Adhesive wear of WC- and TiC-based friction stir welding tool materials for aluminium alloy welding [Electronic resource]Kolnes, Mart; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Sergejev, Fjodor; Kolnes, MärtEuropean Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain2018 / 6 p. : ill. [USB] An experimental study of diffusion welded contacts to p-type silicon carbideKorolkov, OlegTelekommunikatsioon 2002 : IX rahvusvahelise telekommunikatsioonipäeva materjalid2002 / lk. 21-23 : ill Degradation of 600-V 4H-SiC Schottky diodes under irradiation with 0.9 MeV electronsLebedev, Alexander A.; Davidovskaja, Klavdia; Kozlovski, Vitali V.; Korolkov, Oleg; Sleptšuk, Natalja; Toompuu, JanaSilicon Carbide and Related Materials 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 11th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2016 (ECSCRM 2016), September 25-29, 2016, Halkidiki, Greece2017 / p. 447-450 : ill Diffusion welded contacts for silicon semiconductor devicesKorolkov, Oleg; Rang, ToomasProceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition Micro Materials : MicroMat '97, April 16-18, 1997, Berlin, Germany1997 / p. 1035-1037 Diffusionsschweissen von Werkstoffen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften = Diffusion welding of different materials = Erinevate materjalide difusioonkeevitusDahms, Steffen2011 A digital measuring system for robot welding quality estimationOtto, Tauno; Kurik, Lembit; Naams, InvarProceedings of the 3rd International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 25-27 April 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 128-129 : ill Eksperthinnanguks murtakse vahel ka raudteerelsse*est2023*est Electrochemical analysis of friction welded 17-4 PH stainless steel components manufactured by selective laser meltingDinesh, Lanka; Nitheesh Kumar, R.; Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss; Sivaprasad, K.International journal on interactive design and manufacturing2023 / 8 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Electron-beam welding of high-entropy alloy and stainless steel: microstructure and mechanical propertiesSokkalingam, Rathinavelu; Mastanaiah, P.; Muthupandi, Veerappan; Sivaprasad, Katakam; Prashanth, Konda GokuldossMaterials and manufacturing processes2020 / p. 1885-1894 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Experimental and numerical assessment of fracture initiation in laser-welded webcore sandwich panelsKõrgesaar, Mihkel; Romanoff, Jani; Palokangas, PekkaProceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Lisbon, 24-27 july 20182018 / [17 p.] Formation of Diffusion welded Al contacts to semiconductor silicon carbideKorolkov, Oleg2004 Friction welding of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4VQin, P.T.; Damodaram, R.; Maity, Tapabrata; Zhang, W.W.; Yang, C.; Wang, Zhi; Prashanth, Konda GokuldossMaterials Science and Engineering : A2019 / art. 138045, 6 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS High voltage diffusion‐welded stacks on the basis of SiC Schottky diodesKorolkov, Oleg; Sleptšuk, Natalja; Annus, Paul; Land, Raul; Rang, ToomasICSRM 2015 : program guide2015 / p. 73 High-voltage diffusion‐welded stacks on the basis of SiC Schottky diodesKorolkov, Oleg; Sleptšuk, Natalja; Annus, Paul; Land, Raul; Rang, ToomasSilicon carbide and related materials 2015 (ICSRM 2015) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 16th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, October 4-9, 2015, Giardini Naxos, Italy2016 / p. 790-794 : ill Increase of fatigue strength of threaded jointsStrižak, Viktor; Meng, ValentinFatigue Design 1998, Espoo, Finland, 26-29 May, 1998. Vol. 21998 / p. 625-636: ill Investigation of subcontact layers in SiC after diffusion weldingKorolkov, Oleg; Kuznetsova, Natalja; Sitnikova, A.; Viljus, Mart; Rang, ToomasSilicon carbide and related materials 20072009 / p. 647-650 Investigation of the intermediate layer in the metal-silicon carbide contact obtained by diffusion welding = Difusioonkeevitusega valmistatud metalli ja ränikarbiidi vahelise üleminekuala vahekihi uurimineSleptšuk, Natalja2011*est KeevisliitedKriis, Roman; Soonvald, Eugen1953*est KeevisliitedKleis, IlmarMasinaehitaja käsiraamat. 2. kd1971 / lk. 47-53*est Keevisliited ja jootliited : tähistamine joonistel2000*est Keevisõmbluste mittepurustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : kapillaarkatse. Aktsepteerimise tasemed = Non-destructive testing of welds : penetrant testing. Acceptance levels (ISO 23277:2015)2015*est Keevisõmbluste mittepurustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : katsetamine ultraheliga. Aktsepteerimise tasemed = Non-destructive testing of welds : ultrasonic testing. Acceptance levels (ISO 11666:2010)2014*est Keevisõmbluste mittepurustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : katsetamine ultraheliga. Meetodid, katsetamise tasemed ja hindamine = Non-destructive testing of welds : ultrasonic testing. Techniques, testing levels, and assessment (ISO 17640:2010)2015*est Keevisõmbluste mittepurustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : magnetpulberkatse. Aktsepteerimise tasemed = Non-destructive testing of welds : magnetic particle testing. Acceptance levels (ISO 23278:2015)2015*est Keevisõmbluste mittepurustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : ultraheliga katsetamine. Meetodid, katsetasemed ja hindamine = Non-destructive testing of welds : ultrasonic testing. Techniques, testing levels, and assessment (ISO 17640:2018)2018*est Keevitamine : soovitused metallmaterjalide keevitamiseks. Osa 2, Ferriitteraste kaarkeevitus = Welding : recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Part 2, Arc welding of ferritic steels2012*est Keevitamine : soovitused metallmaterjalide keevitamiseks. Osa 3, Roostevabade teraste kaarkeevitus = Welding : recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Part 3, Arc welding of stainless steels2012*est Keevitamine [Võrguteavik] : metallmaterjalide tihvtkaarkeevitus = Welding : arc stud welding of metallic materials (ISO 14555:2017)2021*est Keevitus ja külgnevad protsessid : soovitused liidete ettevalmistuseks. Osa 1, Teraste käsikaarkeevitus, kaarkeevitus kaitsegaasis, gaaskeevitus, TIG-keevitus ja kiirguskeevitus = Welding and allied processes : recommendations for joint preparation. Part 1, Manual metal-arc welding, gas-shielded metal-arc welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam welding of steels (ISO 9692-1:2003)2012*est Keevitus ja külgnevad protsessid [Võrguteavik] : keevisliidete tähistamine tingmärkidega joonistel = Welding and allied processes : symbolic representation on drawings. Welded joints (ISO 2553:2013)2015*est Keevitus ja külgnevad protsessid [Võrguteavik] : tingmärkidega tähistamine joonistel. Keevisliited = Welding and allied processes : symbolic representation on drawings. Welded joints (ISO 2553:2019)2019*est Keevitus ja külgnevad protsessid. Metallide keevisliidete geomeetriliste defektide liigitusÜksti, Lembit; Laansoo, Andres; Laurfeld, Toomas2004*est Keevitus ja külgnevad protsessid. Metallide keevisliidete geomeetriliste defektide liigitusLaansoo, Andres2010*est KinnisliitedArumäe, Heino; Kleis, Ilmar1979*est Metallide keevitusprotseduuride spetsifitseerimine ja atesteerimine [Võrguteavik] : keevitusprotseduuri katse. Osa 1, Teraste kaar- ja gaaskeevitus ning nikli ja niklisulamite kaarkeevitus = Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials : welding procedure test. Part 1, Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15614-1:2017, Corrected version 2017-10-01)2018*est Metallide keevitusprotseduuride spetsifitseerimine ja kvalifitseerimine [Võrguteavik] : keevitusprotseduuri katse. Osa 1, Teraste kaar- ja gaaskeevitus ning nikli ja niklisulamite kaarkeevitus = Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials : welding procedure test. Part 1, Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15614-1:2017, Corrected version 2017-10-01+ISO 15614-1:2017/Amd 1:2019)2019*est Metalsete materjalide keevisliidete purustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : löökpaindekatsed. Katsekehade asukoht, soone asend ja uurimine = Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials : impact tests. Test specimen location, notch orientation and examination (ISO 9016:2012)2019*est Metalsete materjalide keevisõmbluste purustav katsetamine : keevisõmbluste makroskoopiline ja mikroskoopiline uuring = Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials : macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds (ISO 17639:2022)2022*est Metalsete materjalide keevisõmbluste purustav katsetamine : löökpaindekatsed. Katsekehade asukoht, soone asend ja uurimine = Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials : impact tests. Test specimen location, notch orientation and examination (ISO 9016:2022)2024*est Metalsete materjalide keevisõmbluste purustav katsetamine : paindekatse = Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials : bend tests (ISO 5173:2023)2024*est Metalsete materjalide keevisõmbluste purustav katsetamine : ristsuunalised tõmbekatsed = Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials : transverse tensile test (ISO 4136:2022)2024*est Metalsete materjalide keevisõmbluste purustav katsetamine [Võrguteavik] : paindekatse = Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials : bend tests (ISO 5173:2009+ISO 5173:2009/Amd 1:2011)2019*est SIC schottky diode rectifier bridge represented as the diffusion-welded stackKorolkov, Oleg; Kozlovski, Vitali V.; Lebedev, Alexander A.; Land, Raul; Sleptšuk, Natalja; Toompuu, Jana; Rang, ToomasSilicon Carbide and Related Materials 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 11th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2016 (ECSCRM 2016), September 25-29, 2016, Halkidiki, Greece2017 / p. 697-700 : ill Some comparative properties of diffusion-welded contacts to 6H and 4H silicon carbideKorolkov, Oleg; Rang, ToomasSilicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001 : ICSCRM2001 : proceedings of the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001, Tsukuba, Japan, October 28 - November 2, 2001. Part 22002 / p. 941-944 : ill Terase kaarkeevitusliited : kvaliteeditasemete määramine keevitusvigade järgi2000*est The basic Schottky parameters for combined diffusion welded and sputter metal contactsKuznetsova, Natalja; Korolkov, Oleg; Rang, Toomas; Pikkov, MihhailBEC 2006 : 2006 International Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 2-4, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the 10th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference2006 / p. 47-50 : ill The diffusion welded contacts in power electronics and electrotechnicsKorolkov, OlegTelekommunikatsioon '98 : rahvusvahelise telekommunikatsioonipäeva konverentsi ettekannete materjalid, 15. mai 19981998 / lk. 84-86: ill The Schottky parameter test for combined diffusion welded and sputter large area contactsKorolkov, Oleg; Kuznetsova, Natalja; Rang, Toomas; Syrkin, A.; Dmitriev, V.Silicon carbide and related materials2007 / p. 737-740 Wear of potential tool materials for aluminium alloys friction stir welding at weld temperaturesKolnes, Mart; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Sergejev, Fjodor; Kolnes, MärtProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2019 / p. 198–206 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS