- A new approach to build a low-level malicious fault list starting from high-level description and alternative graphsBenso, A.; Prinetto, Paolo; Rebaudengo, M.; Sonza, M.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings IEEE European Design & Test Conference, Paris, March 17-20, 19971997 / p. 560-565 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/582417
- A new evolutionary-technique-based approach to optimize pseudo-random TPG for logic BISTJutman, Artur; Aleksejev, Jevgeni; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMEET/MARIND'2002 : proceedings of First International Congress on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Technology and Fourth International Conference on Marine Industry, 07-11 October 2002, Varna Bulgaria. Volume 12002 / p. 247-252 : ill
- A new measure for calculating multiple fault coverage of microprocessor self-testOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Odozi, Uzochukwu Eddie; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2016 : 2016 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 3-5, 2016, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 75-78 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b2150914*est
- A new testability calculation method to guide RTL test generationRaik, Jaan; Nõmmeots, Tanel; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications2005 / p. 71-82 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-005-5288-5
- A PC-based CAD system for training digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Buldas, Ahto; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, Jaan; Tulit, ViljarThe Fifth EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training, 17-18-19 October 1994, Dresden, Germany1994 / p. 152-157: ill
- A proposal for optimisation of low-powered FSM testingBrik, Marina; Fomina, Jelena; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW'05) : Odessa, Ukraine, September 15-19, 20052005 / p. 15-20
- A scalable static test set compaction method for sequential circuitsAleksejev, Igor; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 9th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : LATW2008 : February 17-20, 2008, Puebla, Mexico2008 / p. 87-92 : ill
- A system for teaching basic and advanced topics of IEEE 1149.1 boundary scan standard (extended abstract)Jutman, Artur; Rosin, Vjatšeslav; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of 16th EAEEIE Conference on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) : Lappeenranta, Finland, 6th-8th June 20052005 / [2] p. : ill
- A tool for advanced learning of LFSR-based testing principlesJutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2006 : 2006 International Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 2-4, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the 10th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference2006 / p. 175-178 : ill
- A tool for teaching pseudo-random TPG principlesJutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 17th EAEEIE Annual Conference on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering : Craiova, Romania, June 1st-3rd, 20062006 / p. 182-187 : ill
- Aastad, mis möödusid linnulennulUbar, Raimund-JohannesRaimund-Johannes Ubar. Bibliograafia2016 / lk. 13-44 : ill., fot
- About robustness of test patterns regarding multiple faultsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanLATW 2012 : 13th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop proceedings : April 10th-13th, 2012, Quito, Ecuador2012 / p. 86-91 : ill https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.ieee-art-000006261243
- About the fragility of truth in the dialogue between science and societyUbar, Raimund-JohannesEstonian Academy of Sciences year book = Annales Academiae Scientiarum Estonicae 20172018 / p. 58-60 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1874722*est
- Accurate dialysis dose evaluation and extrapolation algorithms during online optical dialysis monitoringFridolin, Ivo; Karai, Deniss; Kostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE transactions on biomedical engineering2013 / p. 1371-1377 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/TBME.2012.2234458 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/16318 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84876779545&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1109%2FTBME.2012.2234458%29 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=IEEE%20T%20BIO-MED%20ENG&year=2013 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000318160500024
- Accurate NBTI-induced gate delay modeling based on intensive SPICE simulationsKostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, MaksimMEDIAN Finale : Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale : November 10-11, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 21-26 : ill
- Action-based learning system for teaching digital electronics and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichMicroelectronics education : proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : France, May 18AMP19, 20002000 / p. 107-110 : ill
- Advanced technical education in the age of cyber physical systemsVierhaus, Heinrich Theodor; Schölzel, Mario; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2014 : May 14-16, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 193-198 : ill
- Akadeemia hädad ja Eesti TeadusfondUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Martinson, HelleKultuurileht1994 / 6. mai, lk. 6
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- Akadeemilisest tagasisidest ja teaduseusustUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1994 / 11. juuli
- Akadeemilisest vabadusest ja riisiterastUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20132014 / lk. 11-21
- Algorithm for restructuring of structurally synthesized BDDsJürimägi, Lembit; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Microelectronics : Niš, Serbia September 16th-18th, 2019 : proceedings2019 / p. 239-242 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/MIEL.2019.8889578
- Algorithms for hierarchical fault simulation in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Klüver, B.Proceedings of the 10th International Conference : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2003 : Lodz, Poland, 26-28 June 20032003 / p. 530-535 : ill
- Algorithms of functional level testability analysis for digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kuchcinski, KtzysztofPeriodica polytechnica. Electrical engineering1992 / 3/4, p. 295-308
- Alma mater! Quo vadis?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJaunais Inseneris1993 / nr. 4, 8. okt
- Alternatiivsete graafide mudel loogikalülituste funktsioonide kirjeldamiseks ja analüüsiksAnton, E.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXXIX vabariiklik üliõpilaste teaduslik- tehniline konverents 30. märtsist - 1. aprillini 1977 : ettekannete teesid1977 / lk. 42-43 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2449987*est
- Alternative graph based test design in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of 11. NORCHIP seminar, Trondheim, Nov. 9-10, 19931993 / p. 48-62
- Alternative graphs and test pattern design in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProc. of the 6th Workshop on New Directions for Testing, Montreal, Canada, May 20-22, 19921992
- Alternative graphs as a mathematical tool and knowledge representation for diagnosis purposes in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesBEC : Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference, October 9-14, 1994, Tallinn (Estonia). 11994 / p. 285-292: ill
- An approach for PSL assertion coverage analysis with high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Shchenova, TatjanaProceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS'10) : St. Petersburg, Russia, September 17-20, 20102010 / p. 13-16 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5742048
- An approach for verification assertions reuse in RTL test pattern generationJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Fujiwara, Hideo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilukas, TaaviDigest of papers : IEEE 11th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing : WRTLT'10 : December 5-6, 2010, Shanghai, China2010 / p. 107-110 : ill
- An educational environment for digital testing : hardware, tools, and web-based runtime platformJutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Vislogubov, VladislavProceedings : DSD'2005 : 8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : Porto, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, 20052005 / p. 412-419 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Artur-Jutman/publication/220880167_An_Educational_Environment_for_Digital_Testing_Hardware_Tools_and_Web-Based_Runtime_Platform/links/02e7e53c3c71b0b2a7000000/An-Educational-Environment-for-Digital-Testing-Hardware-Tools-and-Web-Based-Runtime-Platform.pdf
- An external test approach for network-on-a-chip switchesRaik, Jaan; Govind, Vineeth; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2002-2011 : 20th Anniversary compendium of papers from Asian Test Symposium2011 / p. 185-190 : ill
- An external test approach for network-on-a-chip switchesRaik, Jaan; Govind, Vineeth; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesATS '06 : Proceedings of the 15th Asian Test Symposium : November 20-23, 2006, Fukuoka, Japan2006 / p. 437-442 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ATS.2006.23
- An improved test generation approach for sequential circuits using decision diagramsBrik, Marina; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1998 / p. 155-158: ill
- Analysis of a test method for delay faults in NoC interconnectsBengtsson, Tomas; Jutman, Artur; Kumar, Shashi; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Peng, ZeboProceedings of the IEEE East-West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW'06) : Sochi, Russia, September 15-19, 20062006 / p. 42-46 : ill
- Applets for learning digital design and test [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich1st International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning (IMCL2006) : Amman, Jordan, April 19-21, 20062006 / p. 1-4 : ill. [CD-ROM]
- Application of high-level decision diagrams for simulation-based verification tasksJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEstonian journal of engineering2010 / 1, p. 56-77 : ill
- Application of sequential test set compaction to LFSR reseedingAleksejev, Igor; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes26th Norchip Conference : Tallinn, Estonia, 17-18 November 2008 : formal proceedings2008 / p. 102-107 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NORCHP.2008.4738292
- Application of structurally synthesized binary decision diagrams for timing simulation of digital circuitsJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2001 / 4, p. 269-288 : ill
- Application specific true critical paths identification in sequential circuitsJürimägi, Lembit; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Devadze, Sergei; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS 2019) : 1-3 July 2019, Greece2019 / p. 299-304 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/IOLTS.2019.8854442
- An approach for verification assertions reuse 2 in RTL test pattern generationJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilukas, Taavi; Fujiwara, HideoJournal of Shanghai Normal University : Natural Sciences2010 / p. 441-447 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240613999_An_Approach_for_Verification_Assertions_Reuse_in_RTL_Test_Pattern_Generation
- An approach to system-level design for testJervan, Gert; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Peng, Z.; Eles, PetruSystem-level test and validation of hardware/software systems2005 / p. 121-149 : ill
- APRICOT : a framework for teaching digital systems verificationRaik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Tšepurov, Anton; Reinsalu, Uljana; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes19th EAEEIE Annual Conference : June 29-July 2, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : formal proceedings2008 / p. 172-177 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EAEEIE.2008.4610181
- Arvamusi akadeemikutelt : teadustulemused, hinnangud ja ettepanekud : [arvamust avaldavad Jüri Engelbrecht, Ülo Lille, Boris Tamm, Mihkel Veiderma, Valdek Kulbach, Rein Küttner, Raimund-Johannes Ubar jt.]Engelbrecht, Jüri; Lille, Ülo; Tamm, Boris, inform.; Veiderma, Mihkel; Kulbach, Valdek; Küttner, Rein; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 19971998 / lk. 121-143
- Arvamusi akadeemikutelt ["kuumade teemade" kohta oma erialal]Küttner, Rein; Lille, Ülo; Saarma, Mart; Tamm, Boris, inform.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Veiderma, Mihkel; Engelbrecht, JüriEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 19981999 / lk. 148-171
- Arvamusi akadeemikutelt [oluliste teadusprobleemide kohta]Küttner, Rein; Lille, Ülo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Veiderma, Mihkel; Öpik, Ilmar; Engelbrecht, JüriEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 19992000 / lk. 137-174
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- Arvutite diagnostika uurimissuuna kujunemisest EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesKõrgema tehnilise hariduse ja tehnilise mõtte areng Eestis1988 / lk. 110-127
- Assembling low-level tests to high-level symbolic test framesJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings [of the] 15th NORCHIP Conference, Tallinn, 10-11 November 19971997 / p. 275-280: ill
- Assertion checking with PSL and high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesDigest of papers IEEE 8th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing : WRTLT'07 : October 12-13, 2007, Beijing, China2007 / p. 105-110 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/~maksim/phd_papers/%5B12%5D%20wrtlt%2707.pdf
- Assessment of diagnostic test for automated bug localizationTihhomirov, Valentin; Tšepurov, Anton; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesLATW2013 : 14th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, Cordoba, Argentina, April 3-5, 2013 : [proceedings]2013 / [6] p. : ill
- Assessment of student's design results in e-learning-scenarios [Electronic resource]Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Henke, Karsten; Jutman, Artur8th International Conference on Technology Based Higher Education and Training : 10th to 13th July, 2007, KKR Hotel Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan : [proceedings]2007 / [6] p. [CD-ROM]
- Assotsiatsioon EUROCHIP avas ukse Tallinna TehnikaülikoolileUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1993 / 17. märts, lk. 1-2
- Asynchronous e-learning resources for hardware design issuesJutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-learning) : CompSysTech'04 : Rousse, Bulgaria, 17-18 June2004 / p. IV.11-1 - IV.11-6 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234797327_Asynchronous_e-learning_resources_for_hardware_design_issues
- At-speed functional built-in self-test methodology for processors [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Indus, Viljar; Kalmend, OliverProceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science : December 27-29, 2012, Columbo, Sri Lanka2012 / p. 168-172 : ill [CD-ROM]
- At-speed self-testing of high-performance pipe-lined processing architectures [Electronic resource]Gorev, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, Peeter; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Min, Mart31st Norchip Conference : Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-12 November 2013 : conference program and papers2013 / p. 1-6 : ill [USB]
- At-speed testing and test quality evaluation for high-performance pipelined systems Töökiirusel testimine ja testi kvaliteedi hindamine kõrgjõudlus-konveierarhitektuuriga süsteemideleGorev, Maksim2015 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?3953
- Aufstellung von Testfolgen für logische SchaltungenPlakk, Mari; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInternationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium1979 / S. 93-96 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2936968*est
- Aukartus teaduse eesUbar, Raimund-JohannesRaimund-Johannes Ubar. Bibliograafia2016 / lk. 47-56
- Aukartus teaduse ees : [essee]. Nikolai Alumäe medalUbar, Raimund-JohannesSirp2014 / lk. 3-5 : fot https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c21-teadus/aukartus-teaduse-ees/
- Automated correction of design errors by edge redirection on high-level decision diagramsKarputkin, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tombak, Mati; Raik, Jaan13th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 20122012 / p. 686-693 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6113980
- Automated design error debug using high-level decision diagrams and mutation operatorsRaik, Jaan; Repinski, Urmas; Tšepurov, Anton; Hantson, Hanno; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, MaksimMicroprocessors and microsystems2013 / p. 505-513 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2012.11.004 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/15552 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84878621727&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.1016%2Fj.micpro.2012.11.004%29&sessionSearchId=81bea3cc7c86d66922f228affe5df51e https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=MICROPROCESS%20MICROSY&year=2013 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000324667900012
- Automated design error localization in RTL designsJenihhin, Maksim; Tšepurov, Anton; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Raik, Jaan; Hantson, Hanno; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Bartsch, Günter; Meza Escobar, Jorge Hernan; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichIEEE design & test of computers2014 / p. 83-92 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/MDAT.2013.2271420 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100286806 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84896770007&origin=inward&txGid=5ed5ca61bc3f8b371a8f5eda07d0a6c0 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=IEEE%20DES%20TEST&year=2014 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000332030500010
- Automated software-based in-field self-test program synthesisJasnetski, Artjom; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tšertov, AntonInternational journal of microelectronics and computer science2017 / p. 57-64 : ill
- Automated software-based self-test generation for microprocessorsJasnetski, Artjom; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tšertov, AntonProceedings of the 24st International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2017 : Bydgoszcz, Poland, June 19-21, 20142017 / p. 453-458 : ill https://doi.org/10.23919/MIXDES.2017.8005252
- Automated test bench generation for high-level synthesis flow ABELITEViilukas, Taavi; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Baranov, SamaryProceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS'2011) : Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 9-12, 20112011 / p. 13-16 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6116601
- Automated test program synthesis for digital systems with high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProc. of 7th International Conference2005 / p. 171-180
- Automatic diagnosis of simple design errorsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Borrione, DominiqueTechniques of Informatics and Microelectronics for Computer Architecture1999 / p. 91
- Automatic diagnosis of simple design errorsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Borrione, DominiqueTIMA annual report 19981999 / p. 97-98
- Automatic generation of EFSMs and HLDDs for functional ATPGTšepurov, Anton; Guglielmo, Giuseppe di; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilukas, TaaviBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 143-146 : ill
- Automatic SoC level test path synthesis based on partial functional modelsTšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Devadze, Sergei2011 Asian Test Symposium (ATS) : New Delhi, India2011 / p. 532-538 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6114730
- Automatic test generation system for VLSIJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the First Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference : Bratislava, Slovakia, September 4-5, 19971997 / p. 255-258
- Avalik kiri Eesti elektrist : [Eesti elektrijaamade erastamisest NRG-le : Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia 36 akadeemiku pöördumine]Aarna, Olav; Lille, Ülo; Saarma, Mart; Saarma, Mart; Tamm, Boris, inform.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ernits, Peeter; Veiderma, MihkelPostimees2001 / lk. 24 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072778*est https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2295176*est
- Back-traced deductive-parallel fault simulation for digital systemsHahanov, Vladimir; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Hyduke, StanleyProceedings : Euromicro Symposium on Digital System Design : Belek-Antalya, Turkey, September 1st to 6th, 20032003 / p. 370-377 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1231969
- Back-tracing and event-driven techniques in high-level simulation with decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Morawiec, AdamISCAS 2000 Geneva : The 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems : Emerging Technologies for the 21st Century : May 28-31, 2000 : proceedings. Vol. 12000 / p. I-208 - I-211 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/857064
- Balti Ülikoolide Sõprade SeltsUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1992 / 18. dets., lk. 2
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- BEC'96 : the 5th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 7-11, 1996, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedingsRang, Toomas; Min, Mart; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2150914*est
- Behavioral level modeling of digital systems for testing purposesUbar, Raimund-Johannes42nd International Conference, Ilmenau, Germany, September 22-25, 1997. Part 11997 / p. 510-515
- A benchmark suite for evaluating the efficiency of test toolsKruus, Helena; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, Peeter; Gorev, Maksim; Pesonen, Vadim; Devadze, Sergei; Orasson, Elmet; Brik, Marina; Min, Mart; Annus, Paul; Kruus, Margus; Meigas, KaljuBEC 2012 : 2012 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-5, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia2012 / p. 85-88 : ill
- Berechnung von Booleschen Ableitungen bei der Testsatzanalyse für digitale SchaltungenUbar, Raimund-JohannesNachrichtentechnik, Elektronik : technisch-wissenschaftlishe Zeitschrift für die gesamte elektronische Nachrichtentechnik1977 / p. 21-23 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1550811*est
- Berechnung von tests für die Fehlerdiagnose in DigitalsystemUbar, Raimund-JohannesInternationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 21. 1. November bis 5. November 1976, H. 2: Vortragsreihe A 2: Entwurf, Analyse und Einsatz von informationsverarbeitenden Systemen: IWK1976 / p. [?]
- Beschreibung digitaler Einrichtungen mit alternativen Graphen für die FehlerdiagnoseUbar, Raimund-JohannesNachrichtentechnik, Elektronik : technisch-wissenschaftlishe Zeitschrift für die gesamte elektronische Nachrichtentechnik1980 / p. 96-102 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1550811*est
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- BIST analyzer : a training platform for SoC testing [Electronic resource]Jutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Tšepurov, Anton; Aleksejev, Igor; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference : Global Engineering : Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports : Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10-13, 20072007 / p. S3H-8-S3H-13 : ill. [CD-ROM] http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2007.4418125
- Block-level fault model-free debug and diagnosis in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 12th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, Architectures, Methods and Tools : Patras, Greece, August 27-29, 20092009 / p. 229-232 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5350128
- Boolean derivatives and multi-valued simulation on binary decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 4th International Workshop Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES'97 : Poznan, Poland, 12-14 June 19971997 / p. 115-120
- Boolean fault dignosis with structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-JohannesRecent progress in the Boolean domain2014 / p. 303-331 : ill
- Bringing research issues into lab scenarios on the example of SoC testing [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Devadze, Sergei; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichInternational Conference on Engineering Education - ICEE 2007 : September 3-7, 2007, Coimbra, Portugal2007 / [7] p. : ill. [CD-ROM] http://icee2007.dei.uc.pt/proceedings/papers/429.pdf
- Built-in self diagnosis with multiple signature analyzers in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 9th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : LATW2008 : February 17-20, 2008, Puebla, Mexico2008 / p. 29-34 : ill
- CAD für Digitaltechnik - eine Programmfamilie für den Entwurf von Testmustern zum Test von DigitalschaltungenUbar, Raimund-JohannesIBM Hochschulkongress '92: Offene Grenzen - offene Systeme, Dresden, 30.09-2.10.19921992 / S.IV9 1-14
- CAD software for digital test and diagnosticsJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of International Conference on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Ostrava, Czech Republik, May 12-14, 19971997 / p. 35-40
- A CAD system for teaching digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Ivask, Eero; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, JaanBEC : Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference, October 9-14, 1994, Tallinn (Estonia). 11994 / p. 369-372: ill
- Calculation of LFSR seed and polynomial pair for BIST applicationsJutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK kolmanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. aprill 2008, Voore külalistemaja2008 / p. 105-108 : ill
- Calculation of LFSR seed and polynomial pair for BIST applications [Electronic resource]Jutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2008 IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : Bratislava, Slovakia, April 16-18, 20082008 / p. 275-279 : ill. [CD-ROM] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4538801
- Calculation of probabilistic testability measures for digital circuits with Structurally Synthesized BDDsJürimägi, Lembit; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, JaanMicroprocessors and microsystems2020 / art. 103117, 12 p https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103117 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/15552 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85086377299&origin=inward&txGid=f742e708555546cb12b9117a6e274d64 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=MICROPROCESS%20MICROSY&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000571530400009
- Calculation of testability measures on structurally synthesized binary decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Heinlaid, J.; Raik, Jaan; Raun, L.BEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1998 / p. 179-182: ill
- Calculation of the diagnosibility of digital circuits without using fault modelsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 159-162 : ill
- Canonical representations of high-level decision diagramsKarputkin, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Tombak, MatiEstonian journal of engineering2010 / 1, p. 39-55 : ill
- Case study in testing digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesBaltic electronics1995 / 1, p. 24-27
- CEBE - Centre for Integrated Electronic Systems and Biomedical EngineeringFridolin, Ivo; Min, Mart; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe parliament magazine's research review : European research & innovation2009 / p. 35
- Centre for Integrated Electronic Systems and Biomedical Engineering - CEBEUbar, Raimund-JohannesEstonian journal of engineering2010 / 1, p. 7-10 : ill
- Challenges for future system-on-chip designHollstein, Thomas; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Glesner, ManfredCircuit Paradigm in the 21st Century : ECCTD '01 : proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design : Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 28th-31st August 2001. Vol 32001 / p. 173-176
- CMOS defects analysis using DefSim measurement environmentPleskacz, Witold A.; Borejko, Tomasz; Walkanis, A.; Stopjakova, Viera; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInformal Digest of Papers : Eleventh IEEE European Test Symposium : ETS 2006 : 21-24 May 2006, Southampton, United Kingdom2006 / p. 241-246 : ill
- Code coverage analysis for concurrent programming languages using high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Reinsalu, Uljana; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing : EWDC 2009 : Toulouse, France, May 14-15, 20092009 / [4] p. : ill https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00381559
- Code coverage analysis using high-level decision diagrams [Electronic resource]Raik, Jaan; Reinsalu, Uljana; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ellervee, Peeter2008 IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : Bratislava, Slovakia, April 16-18, 20082008 / p. 201-207 : ill. [CD-ROM] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4538786
- Collaborative distributed computing in the field of digital electronics testingIvask, Eero; Devadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBalanced Automation Systems for Future Manufacturing Networks : 9th IFIP WG 5.5 International Conference : BASYS 2010 : Valencia, Spain, July 21-23, 2010 : proceedings2010 / p. 145-152
- Collaborative distributed fault simulation for digital electronic circuitsIvask, Eero; Devadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIntelligent Distributed Computing IV : proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC 2010 : Tangier, Morocco, September 20102010 / p. 67-76
- Combinational fault simulation in sequential circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kõusaar, Jaak; Gorev, Maksim; Devadze, Sergei2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems : 24-27 May 2015, Lisboa, Portugal : [proceedings]2015 / p. 2876-2879 : ill
- Combined fault-model free cause-effect and effect-cause fault diagnosis in block-level digital networksUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanASQED'09 : 1st Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design : Kuala Lumpur, Malaisia, July 15-16, 20092009 / p. 385-390 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5206232
- Combined pseudo-exhaustive and deterministic testing of array multipliersOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Azad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR) : THETA 21st edition, 24th-26th May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania : proceedings2018 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/AQTR.2018.8402708
- Combining dynamic slicing and mutation operators for ESL correctionRepinski, Urmas; Hantson, Hanno; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings : 2012 17th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) : May 28th-June 1st, 2012, Annecy, France2012 / [6] p. : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6233020
- Combining functional and structural approaches in test generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics reliability1998 / 3, p. 317-329 : ill
- Combining learning, training and research in laboratory course for design and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichThe 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology "Baltic Electronics Conference" : BEC 2000 : October 8 - 11, 2000, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2000 / p. 221-224 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242397131_Combining_Learning_Training_and_Research_in_Laboratory_Course_for_Design_and_Test
- Combining symbolic techniques with topological approach in test generationUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Lodz, May 19961996 / p. 377-382
- Compaction of decision diagrams for describing multi-process VHDL descriptionsLeveugle, R.; Saucier, Gabriele; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1998 / p. 195-198: ill
- Comparative analysis of sequential circuit test generation approachesRaik, Jaan; Krivenko, Anna; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2004 : proceedings of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 225-228 : ill
- Comparison of genetic and random techniques for test pattern generationIvask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1998 / p. 163-166: ill
- Comparison of two approaches to improve functional BIST fault coverageKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Gorev, Maksim; Mägi, GunnarBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 105-108 : ill
- Complex delay fault reasoning with sequential 7-valued algebraKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Aleksejev, Igor2015 16th Latin American Test Symposium (LATS 2015) : Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 25-27 March 20152015 / [6] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LATW.2015.7102403
- Conditional fault collapsing in digital circuits with shared structurally synthesized BDDs [Online resource]Jürimägi, Lembit; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 20182018 / 4 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/BEC.2018.8600967
- Constraint-based hierarchical untestability identification for synchronous sequential circuitsRaik, Jaan; Rannaste, Anna; Jenihhin, Maksim; Viilukas, Taavi; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Fujiwara, HideoSixteenth IEEE European Test Symposium : 23-27 May 2011, Trondheim2011 / p. 147-152
- Constraint-based hierarchical untestability identification for syncronous sequential circuitsViilukas, Taavi; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Rannaste, Anna; Jenihhin, Maksim; Fujiwara, HideoInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK viienda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. novembril 2011, Nelijärve2011 / p. 139-142 : ill
- Constraint-based test pattern generation at the register-transfer levelViilukas, Taavi; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Krivenko, AnnaProceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 14-16, 2010, Vienna, Austria2010 / p. 352-357 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2010.5491752
- A constraint-driven gate-level test generatorRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jervan, Gert; Krupnova, HelenaBEC'96 : the 5th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 7-11, 1996, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1996 / p. 237-240: ill
- Constraints analysis in hierarchical test generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Krupnova, HelenaBEC : Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference, October 9-14, 1994, Tallinn (Estonia). 11994 / p. 313-318: ill
- Construction of the tests of combinational circuit failures by analyzing the orthogonal disjunctive normal forms represented by the alternative graphsMatrosova, A.Yu.; Pleshkov, A.G.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesAutomation and remote control2005 / p. 313-327 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10513-005-0054-9
- Critical path tracing based simulation of transition delay faultsKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 61-66 : ill
- Critical path tracing based simulation of transition delay faultsKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : DSD 2014 : 27-29 August 2014, Verona, Italy : proceedings2014 / p. 108-113 : ill
- Cycle-based simulation algorithms for digital systems using high-level decision diagramsMorawiec, Adam; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanDesign, Automation and Test in Europe : Conference and Exhibition 2000 : Paris, France, March 27-30, 2000 : proceedings2000 / p. 743 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/840876
- Cycle-based simulation with decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Morawiec, Adam; Raik, JaanDesign, Automation and Test in Europe : DATE : Conference and Exhibition 1999 : Munich, Germany, March 9-12, 1999 : proceedings1999 / p. 454-458: ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/761165
- DECIDER : a decision diagram based hierarchical test generation systemJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Szczyrk, Poland, September 2-4, 19981998 / p. 269-273 https://www.ida.liu.se/labs/eslab/publications/pap/db/DDECS98.pdf
- DECIDER : a system for hierarchical test pattern generationRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesRadioelectronics and informatics2003 / p. 40-45 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/250395975_DECIDER_A_System_for_Hierarchical_Test_Pattern_Generation
- A decision diagram based hierarchical test pattern generatorJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1998 / p. 159-162: ill
- Decision diagrams - from a mathematical notion to engineering applicationsStankovic, Radomir S.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Astola, JaakkoFacta Universitatis [Niš]. Series electronics and energetics2011 / p. 281-301 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FUEE1103281S
- Decision diagrams and digital testUbar, Raimund-JohannesECMS 2003 : 6th International Workshop on Electronics, Control, Measurment and Signals : Liberec, Czechia, June 2-4, 20032003 / p. 266-273 : ill http://www.midem-drustvo.si/Journal%20papers/MIDEM_35(2005)4p187.pdf
- Decision diagrams and digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes41th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials : MIDEM 2005 : Ribno at Bled, Slovenia : invited plenary paper2005 / p. 15-26
- Decision diagrams for diagnostic modelingUbar, Raimund-JohannesMEDIAN Finale : Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale : November 10-11, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 43
- Deductive fault simulation on structurally synthesized BDDsAarna, Margit; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanBEC 2004 : Baltic Electronics Conference : Post-Graduate Student Session : Tallinn University of Technology, October 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 11 : ill
- Defect oriented fault coverage of 100stuck-at fault test setsBlyzniuk, M.; Cibakova, Tatiana; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Lobur, M.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 7th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2000 : Gdynia, Poland, 15-17 June 20002000 / p. 511-516 : ill https://repo.pw.edu.pl/info.seam?ps=20&id=WUT7e20f35d67ae45d3b2d1264d7a4ba722&lang=en&pn=1&cid=156607
- Defect-oriented BIST quality analysisKruus, Helena; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanBEC 2010 : 2010 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 4-6, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia2010 / p. 153-156 : ill
- Defect-oriented fault simulation and test generation in digital circuitsKuzmicz, W.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE ISQED 2001 : proceedings of the IEEE 2001 2nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design : March 26-28, 2001, San Jose, California2001 / p. 365-371 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/915257
- Defect-oriented library builder and hierarchical test generationCibakova, Tatiana; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - IEEE DDECS 2001 : Fourth International Workshop on IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : Györ, Hungary, April 18-20, 20012001 / p. 163-168 : ill
- Defect-oriented mixed-level fault simulation in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Ivask, Eero; Brik, MarinaFacta Universitatis [Niš]. Series electronics and energetics2002 / 1, April, p. 123-136 : ill
- Defect-oriented modul-level fault diagnosis in digital circuitsKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 13-15, 2011, Gottbus, Germany2011 / p. 81-86
- Defect-oriented test- and layout-generation for standard-cell ASIC designsSudbrock, Joachim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kuzmicz, Wieslaw; Pleskacz, Witold A.Proceedings : DSD'2005 : 8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : Porto, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, 20052005 / p. 79-82 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1559781
- Defect-oriented test generation and fault simulation in the environment of MOSCITOSchneider, Andre; Diener, Karl-Heinz; Gramatova, Elena; Fisherova, Maria; Ivask, Eero; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Kuzmicz, W.BEC 2002 : proceedings of the 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 6-9, 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 303-306 : ill
- Defect-oriented test generation using probabilistic estimationCibakova, Tatiana; Fischerova, Maria; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 8th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2001 : Zakopane, Poland, 21-23 June 20002001 / p. 131-136 : ill
- Defects, faults and fault modelsGramatova, Elena; Fisherova, Maria; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Pleskacz, Witold A.Handbook of testing electronic systems2005 / p. 26-96 : ill
- DefSim - the defective ICPleskacz, Witold A.; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, SergeiDATE 2007 : Design Automation and Test in Europe : Nice, France, April 16-20, 20072007 / p. s96 (2 p.)
- DefSim: CMOS defects on chip for research and educationPleskacz, Witold A.; Borejko, Tomasz; Walkanis, A.; Stopjakova, Viera; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes7th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop LATW'06 : Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 26th-29th, 2006 : proceedings2006 / p. 74-79 : ill
- DefSim: measurement environment for CMOS defectsBorejko, Tomasz; Jutman, Artur; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2006 25th International Conference on Microelectronics : Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 14-17 May 2006 : proceedings. Volume 22006 / p. 679-682 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1651048
- DefSim-based exercises for studying defects in CMOS gatesJutman, Artur; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Boiko, Nikolai; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEWME 2006 proceedings : 6th International Workshop on Microelectronics Education : 8-9 June, 2006, Stockholm, Sweden2006 / p. 23-26 : ill
- Delay testing of asynchronous NoC interconnectsBengtsson, Tomas; Jutman, Artur; Kumar, Shashi; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 12th International Conference : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2005 : Krakow, Poland, 22-25 June, 2005. Vol. 1 of 22005 / p. 419-424 : ill
- Department of Computer EngineeringKeevallik, Andres; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesResearch activities / Tallinn Technical University1993 / p. 75-78 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053754*est
- Dependability evaluation in fault-tolerant systems with high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jervan, Gert; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ellervee, PeeterComputer Science Meets Automation : 10-13 September 2007 : proceedings. Volume II2007 / p. 147-152 : ill https://www.db-thueringen.de/receive/dbt_mods_00008864
- Description of digital objects with alternative graphs for test generation purposesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, TõnuFault Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics : XI. International Conference ; Proceedings ; Suhl, June 6-9, 19881988 / p. [?]
- Design and test technology for dependable systems-on-chip2011 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4467408*est
- Design error diagnosis in digital circuits with stuck-at fault modelJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics reliability2000 / 2, p. 307-320 : ill
- Design error diagnosis in digital circuits without error modelUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Borrione, DominiqueVLSI : systems on a chip : IFIP TC10 WG10.5 Tenth International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI'99) : December 1-4, 1999, Lisboa, Portugal1999 / p. 281-292 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292157544_Design_Error_Diagnosis_in_Digital_Circuits_without_Error_Model
- Design error diagnosis in scan-path designsUbar, Raimund-Johannes2nd IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : LATW 2001 : Cancun, Mexico, February 11-14, 2001 : digest of papers2001 / p. 162-168 : ill
- Design error diagnosis using backtrace algorithm on decision diagramsRepinski, Urmas; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Tšepurov, AntonInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK neljanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 26.-27. novembril 2010, Essu mõis2010 / p. 93-96
- Design error diagnosis with re-synthesis in combinational circuitsUbar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications2003 / 1, p. 73-82 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1021948013402
- Design error localization in digital circuits by stuck-at fault test patternsJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes[MIEL] 2000 : 22nd International Conference on Microelectronics : Niš, Yugoslavia, 14-17 May 2000 : proceedings. Volume 22000 / p. 723-726 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/838792
- Design technologies for system-on-chip : fault simulation in complex digital designsHahanov, V.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАвтоматизированные системы управления и приборы автоматики, 20032003 / p. 16-35
- Design-for-destability-based external test and diagnosis of mesh-like network- on-a-chipsRaik, Jaan; Govind, Vineeth; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIET computers and digital techniques2009 / 5, p. 476-486 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-cdt.2008.0096
- Deterministic defect-oriented test generation for combinational circuitsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Sudbrock, Joachim; Kuzmicz, Wieslaw; Pleskacz, Witold A.LATW 2005 : 6th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : March 30 - April 2, 2005, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil : [digest of papers]2005 / p. 325-330 : ill
- DfT for application of external test patterns in a Network-on-a-ChipGovind, Vineeth; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK kolmanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. aprill 2008, Voore külalistemaja2008 / p. 25-28 : ill
- Diagnosis and correction of multiple design errors using critical path tracing and mutation analysisHantson, Hanno; Repinski, Urmas; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesLATW 2012 : 13th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop proceedings : April 10th-13th, 2012, Quito, Ecuador2012 / [6 p.] : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6261234
- Diagnostic modeling of digital systems with low- and high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesLATW2013 : 14th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, Cordoba, Argentina, April 3-5, 2013 : [proceedings]2013 / [1] p
- Diagnostic modeling of digital systems with multi-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Jenihhin, MaksimDesign and test technology for dependable systems-on-chip2011 / p. 92-118 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344994231_Diagnostic_Modeling_of_Digital_Systems_with_Multi-Level_Decision_Diagrams
- Diagnostic modeling of microprocessors with high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Jenihhin, Maksim; Brik, Marina; Istenberg, Martin; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 147-150 : ill
- Diagnostic modelling of digital systems with binary and high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Kruus, Helena; Lensen, Harri; Evartson, TeetProgress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 20062008 / p. 902-907 : ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-71992-2_158
- Diagnostic modelling of digital systems with decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesВестник Томского государственного университета : приложение2004 / август, материалы международных, всесоюзных и региональных научных конференций, симпозиумов, школ, проводимых в ТГУ, с. 174-179 : ил
- Diagnostic modelling of digital systems with multi-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Evartson, Teet; Kruus, Margus; Lensen, HarriProceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation : May 24-26, 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada2006 / p. 207-212 : ill
- Diagnostic softwareUbar, Raimund-JohannesConcise encyclopedia of software engineering1993 / p. 101-105
- Diagnostic software with WEB interface for teaching purposesVislogubov, Vladislav; Jutman, Artur; Kruus, Helena; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2004 : proceedings of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 255-258 : ill
- Diagnostic test generation for statistical bug localization using evolutionary computationGaudesi, Marco; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesApplications of Evolutionary Computation : 17th European Conference, EvoApplications 2014, Granada, Spain, April 23-25, 2014 : revised selected papers2014 / p. 425-436 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-45523-4_35 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/25674 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84915820861&origin=inward&txGid=1dcdfb62ebe3d70eabd3a376299d4605 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=LECT%20NOTES%20ARTIF%20INT&year=2005 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000354874300035
- DIAGNOZER : a laboratory tool for teaching research in diagnosis of electronic systems [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich2009 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education MSE '09 : 25-27 July 2009, San Francisco, California : [proceedings]2009 / p. 12-15 : ill. [CD-ROM] http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MSE.2009.5270842
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- Digitaalsüsteemide diagnostikaUbar, Raimund-Johannes2005 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2097071*est
- Digitaalsüsteemide diagnostika Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisUbar, Raimund-JohannesTeadusmõte Eestis : tehnikateadused2002 / lk. 107-113 : ill
- Digital design flow with test activitiesDiener, Karl-Heinz; Elst, G.; Ivask, Eero; Jervan, Gert; Peng, Z.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesVILAB User Forum2000 / [11] p
- Digital design learning system based on Java appletsJutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes4th Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences : 26th-28th August 2002, NUI Galway, Ireland2003 / p. 183-187 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/dildis/publications/Sudnitson%20LTSN-ICS%202003.pdf
- Digital electronics design and test at Computer Engineering Department of Tallinn University of TechnologyUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ellervee, PeeterThe house magazine : the parlamentary weekly2006 / 1198, p. 42 : ill
- Digital logic simulation with compressed BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Mironov, Dmitri; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings : 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering : June 10-12, 2011, Shanghai, China2011 / p. 105-109 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5952643
- Digital test in WEB-based environmentIvask, Eero2006 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2158119*est
- Distance learning tools for the field of electronics design and testUbar, Raimund-JohannesITHET 2003 proceedings : 4th International Conference on Information Technology based Higher Education and Training : July 7-9, 2003, Marrakech, Morocco2003 / p. 285-290 : ill
- Distance-learning tools for digital design and test issuesJutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIT+SE'2002 : Information Tec[h]nologies in Science, Education, Telecommunication, Business : proceedings = Информационные технологии в науке, образовании, телекоммуникации, бизнесе, Украина, Крым, Ялта-Гурзуф, 20-30 мая 2002 года : труды2002 / p. 269-272 : ill
- Distributed approach for genetic test generation in the field of digital electronicsIvask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIntelligent Distributed Computing, Systems and Applications : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing : IDC 2008 : Catania, Italy, 20082008 / p. 127-136
- Distributed approach for parallel exact critical path tracing fault simulationIvask, Eero; Devadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMIXDES 2010 : 17th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems" : June 24-26, 2010, Wroclaw, Poland2010 / p. 471-476 : ill
- Distributed approach for parallel exact critical path tracing fault simulationIvask, Eero; Devadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInternational journal of microelectronics and computer science2010 / p. 165-174 : ill
- Distributed fault simulation with collaborative load balancing for VLSI circuitsIvask, Eero; Devadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesScalable computing : practice and experience2011 / p. 153-163 : ill
- Doktoritest ja professoritestUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1993 / 17. märts, lk. 7 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- DOT: new deterministic defect-oriented ATPG toolRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Sudbrock, Joachim; Kuzmicz, Wieslaw; Pleskacz, Witold A.European Test Symposium : ETS 2005 : 22-25 May 2005, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings2005 / p. 96-101 : ill
- Double phase fault collapsing with linear complexity in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Orasson, Elmet; Josifovska, Galina; Oyeniran, Adeboye StephenDSD 2015 : 18th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design : 26-28 August 2015, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal2015 / p. 700-705 : ill
- Dynamic analysis of digital circuits with 5-valued simulationUbar, Raimund-JohannesMixed design of integrated circuits and systems1998 / p. 187-192: ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4615-5651-0_29
- Dynamic analysis of digital circuits with multi-valued simulationUbar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics journal1998 / 11, p. 821-826: ill
- Education environment for electronics and microsystemsAjaots, Maido; Min, Mart; Rang, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesFirst European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Villard de Lans, France, February 5-6, 1996 : proceedings1996 / p. 39
- Education environment for electronics and microsystemsAjaots, Maido; Min, Mart; Rang, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics education : proceedings of the European Workshop, Grenoble, France, 5-6 Feb 19961996 / p. 145-148: ill
- EE : Eesti (Estonia)Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Rüstern, Ennu; Kruus, MargusTowards the harmonisation of Electrical and Information Engineering Education in Europe : 2003-20042003 / p. 67-74 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b2300874*est
- Eesti kõrgharidus ja teadus pankrotiohus?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesKultuurileht1995 / 20. jaan., lk. 6: ill
- Eesti mikroelektroonika osaleb maailma virtuaalses kaubamajasUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht1998 / 12. veebr., Uus Meedia, lk. 6
- Eesti teaduse tippkeskus infotehnoloogia teaduskondaUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Fridolin, Ivo; Min, MartTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 19-26
- Eesti Teadusfond vastutab grantide eestUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht1996 / 25. nov., lk. 6: ill
- Eesti Vabariigi 1999. aasta tehnikateaduste [R.Ubarile antud] aastapreemia tagamaadestUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1999 / 5. apr., lk. 4-5
- Eestilt Euroopale : [Euroopa nanotehnika foorumil osales Eestist Raamprogrammi FP7 projekt DIAMOND, mida juhib TTÜ arvutitehnika instituudi professor Jaan Raik]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMente et Manu2012 / lk. 8 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Eestis valmis üliväike hiiglanePõldre, Jüri; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesUus Meedia : Eesti Päevalehe lisa1997 / 13. nov., lk. 6
- Efficient hierarchical approach to test generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanIEEE ISQED 2000 : proceedings of the IEEE 2000 1st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design : March 20-22, 2000, San Jose, California2000 / p. 189-195 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/838873
- Efficient single-pattern fault simulation on structurally synthesized BDDsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Jutman, ArturDependable Computing - EDCC-5 : 5th European Dependable Computing Conference : Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 2005 : proceedings2005 / p. 332-344 : ill
- Ein universeller Weg zur Automatisierung des Testentwurfs für digitale ObjecteUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, TõnuFehler in Automaten1989 / S. 16-30 : Ill
- E-learning environment for WEB-based study of testingUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Devadze, Sergei; Jenihhin, Maksim; Aleksejev, Igor; Tšepurov, Anton; Tšertov, Anton; Kostin, Sergei; Orasson, Elmet; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2010 : Darmstadt, Germany, 10-12 May 20102010 / p. 47-52 : ill
- E-learning environment in the area of digital microelectronicsJutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichITHET 2004 : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Technology based Higher Education and Training : 31 May - 2 June, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey2004 / p. 278-283 : ill
- E-learning tool and excercises for teaching digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, ElmetProceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Signals, Systems, Decision and Information Technology : Sousse, Tunisia, 20032003 / [6] p. : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/dildis/publications/E-Learning%20tool%20and%20Excercises.pdf
- E-learning tool and excercises for teaching digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, ElmetProceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Signals, Systems, Decision and Information Technology : Sousse, Tunisia, 2003 : summaries / p. 134
- E-learning tools for digital testDevadze, Sergei; Gorjachev, R.; Jutman, Artur; Orasson, Elmet; Rosin, Vjatšeslav; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProc. III International Conference "Distance Learning - Educational Sphere of XXI Century" : Minsk, Belorussia, 20032003 / p. 336-342
- E-learning tools for teaching self-test of digital electronicsJutman, Artur; Gramatova, Elena; Pikula, T.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes15 EAEEIE International Conference on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering : Sofia, Bulgaria, May 27-29, 20042004 / p. 267-272 : ill
- Electronics Competence Centre at Tallinn Technical UniversityUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Vainomaa, KaidoBEC : Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference, October 9-14, 1994, Tallinn (Estonia). 21994 / p. 597-602: ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b2150914*est
- Electronics Competence Centre at the Tallinn Technical UniversityUbar, Raimund-JohannesBaltic electronics1995 / 2, p. 9-11
- Electronics design and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kruus, Margus; Rang, ToomasPublic service review : European Union. 132007 / p. 52-53
- Elektroonika ja arvutustehnika vabariiklikust sihtprogrammistUbar, Raimund-JohannesArvutustehnika ja Andmetöötlus1994 / 1, lk. 1-6
- Elektroonika kompetentsuskeskus avas uksed kasutajatele Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Ülikoolid1996 / 1. veebr., lk. 2-3: ill
- Elektroonika kompetentsuskeskus Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli juuresUbar, Raimund-JohannesArvutustehnika ja Andmetöötlus1994 / 2, lk. 33-36 ; 3, lk. 28-33
- Elektroonika kompetentsuskeskus Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisUbar, Raimund-JohannesSõnumileht1996 / 13. veebr., lk. 17
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- Elektroonika kui Eesti innovatsioonisüsteemi infrastruktuurMin, Mart; Rang, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEesti teadlaste kongress, 11.-15. augustini 1996. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1996 / lk. 265 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1052731*est
- Elektroonikadisaini uued paradigmadUbar, Raimund-JohannesA & A1998 / 5, lk. 5-10
- Elektroonikatööstuse 50 miljonitUbar, Raimund-JohannesLuup1999 / 1, lk. 23-25: ill
- Embedded diagnosis in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan2008 26th International Conference on Microelectronics : Niš, Serbia, 11-14 May 2008 : proceedings. Vol. 22008 / p. 421-424 : ill
- Embedded fault diagnosis in digital systems with BISTUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanMicroprocessors and microsystems2008 / 5/6, p. 279-287 : ill
- Energy minimization for hybrid BIST in a system-on-chip test environmentUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Shchenova, Tatjana; Jervan, Gert; Peng, ZeboEuropean Test Symposium : ETS 2005 : 22-25 May 2005, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings2005 / p. 2-7 : ill
- Enhancing hierarchical ATPG with a functional fault model for multiplexers [Electronic resource]Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes7th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 18-21, 2004, Stará Lesná, Slovakia : proceedings2004 / p. 219-222 : ill. [CD-ROM] https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Enhancing-Hierarchical-Atpg-with-a-Functional-Fault-Raik-Ubar/b42e913ac070fd774df97bd644c4e6220704f8d4
- Environment for FPGA-based fault emulationEllervee, Peeter; Raik, Jaan; Tammemäe, Kalle; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2006 / 3-2, p. 323-335 : ill
- Environment for innovative university research training in the field of digital testOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ademilua, Tolulope; Kruus, Margus; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2021 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE)2021 https://doi.org/10.1109/EAEEIE50507.2021.9531003
- Environment for the analysis of functional self-test quality in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Kruus, Helena; Aarna, Margit; Devadze, SergeiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 151-162 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2673964*est
- Equivalent transformations of structurally synthesized BDDs and applicationsJürimägi, Lembit; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viies, Vladimir2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)2019 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/MECO.2019.8760283
- Evolutionary approach to test generation for functional BISTSkobtsov, Y.A.; Ivanov, D.E.; Skobtsov, V.Y.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanInformal Digest of Papers : 10 IEEE European Test Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, May 22-25, 20052005 / p. 151-155 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1018764*est
- Evolutionary approach to the functional test generation for digital circuitsSkobtsov, Y.A.; Ivanov, D.E.; Skobtsov, V.Y.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2004 : proceedings of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 229-232 : ill
- Exact parallel critical path fault tracing to speed-up fault simulation in sequential circuitsKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, JaanInternational journal of microelectronics and computer science2018 / p. 9−18 https://ijmcs.dmcs.pl/web/guest/vol.-9-no.-1 https://ijmcs.dmcs.pl/documents/10630/345460/IJMCS_1_2018_2.pdf
- Exact static compaction of independent test sequencesRaik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2002 : proceedings of the 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 6-9, 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 315-318 : ill
- Exact static compaction of sequential circuit tests using branch-and-bound and search state registrationRaik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesETW'02 : 7th IEEE European Test Workshop, Gorfu Greece, May 26-29, 2002 : informal digest2002 / p. 19-20 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/250423148_Exact_Static_Compaction_of_Sequential_Circuit_Tests_Using_Branch_and-Bound_and_Search_State_Registration
- Experimental comparison of different diagnosis algorithms in the BIST environmentUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Kruus, MargusProceedings of the 16th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling : August 29-31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain2007 / p. 271-276 : ill
- Exploiting high-level descriptions for circuits fault tolerance assessmentsBenso, A.; Prinetto, Paolo; Rebaudengo, M.; Sonza Reorda, Matteo; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes1997 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, Paris, October 20-22, 19971997 / p. 212-216 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/628327
- Explorations in low area overhead DfT techniques for sequential BISTRaik, Jaan; Raidma, Rein; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE NORCHIP 2003 : 21 Norchip Conference : Riga, Latvia, 10-11 November 2003 : proceedings2003 / p. 220-223 : ill
- An external diagnosis method for network-on-a-chipRaik, Jaan; Govind, Vineeth; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe, Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Networks-on-Chips - Test, Debug and On-line Monitoring : April 16-20, 2007, Nice, France2007 / [2] p. : ill
- Fast and efficient static compaction of test sequences based on greedy algorithmsRaik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - IEEE DDECS 2001 : Fourth International Workshop on IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : Györ, Hungary, April 18-20, 20012001 / p. 117-122 https://slideplayer.com/slide/9971880/#google_vignette
- Fast and efficient static compaction of test sequences using bipartite graph representationsMarkus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesECS'99 : proceedings of the 2nd Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference : September 6-8, 1999, Bratislava, Slovakia1999 / p. 17-20
- Fast extended test access via JTAG and FPGAsDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Aleksejev, Igor; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInternational Test Conference 2009 : November 1 - November 6, 2009, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas USA : proceedings2009 / p. 1-7 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TEST.2009.5355668
- Fast fault emulation for synchronous sequential circuitsRaik, Jaan; Ellervee, Peeter; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of East–West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW’04) : Yalta, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 23-26, 20042004 / p. 35-40 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=a6eb712498a5f23db3f95ad66bada257c21e96f0
- Fast fault simulation for extended class of faults in scan-path circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, ArturProceedings : Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications : DELTA 2010 : 13-15 January 2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam2010 / p. 14-19 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5438717
- Fast identification of true critical paths in sequential circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Jürimägi, LembitMicroelectronics reliability2018 / p. 252-261 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2017.11.027 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/26717 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85041489163&origin=inward&txGid=8f2d9e894f22f2945d867ef5424f7212 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=MICROELECTRON%20RELIAB&year=2022 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000425576300030
- Fast RTL fault simulation using decision diagrams and bitwise set operationsReinsalu, Uljana; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, Peeter2011 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT) : 3-5 October 2011, Vancouver, Canada2011 / p. 164-170 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6104440
- Fast static compaction of test sequences using implications and greedy searchRaik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesETW 2001 : IEEE European Test Workshop : Stockholm, May 29 June 1, 2001 : informal digest2001 / p. 207-209 : ill https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Fast-Static-Compaction-of-Test-Sequences-using-and-Raik-Jutman/3a7a8ddda6e63d3e2fde0c8650d4518851746221
- Fast static compaction of tests composed of independent sequences : basic properties and comparison of methodsRaik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems : ICECS 2002 : September 15-18, 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Volume II2002 / p. 445-448 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICECS.2002.1046190 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1046190
- Fast test cost calculation for hybrid BIST in digital systemsOrasson, Elmet; Raidma, Rein; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jervan, Gert; Peng, ZeboEuromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design : [Architectures, Methods and Tools : DSD 2001] : September 4-6, 2001, Warsaw, Poland : proceedings2001 / p. 318-325 : ill https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Fast-test-cost-calculation-for-hybrid-BIST-in-Orasson-Raidma/5aafcda5a18c2aabf0ad20cac10af10727f3c58f
- Fast test pattern generation for sequential circuits using decision diagram representationsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications (JETTA)2000 / 3, p. 213-226 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1008335130158
- Fault collapsing in digital circuits using fast fault dominance and equivalence analysis with SSBDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, JaanVLSI-SoC : Design for Reliability, Security, and Low Power : 23rd IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2015 Daejeon, Korea, October 5-7, 2015 : revised selected papers2016 / p. 23-45 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46097-0_2 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19400157163 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84990032811&origin=inward&txGid=0d26bc6e9683eda5b12413cb88f860aa https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000392266400002
- Fault collapsing with linear complexity in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Mironov, Dmitri; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, ArturProceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010) : 30 May - 2 June 2010, Paris, France2010 / p. 653-656 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5537504
- Fault diagnosis in integrated circuits with BISTUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Evartson, Teet; Lensen, Harri10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2007 : 29-31 August 2007, Lübeck, Germany : proceedings2007 / p. 604-610 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2007.4341530
- Fault diagnosis in the BIST environment based on bisection of detected faultsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanLATW2007 : 8th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : March 11-14, 2007, Cuzco, Peru2007 / [6] p. : ill
- Fault diagnosis in VLSI devicesUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering1995 / 1, p. 51-67
- Fault diagnosis of VLSI devices using alternative graph representationUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 8th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications, Budapest, October 12-14, 1994. Vol. 11994 / p. 34-44
- Fault effect reasoning in digital systems by topological view on low- and high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesВестник Томского государственного университета. Управление, вычислительная техника и информатика2014 / p. 99-113 : ill http://journals.tsu.ru/informatics/&journal_page=archive&id=923&article_id=12107
- Fault model and test synthesis for RISC-processorsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Markus, Antti; Jervan, Gert; Raik, JaanBEC'96 : the 5th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 7-11, 1996, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1996 / p. 229-232: ill
- Fault modeling and diagnosis in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesCREDES Summer School : Dependable Systems Design : handouts2011 / p. 91-106 : ill
- Fault modeling and test generation with low- and high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes24. GI/GMM/ITG-Workshop : Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen2012 / p. 1-12
- Fault oriented test pattern generation for sequential circuits using Genetic AlgorithmsIvask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology "Baltic Electronics Conference" : BEC 2000 : October 8 - 11, 2000, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2000 / p. 129-132 : ill
- Fault oriented test pattern generation for sequential circuits using genetic algorithmsIvask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE European Test Workshop2000 / p. 319-320
- Fault simulation of digital systems = Digitaalsüsteemide rikete simuleerimineDevadze, Sergei2009 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?445 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2508727*est
- Fault simulation with parallel critical path tracing for combinational circuits using structurally synthesized BDDsDevadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes7th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop LATW'06 : Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 26th-29th, 2006 : proceedings2006 / p. 97-102 : ill
- Fault simulation with parallel exact critical path tracing in multiple core environmentGorev, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, SergeiProceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) : 9-13 March 2015, Grenoble, France2015 / p. 1180-1185 : ill
- Faults and fault models for integrated circuits and systems [Electronic resource] : [slides]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesDesign and Test Technology for Dependable Hardware/Software Systems : DEDIS/DAAD Summer Academy : BTU Cottbus, Sept. 1st-12th, 20082008 / [64] p. : ill. [CD-ROM]
- Feasibility of structurally synthesized BDD models for test generationRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the IEEE European Test Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, May 27-29, 19981998 / p. 145-146
- Fehler in Automaten1989 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2015320*est
- Fehlerbestimmung in kombinatorischen Scaltungen durch Lösung der Booleschen DifferentialgleichungenUbar, Raimund-JohannesNachrichtentechnik, Elektronik : technisch-wissenschaftlishe Zeitschrift für die gesamte elektronische Nachrichtentechnik1978 / p. 330-334 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1550811*est
- ForewordUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Prinetto, Paolo; Al-Hashimi, BashirInformal Digest of Papers : 10 IEEE European Test Symposium : Tallinn, Estonia, May 22-25, 20052005 / p. III
- Foreword to the 12th IEEE DDECS SymposiumPliva, Zdenek; Manhaeve, Hans; Renovell, Michel; Novak, Ondrej; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Drabkova, JindraProceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 15-17, 2009, Liberec, Czech Republic2009 / p. iii http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2009.5012081
- Formal verification and error correction on high-level decision diagrams = Formaalne verifitseerimine ja vigade parandamine kõrgtasemelistel otsustusdiagrammidelKarputkin, Anton2012
- FPGA based fault emulation of synchronous sequential circuitsEllervee, Peeter; Raik, Jaan; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings [of] 22nd NORCHIP Conference : Oslo, Norway, 8-9 November 20042004 / p. 59-62 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1423822
- FPGA design flow with automated test generationElst, G.; Diener, Karl-Heinz; Ivask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProc. of German 11th Workshop on Test Technology and Reliability of Circuits and Systems : Potsdam, 19991999 / p. 120-123 https://masters.donntu.ru/2010/fknt/masyakin/library/article7.pdf
- FPGA-based fault emulation of synchronous sequential circuitsEllervee, Peeter; Raik, Jaan; Tammemäe, Kalle; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIET computers and digital techniques2007 / 2, p. 70-76 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1423822
- From online fault detection to fault management in network-on-chips : a ground-up approachAzad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Niazmand, Behrad; Janson, Karl; Nevin, George; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Putkaradze, Tsotne; Apneet Kaur; Raik, Jaan; Jervan, Gert; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Hollstein, ThomasProceedings 2017 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Design and Diagnotics of Electronic Circuit & Systems(DDECS) : April 19-21, 2017, Dresden, Germany2017 / p. 48-53 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7934553
- FTGEN - система генерирования функциональных тестовUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Dušina, Julia; Zaugarov, Viktor; Крупнова Е.; Storožev, SergeiProceedings of CAD-93 : new information technologies for science, education and business, Yalta, May 4-13, 19931993 / p. 123-125
- Functional built-in self-test for processor cores in SoCUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Indus, Viljar; Kalmend, Oliver; Evartson, Teet; Orasson, Elmet30th IEEE NORCHIP Conference : Copenhagen, Denmark, November 12-14, 20122012 / p. 1-4 : ill
- Functional level controllability analysis for digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kuchcinski, KtzysztofProc. of the Design Automation Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, June 1-4, 19921992 / p. 13-21
- Functional level test set generation methodsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 12th Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September, 19891989 / p. 46-55
- Functional level testability analysis for digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kuchcinski, KtzysztofETC '93 : European Test Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 19-22, 19931993 / p. 545-546
- Functional level testability analysis for digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes1992
- Functional self-test of high-performance pipe-lined signal processing architecturesGorev, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, Peeter; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Min, MartMicroprocessors and microsystems2015 / p. 909-918 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2014.11.002
- Functional specification and testing of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesMultimicroprocessor systems: Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium, Stralsund, oct. 16-20, 1989, Vol 11989 / p. 207-217
- Functional test generation for finite state machinesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Brik, Marina; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Bengtsson, Tomas; Kumar, ShashiBEC 2006 : 2006 International Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 2-4, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the 10th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference2006 / p. 205-208 : ill
- Functional test program generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Dušina, Julia; Krupnova, Helena; Storožev, Sergei; Zaugarov, ViktorTestmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen : proceedings of the 6th workshop, Vaals (Niederlande), March 6-8, 19941994 / p. 14-18: ill
- Funktsionaalsete alternatiivsete graafide mudeli süntees digitaallülitusteleKivi, E.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXXXII üliõpilaste teaduslik-tehnilise konverentsi ettekannete teesid : pühendatud V. I. Lenini 110. sünniaastapäevale : 16.-18. aprill 19801981 / lk. 91 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1322611*est
- GA-based test generation for sequential circuitsBrik, Marina; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ivask, EeroProceedings of East–West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW’04) : Yalta, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 23-26, 20042004 / p. 30-34
- Gate-level modelling of NBTI-induced delays under process variationsCopetti, Thiago; Cardoso Medeiros, Guilherme; Bolzani Poehls, Leticia; Vargas, Fabian; Kostin, Sergei; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesLATS 2016 : 17th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 6th-9th April 20162016 / p. 75-80 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LATW.2016.7483343
- Generating directed tests for C programs using RTL ATPGRaik, Jaan; Drenkhan, Tiia; Jenihhin, Maksim; Viilukas, Taavi; Karputkin, Anton; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the IEEE 13th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT'12)2012 / p. 1-6
- Generation of tests for the localization of single gate design errors in combinational circuits using the stuck-at fault modelUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Borrione, DominiqueXI Brasilian Symposium on Integrated Circuit Design, September 30 - October 3, 1998, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : proceedings1998 / p. 51-54 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/715409
- Generic interconnect BIST for Network-on-ChipJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanDDECS : 8th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 13-16, 2005, Sopron, Hungary : proceedings2005 / p. 224-227 : ill
- A generic synthesizable NoC switch with a scalable testbenchGovind, Vineeth; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2006 : 2006 International Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 2-4, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the 10th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference2006 / p. 91-94 : ill
- Guest editorialLande, Tor Sverre; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesAnalog integrated circuits and signal processing1999 / 1, p. 5-6
- [H. Bleeker, P.Van Den Eijnden, F.De Jong. Boundary-scan test. Boston : Kluwer Academic, 1993. 225 p. : book review]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEngineering applications of artificial intelligence1994 / p. 86-87 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1200126*est
- Handbook of testing electronic systemsNovak, Ondrej; Gramatova, Elena; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan2005 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2102523*est
- Hea teaduse odav väljamüükUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees2017 / lk. 6 https://teadus.postimees.ee/4343295/raimund-ubar-hea-teaduse-odav-valjamuuk
- A healthier chip?Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Fridolin, Ivo; Meigas, Kalju; Min, MartPublic service review : European Union2010 / p. 132-133 : ill
- Hierarchical analysis of short defects between metal lines in CMOS ICPleskacz, Witold A.; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Rakowski, Michal; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kuzmicz, WieslawProceedings : 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : (DSD 2008) : September 3-5, 2008, Parma, Italy2008 / p. 729-734 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4669309
- Hierarchical approach to test generation for digital systems at system, circuit and defect levelsUbar, Raimund-Johannes45. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 04.-06.10.2000 : Tagungsband2000 / S. 711-716 : Ill
- Hierarchical approaches to test generation and fault simulationUbar, Raimund-JohannesRadioelectronics and informatics2003 / p. 204
- A hierarchical automatic test pattern generator based on using alternative graphsBrik, Marina; Jervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 4th International Workshop Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES'97 : Poznan, Poland, 12-14 June 19971997 / p. 415-420
- Hierarchical calculation of malicious faults for evaluating the fault-toleranceUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Jervan, Gert; Ellervee, PeeterProceedings : Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications : [DELTA 2008] : 23-25 January 2008, Hong Kong, SAR, China2008 / p. 222-227 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4459544
- Hierarchical concurrent test generation for synchronous sequential circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Brik, MarinaProceedings of the 7th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2000 : Gdynia, Poland, 15-17 June 20002000 / p. 533-538 : ill
- Hierarchical defect level test quality analysisBlyzniuk, M.; Cibakova, Tatiana; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Lobur, M.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesVILAB User Forum2000 / [11] p
- Hierarchical defect-oriented fault simulation for digital circuitsBlyzniuk, M.; Cibakova, Tatiana; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Lobur, M.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE European Test Workshop2000 / p. 151-156 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/873781
- Hierarchical defect-oriented fault simulation for digital circuitsBlyzniuk, M.; Cibakova, Tatiana; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Lobur, M.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE European Test Workshop : 23-26 May 2000, Cascais, Portugal : ETW 2000 : proceedings2000 / p. 69-74 : ill
- Hierarchical design error diagnosis in combinational circuits by stuck-at fault test patternsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, ArturProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES'99 : Krakow, Poland, 17-19 June 19991999 / p. 437-442 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0026271499002036
- Hierarchical fault diagnosis in embedded digital systems with multi-level decision diagrams [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Evartson, Teet; Lensen, Harri; Aarna, Margit5th International Conference on Industrial Automation = Cinquieme Conference Internationale sur l'Automatisation Industrielle : June 11-13, 2007, Montreal, Canada2007 / [6] p. [CD-ROM]
- Hierarchical fault simulation for finite state machinesBrik, Marina; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology "Baltic Electronics Conference" : BEC 2000 : October 8 - 11, 2000, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2000 / p. 145-148 : ill
- Hierarchical fault simulation in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Ivask, Eero; Brik, MarinaInternational Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems : SCS 2001 : July 10-11, 2001, Iasi, Romania : proceedings2001 / p. 181-184 : ill
- Hierarchical identification of NBTI-critical gates in nanoscale logicKostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, MaksimLATW2014 : 15th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : Fortaleza, Brazil, March 12th-15th, 20142014 / [6] p. : ill
- Hierarchical identification of untestable faults in sequential circuitsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Krivenko, Anna; Kruus, Margus10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2007 : 29-31 August 2007, Lübeck, Germany : proceedings2007 / p. 668-671 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2007.4341539
- Hierarchical physical defect reasoning in digital circuitsKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Brik, MarinaEstonian journal of engineering2011 / 3, p. 185-200
- Hierarchical test generation based on alternative graph modelUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Second Workshop on Hierarchical Test Generation : Microelectronics Technology Park, Duisburg, Germany, September 25-26, 19951995 / p. 18
- Hierarchical test generation for combinational circuits with real defects coverageCibakova, Tatiana; Fischerova, Maria; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics reliability2002 / p. 1141-1149 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002627140200080X
- Hierarchical test generation for complex digital systems with control and data processing partsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan"Test, Assembly and Packaging" : SEMICON Technical Symposium : Singapur, May 3-6, 19991999 / p. 43-52
- Hierarchical test generation for digital circuits represented by Decision Diagrams : thesis on informatics and system engineeringRaik, Jaan2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1578107*est
- Hierarchical test generation for digital systemsBrik, Marina; Jervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMixed design of integrated circuits and systems1998 / p. 131-136: ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4615-5651-0_20
- Hierarchical test generation for digital systems based on combining bottom-up and top-down approachesRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesWorld Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 12-16, 1998, Orlando, Florida : proceedings. Vol. 11998 / p. 374-381: ill
- Hierarchical test generation for finite state machinesBrik, Marina; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC : Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 4th Biennial Conference, October 9-14, 1994, Tallinn (Estonia). 11994 / p. 319-324: ill
- Hierarchical test generation with multi-level decision diagram modelsJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 7th IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, West Greenwich RI, USA, May 28-29, 19981998 / p. 26-33 https://www.academia.edu/67811738/Hierarchical_Test_Generation_with_Multi_Level_Decision_Diagram_Models?hb-g-sw=7883185
- Hierarchical test generation. SEMI show slidesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan"Test, Assembly and Packaging" : SEMICON Technical Symposium : Singapur, May 3-6, 19991999 / p. 53-64
- Hierarchical test synthesis for digital systems using alternative graph modelUbar, Raimund-JohannesQuantitative aspects of designing and validating dependable computing systems1995
- Hierarchical timing-critical paths analysis in sequential circuitsJürimägi, Lembit; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Devadze, Sergei; Kostin, Sergei2018 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2018) : 2 – 4 July 2018, Spain2018 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/PATMOS.2018.8464176
- High level fault modeling in digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Aarna, Margit; Brik, Marina; Raik, JaanSynergies between Information and Automation : 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 27.-30.9.2004, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany. Volume 22004 / p. 486-491
- High quality test generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Aarna, Margit; Kruus, Helena; Raik, JaanRomanian journal of information science and technology2005 / 1, p. 73-84 : ill
- High-Level Combined Deterministic and Pseudo-exhuastive Test Generation for RISC ProcessorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan2019 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) : ETS 2019, May 27-31, 2019, Baden-Baden, Germany : Proceedings2019 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2019.8791526
- High-level combined deterministic and pseudo-exhuastive test generation for RISC processorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Gürsoy, Cemil Cem; Raik, Jaan2019 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) : proceedings2019 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2019.8791526
- High-level decision diagram based fault models for targeting FSMsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilukas, Taavi9th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2006) : 30 August 2006-1 September 2006, Cavtat near Dubrovnik, Croatia : proceedings2006 / p. 353-358 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2006.60
- High-Level Decision Diagram manipulations for code coverage analysisMinakova, Karina; Reinsalu, Uljana; Tšepurov, Anton; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, PeeterBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 207-210 : ill
- High-level decision diagrams based coverage metrics for verification and testJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Reinsalu, Uljana; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesLATW 2009 : 10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : Buzios, Rio de Janero, Brazil, March 2-5, 20092009 / [6] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LATW.2009.4813792
- High-level decision diagrams for improving simulation performance of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Morawiec, AdamSCI 2000 : World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics : July 23-26, 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings. Volume IX, Industrial Systems2000 / p. 62-67 : ill
- High-level design error diagnosis using backtrace on decision diagramsRaik, Jaan; Repinski, Urmas; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Tšepurov, Anton28th Norchip Conference : Tampere, Finland, 15-16 November 2010 : conference program and papers2010 / [4] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NORCHIP.2010.5669486
- High-level fault diagnosis in RISC processors with Implementation-Independent Functional TestOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2022 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) : Nicosia, Cyprus : 04-06 July 20222022 / p. 32-37 https://doi.org/10.1109/ISVLSI54635.2022.00019
- High-level functional test generation for microprocessor modulesOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of 26th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2019 : Rzeszów, Poland, June 27 - 29, 20192019 / p. 356-361 : ill https://doi.org/10.23919/MIXDES.2019.8787131
- High-Level Implementation-Independent Functional Software-Based Self-Test for RISC ProcessorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, JaanJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications2020 / p. 87-103 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-020-05856-7
- High-level implementation-independent software-based self-test for RISC type microprocessors = Mikroprotsessorite tarkvarapõhine implementatsioonist mittesõltuv funktsionaalne enesekontrollOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen2020 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/08a75fbb-3f71-4fe4-b3d0-3f37a9a5f36d
- High-level modeling and testing of multiple control faults in digital systemsJasnetski, Artjom; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Tšertov, Anton; Schölzel, Mario; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesFormal proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS) : April 20-22, 2016, Košice, Slovakia2016 / [6] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2016.7482445
- High-level path activation technique to speed up sequential circuit test generationRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEuropean Test Workshop 1999 : proceedings, May 25-28, 1999, Constance, Germany1999 / p. 84-89 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/804289
- High-level synthesis and test in the MOSCITO-based virtual laboratorySchneider, Andre; Diener, Karl-Heinz; Jervan, Gert; Peng, Z.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Hollstein, Thomas; Glesner, M.BEC 2002 : proceedings of the 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 6-9, 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 287-290 : ill
- High-level test data generation for software based self-test in microprocessorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Jasnetski, Artjom; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2017 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) : including ECYPS'2017 : proceedings : research monograph : Bar, Montenegro, June 11th-15th, 20172017 / p. 86-91 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/MECO.2017.7977167
- High-level test generation for processing elements in many-core systemsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Azad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Raik, Jaan12th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC2017), July 12-14, 2017, Madrid, Spain : proceedings2017 / 8 p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ReCoSoC.2017.8016156
- High-level test synthesis with hierarchical test generationJervan, Gert; Eles, Petru; Peng, Zebo; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes17th NORCHIP Conference : Oslo, Norway, 8-9 November 1999 : proceedings1999 / p. 291-296
- High-speed logic level fault simulationUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, SergeiDesign and test technology for dependable systems-on-chip2011 / p. 310-335 : ill
- How to generate high quality tests for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Aarna, Margit; Kruus, Helena; Raik, Jaan2004 International Semiconductor Conference : 27th edition, October 4-6, 2004, Sinaia, Romania : CAS 2004 proceedings. Volume 22004 / p. 459-462 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SMICND.2004.1403048
- How to prove that a circuit is fault-free?Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings : 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design DSD 2012 : 5-8 September 2012, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey2012 / p. 427-430 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262271409_How_to_Prove_that_a_Circuit_is_Fault-Free
- A hybrid BIST architecture and its optimization for SoC testingJervan, Gert; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kruus, HelenaProceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design : ISQED 2002, March 18-21, 2002, San Jose, California2002 / p. 273-279 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/996750
- Hybrid BIST methodology for testing core-based systemsJervan, Gert; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Peng, ZeboProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2006 / 3-2, p. 300-322 : ill
- Hybrid BIST optimization for core-based systems with test pattern broadcastingUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Jervan, Gert; Peng, ZeboDELTA 2004 : second IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications : 28-30 January 2004, Perth, Australia : proceedings2004 / p. 3-8 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1409808
- Hybrid BIST optimization using reseeding and test set compactionJervan, Gert; Orasson, Elmet; Kruus, Helena; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2007 : 29-31 August 2007, Lübeck, Germany : proceedings2007 / p. 596-603 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2007.4341529
- Hybrid BIST optimization using reseeding and test set compactionJervan, Gert; Orasson, Elmet; Kruus, Helena; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMicroprocessors and microsystems2008 / 5/6, p. 254-262 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0141933108000288
- Hybrid BIST scheduling for NoC-based SoCsJervan, Gert; Shchenova, Tatjana; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings [of] 24th IEEE Norchip Conference : Linköping, Sweden, 20-21 November 20062006 / p. 141-144 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4126966
- Hybrid BIST time minimization for core-based systems with STUMPS architectureJervan, Gert; Eles, Petru; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim18th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems : 3-5 November 2003, Boston, Massachusetts : proceedings2003 / p. 225-232 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1250116
- Hybrid built-in self-test : methods and tools for analysis and optimization of BIST = Sisseehitatud hübriidne isetestimine : meetodid ja vahendid analüüsiks ning optimeerimiseksOrasson, Elmet2007 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2305436*est
- Hybrid functional BIST for digital systemsMazurova, Natalja; Smahtina, Julia; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2004 : proceedings of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 205-208 : ill
- HyFBIST : hybrid functional built-in self-test in microprogrammed data-paths of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Mazurova, Natalja; Smahtina, Julia; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 11th International Conference : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2004 : Szczecin, Poland, 24-26 June 20042004 / p. 497-502 : ill
- "Ideat ovat pääomaamme" : [Raimund Ubar]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesNet1992 / s. 20 : kuva
- Identification and rejuvenation of NBTI-critical logic paths in nanoscale circuitsJenihhin, Maksim; Squillero, Giovanni; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications (JETTA)2016 / p. 273-289 : ill https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-016-5589-x https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/18040 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84966714453&origin=inward&txGid=3b4ba7ac260a393cbe6bed59b4d314b9 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=J%20ELECTRON%20TEST&year=2016 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000377449900004
- Identifying NBTI-critical paths in nanoscale logicUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Vargas, Fabian; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Kostin, Sergei; Bolzani Poehls, Leticia16th Euromicro Conference series on Digital System Design : DSD 2013 : proceedings : 4-6 September 2013, Santander, Spain2013 / p. 136-141 : ill
- Identifying untestable faults in sequential circuits using test path constraintsViilukas, Taavi; Karputkin, Anton; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Fujiwara, HideoJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications (JETTA)2012 / p. 511-521 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10836-012-5312-5
- Implementation-independent functional test for transition delay faults in microprocessorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 26-28 August 2020, Kranj, Slovenia2020 / p. 646-650 https://doi.org/10.1109/DSD51259.2020.00105
- Implementation-independent functional test generation for RISC microprocessorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, JaanVLSI-SoC 2019 : 27th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration : [proceedings]2019 / p. 82-87 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/VLSI-SoC.2019.8920323
- Implementation-independent test generation for a large class of faults in RISC processor modulesJenihhin, Maksim; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)2021 https://doi.org/10.1109/DSD53832.2021.00090
- An improved estimation methodology for hybrid BIST cost calculationJervan, Gert; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Korelina, OlgaProceedings [of] 22nd NORCHIP Conference : Oslo, Norway, 8-9 November 20042004 / p. 297-300 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1423882
- An improved estimation technique for hybrid BIST test set generationJervan, Gert; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Korelina, OlgaDDECS : 8th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 13-16, 2005, Sopron, Hungary : proceedings2005 / p. 182-185 : ill https://www.ida.liu.se/labs/eslab/publications/pap/db/ddecs05.pdf
- Improved fault emulation for synchronous sequential circuitsRaik, Jaan; Ellervee, Peeter; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings : DSD'2005 : 8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : Porto, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, 20052005 / p. 72-78 : ill
- Improved testability calculation for digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Heinlaid, J.; Raun, L.19th NORCHIP Conference, Kista, Sweden, 12-13 November 2001 : proceedings2001 / p. 264-270 : ill
- Improving the efficiency of timing simulation in digital circuits by using structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Peng, Z.IEEE Norchip Conference2000 / p. 254-261
- Increasing the speed of delay simulation in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, ArturThe 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology "Baltic Electronics Conference" : BEC 2000 : October 8 - 11, 2000, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2000 / p. 31-34 : ill
- Infotehnoloogia teaduskondGordon, Boris; Velmre, Enn; Einer, Lauri; Tamm, Uljas; Meister, Ants; Korsen, Viljo; Märtens, Olev; Parve, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Min, MartLeiutajaid ja leiutisi Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis 1922-20072008 / lk. 34-47 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b2412718*est
- Innovatsiooni võimalikkusest EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1998 / 9. apr., lk. 9
- Insener projekteerib usaldust : [ka TTÜ arvutitehnika instituudi töödest]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesArvutimaailm2011 / 7/8, lk. 8-9 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2423013*est
- Inseneri ja tehnoloogia võidujooksust nanomeeterdistantsil, ehk, Tehnoloogia valitsemisest ja usaldamisest : akadeemiline ettekanne 10. novembril 2010 Eesti Teaduste AkadeemiasUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20102011 / lk. 249-260
- Inseneride ärkamisaegUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees2011 / lk. 10
- Inseneriharidus mikroelektroonika ajastulUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1998 / 16. nov., lk. 6
- Integrated design and test generation under Internet based environment MOSCITOSchneider, Andre; Ivask, Eero; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEuromicro Symposium on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : September 4-6, 2002, Dortmund, Germany : proceedings2002 / p. 187-194 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2002.1115368
- Integration of digital test tools to the internet-based environment MOSCITOSchneider, Andre; Diener, Karl-Heinz; Elst, Günter; Ivask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesSCI 2003 : the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics : July 27-30, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings. Volume VIII, Applications of Informatics and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering2003 / p. 136-141 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/250063424_Integration_of_Digital_Test_Tools_to_the_Internet-Based_Environment_MOSCITO
- Integreeritud elektroonikasüsteemide ja biomeditsiinitehnika tippkeskusUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht2012 / Eesti teaduse tippkeskused, lk. 3
- Integreeritud elektroonikasüsteemide ja biomeditsiinitehnika tippkeskus CEBEUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20102011 / lk. 29-40
- Interactive presentation abstract : automated correction of design errors by edge redirection on high-level decision diagrams [Electronic resource]Karputkin, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tombak, Mati; Raik, JaanIEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT'11), November 9-11, 2011, Napa Valley, CA2011 / p. 83 : ill. [CD-ROM] http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/HLDVT.2011.6113980
- Interactive teaching software "Introduction to digital test"Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich; Orasson, Elmet45. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 04.-06.10.2000 : Tagungsband2000 / S. 949-954
- Internet based test generation and fault simulationIvask, Eero; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Schneider, AndreIEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - IEEE DDECS 2001 : Fourth International Workshop on IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : Györ, Hungary, April 18-20, 20012001 / p. 57-60 : ill
- Internet-based collaborative test generation with MOSCITO [Electronic resource]Schneider, Andre; Ivask, Eero; Miklos, P.; Raik, Jaan; Diener, Karl-Heinz; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Cibakova, Tatiana; Gramatova, ElenaSIGDA publications on CD-ROM : DATE'02 : Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Paris, France, March 4-8, 20022002 / [6] p. [CD-ROM] https://www.cecs.uci.edu/~papers/date07/PAPERS/2002/DATE02/PDFFILES/02E_2.PDF
- Internet-based software for teaching test of digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, Elmet; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich23rd International Conference on Microelectronics : MIEL 2002, Niš, Yugoslavia, 12-15 May 2002 : proceedings. Volume 22002 / p. 659-662 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1003344
- Internet-based software for teaching test of digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan; Evartson, Teet; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichMicroelectronics education : proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2002, Spain, May 23-24, 20022002 / p. 317-320 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1003344
- Internet-based testability-driven test generation in the virtual environment MOSCITOSchneider, Andre; Diener, Karl-Heinz; Elst, G.; Ivask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInternational Federation for Information Processing IFIP : International Workshop on IP-Based SoC Design 2002 : proceedings : Grenoble, October 30-31, 20022002 / p. 357-362 : ill http://publica.fraunhofer.de/dokumente/N-287433.html
- Investigating defects in digital circuits by Boolean differential equationsKruus, Helena; Orasson, Elmet; Robal, Tarmo; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe 4th International Conference "Distance Learning - Educational Sphere of XXI Century" (DLESC'04)2004 / p. 432-435
- Investigation and development of test generation methods for control part of digital systemsBrik, Marina2002 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1688656*est
- Investigations of the diagnosibility of digital networks with BISTUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : 2-5 March 2009, Brazil2009 / [6] p. : ill
- IST project REASON : handbook of testing electronic systemsNovak, Ondrej; Gramatova, Elena; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE Proceedings of the 5th European Dependable Computing Conference : EDCC-5 : Budapest, 20052005 / p. 15-18
- An iterative approach to test time minimization for parallel hybrid BIST architectureUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Jervan, Gert; Peng, Z.5th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop - LATW 2004 : Cartagena, Colombia, 2004 : digest of papers2004 / p. 98-103 : ill https://www.ida.liu.se/labs/eslab/publications/pap/db/latw04.pdf
- An iterative approach to test time minimization for parallel hybrid BIST architecturesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Jervan, Gert; Peng, Z.System-on-Chip Conference 2004 : Bastad, Sweden2004 / p. ? https://www.ida.liu.se/labs/eslab/publications/pap/db/latw04.pdf
- Java applet for self-learning of digital test issues [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, Elmet; Evartson, Teet13th EAEEIE Annual Conference, 8th-10th April, 2002, York, England2002 / [4] p. [CD-ROM]
- Java applets support for an asynchronous-mode learning of digital design and testJutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichITHET 2003 proceedings : 4th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training : July 7-9, 2003, Marrakech, Morocco2003 / p. 397-401 : ill https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=92f0b0e5011a2192d5a1b98baa751cb8cd2f7ff3
- Java technology based training system for teaching digital design and testDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichBEC 2002 : proceedings of the 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 6-9, 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 283-286 : ill
- Jooksujalu : [intervjuu Raimund-Johannes Ubariga]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesPõline partituur : intervjuud akadeemikutega2011 / lk. 81-104 : portr
- Jänestena tsivilisatsiooni hüvede trammisUbar, Raimund-JohannesRahva Hääl1994 / 7. nov.: ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1887219*est
- Järgmine sajand on teadlase nägu : [arvamust avaldavad Jüri Engelbrecht, Raimund Ubar jt.]Hansen, Regina; Engelbrecht, Jüri; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht1999 / 18. dets., lk. 18 : fot
- 20 aastat maailma testiteaduse tippkonkurentsisUbar, Raimund-JohannesMente et Manu2015 / lk. 12-13 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2749536*est
- Kas Eesti kultuuri päästaks üksainus universitas? ehk Teaduse ja hariduse väärtustamisest EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1994 / 21. nov
- Kas Eestil on vaja oma mikroelektroonikat?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesArvutimaailm1993 / 2, lk. 46-47
- Kas oleme õigel teel?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesSirp2016 / lk. 10-11 https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c21-teadus/kas-oleme-oigel-teel/
- Kas Tehnikaülikoolis võiks olla mitu arvutuskeskust ehk mis saab elektroonika kompetentsuskeskusest?Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Küttner, ReinTehnikaülikool1996 / 18. dets., lk. 3-6: ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Keerukate arvutisüsteemide uurimine Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisJervan, Gert; Ellervee, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 42-60 : ill
- Kes on teaduste doktor?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1993 / 28. jaan., lk. 1-3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Kes vastutab Eesti teaduse eest?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1997 / 19. dets., lk. 9
- Kes vastutab Eesti teaduse eest?Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Ülikoolid1998 / 1, lk. 8-9
- Kihiline kõrgharidusUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20002001 / lk. 281-284. (Insener ja inseneriharidus)
- Kihiline kõrgharidus : riigiülikoolide reformimisel tuleks õppida eraülikoolide kogemustestUbar, Raimund-JohannesLuup2000 / 7, lk. 18-20 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2334789*est
- "Kihilisest" kõrgharidusest ehk õppemaksust ja ülikoolide finantseerimisestUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool2000 / 3. apr., lk. 2-3
- Kolm akadeemikut - ühe rühma poisid : [vestlus Olav Aarna, Leo Mõtuse ja Raimund-Johannes Ubariga]Aarna, Olav; Mõtus, Leo; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesHorisont2001 / lk. 4-9 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est http://www.digar.ee/id/nlib-digar:292222
- Kolm akadeemikut - ühe rühma poisid : [vestlusringis Leo Mõtus, Olav Aarna ja Raimund Ubar]Mõtus, Leo; Aarna, Olav; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesPõline partituur : Eesti teadlased horisondil2007 / lk. 142-150 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b2235601*es
- Kolm tiiru ümber heinakuhja? : [loengupidamisest ja õpetamisest]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesÕpetajate Leht2011 / lk. 7 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2409366*est
- Kordsete rikete diagnostika järjestiklülitustesPuulinn, S.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXXIX vabariiklik üliõpilaste teaduslik- tehniline konverents 30. märtsist - 1. aprillini 1977 : ettekannete teesid1977 / lk. 43 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2449987*est
- Korvitäis mõtteid teadusmetsastUbar, Raimund-JohannesAkadeemia2022 / lk. 540-546 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1071914*est
- Kuidas fookustada korraga kaugele ja lähedale, ehk, Kuidas ülikool saaks paremini teenida ühiskondaUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20092010 / lk. 13-15 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1212786*est
- Kuidas grupp Tehnikaülikooli tudengeid Prantsusmaal elektroonikat õppimas käisKoort, Marko; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1996 / 3. apr., lk. 4-5; 30. apr., lk. 5-8; 23. mai, lk. 4-6; 14. juuni, lk. 4-7 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Kuidas ülikool saaks paremini ühiskonda teenidaUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees2010 / 16. märts, lk. 13 https://leht.postimees.ee/237399/raimund-ubar-kuidas-ulikool-saaks-paremini-uhiskonda-teenida
- Kultuuri funktsioon on resistanceUbar, Raimund-JohannesSirp1993 / 8. okt., lk. 3: portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1911203*est
- Kõrgema tehnilise hariduse ja tehnilise mõtte areng EestisKulbach, Valdek; Hinrikus, Hiie; Järvik, Jaan; Kanasaar, Eduard; Kilk, Aleksander; Metusala, Tiit; Mägi, Vahur; Tamm, Uljas; Tapupere, Olev; Tiismus, Hugo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Velmre, Enn1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1243393*est
- Kõrgharidus mitme tule allUbar, Raimund-JohannesMente et Manu2010 / lk. 5 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Kõrgharidus on võime näha puude taga metsa : [kõne TTÜ 90. aastapäeva aktusel 17. septembril 2008 TTÜ aulas]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikool 90 : [artiklikogumik]2009 / lk. 50-55
- Kõrgharidus on võime näha puude taga metsa : [kõne TTÜ 90. aastapäeva pidulikul koosolekul 17. sept. 2008 TTÜ aulas]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMente et Manu2008 / 26. sept., lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Laboratory course for training "Digital design and test"Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tulit, Viljar; Buldas, Ahto; Saarepera, MärtFourth EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training, 29 September to 1 October 1993, Toledo : [proceedings]1993 / p. 112-117: ill
- Laboratory framework TEAM for investigating the dependability issues of microprocessor systemsJasnetski, Artjom; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kruus, Helena10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2014 : May 14-16, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 80-83 : ill
- Laboratory training for teaching design and test of digital circuitsJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 8th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2001 : Zakopane, Poland, 21-23 June 20002001 / p. 521-524 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/~artur/papers/TestLabs-MIXDES01.pdf
- Lapik maa ja eestlased : Euroopa esinduskonverentsil DATE'99 [Design Automation and Test in Europe] MünchenisUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1999 / 5. apr., lk. 4 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Layout to logic defect analysis for hierarchical test generationJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Rakowski, MichalProceedings of the 2007 IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostic Circuits and Systems : April 11-13, 2007, Krakow, Poland2007 / p. 35-40 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2007.4295251
- Learning digital test and diagnostics via internetUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Orasson, Elmet; Devadze, Sergei; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichInternational journal of online engineering2007 / 1, [9] p. : ill https://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/dbt_derivate_00032681/iJOE_1681-1221_03_2007_1_361.pdf
- Learning digital test and diagnostics via internet [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Orasson, Elmet; Devadze, Sergei; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichInternational journal of computing & information sciences2006 / 2, p. 86-96 : ill
- LFSR polynomial and seed selection using genetic algorithmAleksejev, E.; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2006 : 2006 International Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 2-4, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the 10th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference2006 / p. 179-182 : ill
- Linear algorithms for recognizing and parsing superpositional graphsPeder, Ahti; Nestra, Härmel; Raik, Jaan; Tombak, Mati; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesFacta Universitatis [Niš]. Series electronics and energetics2011 / p. 325-339 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FUEE1103325P
- Linear algorithms for testing superpositional graphsPeder, Ahti; Nestra, Härmel; Raik, Jaan; Tombak, Mati; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Reed-Muller 2011 Workshop : May 25-26, 2011, Tuusula, Finland2011 / p. 111-118 : ill
- Localization of single-gate design errors in combinational circuits by diagnostic information about stuck-at faultsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Borrione, DominiqueProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Szczyrk, Poland, September 2-4, 19981998 / p. 73-79 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238687832_Localization_of_Single_Gate_Design_Errors_in_Combinational_Circuits_by_Diagnostic_Information_about_Stuck-at_Faults
- Logic simulation and fault collapsing with shared structurally synthesized BDDsMironov, Dmitri; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan2014 19th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) : May 26th-30th, 2014, Paderborn, Germany : proceedings2014 / [2] p. : ill
- Low-cost CAD software for teaching digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Paomets, PriiduFirst European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Villard de Lans, France, February 5-6, 1996 : proceedings1996 / p. 48
- Low-cost CAD system for teaching digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Paomets, Priidu; Ivask, Eero; Jervan, Gert; Markus, AnttiMicroelectronics education : proceedings of the European Workshop, Grenoble, France, 5-6 Feb 19961996 / p. 185-188
- Lower bounds of the size of shared structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Mironov, DmitriProceedings of the 2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS) : April 23-25, 2014, Warsaw, Poland2014 / p. 77-82 : ill
- Lühinägelik rahastamislahendusUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20022003 / lk. 125-127
- Lühinägelik rahastamislahendus : [Eesti valitsus võtmas suunda projektipõhisele investeerimisele]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees2002 / 17. mai, lk. 11 https://arvamus.postimees.ee/1939989/luhinagelik-rahastamislahendus
- Macro level defect-oriented diagnosability of digital circuitsKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK neljanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 26.-27. novembril 2010, Essu mõis2010 / lk. 53-56 : ill
- Macro level defect-oriented diagnosability of digital circuitsKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanBEC 2010 : 2010 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 4-6, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia2010 / p. 149-152 : ill
- Mapping faults in hierarchical testing of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesInternational Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies CCCT'03 and the 9th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS'03 : July 31 - August 1-2, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings. Volume I, Computing/Information Systems and Technologies2003 / p. 14-19 : ill
- Mapping physical defects to logic level for defect oriented testingUbar, Raimund-JohannesSCS 2003 : International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems : July 10-11, 2003, Iasi, Romania : proceedings. Vol. 22003 / p. 453-456 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5731320
- Measuring and identifying aging-critical paths in FPGAsPfeifer, Petr; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Pliva, ZdenekMEDIAN 2015 : the 4th Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale : March 13, 2015, Grenoble, France2015 / p. 56-61 : ill
- A method for crosstalk fault detection in on-chip busesBengtsson, Tomas; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kumar, ShashiNorchip : proceedings : Oulu, Finland, 21-22 November 20052005 / p. 285-288 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/NORCHP.2005.1597045
- Method for testing the brainHinrikus, Hiie; Bachmann, Maie; Lass, Jaanus; Tuulik, Viiu; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering : 14-18 September 2011, Budapest, Hungary2012 / p. 1198-1201 : ill
- Methods for improving the accuracy and efficiency of fault simulation in digital systems = Meetodid digitaalsüsteemide rikete simuleerimise täpsuse ja efektiivsuse tõstmiseksKõusaar, Jaak2019 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?11667
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- Methods for improving the simulation performanceMermet, J.; Morawiec, A.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTechniques of Informatics and Microelectronics for Computer Architecture1999 / p. 91-94
- Microprocessor modeling for board level test access automationDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of 10th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing : Hong Kong, November 27-28, 20092009 / ? p
- Microprocessor-based system test using debug interfaceDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Instenberg, Martin; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes26th Norchip Conference : Tallinn, Estonia, 17-18 November 2008 : formal proceedings2008 / p. 98-101 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NORCHP.2008.4738291
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- Minicomputer software for fault location control in digital circuitsLohuaru, Tõnu; Viilup, Agu; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesPreprints the 2nd IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Software for Computer Control, SOCOCO, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 11-15, 1979 ; Vol. 11979 / p. [?] https://www.ester.ee/record=b2041567*est
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- Mixed bottom-up/top-down hierarchical test generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 9th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, Gdansk, Poland, May 14-16, 19981998 / p. 37-40
- Mixed hierarchical-functional fault models for targeting sequential coresRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilukas, Taavi; Jenihhin, MaksimJournal of systems architecture2008 / 3/4, p. 465-477 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1383762107001166
- Mixed-level defect simulation in data-paths of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Ivask, Eero; Brik, Marina23rd International Conference on Microelectronics : MIEL 2002, Niš, Yugoslavia, 12-15 May 2002 : proceedings. Volume 22002 / p. 617-620 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1003333
- Mixed-level deterministic-random test generation for digital systemsJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Lodz, Poland, June 18-20, 19981998 / p. 335-340
- Mixed-level identification of fault redundancy in microprocessorsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Gürsoy, Cemil Cem; Raik, JaanLATS 2019 : 20th IEEE Latin American Test Symposium : Santiago, Chile,
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- Mixed-level test generator for digital systemsBrik, Marina; Jervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering1997 / 4, p. 271-282 : ill
- Modeling and simulation of circuits with shared structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Raik, Jaan; Viies, VladimirMicroprocessors and microsystems2017 / p. 56-61 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2016.09.006 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/15552 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85000632623&origin=inward&txGid=744c20a68a44b2968b1fc269551acff8 https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr-jp/journal-profile?journal=MICROPROCESS%20MICROSY&year=2017 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000392038000007
- Modeling microprocessor faults on high-level decision diagrams [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Jenihhin, Maksim; Istenberg, Martin; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichDSN 2008 : supplemental : 2008 IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems & Networks With FTCS & DCC (DSN) : June 24-27, 2008, Anchorage, Alaska2008 / p. C17-C22 : ill. [CD-ROM] https://webhost.laas.fr/TSF/WDSN08/2ndWDSN08(LAAS)_files/Slides/WDSN08S-04-Ubar.pdf
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- Module level defect simulation in digital circuitsKuzmicz, Wieslaw; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2001 / 4, p. 253-268
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- Multi-level fault simulation of digital systems on decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Ivask, Eero; Brik, MarinaThe First IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications : DELTA 2002, 29-31 January 2002, Christchurch, New Zealand : proceedings2002 / p. 86-91 : ill
- Multi-level test generation and fault diagnosis for finite state machinesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Brik, MarinaDependable computing : proceedings / EDCC-2, Second European Dependable Computing Conference, Taormina, Italy, October 2-4, 19961996 / p. 264-281: ill
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- Multiple control fault testing in digital systems with high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR) : THETA 20th edition : 19th-21st May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania : proceedings2016 / [6] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/AQTR.2016.7501287
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- Multiple fault testing in systems-on-chip with high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Schölzel, Mario; Vierhaus, Heinrich TheodorProceedings of 2015 10th International Design & Test Symposium (IDT) : Dead Sea, Jordan, 14-16 December 20152015 / p. 66-71 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IDT.2015.7396738
- Multiple stuck-at-fault detection theoremUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS) : April 18-20, 2012 Tallinn, Estonia2012 / p. 236-241 : ill
- Multi-valued simulation of digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings : 1997 21st International Conference on Microelectronics : Niš, Yugoslavia, 14-17 September 1997. Vol. 21997 / p. 721-724 : ill
- Multi-valued simulation of digital circuits with structurally synthesized binary decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesMultiple valued logic. Vol. 41998 / p. 141-157
- Multivalued simulation on AG-model of digital devicesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Voolaine, AndrusProceedings of the 12th Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September, 19891989 / p. 101-104
- Multi-valued simulation with binary decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanProceedings IEEE European Test Workshop, Cagliari, Italy, May 28-30, 19971997 / p. 28-29
- Mutation analysis for systemC designs at TLMGuarnieri, Valerio; Bombieri, Nicola; Pravadelli, Graziano; Fummi, Franco; Hantson, Hanno; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes12th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop (LATW) : Porto de Galinhas, Brasil, 27-30 March 20112011 / [6] p https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5985925
- Mutation analysis with high-level decision diagramsHantson, Hanno; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Guglielmo, Giuseppe di; Fummi, FrancoLATW2010 : 11th Latin-American TestWorkshop, March 28-31, 2010, Punta del Este, Uruguay2010 / [6] p. [CD-ROM] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5550336
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- Mõtteid koostöö võimalikkusest Ida-Lääne piirilUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kruus, MargusMente et Manu2003 / 20. okt., lk. 2 : portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1415646*est
- Mõtteid kõrgharidus- ja teaduspoliitilisest olukorrast EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat 20002001 / lk. 135-139
- Nanoelectronics aging mitigation using SSBDD based techniques and dedicated sensorsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Vargas, Fabian; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, JaanMEDIAN Workshop on Circuit Reliability : Modeling and Monitoring, Rome, Italy, February 25, 20132013 / [1] p
- New built-in self-test scheme for SoC interconnectJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanThe 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics : WMSCI 2005 : July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA. Vol. IV2005 / p. 19-24 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237375234_New_Built-In_Self-Test_Scheme_for_SoC_Interconnect
- New categories of Safe Faults in a processor-based Embedded SystemGürsoy, Cemil Cem; Jenihhin, Maksim; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Piumatti, Davide; Raik, Jaan; Sonza Reorda, Matteo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2019 22nd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS), Cluj-Napoca, Romania : proceedings2019 / 4 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2019.8724642
- New curricula and a competence centre through TEMPUS at the Technical University of TallinnGlesner, M.; Hollstein, Thomas; Courtois, B.; Amblar, P.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Vainomaa, KaidoWorkshop on Design Methodologies for Microelectronics, Smolenice castle, Slovakia, September 11-13, 1995 : proceedings1995 / p. 347-353
- New fault models and self-test generation for microprocessors using High-Level Decision DiagramsJasnetski, Artjom; Raik, Jaan; Tšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2015 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems DDECS 2015 : 22-24 April 2015, Belgrade, Serbia : proceedings2015 / p. 251-254 : ill
- New method of testability calculation to guide RT-level test generationRaik, Jaan; Nõmmeots, Tanel; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes4th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : LATW2003 : Natal, Brazil, February 16-19, 20032003 / p. 46-51 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10836-005-5288-5
- New technique for hierarchical identification of untestable faults in sequential circuitsKrivenko, Anna; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Kruus, MargusInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK kolmanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. aprill 2008, Voore külalistemaja2008 / lk. 155-158 : ill
- New test design techniques for fault detection in digital objectsAlango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 45-62: ill
- A novel artificial neural networks based automatic adaptive fault detection technique for analog circuitsPetlenkov, Eduard; Jutman, Artur; Nõmm, Sven; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 167-170 : ill
- A novel random approach to diagnostic test generationOsimiry, Emmanuel Ovie; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan2nd IEEE NORCAS Conference : 1-2 November 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark2016 / [4] p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/NORCHIP.2016.7792915
- Off-line testing of crosstalk induced glitch faults in NoC InterconnectsBengtsson, Tomas; Kumar, Shashi; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings [of] 24th IEEE Norchip Conference : Linköping, Sweden, 20-21 November 20062006 / p. 221-225 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NORCHP.2006.329215
- Off-line testing of delay faults in NoC interconnectsBengtsson, Tomas; Jutman, Artur; Kumar, Shashi; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes9th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2006) : 30 August 2006-1 September 2006, Cavtat near Dubrovnik, Croatia : proceedings2006 / p. 677-680 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2006.72
- On automatic software-based self-test program generation based on high-Level decision diagramsJasnetski, Artjom; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tšertov, AntonLATS 2016 : 17th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 6th-9th April 20162016 / p. 177 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LATW.2016.7483357
- On efficient logic-level simulation of digital circuits represented by the SSBDD modelJutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes23rd International Conference on Microelectronics : MIEL 2002, Niš, Yugoslavia, 12-15 May 2002 : proceedings. Volume 22002 / p. 621-624 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1003334
- On reusability of verification assertions for testingJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tšepurov, AntonBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 151-154 : ill
- On test generation for microprocessors for extended class of functional faultsOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, JaanVLSI-SoC: New technology enabler : 27th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2019 Cusco, Peru, October 6–9, 2019 : Revised and Extended Selected Papers2020 / p. 21-44 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-53273-4 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19400157163 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85089210353&origin=inward&txGid=d04ed701b074b0e8cf52e648bbb652e8
- On the combined use of HLDDs and EFSMs for functional ATPGDi Guglielmo, Giuseppe; Fummi, Franco; Jenihhin, Maksim; Pravadelli, Graziano; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes5th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium EWDTS 2007 : September 7-10, 2007, Yerevan, Armenia2007 / p. 503-508 : ill
- On the reuse of TLM mutation analysis at RTLGuarnieri, Valerio; Hantson, Hanno; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications2012 / p. 435-448 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10836-012-5303-6
- On using genetic algorithm for test generationBrik, Marina; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ivask, EeroBEC 2004 : proceedings of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : October 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 233-236 : ill
- On-line monitoring of dialysis adequacy using diasens optical sensor: accurate Kt/V estimation by smoothing algorithmsTalisainen, Aleksei; Kostin, Sergei; Karai, Deniss; Fridolin, Ivo; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2010 : 2010 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 4-6, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia2010 / p. 273-276 : ill
- Open-source JTAG simulator bundle for labsShibin, Konstantin; Devadze, Sergei; Rosin, Vjatšeslav; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInternational journal of electronics and telecommunications2012 / p. 233-239 : ill https://journals.pan.pl/Content/87192/PDF/32.pdf
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- Optimization of memory-constrained hybrid BIST for testing core-based systemsJervan, Gert; Kruus, Helena; Orasson, Elmet; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems : SIES'2007 : Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 July 20072007 / p. 71-77 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4297319
- Optimization of memory-constrained hybrid BIST for testing core-based systemsJervan, Gert; Kruus, Helena; Orasson, Elmet; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK teise aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 11.-12. mai 2007, Viinistu kunstimuuseum2007 / lk. 133-136 : ill
- Optimization of structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Vassiljeva, T.; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Tombak, Mati; Peder, AhtiProceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization : August 17-19, 2004, Kavai, Hawaii, USA2004 / p. 234-240 : ill
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- Overview about low-level and high-level decision diagrams for diagnostic modeling of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesFacta Universitatis [Niš]. Series electronics and energetics2011 / p. 303-324 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FUEE1103303U
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- Overview of e-learning environment for web-based study of testing and diagnostics of digital systemsJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichMicroelectronics education : proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 15-16, 20042004 / p. 253-258 : ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-2651-5_41
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- Parallel critical path tracing fault simulation in sequential circuitsKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of 25th International Conference MIXED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS : MIXDES 2018 : Gdynia, Poland, June 21–23, 20182018 / p. 305-310 : ill https://doi.org/10.23919/MIXDES.2018.8436880
- Parallel exact critical path tracing fault simulation with reduced memory requirementsDevadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur4th International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscal Era : DTIS'09 : Cairo, Egypt, April 6-9, 20092009 / p. 155-160 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4938046
- Parallel fault analysis on structurally synthesized BDDsDevadze, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK teise aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 11.-12. mai 2007, Viinistu kunstimuuseum2007 / lk. 47-50 : ill
- Parallel fault backtracing for calculation of fault coverageUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Electronic Testing : September 12. - September 14.2007, Bled, Slovenia : MIDEM conference 2007 proceedings2007 / p. 165-170 : ill
- Parallel fault backtracing for calculation of fault coverageUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, ArturProceedings of the ASP-DAC 2008 : [13th] Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2008 : January 21-24, 2008, COEX, Seoul, Korea2008 / p. 667-672 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221153650_Parallel_fault_backtracing_for_calculation_of_fault_coverage
- Parallel fault simulation in digital circuitsAarna, Margit; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProc. of 42nd International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University2001 / p. 91-94
- Parallel fault simulation in digital circuitsAarna, Margit; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesScientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. 7. serija, Telecommunications and electronics2001 / p. 91-94 : ill
- Parallel pseudo-exhaustive testing of array multipliers with data-controlled segmentationOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Azad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) : 27-30 May 2018, Florence, Italy : proceedings2018 / 5 p.: ill https://doi.org/10.1109/ISCAS.2018.8350936 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/56190 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85057101928&origin=inward&txGid=49e361500f6fe5902264fae2d90ceb95 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000451218700050
- Parallel X-fault simulation with critical path tracing technique [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, ArturDATE 10 : Design, Automation & Test in Europe : Dresden, Germany, 8-12 March, 20102010 / p. 879-884 [CD-ROM] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221341788_Parallel_X-fault_simulation_with_critical_path_tracing_technique
- Pildikesi poolest sajandist : arvutitehnika instituudi luguUbar, Raimund-Johannes2016 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4639382*est
- Pipelined execution of data-parallel algorithmsGorev, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 109-112 : ill
- Practical works for on-line teaching design and test of digital circuitsJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Hahanov, V.; Skvortsova, O.The 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems : ICECS 2002 : September 15-18, 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Volume III2002 / p. 1223-1226 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICECS.2002.1046474
- PrefaceUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Vierhaus, Heinrich TheodorDesign and test technology for dependable systems-on-chip2011 / p. xxii-xxviii
- PrefaceLyapin, Alexandr; Murgul, Vera; Beskopylny, A.N.; Porksheyan, V.M.; Komakhidze, M.G.; Sukhinov, A.I.; Chetverushkin, B.N.; Avetisyan, A.I.; Kalyaev, I.A; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of Physics: Conference Series2021 / art. 011001, 1 p https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2131/1/011001 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/130053 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85124020554&origin=inward&txGid=98840f79b305d790e91ac76e63daa1e3
- Probabilistic analysis of CMOS physical defects in VLSI circuits for test coverage improvementBlyzniuk, M.; Kazymyra, I.; Kuzmicz, W.; Pleskacz, Witold A.; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics reliability2001 / p. 2023-2040 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0026271401000920
- Probabilistic equivalence checking based on high-level decision diagramsKarputkin, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tombak, Mati; Raik, JaanProceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : April 13-15, 2011, Gottbus, Germany2011 / p. 423-428 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5783130
- Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS) : April 18-20, 2012 Tallinn, Estonia2012 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2777270*est
- Professor Raimund Ubari ettekanne [audoktorite promotsioonil TTÜ Nõukogu pidulikul istungil 1. sept. 1993]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes75 aastat Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli1994 / lk. 106-109 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1066846*est
- PSL assertion checking using temporally extended high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesJournal of electronic testing : theory and applications2009 / 6, p. 289-300 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/home/maksim/phd_papers/%5B11%5D%20latw%2708.pdf
- PSL assertion checking with temporally extended high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 9th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : LATW2008 : February 17-20, 2008, Puebla, Mexico2008 / p. 49-54 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/~maksim/phd_papers/%5B11%5D%20latw%2708.pdf
- Pöidlasuurune hiiglaneUbar, Raimund-JohannesSõnumileht1998 / 1. märts, lk. 8: ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1761233*est
- Pöördumine Haridus- ja Teadusministri ning Riigikogu kultuurikomisjoni esimehe poole : [doktorikoolide probleemist]Arro, Ilmar; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Kallavus, Urve; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Lille, Ülo; Lopp, Margus; Mellikov, Enn; Min, Mart; Rang, Toomas; Rüstern, Ennu; Taklaja, Andres; Tamm, Toomas; Tammet, Tanel; Tepandi, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Öpik, AndresMente et Manu2005 / 18. mai. lk. 1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Pöördumine Haridus- ja Teadusministri ning Riigikogu kultuurikomisjoni esimehe poole : [doktorikoolide probleemist]Arro, Ilmar; Kaljurand, Mihkel; Kallavus, Urve; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Lille, Ülo; Lopp, Margus; Mellikov, Enn; Min, Mart; Rang, Toomas; Rüstern, Ennu; Taklaja, Andres; Tamm, Toomas; Tammet, Tanel; Tepandi, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Öpik, AndresTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20052006 / lk. 430-431
- Quo vadis, tehnikakõrgharidus? : [kõne inseneride päeva tähistamisel Eesti Inseneride Liidus 9. detsembril 2011 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia saalis Toompeal]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20112012 / lk. 296-307
- Rahvusvaheline konverents ja magistrikraadidUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1997 / 1. dets., lk. 3: ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Raimund Ubari lühisõnavõtt : riigi teadus-, kultuuri- ja spordipreemiate ning F.J.Wiedemanni keeleauhinna kätteandmisel 24. veebruaril 2016. aastalUbar, Raimund-JohannesRaimund-Johannes Ubar. Bibliograafia2016 / lk. 45-46
- Register-transfer level deductive fault simulation using decision diagramsReinsalu, Uljana; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2010 : 2010 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 4-6, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia2010 / p. 193-196 : ill
- Reisikirjad võõrsiltUbar, Raimund-JohannesHorisont1995 / 1, lk. 54-58; 2, lk. 35-39; 3, lk. 59-62; 4, lk. 51-54; 5, lk. 51-54; 6, lk. 51-55: ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2029755*est
- Rejuvenation of NBTI-impacted processors using evolutionary generation of assembler programsPellerey, Francesco; Jenihhin, Maksim; Squillero, Giovanni; Raik, Jaan; Sonza Reorda, Matteo; Tihhomirov, Valentin; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes2016 IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium : 21-24 November 2016, Hiroshima, Japan2016 / p. 304-309 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/ATS.2016.57 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/14494 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85010190419&origin=inward&txGid=94278d8f3fdc4662a5660d06c967d131 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000391554900058
- Rektor Andres Keevallik saab 24. veebruaril 70aastaseksHazak, Gabriel; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kattel, RainerMente et Manu2013 / lk. 16 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Remarks on different decision diagramsStankovic, Radomir S.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Astola, JaakkoProceedings of the Reed-Muller 2011 Workshop : May 25-26, 2011, Tuusula, Finland2011 / p. 99-110 : ill
- Remote and virtual laboratories in problem-based learning scenariosWuttke, Heinz-Dietrich; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Henke, Karsten2010 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia ISM 2010 : 13-15 December 2010,
Taichung, Taiwan : proceedings2010 / p. 377-382 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISM.2010.63
- Removing design errors from digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProc. of the 4th International Conference on New Information Technologies. Vol. 12000 / p. 118-125
- Replication-based deterministic testing of 2-dimensional arrays with highly interrelated cellsAzad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes21st IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems : DDECS 2018 : Budapest, Hungary 25-27 April, 2018 : proceedings2018 / p. 21-26 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/DDECS.2018.00011
- Representing gate-level SET faults by multiple SEU faults on RT-levelBagbaba, Ahmet Cagri; Jenihhin, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Sauer, Christian2020 IEEE 26th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS), 13-15 July 2020 : proceedings2020 / art. 19889351, 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/IOLTS50870.2020.9159715
- Representing transparency conditions in test generation for VLSI by decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the First Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference : Bratislava, Slovakia, September 4-5, 19971997 / p. 213-216
- Research and training environment for digital design and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich34th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference : October 20-23, 2004, Savannah, GA2004 / p. S3F-18-S3F-23 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2004.1408779
- Research and training environment for digital design and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education : August 29-31, 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba2005 / p. 232-237 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1408779
- Research and training scenarios for design and test of SOC [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichWCETE 2004 : World Congress on Engineering and Technology Education : Engineering Education in the Changing Society : March 14-17, 2004, Guaruja/Santos, Brazil2004 / p. 320-324 : ill. [CD-ROM]
- Research environment for teaching digital testIvask, Eero; Jutman, Artur; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichSynergies between Information and Automation : 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 27.-30.9.2004, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany. Volume 22004 / p. 468-473 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/dildis/publications/IWK'2004_res_inv.pdf
- Research in digital design and test at Tallinn University of TechnologyUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jervan, Gert; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ellervee, Peeter; Kruus, MargusRadioelectronics & informatics2008 / p. 4-12 : ill http://www.ewdtest.com/ri/%E2%84%96-1-40-january-march-2008/
- Research on digital system design and test at Tallinn University of TechnologyUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, Peeter; Hollstein, Thomas; Jervan, Gert; Jutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Raik, JaanResearch in Estonia : present and future2011 / p. 184-205 : ill
- Reseeding using compaction of pre-generated LFSR sequencesJutman, Artur; Aleksejev, Igor; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesICECS 2008 : The 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems : 31st August to 3rd September 2008, Malta : conference guide2008 / p. 215
- Reseeding using compaction of pre-generated LFSR sub-sequencesJutman, Artur; Aleksejev, Igor; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesICECS 2008 : The 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems : Malta2008 / p. 1290-1295 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICECS.2008.4675096
- Results of international cooperation for development and exchange of web-based educational materialsGramatova, Elena; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the III International Conference "Distance Learning - Educational Sphere of XXI Century" : Minsk, Belorussia, 20032003 / p. 17-23
- RT-level test point insertion for sequential circuitsRaik, Jaan; Govind, Vineeth; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIWoTA 2004 : IEEE 1st International Workshop on Testability Assessment : November 2, 2004, Rennes, France : proceedings2004 / p. 34-40 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1428412
- Salajane teadus EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Ülikoolid1998 / 2, lk. 38-39
- Scalable algorithm for structural fault collapsing in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan2015 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC) : October 5-7, 2015, Daejeon, Korea2015 / p. 171-176 : ill
- A scalable technique to identify true critical paths in sequential circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, JaanProceedings 2017 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Design and Diagnotics of Electronic Circuit & Systems(DDECS) : April 19-21, 2017, Dresden, Germany2017 / p. 152-157 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7934553
- Second IEEE East-West Design and Test WorkshopHahanov, Vladimir; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE journal of design & test of computers2004 / p. 594
- Selected issues of modeling, verification and testing of digital systemsJutman, Artur2004 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1989760*est
- Selected papers from the 1997 NORCHIP conferenceLande, Tor Sverre; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes1999
- Self-diagnosis in digital systems = Isediagnoosivad digitaalsüsteemidKostin, Sergei2012 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2757857*est
- Self-learning tool for digital testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, Elmet; Evartson, TeetProceedings of 2nd International Conference "Distance Learning - Educational Sphere of the XXI Century"2002 / p. 36-38 : ill
- Self-testing of pipe-lined signal processing architectures at-speedGorev, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Ellervee, PeeterInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK seitsmenda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 15.-16. novembril 2013, Haapsalu2013 / p. 25-28 : ill
- Sequential circuit test generation using decision diagram modelsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesDesign, Automation and Test in Europe : DATE : Conference and Exhibition 1999 : Munich, Germany, March 9-12, 1999 : proceedings1999 / p. 736-740: ill https://www.cs.york.ac.uk/rts/docs/SIGDA-Compendium-1994-2004/papers/1999/date99/pdffiles/11e_1.pdf
- Sequential circuits BIST with status bit controlRaik, Jaan; Orasson, Elmet; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 11th International Conference : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2004 : Szczecin, Poland, 24-26 June 20042004 / p. 507-510 : ill https://pld.ttu.ee/~raiub/files/aaaaa_pulk/MIXDES/jaan.pdf
- A set of tools for estimating quality of built-in self-test in digital circuitsJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iasi (Romania), October 2-3, 19971997 / p. 362-365
- 7-valued algebra for transition delay fault analysisKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 89-92 : ill
- Shared Structurally Synthesized BDDs for speeding-up parallel pattern simulation in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Raik, Jaan2015 Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS) : NORCHIP & International Symposium on System-on-Chip (SoC) : 1st IEEE NORCAS Conference : 26-28 October 2015, Oslo, Norway2015 / [4] p. : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NORCHIP.2015.7364406
- Simulating system for minicomputer diagnostic programsKitsnik, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilup, AguPreprints 1st IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Software for Computer Control, SOCOCO-76 : Tallinn, USSR, May 25-28, 19761976 / lk. [?] https://www.ester.ee/record=b1291026*est http://www.digar.ee/id/nlib-digar:451346
- Simulation of digital systems with high-level decision diagramsMorawiec, Adam; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology "Baltic Electronics Conference" : BEC 2000 : October 8 - 11, 2000, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2000 / p. 35-38 : ill
- Simulation-based hardware verification with high-level decision diagrams = Simuleerimisel põhinev riistvara verifitseerimine kõrgtaseme otsustusdiagrammidelJenihhin, Maksim2008 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2431332*est
- Simulation-based verification with APRICOT framework using high-level decision diagramsJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEast-West Design & Test Symposium : Moscow, September 18-21, 20092009 / p. 13-16 : ill
- Single gate design error diagnosis in combinational circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Borrione, DominiqueProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering1999 / 1, p. 3-21: ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1000315*est
- SoC and board modeling for processor-centric board testingTšertov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Devadze, Sergei14th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : DSD 2011 : 31 August - 2 September 2011, Oulu, Finland : proceedings2011 / p. 575-582 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6037463
- Software-based self-test for microprocessors with high-level decision diagrams = Mikroprotsessorite tarkvara-põhine enesetestimine kõrgtasandi otsustusdiagrammide põhjalJasnetski, Artjom2018 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?10629 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5151486*est
- Software-based self-test generation for microprocessors with high-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Tšertov, Anton; Jasnetski, Artjom; Brik, MarinaLATW2014 : 15th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop : Fortaleza, Brazil, March 12th-15th, 20142014 / [6] p. : ill
- Software-based self-test generation for microprocessors with high-level decision diagramsJasnetski, Artjom; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Tšertov, Anton; Brik, MarinaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2014 / p. 48-61 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2665215*est
- Software-based self-test with decision diagrams for microprocessorsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jasnetski, Artjom; Tšertov, Anton; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen2018
- SPICE-inspired fast gate-level computation of NBTI-induced delays in nanoscale logicKostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim2015 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems DDECS 2015 : 22-24 April 2015, Belgrade, Serbia : proceedings2015 / p. 223-228 : ill
- SSBDD model : advantageous properties and efficient simulation algorithmsRaik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesETW'02 : 7th IEEE European Test Workshop, Gorfu Greece, May 26-29, 2002 : informal digest2002 / p. 345-346 : ill
- SSBDDs : advantageous model and efficient algorithms for digital circuit modeling, simulation & testJutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes5th International Workshop on Boolean Problems : September 19-20, 2002,
Freiberg (Sachsen) : proceedings2002 / p. 157-166 : ill
- SSBDDs and double topology for multiple fault reasoningUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, JaanProceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS’2012) : Kharkov, Ukraine, September 14–17, 20122012 / p. 23-28
- Structural decision diagrams in digital test : theory and applicationsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Jenihhin, Maksim; Jutman, Artur2024 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44734-1 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5734441*est
- Structural fault collapsing by superposition of BDDs for test generation in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Mironov, Dmitri; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, ArturProceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design ISQED 2010 : March 22-24, 2010 San Jose, California USA2010 / p. 250-257 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5450451
- Structurally synthesized binary decision diagramsJutman, Artur; Peder, Ahti; Raik, Jaan; Tombak, Mati; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBoolean Problems : 6th International Workshop : September 23-24, 2004, Freiberg2004 / p. 271-278 : ill
- Structurally synthesized multiple input BDDs for simulation of digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Mironov, Dmitri; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2009 : Yasmine Hammamet, Tunesia, 13-19 December, 20092009 / p. 451-454 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICECS.2009.5410895
- Structurally synthesized multiple input BDDs for speeding up logic-level simulation of digital circuitsMironov, Dmitri; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur13th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools : DSD 2010 : Lille, France, 1-3 September 2010 : proceedings2010 / p. 658-663 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5615526
- Success story of the Computer Engineering Department at the Tallinn University of Technology in EU projectsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kruus, MargusThe parliament magazine : European politics and policy2006 / p. 33 : ill
- Suure eksperimendi ootelUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1998 / 19. jaan., lk. 1, 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Sünergiline teaduskeskus : Integreeritud elektroonikasüsteemide ja biomeditsiinitehnika tippkeskus CEBEUbar, Raimund-JohannesMente et Manu2011 / lk. 2, 5 : portr https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Sünkroonsete järjestiklülituste testide deduktiivse analüüsi meetodEvartson, Teet; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXXIX vabariiklik üliõpilaste teaduslik- tehniline konverents 30. märtsist - 1. aprillini 1977 : ettekannete teesid1977 / lk. 42 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2449987*est
- Synthesis of decision diagrams from clock-driven multi-process VHDL descriptions for test generationLeveugle, R.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Lodz, Poland, June 18-20, 19981998 / p. 353-358 https://hal.science/ccsd-00015077/
- Synthesis of decision diagrams from clock-driven multi-process VHDL descriptions for test generationLeveugle, R.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesElectron technology1999 / 3, p. 282-287 : ill
- Synthesis of high-level decision diagrams for functional test pattern generationUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Karputkin, Anton; Tombak, MatiProceedings of the 16th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems MIXDES 2009 : Lodz, Poland, 25-27 June, 20092009 / p. 519-524 : ill
- Synthesis of multiple fault oriented test groups from single fault test sets [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan2013 8th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS) : 26-28 March 2013, Abu Dhabi, UAE2013 / p. 36-41 : ill [CD-ROM]
- System modeling for processor-centric test automation = Süsteemide modelleerimine protsessorikesksete testprogrammide sünteesi automatiseerimiseksTšertov, Anton2012 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2751131*est
- Targeting conditional operations in sequential test pattern generationRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes9th European Test Symposium : ETS'04 : Congress Center, Ajaccio, Corsica, France,
May 23-26, 20042004 / p. 17-18 : ill
- Teaching advanced test issues in digital electronicsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training : ITHET : July 7-9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic2005 / p. S2B-1 - S2B-6 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ITHET.2005.1560318
- Teaching dependability issues in system engineering at the Technical University of TallinnUbar, Raimund-Johannes90th Anniversary Jubilee Seminar on Engineering Education, University of Wismar, Germany, May 6-8, 1998 : preprints of proceedings1998 / p. 1-5 (invited paper)
- Teaching dependability issues in systems engineering at the Technical University of TallinnUbar, Raimund-JohannesGlobal journal of engineering education1998 / 2, p. 215-218
- Teaching diagnostic modeling of digital systems with decision diagrams [Electronic resource]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Mironov, Dmitri; Evartson, Teet; Orasson, Elmet; Aarna, Margit; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of 12th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education - CATE 2009 : St.Thomas, US, November 22-24, 20092009 / p. 1-6. [CD-ROM]
- Teaching digital RT-level self-test using a Java appletDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich20th IEEE NORCHIP Conference : Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11-12, 20022002 / p. 322-328 : ill
- Teaching digital system testOyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kruus, MargusThe 27th EAEEIE Annual Conference : June 7-9, 2017, Grenoble2017 / [6] p
- Teaching digital test with BIST analyzerJutman, Artur; Tšertov, Anton; Tšepurov, Anton; Aleksejev, Igor; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich19th EAEEIE Annual Conference : June 29-July 2, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : formal proceedings2008 / p. 123-128 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EAEEIE.2008.4610171
- Teaching research in the laboratory using diagnosis environment for digital systemsKostin, Sergei; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Aarna, Margit; Brik, Marina; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich2009 EAEEIE annual conference : 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering : Valencia, Spain, June 22-24, 20092009 / p. 280-283 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5335462
- Teaching test and design for testability with TURBO-TESTER softwareJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Lodz, May 19961996 / p. 589-594
- Teadus hämaratel kõrvaltänavatelUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1998 / 14. märts, lk. 7
- Teadus ja tehnika ebalevas Eestis : [vestlusring]Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Engelbrecht, Jüri; Mägi, VahurTehnika ja Tootmine1995 / 1, lk. 33-37
- Teaduse mitmekesisus on riigi rikkus : [vestlusringis Jüri Engelbrecht, Raimund Ubar ja Jüri Kivimäe]Engelbrecht, Jüri; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kivimäe, Jüri; Jõgi, MallKultuurileht1994 / 2. dets., lk. 6-7: ill
- Teaduse mõõtmisest, hindamisest ja auhindamisestUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20072008 / lk. 17-24
- Teadusemees. MälestusedUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Põldre, Jüri2011 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2739593*est
- Teaduses sünnivad maailmarekordidUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht1998 / 28. jaan., lk. 10
- Teadusfondi Nõukogu teiselt esimehelt (1993-96)Ubar, Raimund-JohannesÜlevaade Eesti Teadusfondi tegevusest 1990-961996 / lk. 24
- Teaduspreemia laureaadi sõnavõtt : [teaduspreemiate üleandmisel]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Vabariigi preemiad 2016 : teadus. F. J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Kultuur. Sport2016 / lk. 20-21
- Teaduspreemia pikaajalise tulemusliku teadus- ja arendustöö eest : Raimund UbarUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Vabariigi preemiad 2016 : teadus. F. J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Kultuur. Sport2016 / lk. 34-61 : fot., portr
- Teaduspreemia tehnikateaduste alal töö "Uued meetodid digitaalsüsteemide disaini ja diagnostika valdkonnas" eestUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 19991999 / lk. 24-31
- Teaduspõhisus eesriide tagaUbar, Raimund-JohannesTeadus ja ühiskond2018 / lk. 9-27 : ill., fot
- Tehissüsteemide veakindlusest : [TTÜ arvutitehnika instituudi teadustöödest]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesHorisont2006 / 2, lk. 64-69 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2039558*est
- Tehnikateaduste ekspertkomisjonUbar, Raimund-JohannesÜlevaade Eesti Teadusfondi tegevusest 1990-961996 / lk. 38-44 : ill., portr
- Tehnikateaduste tee EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti tulevikusuundumused1994 / lk. 27-38
- Tehnikateaduste tee Eestis : ettekanne Eesti Teadlaste Liidu sümpoosionil "Eesti tulevikusuundumused" 14. aprillil 1994 TTÜsUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 19941995 / lk. 127-140
- Tehnikaülikool Eurochip'i liikmeksUbar, Raimund-JohannesÕhtuleht1993 / 5. märts, lk. 8: ill
- Tehnikaülikoolis tegutseb elektroonika kompetentsuskeskusUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht1995 / 13. nov
- Tehnokultuuri võimalikkusest tänases EestisUbar, Raimund-JohannesKultuurileht1994 / 6., 13. mai, lk. 6 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1886371*est
- Tehnoloogia usaldamisestUbar, Raimund-JohannesHorisont2011 / 5, lk. 10-19 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2427737*est
- Temporally extended high-level decision diagrams for PSL assertions simulationJenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Tšepurov, Anton; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings : Thirteenth IEEE European Test Symposium : ETS 2008 : 25-29 May 2008, Verbania, Italy2008 / p. 61-68 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4556029
- 10th IEEE European Test SymposiumUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Prinetto, Paolo; Raik, JaanIEEE journal of design & test of computers2005 / p. 480-481 : phot http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MDT.2005.106
- "Tervis ruudus", ehk, Tippkeskuse CEBE luguUbar, Raimund-JohannesTeadusmõte Eestis (X). Tehnikateadused. 3 : [artiklikogumik]2019 / lk. 200-215 : ill., fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b5208765*est
- Test configurations for diagnosing faulty links in NoC switchesRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Govind, Vineeth12th IEEE European Test Symposium ETS 2007 : 20-24 May 2007, Freiburg, Germany : proceedings2007 / p. 29-34 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2007.41
- Test configurations for diagnosing faulty links in NoC switchesRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Govind, VineethInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK teise aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 11.-12. mai 2007, Viinistu kunstimuuseum2007 / lk. 33-37 : ill
- Test cost minimization for hybrid BISTJervan, Gert; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems : 25-27 October 2000, Yamanashi, Japan : proceedings2000 / p. 283-298 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/887168
- Test cover calculation in digital systems with word-level decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Ivask, Eero; Brik, MarinaВестник Томского государственного университета2002 / с. 315-319 : ил
- Test generation : a hierarchical approachJervan, Gert; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Peng, Z.; Eles, PetruSystem-level test and validation of hardware/software systems2005 / p. 67-81 : ill
- Test generation for digital systemsUbar, Raimund-JohannesDigest of papers - FTCS 13th Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, June 28 - 30, 1983, Milano, Italy1983 / p. 374-377
- Test generation for digital systems at functional levelUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kuchcinski, Ktzysztof; Peng, Z.Research report LiTH-IDA-R-90-06, Linköping University, Sweden1990 / p. 1-21
- Test generation for digital systems based on alternative graphsUbar, Raimund-JohannesDependable Computing - EDCC-1 : First European Dependable Computing Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 1994 : proceedings1994 / p. 151-164: ill
- Test generation for finite state machinesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Brik, MarinaBEC'96 : the 5th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 7-11, 1996, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1996 / p. 233-236: ill
- Test generation for microprocessor control mechanismsLohuaru, Tõnu; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesFTSD-10 : Deseta Mezdunarodnaja Konferencija "Nadezdnost i Diagnostika na ECM. Mikrokompjutri i Sistemi", Varna, Bulgaria, 1987 = 10th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics (1987)1987 / p. 305-311
- Test generation for microprocessors on alternative graphsAlango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes33. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium : 24.-28.10.1988. H.3 Vortragsreihe B, technische und angewandte Informatik/Computertechnik1988 / p. 11-14
- Test generation techniques and algorithmsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Gramatova, Elena; Fisherova, MariaHandbook of testing electronic systems2005 / p. 99-173 : ill
- Test generation with structurally synthesized BDD modelsRaik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 5th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference, Brno, June 11-12, 19981998 / p. 66-68
- Test methods for crosstalk-induced delay and glitch faults in network-on-chip interconnects implementing asynchronous communication protocolsBengtsson, Tomas; Kumar, Shashi; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Peng, ZeboIET computers and digital techniques2008 / 6, p. 445-460 https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?dswid=-5073&aq2=%5B%5B%5D%5D&c=39&af=%5B%5D&searchType=SIMPLE&sortOrder2=title_sort_asc&language=en&pid=diva2%3A290043&aq=%5B%5B%7B%22personId%22%3A%22authority-person%3A23389%22%7D%5D%5D&sf=all&aqe=%5B%5D&sortOrder=author_sort_asc&onlyFullText=false&noOfRows=50
- Test pattern generation for microprocessor systems on the alternative graph modelUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 3rd Symposium of the IMEKO Technical Committee on Technical Diagnostics (TC10), held in Moscow, October 3 - 5, 19831985 / p. 403-410
- Test set minimization using bipartite graphsMarkus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC'98 : the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, October 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings1998 / p. 175-178: ill
- Test synthesis with alternative graphsUbar, Raimund-JohannesIEEE design & test of computers1996 / Spring, p. 48-57: ill
- Test system for fault detection and diagnosis in microprocessor control devicesUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Männisalu, Mati; Pukk, P.; Vanamölder, E.Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 63-77: ill
- Test time minimization for hybrid BIST of core-based systemsJervan, Gert; Eles, Petru; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, MaksimJournal of computer science and technology2006 / 6, p. 907-912 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11390-006-0907-x
- Test time minimization for hybrid BIST of core-based systemsJervan, Gert; Eles, Petru; Peng, Zebo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim12th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2003) : 17-19 November 2003, Xian, China2003 / p. 318-325 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11390-006-0907-x
- Test time minimization for hybrid BIST with test pattern broadcastingUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jenihhin, Maksim; Jervan, Gert; Peng, ZeboIEEE NORCHIP 2003 : 21 Norchip Conference : Riga, Latvia, 10-11 November 2003 : proceedings2003 / p. 112-116 : ill https://www.ida.liu.se/labs/eslab/publications/pap/db/norchip03.pdf
- Testability analysis for efficient register-transfer level test generation [Electronic resource]Nõmmeots, Tanel; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes9th International Conference MIXDES 2002 : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, 20-22 June 20022002 / [4] p. [CD-ROM]
- Testability calculation for digital circuits with decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes3rd IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : LATW'02, Montevideu, Uruguay, February 10-13, 2002 : digest of papers2002 / p. 137-143 : ill
- Testability guided hierarchical test generation with decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, Jaan; Nõmmeots, Tanel20th IEEE NORCHIP Conference : Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11-12, 20022002 / p. 265-271
- Testentwicklung für Mikroprozessorsystem mit Hilfe der alternativen GraphenAlango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes33. Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium : 24.-28.10.1988. H.1.1988 / S- 11-14 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2936968*est
- Testide genereerimine loogikalülituste alternatiivsete graafide süsteemi mudeli abilSaarma, G.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXXIX vabariiklik üliõpilaste teaduslik- tehniline konverents 30. märtsist - 1. aprillini 1977 : ettekannete teesid1977 / lk. 43 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2449987*est
- Testing of systems using softwareUbar, Raimund-JohannesConcise encyclopedia of software engineering1993 / p. 352-356
- Testing strategies for networks on chipUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Raik, JaanNetworks on chip2003 / p. 131-152 : ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-306-48727-6_7
- Testing tools for training and educationBalaž, M.; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 12th International Conference : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2005 : Krakow, Poland, 22-25 June, 2005. Vol. 1 of 22005 / p. 671-676 : ill
- The dildis-project-using applets for more demonstrative lectures in digital systems design and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichFIE 2001 : 31st Annual Frontiers in Educations Conference : Impact on Engineering and Science Education : Reno, Nevada, October 10-13, 2001 : conference program2001 / p. 83 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/963996
- The dildis-project-using applets for more demonstrative lectures in digital systems design and testUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichProceedings of the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Educations Conference : FIE'2001 : Reno, Nevada2001 / p. SIE-2-7 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/963996
- The synthesis level in Bloom's taxonomy - a nightmare for an LMSWuttke, Heinz-Dietrich; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Henke, Karsten; Jutman, Artur19th EAEEIE Annual Conference : June 29-July 2, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : formal proceedings2008 / p. 199-204 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EAEEIE.2008.4610186
- 3D parallel fault simulationGorev, Maksim; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 39-42 : ill
- Timing simulation of digital circuits with binary decision diagramsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jutman, Artur; Peng, Z.Design, Automation and Test in Europe : Conference and Exhibition 2001 : Munich, Germany, March 13-16, 2001 : proceedings2001 / p. 460-466 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/915063
- Timing-critical path analysis with structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Jenihhin, Maksim; Raik, Jaan; Olugbenga, Niyi-Leigh; Viies, Vladimir2018 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)2018 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/MECO.2018.8406051
- Tippteadus ja ülikoolUbar, Raimund-JohannesMente et Manu2014 / lk. 11-15 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2705056*est
- Tippteadus ja ülikoolUbar, Raimund-JohannesTeadusmõte Eestis (VIII). Teaduskultuur : [artiklikogumik]2013 / lk. 46-53 : portr
- Tollimaks tegi õpperaamatu hirmkalliksUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Päevaleht1999 / 6. dets., lk. 2
- A tool for random test generation targeting high diagnostic resolutionOsimiry, Emmanuel Ovie; Kostin, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2016 : 2016 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 3-5, 2016, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 79-82 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b2150914*est
- A tool for teaching hierarchical fault diagnosis in digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kostin, Sergei; Orasson, Elmet; Evartson, Teet; Brik, MarinaProceedings of 9th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education – EWME’12 : Grenoble, France, May 9-11, 20122012 / p. 1-4
- A tool set for teaching design-for-testability of digital circuitsKostin, Sergei; Orasson, Elmet; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEWME 2016 : 11th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : May 11-13, 2016, Southampton, UK2016 / [6] p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/EWME.2016.7496466
- Topological analysis of SSBDDs with applications in fault diagnosisUbar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of 10th International Workshop on Boolean Problems : Freiberg, Germany, September 19-21, 20122012 / p. 1-16
- Towards artificial intelligence based automatic adaptive response analyzer for high frequency analog BISTPetlenkov, Eduard; Jutman, Artur; Nõmm, Sven; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesCIMSA 2008 : IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications : Istanbul, Turky, July 14-16, 20082008 / p. 99-104 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4595841
- Trainer 1149: a boundary scan simulation bundle for labsJutman, Artur; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Shibin, Konstantin; Rosin, VjatšeslavMIXDES 2011 : 18th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems" : June 16-18, 2011, Gliwice, Poland2011 / p. 520-525
- Transition delay fault simulation with parallel critical path back-tracing and 7-valued algebraKõusaar, Jaak; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, JaanMicroprocessors and microsystems2015 / p. 1130-1138 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2015.05.003
- True path tracing in structurally synthesized BDDs for testability analysis of
digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Jürimägi, Lembit; Oyeniran, Adeboye Stephen; Jenihhin, MaksimEuromicro Conference on Digital System Design : DSD 2019 : 28 - 30 August 2019
Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece : proceedings2019 / p. 492-499 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/DSD.2019.00077
- Tsivilisatsioon ei tea, kuhu ta edasi tormabUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Ülikoolid1998 / 3, lk. 21-23: ill
- Turbo tester - diagnostic package for research and trainingAarna, Margit; Ivask, Eero; Jutman, Artur; Orasson, Elmet; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Vislogubov, Vladislav; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichRadioelectronics and informatics2003 / p. 69-73 : ill
- Turbo tester : a CAD system for teaching digital testJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Paomets, Priidu; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesMicroelectronics education : proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 14-15 May 19981998 / p. 287-290: ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-5110-8_66
- Turbo Tester : a low cost PC-based CAD system for training digital testUbar, Raimund-JohannesSampTA'95 : 1995 Workshop on Sampling Theory & Applications, Jurmala, Latvia, September 20-22, 19951995
- TURBO TESTER : a set of software tools for CAD of test for digital circuitsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Tulit, Viljar; Buldas, Ahto; Saarepera, MärtFourth EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training, 29 September to 1 October 1993, [Toledo]1993 / p. 396
- Turning JTAG inside out for fast extended test accessDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Aleksejev, Igor; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes10th IEEE Latin American Test Workshop : 2-5 March 2009, Brazil2009 / [6] p. : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4813799
- Two-level simulation-based test generation for finite state machinesBrik, Marina; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes17th NORCHIP Conference : Oslo, Norway, 8-9 November 1999 : proceedings1999 / p. 211-216: ill
- Tõe haprusest teaduse ja ühiskonna dialoogisUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti Teaduste Akadeemia aastaraamat = Annales academiae scientarum Estonicae 20172018 / lk. 51-53 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1218094*est
- Tõe haprusest teaduse ja ühiskonna dialoogisUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees2017 / AK : arvamus, kultuur, lk. 7 https://teadus.postimees.ee/3997875/raimund-ubar-toe-haprusest-teaduse-ja-uhiskonna-dialoogis
- Ultra fast parallel fault analysis on structurally synthesized BDDsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Devadze, Sergei; Raik, Jaan; Jutman, Artur12th IEEE European Test Symposium ETS 2007 : 20-24 May 2007, Freiburg, Germany : proceedings2007 / p. 131-136 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2007.43
- Understanding boundary scan test with Trainer 1149Jutman, Artur; Devadze, Sergei; Shibin, Konstantin; Rosin, Vjatšeslav; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes22nd EAEEIE annual conference : June, 13-15, 2011, Maribor, Slovenija : conference book2011 / p. 21-22 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6165727
- Untestable fault identification in sequential circuits using model-checkingRaik, Jaan; Fujiwara, Hideo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Krivenko, Anna2002-2011 : 20th Anniversary compendium of papers from Asian Test Symposium2011 / p. 257-262 : ill https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4711554
- Untestable fault identification in sequential circuits using model-checkingRaik, Jaan; Fujiwara, Hideo; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Krivenko, AnnaProceedings of the 17th Asian Test Symposium ATS 2008 : November 24-27, 2008, Sapporo, Japan2008 / p. 21-26 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ATS.2008.22
- Using Tabu Search for optimization of memory-constrained hybrid BISTKruus, Helena; Jervan, Gert; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 155-158 : ill
- Using Tabu Search for optimization of memory-constrained hybrid BISTKruus, Helena; Jervan, Gert; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK kolmanda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. aprill 2008, Voore külalistemaja2008 / p. 85-88 : ill
- Using Tabu search method for optimizing the cost of hybrid BISTKruus, Helena; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jervan, Gert; Peng, Z.XVI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems : Porto, Portugal, 20012001 / p. 445-450 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=e97bb394ff71aa0affcc5fb372404bbc246888a8
- Uued meetodid digitaalsüsteemide disaini ja diagnostika valdkonnas : kommentaar Eesti Vabariigi teaduse aastapreemia pälvinud tööleUbar, Raimund-JohannesTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 19981999 / lk. 142-145
- Uurimistoetuse juhend ja vormidUbar, Raimund-Johannes1995 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1067614*est
- Vaba semester PrantsusmaalUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1998 / 19. veebr., lk. 6-7; 9. märts, lk. 8-9; 23. märts, lk. 6-7; 13. apr., lk. 6-7; 27. apr., lk. 4-5; 11. mai, lk. 4-5 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2326039*est
- Vahespurt nanomeeterdistantsilUbar, Raimund-JohannesÕpetajate Leht2011 / lk. 7 : portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2408293*est
- Valik arvamusi läbi aastate : [arvamused ka TTÜga seotud akadeemikutelt: Rein Küttner, Anto Raukas, Mart Saarma, Boris Tamm, Enn Tõugu, Raimund-Johannes Ubar]Küttner, Rein; Raukas, Anto; Saarma, Mart; Tamm, Boris, inform.; Tõugu, Enn; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesAkadeemia2008 / lk. 2153-2188, 2327-2328 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1998916*est https://www.ester.ee/record=b1071914*est
- Vastab tehnikateadlane Raimund-Johannes Ubar : intervjuuUbar, Raimund-JohannesHorisont1993 / 6, lk. 32-33 : portr
- Web based tools for synthesis and testing of digital devicesDevadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning) : CompSysTech'2002, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20-21 June2002 / p. 1.9-1 - 1.9-6 : ill
- Web-based applet for teaching boundary scan standard IEEE 1149.1Jutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 10th International Conference : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : MIXDES 2003 : Lodz, Poland, 26-28 June 20032003 / p. 584-589 : ill https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/WEB-BASED-APPLET-FOR-TEACHING-BOUNDARY-SCAN-IEEE-.-J.-Utman/3bd1b47848612e44772b4c84a2913c419de940fa
- Web-based environment for digital electronics test toolsIvask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Schneider, AndreVirtual Enterprises and collaborative networks : IFIP 18th World Computer Congress [and] TC5/WG5.5 - 5th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises : 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France2004 / p. 435-442 : ill https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/1-4020-8139-1_46
- Web-based framework for distributed remote laboratory in the field of digital system testIvask, Eero; Jutman, Artur; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes19th EAEEIE Annual Conference : June 29-July 2, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia : formal proceedings2008 / p. 182-187 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EAEEIE.2008.4610183
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- Web-based software package for e-learning and research training in digital system designJutman, Artur; Kruus, Margus; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Wuttke, Heinz-DietrichИнформационные технологии в науке, образовании, телекоммуникации и бизнесе : Материалы XXXII Международной конференции IT+SE'2005 : Украина, Крым, Ялта-Гурзуф, 19-28 мая 2005 г2005 / [2] p
- Web-based training system for teaching basics of RT-level digital design, test, and design for test [Electronic resource]Devadze, Sergei; Jutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes9th International Conference MIXDES 2002 : Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, 20-22 June 20022002 / [6] p. : ill. [CD-ROM]
- Web-based training system for teaching principles of boundary scan techniqueJutman, Artur; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 14th EAEEIE Annual International Conference on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) : Gdansk, Poland, 20032003 / p. 1-6 : ill
- Vector decision diagrams for simulation of digital systemsUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Morawiec, Adam; Raik, JaanDDECS'20002000 / p. 44-51
- Vektorielle alternative graphen und Fehlerdiagnose für digitale SystemeUbar, Raimund-JohannesNachrichtentechnik, Elektronik : technisch-wissenschaftlishe Zeitschrift für die gesamte elektronische Nachrichtentechnik1981 / p. 25-28 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1550811*est
- VHDL based test generation systemJervan, Gert; Markus, Antti; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesProceedings of the 5th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference, Brno, June 11-12, 19981998 / p. 145-148
- VILAB test generation tools running under the MOSCITO systemSchneider, Andre; Ivask, Eero; Raik, Jaan; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesVILAB User Forum : Györ, Hungary, 20012001 / [12] p
- Virtuaalse labori lugu : (case story)Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1998 / 31. aug., lk. 2-3 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2326044*est
- Virtual laboratory for research in dependable microelectronicsDiener, Karl-Heinz; Elst, G.; Gramatova, Elena; Kuzmicz, W.; Peng, Z.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesThe 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology "Baltic Electronics Conference" : BEC 2000 : October 8 - 11, 2000, Tallinn, Estonia : conference proceedings2000 / p. 217-220 : ill
- Virtual Research & Development Laboratory : a European projectUbar, Raimund-JohannesElectronics Design and Test : international user forum : compendium of papers : Tallinn Technical University, 11. October 2000, Estonia2000 / [14] p. : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2326049*est
- Über einige Probleme der Testsatzanalyse für digitale SystemeUbar, Raimund-JohannesNachrichtentechnik, Elektronik : technisch-wissenschaftlishe Zeitschrift für die gesamte elektronische Nachrichtentechnik1977 / p. 149-150 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1550811*est
- Über einige Probleme der Testsatzanalyse für digitale SystemeUbar, Raimund-JohannesWissenschaftliche Zeitschrift1976 / p. 447-449 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1516616*est
- Ühest kirjutamata jäänud aruandest ehk kes koordineeriks ülikoolis interdistsiplinaarsustUbar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1997 / 18. dets., lk. 4-6: ill
- Ülemiste vanakesest ToompealUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1993 / 11. mai, lk. 2: portr https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1915312*est
- Ülevaade Eesti Teadusfondi tegevusest 1990-96Martinson, Helle; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1058570*est
- Ülikooli aknad on õhtuti pimedad, sest kõik ei suuda olla Diogenesed : [kõne doktorite promoveerimisaktusel TTÜ 75. aastapäeval]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesTehnikaülikool1993 / 19. okt., lk. 2-3: portr
- Ülikoolid akadeemilise kapitalismi tõmbetuulesUbar, Raimund-JohannesAkadeemia2002 / 4, lk. 675-690
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- Ülikoolide saatusest teabeühiskonnasUbar, Raimund-JohannesPostimees1997 / 24. mai, lk. 7
- Автоматический синтез тестов для диагностики цифровых устройствLohuaru, Tõnu; Pall, Martin; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesEesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Füüsika. Matemaatika = Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Физика. Математика = Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Physics. Mathematics1983 / lk. 84-94 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1264310*est
- Алгоритм генерирования тестов для комбинационных логических схемPall, I.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР : тезисы докладов. Часть 11974 / с. 133 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1306141*est
- Альтернативные графы и техническая диагностика дискретных объектовUbar, Raimund-JohannesЭлектронная техника. Серия 8, Управление качеством и стандартизация : научно-технический сборник1988 / с. 33-57
- Вероятностное тестирование цифровых схем и альтернативные графыUbar, Raimund-JohannesМашинное проектирование электронных устройств и систем1989 / с. 89-96
- Вычисление булевых производных при анализе диагностических тестовUbar, Raimund-JohannesПроблемы надежности при проектировании систем управления: тезисы докладов Второй Всесоюзной конференции. Вып. 31976 / с. 55
- Генерирование групповых тестов для цифровых схем на модели альтернативных графовKivi, E.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesТезисы докладов XXXI студенческой научно-технической конференции1980 / с. 52-55 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1319482*est
- Генерирование операндов при синтезе тестов для микропроцессоровToomsalu, Arvo; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesСинтез и диагностика цифровых устройств и систем1982 / с. 63-73
- Генерирование тестов для комбинационных схем с кратными неисправностямиUbar, Raimund-JohannesВопросы проектирования и расчета автоматических информационных систем : [Сборник статей]1978 / с. 6-10
- Генерирование тестов для микропроцессорных системAasma, M.; Kõlamets, A.XXVII студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 19-21 апреля 1983 г : тезисы докладов. Часть 21983 / с. 14 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1571566*est
- Генерирование тестов для цифровых схем при помощи модели альтернативных графовUbar, Raimund-JohannesТруды по электротехнике и автоматике : сборник статей. 141976 / с. 75-81 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190768*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/aa35e320-87b1-405b-9cac-3b90c51867d1
- Генерирование тестов микропроцессорных систем на модели АГUbar, Raimund-JohannesТехническая диагностика : Тезисы докладов III Международного симпозиума ИМЕКО, Москва, окт. 19831983 / с. 100-103
- Генерирование универсальных тестов для дискретных устройств на альтернативных графахUbar, Raimund-JohannesМетоды синтеза и диагностирования цифровых схем1985 / с. 51-60
- Дедуктивной анализ тестов в синхронных цифровых схемах без обратных связейViilup, Agu; Kitsnik, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesМатериалы конференции "Автоматизация технического проектирования ЦВМ" (май-июнь 1977 г.)1977 / с. 178-181
- Декомпозиционный метод диагноза неисправностей в комбинационных схемахUbar, Raimund-JohannesАнализ и моделирование технических устройств и систем АСУТП1978 / с. 3-22 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2191003*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/00fbff38-ccfb-411c-ad55-0c6b943b766b
- Диагноз комбинационных схем при расширенном классе неисправностейUbar, Raimund-JohannesМатериалы всесоюзной конференции "Автоматизированное техническое проектирование электронной аппаратуры", 5-6 июня 1979 г.1979 / с. 177-180
- Диагностика кратных неисправностей в комбинационных схемахViilup, Agu; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Heiter, U.Труды по электротехнике и автоматике : сборник статей. 111973 / с. 89-94 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190624*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/d6e57925-e104-44e1-a218-c5b3110d9996
- Единый подход к решению задач тестового диагностирования дискретных системUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Evartson, TeetIX симпозиум по проблеме избыточности в информационных системах, 3-8 июня 1986 г. : тезисы докладов1986 / с. 32-35
- Единый подход к решению задач тестового диагностирования дискретных системUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Evartson, TeetIX симпозиум по проблеме избыточности в информационных системах, 3 июня - 8 июня 1986 года : Тезисы докладов1986 / с. 32-35
- Единый подход к синтезу тестов цифровых схем и системUbar, Raimund-JohannesМежреспубликанская школа-семинар по технической диагностике, 8-12 октября 1984 года : тезисы докладов1984 / с. 75-81 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1237891*est
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- Исследование и разработка методов анализа диагностических тестов для цифровых схем : диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук (05.13.01)Kitsnik, Peeter1980 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4632972*est
- Исследование и разработка методов тестового диагностирования дискретных систем : автореферат ... доктора технических наук (05.13.13)Ubar, Raimund-Johannes1986 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1564280*est
- Исследование и разработка методов управления поиском дефектов в цифровых схемах : автореферат .... кандидата технических наук (05.13.01)Evartson, Teet1986 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1301665*est
- Комплекс средств диагностирования дискретных устройствUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, TõnuМир ПК1991 / 1, с. 122-125 : ил
- Локализация кратных неисправностей в цифровых схемах методом решения булевых дифференциальных уравненийUbar, Raimund-JohannesСистемы и средства управления : межвузовский сборник научных трудов1978 / с. 71-74 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2642693*est
- Метод дедуктивного анализа тестов для логических схемViilup, Agu; Kitsnik, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesВопросы технической диагностики1977 / с. [?] https://www.ester.ee/record=b2353473*est
- Метод диагноза неисправностей в последовательностных системахGrigorjeva, Ksenja; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование приборов, устройств и систем технической кибернетики1980 / с. 35-44 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1281890*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/8e0abfe2-9020-4ebd-85d1-fd67de0d1b30
- Метод локализации неисправностей при проверке цифровых схем автоматическими тестерамиViilup, Agu; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАнализ и моделирование технических устройств и систем АСУТП1977 / с. 37-45 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190987*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/b7c66054-0b4f-4684-9453-442bc7e6e200
- Метод сжатия диагностических словарей для логических схемSuga, M.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР : тезисы докладов. Часть 11974 / с.135-136 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1306141*est
- Метод эквивалентного преобразования диагностических словарейUbar, Raimund-JohannesВопросы расчета и проектирования автоматических информационных систем1975 / с. [?]
- Методы тестового диагностирования дискретных системUbar, Raimund-JohannesМашинное проектирование электронных устройств и систем1986 / с. 57-69
- Модель векторных альтернативных графов для описания цифровых системUbar, Raimund-JohannesВычислительная техника1982 / с. 103-104
- О выборе контролируемых параметровUbar, Raimund-JohannesАвтоматика и вычислительная техника : АВТ : научно-теоретический журнал1971 / с. 28-32 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1908560*est
- О генерировании тестов цифровых схем в реальном времениGrigorjeva, Ksenja; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXVII областная научно-техническая конференция по вопросам повышения эффективности и качества систем и средств управления (май 1981 года) : тезисы докладов1981 / с. 112
- О минимизации средного времени обнаружения неисправностей в технических устройствахUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Maslennikov, V.P.Вопросы управления процессами. Ч.11971 / с. 136-142
- О моделировании длинных входных последовательностей в дискретных устройствах, содержащих счетные структурыUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Evartson, TeetМетоды синтеза и диагностирования цифровых схем1985 / с. 61-74
- О проверке полноты контролирующих тестов цифровых схемUbar, Raimund-JohannesXV Областная научно-техническая конференция по системам и средствам управления, май 1979 года : Тезисы докладовПермь / с. 74-75
- О синтезе тестов для микропроцессорных БИСLohuaru, Tõnu; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesПроектирование и диагностика вычислительных средств1987 / с. 30-42 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1273275*est
- О снижении комбинаторных трудностей при синтезе тестов для цифровых автоматовUbar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование систем технической кибернетики1983 / с. 111-119
- О функциональном моделировании диагностических тестов в схемах ЦВМVaher, V.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР : тезисы докладов. Часть 11974 / с. 133 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1306141*est
- Об автоматическом синтезе тестов для цифровых объектов систем управленияPlakk, Mari; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesVII Всесоюзное совещание по проблемам управления, Минск, 21-25 ноября 1977. Кн. 31977 / с. 97-98
- Об интерпретативном моделировании неисправностей в комбинационных логистических схемахViilup, Agu; Kitsnik, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesТруды по электротехнике и автоматике : сборник статей. 111973 / с. 79-88 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190624*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/d6e57925-e104-44e1-a218-c5b3110d9996
- Об общей постановке задач тестовой диагностики цифровых схемUbar, Raimund-JohannesТруды по электротехнике и автоматике : сборник статей. 141976 / с. 69-73 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190768*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/aa35e320-87b1-405b-9cac-3b90c51867d1
- Об одной задаче упорядочения множества элементов на временной ОСИUbar, Raimund-JohannesТруды по электротехнике и автоматике : сборник статей. 81970 / с. 57-69 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2189971*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/f65c4042-b55d-4b5b-b9b9-8a70cac2957d/
- Обобщенная модель альтернативных графов для синтеза тестов цифровых системUbar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование систем технической кибернетики1983 / с. 97-109
- Обобщенный подход к многозначному моделированию цифровых схем на модели альтернативных графовVoolaine, A.; Pall, M.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesСинтез и диагностика цифровых устройств и систем1982 / с. 23-37
- Описание неисправностей цифровых устройствUbar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование приборов, устройств и систем технической кибернетики1980 / с. 3-9
- Описание ЦВМ моделью векторных альтернативных графов с целью синтеза диагностических микропрограммUbar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование приборов, устройств и систем технической кибернетики1980 / с. 11-20
- Описание цифровых устройств моделью альтернативных графовUbar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование приборов, устройств и систем технической кибернетики1980 / с. 11-33 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1281890*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/8e0abfe2-9020-4ebd-85d1-fd67de0d1b30
- Оптимизация процессов диагностирования цифровых устройств в реальном времениGrigorjeva, Ksenja; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Evartson, Teet; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesВычислительная техника : тезисы докладов республиканской конференции "Автоматизированное техническое проектирование электронной аппаратуры" (1–2 июня 1982 г.)1982 / с. 144
- Параллельное интерпретативное моделирование тестов для комбинационных логических схемPuntso, T.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР : тезисы докладов. Часть 11974 / с. 134 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1306141*est
- Персональная среда проектирование цифровых системRaud, Rein; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАвтоматизация проектирования электронной аппаратуры : Межвузовский тематический научный сборник1989 / с. 39-43
- Поиск неисправностей в цифровых схемах в режиме диалогаUbar, Raimund-JohannesВопросы технической диагностики : [межвузовский сборник]1980 / с. 76-85 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4430898*est
- Построение полных контролирующих тестов комбинационных схемUbar, Raimund-JohannesEesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Füüsika. Matemaatika = Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Физика. Математика = Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Physics. Mathematics1982 / lk. 418-427; ill. https://www.ester.ee/record=b1264310*est
- Построение тестов для дискретных систем нам простых альтернативных графахVoolaine, Andrus; Pall, M.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesТезисы докладов всесоюзной научно-технической конференции "Методы и средства борьбы с помехами в цифровой технике"1986 / с. 88-89
- Построение тестов для неисправностей комбинационных схем на основе анализа ортогональных дизъюнктивных нормальных форм, представляемых альтернативными графамиMatrosova, A.Yu.; Pleshkov, A.G.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАвтоматика и телемеханика2005 / с. 158-174 : ил http://mi.mathnet.ru/at1333
- Построение тестов для проверки операционных частей дискретных системUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Štraube, B.; Elst, G.Машинное проектирование электронных устройств и систем1988 / с. 65-77
- Построение тестов цыфровых схем при помощи модели Алтернативных графовPlakk, Mari; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАвтоматика и телемеханика1980 / с. 152-163 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1515055*est
- Применение метода Монте-Карло для статистической оптимизации процессов контроляUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Maslennikov, V.P.Вопросы управления процессами. Ч.11971 / с. 129-135
- Применение модели АГ для автоматизации синтеза тест-программ микропроцессорных БИСUbar, Raimund-JohannesЭлектронная техника. Серия 8, Управление качеством, стандардизация, метрология, испытания : научно-технический сборник1985 / с. 110-113 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2160764*est
- Применение модели альтернативных графов при синтезе тестов для комбинационных схемPlakk, Mari; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАнализ и моделирование технических устройств и систем АСУТП1977 / с. 3-13 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190987*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/b7c66054-0b4f-4684-9453-442bc7e6e200
- Проектирование диагностических тестов для микропроцессорных БИС и системEinasto, N.; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 8-10 апреля 1986 года : тезисы докладов. Том II, Автоматика. Энергетика. Механика. Химия1986 / с. 40 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1305565*est
- Проектирование контролепригодных дискретных систем : учебное пособиеUbar, Raimund-Johannes1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1225400*est
- Профессиональная среда проектирования цифровых системRaud, R.; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАвтоматизация проектирования электронной аппаратуры : межвузовский тематический научный сборник1989 / с. 39-43
- Раймунд Убар: ученые делают свое дело, политики - свое : [интервью с Р. Убаром]Ubar, Raimund-JohannesБосс : бизнес, организаця, стратегия, системы2012 / с. 57-58 : ил
- Решение задач диагностики цифровых устройств модели альтернативных графовKurilova, L.; Popova, S.; Tulina, M.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Jakubovitš, M.XXV студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 21-23 апреля 1981 года : тезисы докладов. Том 2, Автоматика. Энергетика. Механика. Химия1981 / с. 39 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1322629*est
- Решение задач проектирования тестов микроэлектронных устройств при помощи АГUbar, Raimund-JohannesТезисы докл. всесоюзн. школы-семинара "Диагностика, надежность контроль"1990 / c. 65
- Синтез парных тестов комбинационных схемPlakk, Mari; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesРасчет и проектирование приборов, устройств и систем технической кибернетики1980 / с. 45-68 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1281890*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/8e0abfe2-9020-4ebd-85d1-fd67de0d1b30
- Синтез тестов для цифровых схемPlakk, Mari; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXIV областная научно-техническая конференция по системам и средствам управления (май 1978 г.) : тезисы докладов1978 / с. 78-79
- Система автоматического тест-программ для вычислительных устройствAlango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesI международная научно-техническая конференция САПР СВТ 89 : доклады. Ленинград, 17-21 апреля 1989 г. Секция 2. Автоматизация логического проектирования СВТ.1989 / c. 23-31
- Система генерирования тестов для микропроцессоровUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Dušina, Julia; Zaugarov, Viktor; Крупнова Е.; Storožev, SergeiProceedings of international conference "Technical Diagnostics-93", St.-Peterburg, June 8-10, 19931993 / p. 87-89
- Тестовая диагностика цифровых устройств : учебное пособие. II, Синтез и анализ тестов. Дешифрация диагностических экспериментовUbar, Raimund-Johannes1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1326795*est
- Тестовое диагностирование дискретных систем на модели АГUbar, Raimund-JohannesТехническая диагностика : VI всесоюзное совещание, Ростов н/Д, май 1987 г. : Тезисы докладов1987 / с. 155
- Универсальный подход к автоматизации проектирования тестов для широкого класса дискретных объектовUbar, Raimund-JohannesМашинное проектирование электронных устройств и систем1986 / с. 70-92
- Управление процессами диагноза логических схемToome, T.; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Evartson, TeetТезисы докладов XXXI студенческой научно-технической конференции1980 / с. 55-57 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1319482*est
- Управление процессом пойска дефектов в цифровых схемах содержащих счётные структурыViilup, Agu; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Evartson, TeetМежреспубликанская школа-семинар по технической диагностике, 8-12 октября 1984 года : тезисы докладов1984 / с. 28-32 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1237891*est
- Формальный синтез тестов для микропроцессоровToomsalu, Arvo; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesXVII областная научно-техническая конференция по вопросам повышения эффективности и качества систем и средств управления (май 1981 г.): Тезисы докладов1981 / с. 111-112
- Формирование тест-программ для микропроцессорных БИС при автоматическом генерировании тестовAlango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesМашинное проектирование электронных устройств и систем1988 / с. 78-87
- Формулы для дедуктивного анализа тестов в синхронных последовательностных схемахKitsnik, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-JohannesАнализ и моделирование технических устройств и систем АСУТП1977 / с. 15-23 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190987*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/b7c66054-0b4f-4684-9453-442bc7e6e200
- Электротехника и автоматикаMägi, Harri; Velmre, Enn; Pikkov, Mihhail; Orro, S.; Rang, Toomas; Gurjanov, Boris; Kruus, Margus; Salum, Kaja; Berkman, Boriss; Keevallik, Andres; Kasirova, Lilia; Kruus, Margus; Ellervee, Peeter; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Grigorjeva, Ksenja; Kont, Toomas1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1285446*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаLaansoo, Ants; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Grigorjeva, Ksenja; Plakk, Mari; Leis, Paul; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Parve, Toomas; Trumm, Tõnu; Gordon, Boris; Seppel, Simmu; Einer, Lauri; Jõers, Rein; Vendelin, Jelena; Aarna, Olav; Jõers, Kristi; Bachverk, Aleksander; Kukk, Vello; Leppikson, Viktor; Raiend, Kullo; Ronk, Ants; Männama, Vello; Gurjanov, Boris1980 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1264145*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаKukk, Vello; Voolaine, Andrus; Jõgi, Aksel; Pall, Martin; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Kitsnik, Peeter; Toomsalu, Arvo; Grigorjeva, Ksenja; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Evartson, Teet; Božitš, V.I.; Galujev, G.A.; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Berkman, Boriss; Rang, Toomas; Velmre, Enn1982 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1328194*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Kukk, Vello; Vendelin, Jelena; Leppikson, Viktor; Rüstern, Ennu; Kurm, Matti; Tiigimäe, Merike1982 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1312243*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаRüstern, Ennu; Aarna, Olav; Rebane, Jüri; Min, Mart; Raiend, Kullo; Kiitam, Andres; Saks, Eva; Vendelin, Juhan; Leis, Paul; Salum, Kaja; Keevallik, Andres; Kitsnik, Peeter; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Viilup, Agu; Evartson, Teet1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1288991*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаUbar, Raimund-Johannes; Rang, Toomas; Velmre, Enn; Evartson, Teet; Voolaine, A.; Toome, Tõnis; Viilup, Agu; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Berkman, Boriss; Rüstern, Ennu; Leis, Paul; Keevallik, Andres; Kruus, Margus; Jüris, A.1984 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1549179*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаPikkov, Otto; Keevallik, Andres; Lausmaa, Toomas; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Leis, Paul; Ellervee, Peeter; Berkman, Boriss; Alango, Villem; Kitsnik, Peeter; Kont, Toomas; Kruus, Margus; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Evartson, Teet; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Räisa, O.; Toome, Tõnis; Šendrik, M.G.; Tamm, Boris, inform.1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1356648*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаRüstern, Ennu; Leis, Paul; Sudnitsõn, Aleksander; Viies, Vladimir; Berkman, Boriss; Keevallik, Andres; Kruus, Margus; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Alango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Grigorjeva, Ksenja; Einasto, N.; Evartson, Teet; Gerasimtšuk, Valeri; Mahhitko, V.P.; Šendrik, M.G.; Tamm, Boris, inform.1986 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1296477*est
- Электротехника и автоматикаRüstern, Ennu; Keevallik, Andres; Kruus, Margus; Salum, Kaja; Berkman, Boriss; Tammemäe, Kalle; Alango, Villem; Kont, Toomas; Ubar, Raimund-Johannes; Lohuaru, Tõnu; Štraube, B.; Elst, G.; Bombik, B.; Viies, Vladimir; Gallai, S.; Rang, Toomas; Laansoo, Ants; Männama, Vello; Pikkov, Otto; Gurjanov, Boris; Opotski, Aleksei; Velmre, Enn1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1256708*est