy of the International Business : UK, Glasgow, 02-04.04.20092009 / ? p
- Governance and ownership : owners' basic human values & their will in EstoniaWahl, Mike FranzEIASM 6th Workshop on Corporate Governance : Brussels, November 23-24, 20092009 / ? p
- Governance and ownership : practices in EstoniaWahl, Mike FranzElectronic journal for radical organisation theory : the 6th International Critical Management Studies Conference - Critical Perspectives of Corporate Governance, The University of Warwick, UK, 13-15 July 20092009 / ? p
- Governance and ownership : practices in EstoniaWahl, Mike FranzBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30-October 2, 20082009 / p. 89-102 : ill
- Governance in and of techno-economic paradigm shifts : considerations for and from the nanotechnology surgeDrechsler, WolfgangTechno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 95-104
- Government agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business proceduresPõlajeva, TatjanaОрганизационно-экономические проблемы современного производства в условиях глобализации экономики2009 / c. 115-119
- Graniidi süvakaevandamine Maardus, kas parim lahendus?Siitam, Peep; Raukas, AntoKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 3, lk. 12-14 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1448347*est
- Graniidikaevandus: võimalik või võimatuVäizene, Vivika; Anepaio, AinMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 73-75 : ill
- Gravimeetriline marsruutmõõdistamine 2008. aastalGruno, Anti; Oja, Tõnis; Ellmann, ArtuGeodeet2009 / lk. 28-33 : ill
- Grid-generated turbulence in two-phase flow : the effect of parameters of the carrier medium and particlesKartušinski, Aleksander; Rudi, Ülo; Tisler, Sergei; Hussainov, Medhat; Štšeglov, IgorHigh temperature2009 / 2, p. 272-278 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0018151X09020187
- Growth and electrical properties of ZnO nanorod arrays prepared by chemical spray pyrolysisKrunks, Malle; Dedova, Tatjana; Kärber, Erki; Mikli, Valdek; Oja Acik, Ilona; Grossberg, Maarja; Mere, ArvoPhysica B2009 / p. 4422-4425 : ill
- Growth of Cu-rich/poor CuInS2 thin films by the sequential modulated flux deposition techniqueBollero, Alberto; Grossberg, Maarja; Raadik, Taavi; Trigo, Juan Francisco; Herrero, Jose; Gutierrez, Ma TeresaThin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics - 20092009 / p. M02-06
- Growth of ultra-thin TiO2 films by spray pyrolysis on different substratesOja Acik, Ilona; Junolainen, Agne; Mikli, Valdek; Danilson, Mati; Krunks, MalleApplied surface science2009 / 5, p. 1391-1394 : ill
- Gruusia külalised : [TTÜs 21.-29. septembril]Jakobson, IndrekMente et Manu2009 / lk. 2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Guido Targo : 07.06.1926 - 25.03.2008 : [in memoriam]Kulbach, Valdek; Vahelaid, Olav-Aleksander; Laur, Toomas; Lill, IreneTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 466-468
- Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasiumi koolilood : XX sajandVenderström, Helda2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2512127*est
- Gümnasistid ja keskkoolilõpetajad - õppige eriala, mis annab tööd ja leibaSürje, PeepOma Saar2009 / 23. juuli, lk. 5
- Gümnasistid saavad ülikoolides tutvuda akadeemilise eluga : [TTÜ tehnoloogiakoolist, seminaridest ja avatud uste päevadest]Vaikmaa, MadisPostimees2009 / 24. nov., Teeviit, lk. 4
- Haldusreform - asi, mis kunagi teoks ei saa? : [debatt haldusreformi teemal, vestlusringis ka TTÜ professor Ülle Madise]Simson, Priit; Madise, ÜlleEesti Päevaleht2009 / 7. apr., lk. 2-3
- Handbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approachesGiurca, Adrian; Gaševitc, Dragan; Taveter, Kuldar2009
- Handbook of research on emerging rule-based languages and technologies : open solutions and approachesGiurca, Adrian; Gaševitc, Dragan; Taveter, Kuldar2009
- Hanno Sillamaa sünnist 80 aastatAarna, OlavMente et Manu2009 / lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Haridus ja majandus 2009 : [rahvusvahelisest konverentsist]Rajangu, VäinoMente et Manu2009 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Haridus- ja teadusminister Tõnis Lukase tervitus [TTÜ 90. aastapäeva aktusel 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Lukas, TõnisTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 69-70
- Haridus- ja teadusminister versus Eesti doktorandid : [Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia korraldab aprillis 2009 doktorantide assamblee, kuhu kutsutakse ka haridusminister Tõnis Lukas]Karu, VeikoStudioosus2009 / lk. 10 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Haridus- ja teadusministri Tõnis Lukase tervitus : [Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli 90. aastapäeva pidulikul koosolekul 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Lukas, TõnisTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 143
- Haridus kui ideoloogiline propagandaUudelepp, AguPostimees2009 / 21. märts, AK=Arvamus. Kultuur, lk. 4 https://arvamus.postimees.ee/96984/agu-uudelepp-haridus-kui-ideoloogiline-propaganda
- Hariduse olemus, teadmised ja RÕKHaav, KaarelEesti Haridusfoorum 2008 : õppija ning õppimine tänases ja homses Eestis : 5. ja 6. detsember 2008, Mõdriku ja Rakvere : ettekannete ja artiklite kogumik2009 / lk. 39-50
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- Harjumaa ehitusmaavarad ja nende kasutamineNotton, AngelaMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 30-33 : ill
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- Head uudised lastega tudengiperedele!Studioosus2009 / juuni, lk. 9 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
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- High temperature erosion of Ti(Mo)C-Ni cermetsHussainova, Irina; Pirso, Jüri; Antonov, Maksim; Juhani, KristjanWear2009 / 11, p. 1894-1899 : ill
- High-level decision diagrams based coverage metrics for verification and testJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Reinsalu, Uljana; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesLATW 2009 : 10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : Buzios, Rio de Janero, Brazil, March 2-5, 20092009 / [6] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LATW.2009.4813792
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- High-temperature corrosion of superheater tubes in oil shale boilersDedov, Andrei; Tallermo, Harri; Klevtsov, Ivan; Bojarinova, TatjanaInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 35 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
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- How digital immigrants learned to make games for digital nativesHenno, Jaak; Jaakkola, HannuMIPRO 2009 32nd International Convention May 25-29, 2009, Opatia, Croatia : European Year of Creativity and Innovativity : proceedings. Vol. IV, CE Computers in Education2009 / p. 191-194
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- Impact of humic acid on Cd2+ ions sorption on apatite in aqueous solutionViipsi, Karin; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology : Tallinn, Estonia, June 14-17, 2009 : program and abstracts2009 / p. 92
- Impact of oil shale use on greenhouse gas emission projections from energy sector in EstoniaRoos, Inge; Soosaar, Sulev; Terno, OlafInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 52-53 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Impact of the carbonate substitution on HAP crystal latticeNiitsoo, Jaanika; Kallaste, Toivo; Mikli, Valdek; Nemliher, Jüri; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaThe Third International Conference on the Valorization of Phosphates and Phosphorus Compounds : COVA Phos 3 : Marrakech, Morocco, March 18th-20th, 2009 : abstracts2009 / p. 189-192 : ill
- Impact of the carbonate substitution on HAP crystal latticeNiitsoo, Jaanika; Kallaste, Toivo; Mikli, Valdek; Nemliher, Jüri; Tõnsuaadu, KaiaResearchers' Network on Phosphates : The Third International Conference on the Valorization of Phosphates and Phosphorus Compounds : COVAPHOS III : Marrakech, Morocco, March 18th-20th, 2009 : proceedings2009 / p. 22-26
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- Impedance-source inverter-based high-power DC/DC converter for fuel cell applicationsEgorov, Mikhail; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Strzelecki, Ryszard; Adamowicz, Marek8 EEEIC International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering : Karpacz, Poland, 10-13.May 20092009 / p. 57-60 : ill http://eeeic.org/proc/papers/109.pdf
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- In situ tensile testing in SEM of Al-Al4C3 nanomaterialsBesterci, Michal; Velgosova, Oksana; Ivan, Jozef; Hvizdoš, Pavol; Kvackaj, Tibor; Kulu, PriitEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 4, p. 247-254 : ill
- In vitro effects of metal pollution on Mediterranean sponges : species-specific inhibition of 2'5'-oligoadenylate synthetaseSaby, Emilie; Justesen, Just; Kelve, Merike; Uriz, MariaAquatic toxicology2009 / 3, p. 204-210 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166445X09002264
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- Increasing of rapid prototyping performance by 3D printing technologiesSonk, Kaimo; Matsi, Birthe; Otto, Tauno; Roosimölder, LembitJournal of machine engineering2009 / 1S, p. 121-129
- Indicators of corporate default - an EU-based empirical studyHazak, Aaro; Männasoo, KadriBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2008 : 4th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 30-October 2, 20082009 / p. 256-274 : ill
- Indoor air quality in industrial premisesReinhold, Karin; Tint, Piia; Munter, ReinScientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 1, Material science and applied chemistry2009 / p. 48-57
- Indoor climate analyzis of the old observatory in TartuArumägi, Endrik; Kalamees, Targo; Õiger, Karl; Kallavus, Urve; Kurik, Lembit9th International Conference & Exhibition Healty Buildings 2009 : September 13-17, 2009, Syracuse, NY, USA2009 / p. Paper 398
- Indoor climate and energy consumption in residential buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Voll, Hendrik; Kuusk, Kalle; Mikola, AloSelected topics on energy and development-environment-biomedicine 2009 : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Development-Environment-Biomedicine (EDEB 09)2009 / p. 82-86
- Indoor climate in educational and residential buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Voll, Hendrik; Rebane, MerjeJournal of Chongqing University (English edition)2009 / p. 35-38
- Indoor climate in educational and residential buildingsKõiv, Teet-Andrus; Voll, Hendrik; Rebane, MerjeInternational Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment : 28-30 October 2009, Chongqing, China : abstracts2009 / p. 2
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- Influence of protonation upon the conformations of bipiperidine, bimorpholine, and their derivatesUudsemaa, Merle; Laars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Tamm, Toomas; Lopp, Margus; Kanger, TõnisChemical physics letters2009 / 1/3, p. 92-96 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0009261409001857
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- Influence of sintering techniques on the performance characteristics of steel-bonded TiC-based cermetsTšinjan, Aleksei; Klaasen, Heinrich; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Annuka, HarriEstonian journal of engineering2009 / 4, p. 283-292 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237428192_Influence_of_sintering_techniques_on_the_performance_characteristics_of_steel-bonded_TiC-based_cermets
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- Informaatik ennustab arvutitele peatset kadu : [TTÜ professor Leo Võhandu]Võhandu, Leo; Lõhmus, AloPostimees2009 / 2. nov., lk. 6
- Informaatika ja tehnikateaduste osakondKüttner, ReinEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 27-29
- Informaatikainstituut. 1Jürgenson, Rein, inform.2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2543870*est
- Information asymmetry public announcements' disclosure quality - the case of the Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius stock excangesLaidroo, LaiviEstonian Economic Association : articles from the Annual Conference 20092009 / p. 175-221
- Infotunnid ülikoolis : [25. mail ja 1. juunil : lühisõnumid]Mente et Manu2009 / 5. juuni, lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- [Infovoldik e-teenuste kohta]Mägi, Katri2009
- Inhibition of platelet aggregation by vitamin B6Kobzar, Gennadi; Mardla, ViljaAnnals of nutrition and metabolism2009 / S1, p. 408
- Inhibition of platelets with combination of natural agents : synergistic effects of antiaggregantsMardla, Vilja; Kobzar, Gennadi2009 https://www.amazon.com/Inhibition-platelets-combination-natural-agents/dp/3838306740
- Inimelu pikemaks : [Cambridge'i ülikoolis toimunud konverentsist 3.-7. sept.]Taidre, ErikaMente et Manu2009 / lk. 2 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Inimesed ja robotid moodustavad arukaid süsteeme : [K. Taveteri monograafiast ja selle esitlusest]Mente et Manu2009 / lk. 1 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Inimorganismi nooruse ja keskea pikendamise kongress [Quebecis Kanadas]Kristjuhan, ÜloEesti Töötervishoid2009 / 3, lk. 15-16 : ill
- Innar Liivile rahvusvaheline auhind : [doktoritöö eest Rahvusvahelise Klassifitseerimise Ühingu auhind]Nõges, KrõõtMente et Manu2009 / lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Inno Time - it's time to be innovative! : [X rahvusvahelisest Logistikaseminarist 2009, korraldajateks TTÜ ja Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tudengid]Rudich, NadezhdaStudioosus2009 / veebr., lk. 14
- Innovaatiline teadus- ja õppekeskuse muuseum Tallinnas : [TTÜ mäeintituudi ideest rajada see Peeter Suure Merekindluse laskemoonaladude alale Astangul]Västrik, Aire; Anepaio, Ain; Kolats, MargitMäenduse maine : [artiklite kogumik]2009 / lk. 69-72 : ill
- Innovatiivsed lahendused energeetikas : [17. apr. TTÜs toimuvast energeetika-alasest arutelust : eelteade]Mente et Manu2009 / 17. apr., lk. 2 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Innovatiivsus subjektikujundusesOrg, AvoNüüdisaegne Eesti ja maailm : reaalsused ja arenguperspektiivid : teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi materjalid (11.veebruar 2009)2009 / lk. 90-93
- Innovation in energy supplyHamburg, ArviOil shale2009 / 3S, p. 200-207 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1483746*est
- Innovation policy and development in the ICT paradigm : regional and theoretical perspectivesKalvet, Tarmo2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2489553*est
- The innovation tools for prevention of accidents in a post-socialist countryJärvis, Marina; Reinhold, Karin; Tint, PiiaReliability, risk and safety : theory and applications. 12009 / p. 25-32 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9780203859759-9/innovative-tools-prevention-accidents-post-socialist-country-järvis-reinhold-tint
- Innovations at workplace : an evidence-based model for safety managementJärvis, Marina; Tint, PiiaVerslas : teorija ir praktika = Business : theory and practice2009 / 2, p. 150-158 : ill
- Innovatsioon : teooria ja praktikaHamburg, Arvi; Köörna, Arno2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2505331*est
- Innovatsioon on mõtlemine tulevikuleMente et Manu2009 / 6. märts, lk. 1. (Avaveerg) https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Innovatsiooni roll ühiskonna arengusKoitel, HeinuÕiguse sotsiaalsest olemusest ja toimest ühiskonnas : artiklite kogumik2009 / lk. 313-328
- Innovatsioonipoliitikast 2009 - edasi saab nõuga : [Rainer Katteli kommentaariga]Tuisk, Jarmo; Kattel, RainerHEI = Hea Eesti Idee2009 / apr., lk. 8-10 : ill
- Insener Anto Juske väike juubeliraamat : [80. a. juubeliks]Juske, Anto2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2481825*est
- Insener kui inimene : artiklid. Esseed. Esinemised. MeediaTärno, Ülo2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2482967*est
- Insener, kes meelitas isegi kaitsetööstuse mehed üle : [intervjuu 2008 Aasta Inseneri Harri Tallermoga]Feldmann, Mati; Tallermo, HarriInseneeria2009 / lk. 20-22 : portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1140618*est
- Insenerid näitasid moodi! : [tudengite moeshowst 8. apr. TTÜs]Reinson, EgeMente et Manu2009 / 17. apr., lk. 3 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Insenerid tegid moodi : [Inseneride Moeshow TTÜs]Reinson, EgeStudioosus2009 / mai, lk. 7 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Insenerid, näidake endHamburg, ArviInseneeria2009 / 4(12), lk. 6-7 : ill
- Inseneride ja disainerite koostöö tõstab tootearenduspotentsiaali : [TTÜ ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ühisest magistriõppekavast tööstusdisaineritele ja tootearendusinseneridele tutvustab Martin Pärn]Priilinn, Ketlin; Pärn, MartinInseneeria2009 / 10(11), lk. 38-39 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1206917*est
- Inseneride Meeskoor2009
- Insenerigraafika kursus : harjutusülesanded2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2508748*est
- Inseneriharidus viib kasvuleSürje, PeepTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 228-229
- Insenerihariduse alguses : [V.Mägi raamatust Adraseadmise aeg]Veskimäe, ReinHorisont2009 / lk. 40-41 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1453488*est
- In-situ observation strategies in order to monitor and understand the functioning of pelagic ecosystem in the Gulf of FinlandLips, Urmas; Lips, Inga; Kikas, Villu; Liblik, Taavi; Kuvaldina, Natalja; Altoja, Kristi; Norit, NelliBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 89
- Inspireeriv telliskivipunane kummipink : [TTÜ peahoone esised pingid : Eesti disainiauhinna BRUNO nominent]Arpo, EveSisustusajakirja Diivan aastaraamat 2009/20102009 / lk. 36-37 : ill
- Integrated CAD/ERP framework for modular construction industrialization through lean manufacturing conceptsZahharov, Roman; Ševtšenko, Eduard; Karaulova, TatjanaAnnals of DAAAM for 2009 & proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Theory, Practice and Education" : 25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria2009 / p. 591-592 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274320146_Integrated_CADERP_framework_for_modular_construction_industrialization_through_lean_manufacturing_concepts
- Integrated model of double-diffusive convection : numerical stabilityMiidla, Peep; Rannat, KalevInternational journal of mathematical models and methods in applied sciences2009 / 4, p. 455-462
- Integrated qualitative and quantitative approaches to effective risk managementTosso, Henn; Tint, Piia; Aava, KaiLessons learned from accident investigations : 36th ESReDA seminar : Coimbra, Portugal, 2-3 June, 20092009 / p. 36-48
- Integrated use of fluidized bed technology for oil production from oil shaleSiirde, Andres; Martins, AntsProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 12009 / p. 481-485
- Integro-differential equations of first order with autoconvolution integralJanno, Jaan; Wolfersdorf, Lothar vonJournal of integral equations and applications2009 / 1, p. 39-75
- Intelligent navigation control of mobile robots in unknown environmentShvarts, Dmitry7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. II : [Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia, 16.06-19.06.2009]2009 / p. 39-42 : ill
- Interaction between cable structures and their supporting systemKulbach, Valdek; Idnurm, Juhan7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference : 7-11 September 2009, Lisbon2009 / p. 241-242
- Interaction of Estonian oil shales with plastic wastes at their copyrolysisTiikma, Laine; Johannes, IlleInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 77-78 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Interaction of fungus with titanium oxide surfaceBinauskiene, E.; Lugauskas, Albinas; Krunks, Malle; Oja Acik, Ilona; Jasulaitiene, Vitalija; Šaduikis, G.9th National Lithuanian Conference : Vilnius, October 16, 20092009 / p. 88
- Interaction of plankton with wave fields in the seaDidenkulov, Igor; Didenkulova, Irina; Muyakshin, Sergey; Selivanovsky, DmitryBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 186
- Interactive hands-on tools as learning objects on web servicesRobal, Tarmo; Kalja, Ahto2009 International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education : San Francisco, CA, USA, 25-27 July, 20092009 / p. 73-76
- Interactive maps for knowledge based guidance of UAVMeriste, Merik; Mõtus, Leo; Kelder, Tõnu; Helekivi, Jüri; Polikarpus, M.Proceedings : SCI-202 Symposium on Intelligent Uninhabited Vehicle Guidance Systems : München, 30 June - 2 July 20092009 / p. 14-1 - 14-22
- Interaktsioon punktdefektide ja lisandite vahel süsteemis Si-SiO2 ja nende mõju piirpinna omadustele : [ettekande sisukokkuvõte]Kropman, Daniel; Kärner, T.; Heinmaa, I.Eesti Füüsika Seltsi aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 119-120
- Interdistsiplinarist Valter RandMägi, VahurEesti teadlased paguluses : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 129-148 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b2506866*est
- Interferon-induced 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetases versus those from sponges, evolutionarily lowest multicellular animalsKuusksalu, Anne; Lopp, Annika; Päri, Mailis; Reintamm, Tõnu; Kelve, MerikeCytokine2009 / 1/2, p. 85-86 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247349787_Interferon-induced_2'5'-oligoadenylate_synthetases_versus_those_from_sponges_evolutionarily_lowest_multicellular_animals
- Interlock delay time and its influence on the operability and efficiency of high-power DC/DC convertersVinnikov, Dmitri; Bolgov, ViktorPrzeglad elektrotechniczny = Electrical review2009 / 10, p. 222-227 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291967052_Interlock_Delay_Time_and_its_Influence_on_the_Operability_and_Efficiency_of_High-Power_DCDC_Converters
- Interlock delay time minimization and its impact on the high-voltage half-bridge DC/DC converterJalakas, Tanel; Vinnikov, Dmitri; Lehtla, Tõnu; Bolgov, Viktor6th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics : May 20-22, 2009 : CPE 2009 : conference proceedings2009 / p. 438-443 [CD-ROM]
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- Internal waves and interfacial mixing in stratified environmentsDelpeche, Nicole; Soomere, TarmoBSSC 2009 : [7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009] : August 17-21, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2009 / p. 120
- International Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves : October 5-7, 2009 : book of abstracts2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2520738*est
- International degree programmes and study courses at Estonian universities 2010-20112009
- International influence of the European UnionRamiro Troitino, DavidPolitika : annual journal 20092009 / p. 80-85
- International mobility to support innovation in Eastern Europe : Estonia : a case studyKalvet, TarmoAtlanta Conference on Science and Innovation policy : 2-3 October 20092009 / [6] p
- International Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision! : [abstracts]2009 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- International programmes2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2407593*est
- Interpolating generalized Shannon sampling operators, their norms and approximation propertiesKivinukk, Andi; Tamberg, GertSampling theory in signal and image processing2009 / 1, p. 77-95 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03549509
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- Intervjuu ASi EMT IT juhi Tiit TammistegaLeis, Paul; Tammiste, TiitA & A2009 / 2, lk. 5-8
- Intervjuu EV teaduspreemia laureaadi Malle KrunksigaKrunks, Malle; Ummelas, MartMente et Manu2009 / 20. märts, lk. 3 : fot. ; 3. aprill, lk. 1, 2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Intervjuu signaalitöötlusprofessori Tõnu Trump'igaTrump, Tõnu; Raja, AimurA & A2009 / lk. 8-11 : ill
- Intervjuu Swedbanki Balti panganduse IT-juhi Tarmo PajumetsagaLeis, Paul; Pajumets, TarmoA & A2009 / 6, lk. 5-8
- Intervjuu värske Euroopa meistri Mikk PahapilligaAus, Priit; Pahapill, MikkStudioosus2009 / lk. 14 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1558644*est
- Intress ja käibemaksSaag, MarkoRaamatupidamiselt majandusarvestusele. II : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 83-88
- IntroductionKristjuhan, Ülo; Arvola, ReneExtending the work life : collection of articles2009 / p. 4 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2490578*est
- Introduction : Carlota Perez and evolutionary economisKattel, Rainer; Drechsler, Wolfgang; Reinert, Erik S.Techno-economic paradigms : essays in honour of Carlota Perez2009 / p. 1-18
- Introduction of the book "Menus and recipes for children"Jaansoo, Sirje; Pitsi, TagliFood and nutrition = Toit ja toitumine2009 / p. 70-80
- Investigation of subcontact layers in SiC after diffusion weldingKorolkov, Oleg; Kuznetsova, Natalja; Sitnikova, A.; Viljus, Mart; Rang, ToomasSilicon carbide and related materials 20072009 / p. 647-650
- Investigation of wave propagation and reflection in ducts with arbitrary environment using threemicrophone methodLavrentjev, Jüri; Tiikoja, HeikiINTER-NOISE 2008 : 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering : Shangai, 26-29. October 2008 : proceedings. Vol 32009 / p. 1623-1629
- Investigations into methods of purification fom nitrogen compounds of phenolic waters of the Kiviter processKekiševa, Ljudmilla; Grigorjeva, Larissa; Ostroukhov, N.; Petrovich, N.; Riisalu, Hella; Soone, JüriInternational Oil Shale Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-11, 2009 : future energy solutions : come and share your vision!2009 / p. 85 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4775098*est
- Investigations of the diagnosibility of digital networks with BISTUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : 2-5 March 2009, Brazil2009 / [6] p. : ill
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- Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of the ternary system methylbutyl ketone+1-pentanol+anisoleKirss, Helle; Kuus, Mati; Siimer, EnnJournal of chemical and engineering data2009 / p. 2128-2131 : ill https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/je900058p
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- Jaan Poska stipendiumide üleandmine : [lühisõnum]Mente et Manu2009 / 22. mai, lk. 2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
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- Jaan Tomson : 12.IV 1926 - 8.III 2009 : in memoriamElektriala2009 / lk. 36 : portr
- Jaan Tomson : [TTÜ energeetikateaduskonna emeriitdotsent : nekroloog]Postimees2009 / lk. 22
- Jalakas: rohelistel oli oht muutuda äriühinguks : [kommentar artikli juures TTÜ professorilt Tanel Tammetilt]Koch, Tuuli; Tammet, TanelPostimees2009 / 24. nov., lk. 6
- Jalutuskäigud Pariisi parkidesNurme, SulevEesti parkide almanahh. 22009 / lk. 52-57 : ill
- Jidoka - nõutud kvaliteet juba esimese korragaMiina, AleksandrInseneeria2009 / 4(12), lk. 38-40 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1446854*est
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- Juhikohad võivad tulevikus naistele jääda : [naissoost tudengite osakaalust, ka TTÜs]Filippov, MadisPostimees2009 / 23. juuli, lk. 7
- Julgustav kohtumine eelkäijatega : [TTÜ ajalehe 60. aastapäeva tähistamisest]Ummelas, MartMente et Manu2009 / 5. juuni, lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Jutt või asiUmmelas, MartPostimees2009 / 3. sept., lk. 13 https://arvamus.postimees.ee/159415/vastukaja-jutt-voi-asi
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- JõutrafodTreufeldt, Ülo; Metusala, Tiit; Oidram, Rein; Teemets, Raivo; Riit, Tarmo2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2536960*est
- Jälgimäe - Pääsküla - Nõmme : ajaloolisi materjale : artiklite kogumik2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2469710*est
- Järvelubi - kaasaeg või ajalugu?Õnnis, Ave-ÕnneXVII aprillikonverentsi "Unustatud maavarad" teesid : [3. aprill 2009, Tallinn]2009 / lk. 34-35 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2522366*est