Ameerika Ühendriikide vahevalimised ja Donald Trumpi võitlused tõejärgses maailmasMölder, HolgerArvamus, kultuur : [ajalehe Postimees lisa]2022 Bideni ja Trumpi vastasseis jätkubMölder, HolgerPostimees2022 / Lk. 15 Trump võis toetust kaotada, kuid tema kontrollib vabariiklaste eelvalimisi Bideni suur kaotus teledebatilMölder, Holgerpostimees.ee2024 Bideni suur kaotus teledebatil British approach to the European Union: from Tony Blair to David CameronMölder, HolgerBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 153-173 Building a legislative framework for securing Georgia’s strategic assetsChochia, Archil; Gvineria, Shota; Mölder, HolgerTalTech journal of European studies2024 / p. 271-302*est Building Estonia's security narrative in 1990s and afterwardsMölder, Holger11th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe "Traditions, Transitions, Transfers" : September 07-10, 2015, Marburg : conference program2015 / p. 23 A comparative analysis of the development of security narratives in Ukraine and Russia [Online resource]Mölder, HolgerRussian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis2016 / p. 33-40*est A comparative overview of online news [Online resource]Müür, Kristiina; Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirRussian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis2016 / p. 70-98 : ill*est Conclusions [Online resource]Russian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis2016 / p. 112-115*est Cultural crossroads in the Middle East : the historical, cultural and political legacy of intercultural dialogue and conflict from the ancient Near East to the present day [Online resource]2019*est Cultural, peace and conflict studies series. Vol. 6, The crisis in Ukraine and information operations of the Russian Federation2016*est Culture of fear : the decline of Europe in Russian political imaginationMölder, HolgerA Continent of conspiracies : conspiracy theories in and about Europe2021 / p. 231-252 Culture of fear and its impact on political communication in the post-truth political environmentMölder, HolgerECPR General Conference Online, Virtual event, 24–28 August 20202020 / 15 p Culture of fear, information warfare and Pax RussicaMölder, HolgerThird annual Tartu conference on Russian and East European studies "Reflecting on nation-statehood in Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia" 10-12 June 2018, University of Tartu, Estonia2018 / p. 23*est Cybersecurity in the era of hypercompetitiveness : can the EU meet the new challenges?Munkoe, Malthe; Mölder, HolgerRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 69-94 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Džihadismi vari EuroopasMölder, HolgerMaailma Vaade2015 / lk. 9-11 : fot*est Eksperdid: Orban on demokraatiast väsimise kehastus = Experts: Viktor Orban the embodiment of democracy 'fatigue', Эстонские эксперты: Орбан стал воплощением усталости от демократииLauri, Vahurerr.ee2023 Eksperdid: Orban on demokraatiast väsimise kehastus Experts: Viktor Orban the embodiment of democracy 'fatigue' Эстонские эксперты: Орбан стал воплощением усталости от демократии Elite agenda, media framing and public perception of European integration in EstoniaMölder, Holger; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeDesk Research Report (Historical Overview)2021 / p. 185–215 Elite agenda, media framing, and public perception of European integration in EstoniaMölder, Holger; Chochia, Archil; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeTalTech journal of European studies2023 / p. 63-110 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Estonia and the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Mölder, Holger; Chochia, ArchilThe Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics2019 / 18 p httpd:// Euroasjade olemus väärib eestlastelt paremat mõistmistMölder, Holgerpostimees.ee2023 / Lk. 15 Euroasjade olemus väärib eestlastelt paremat mõistmist Euroasjade olemus väärib eestlastelt paremat mõistmist Euroopa peab vähendama julgeolekusõltuvust USAstMölder, Holgerpostimees.ee2024 Euroopa peab vähendama julgeolekusõltuvust USAst Euroopa väärtuskonfliktid Ukraina sõja taustalMölder, HolgerPostimees2022 / Lk. 13 Global knowledge warfare : using strategic imagination to harness uncertainty and fearShiraev, Eric; Mölder, HolgerThe cipher brief2020 "Global knowledge warfare" Global knowledge warfare, strategic imagination, uncertainty, and fearMölder, Holger; Shiraev, EricThe Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021 / p. 13-32*est Hiina ja Venemaa partnerlusest ei sünni liitlustMölder, HolgerPostimees2020 / Lk. 16-17 : ill Hirmu ja paanika motiiv Venemaa Balti riikidele suunatud COVID-19-aegses mõjutustegevuses [Võrguteavik]Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, Vladimir2020*est Hirmukultuuri loomine moodsas hübriidsõjas Venemaa ja õppuse Zapad 2017 näitelMölder, HolgerZapad 2017 infosõja vaatepunktist = Zapad 2017 from the perspective of information warfare2018 / lk. 64-85*est*est Holger Mölder: trumpism ja häda mõistuse pärast [Võrguväljaanne]Mölder, Holgeraripaev.ee2021 Holger Mölder: USA-Vene dialoog on kasulik [Võrguväljaanne]Mölder, Holgerpostimees.ee2022 "Holger Mölder: USA-Vene dialoog on kasulik" Holger Mölder: uued sõjad uuenevas maailmas – hübriidsõjad tõejärgsel ajastul [Võrguväljaanne]Mölder, Holgerpostimees.ee2021 "Holger Mölder: uued sõjad uuenevas maailmas – hübriidsõjad tõejärgsel ajastul" Hybrid threats: a strategic communications perspective [Online resource]Aday, Sean; Andžāns, Maris; Berziņa-Čerenkova, Una; Mattiisen, Mariita; Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, Vladimir2019*est Information warfare - a Hobbesian concept of war in the post-truth eraMölder, HolgerBaltic rim economies2017 / p. 23 Information warfare as the Hobbesian concept of modern times - the principles, techniques, and tools of Russian information operations in the DonbassMölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirThe journal of Slavic military studies2018 / p. 308-328 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Inkade impeeriumi pärandi mõju tänapäeva Ladina-Ameerika riikide poliitilisele ja kultuurilisele eneseteadvuseleMölder, HolgerIdakiri : Eesti Akadeemilise Orientaalseltsi aastaraamat 20162016 / lk. 118-132 IntroductionMölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirCultural crossroads in the Middle East : The historical, cultural and political legacy of intercultural dialogue and conflict from the ancient Near East to the present day2020 / p. 7-9*est Introduction : the role of Russian information warfareSazonov, Vladimir; Mölder, Holger; Saumets, AndresCultural, peace and conflict studies series. Vol. 6, The crisis in Ukraine and information operations of the Russian Federation2016 / p. 7-12*est Introduction : the Russian Federation and new challenges of modern warfareMölder, Holger; Sazonov, Vladimir; Chochia, Archil; Kerikmäe, TanelThe Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021 / p. 1-9*est Introductory chapter: Cultural change in political communities and twenty years of crisis in the twenty-first centuryMölder, Holger; Voinea, Camelia Florela; Sazonov, Vladimir; Foster, NoelProducing cultural change in political communities : The impact of populism and extremism on the international security environment2023 / p. 1-13 Invisible battlegrounds in the 21st century : psychological warfare, influence operations and their impact on NATO's future from the Baltic perspectiveMölder, HolgerTowards #NATO2030: The regional perspective of the Baltic States and Poland2020 / p. 111-122 Israel in the post-IS Middle-EastMölder, HolgerDynamic Asia - Shaping the Future : April 13-15, 2018 in Riga, Latvia : Programme and Abstracts2018 / p. 44 Kas Eesti vajab rahvusvaheliste suhete õpikut?Mölder, HolgerDiplomaatia2019 / lk. 22 : ill*est Kremlin information campaign in the Baltic States during the Covid-19 pandemic escalation of spring 2020Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirModern management review2020 / p. 83-97 Kuvandiehitamine kui moodsa infosõja tuumarelvMölder, HolgerMüürileht2017 / lk. 18-19*est La ciberseguridad en la era de hipercompetitividad: ¿puede la Union Europea afrontar los nuevos retos?Munkoe, Malthe; Mölder, HolgerRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 69-94 Lähis-Ida tulevikuperspektiivid – kui tahad rahu, siis valmistu sõjaksMölder, HolgerMaailma Vaade2021 Maintaining the security dilemma in the South Caucasus : Russia's geostrategic interests in GeorgiaGvelesiani, Lile; Mölder, HolgerKümme aastat Vene-Georgia 2008. aasta sõjast : peegeldusi hübriidsõjast ja Venemaa poliitilistest ambitsioonidest = Ten years after the Russo-Georgian war of 2008 : reflections on hybrid warfare and Russia's political ambitions Sõjateadlane = Estonian journal of military studies2018 / p. 137-157 Mida näitasid nüüdsed Euroopa Parlamendi valimised?Kuusik, PiretDiplomaatia2019 / lk. 5-7 : fot*est Occupy liikumise sünd ja mõju. Mis hõõgub nüüd tuha all?Mölder, HolgerRahvusvaheline Kaitseuuringute Keskus (RKK) = International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)2020 Occupy liikumise sünd ja mõju. Mis hõõgub nüüd tuha all? Overview of political events in Ukraine : appendix IMölder, HolgerRussian information operations against Ukrainian armed forces and Ukrainian countermeasures (2014-2015)2017 / p. 77-122*est Overview of the political events of 2014-2015 in UkraineMölder, HolgerRussian information operations against Ukrainian armed forces and Ukrainian countermeasures (2014-2015)2017 / p. 34-37*est Political overview [Online resource]Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirRussian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis2016 / p. 61-63 : tab*est Populism ja poliitiline äärmuslus muistsest ajast kuni tänapäevaniMölder, Holger; Sazonov, Vladimir2020*est Producing cultural change in political communities : the impact of populism and extremism on the international security environment2023 The prospects of strategic imagination in explaining international security challengesMölder, HolgerQuality & Quantity : International Journal of Methodology2023 / p. 55-76 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Putin kaotas maailmade sõja, muus osas terendab viik [Võrguväljaanne]Mölder, HolgerEesti Päevaleht2022 / Lk. 2-3 Rohkem julgeolekut ≠ julge olekMölder, HolgerMüürileht2016 / lk. 10-12 The Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021*est Russian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis [Online resource]Sazonov, Vladimir; Müür, Kristiina; Mölder, Holger2016*est Russian information operations against the Ukrainian State and defence forces : April-December 2014 in online newsMüür, Kristiina; Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, Vladimir; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, PilleJournal on Baltic security2016 / p. 28-71 : ill*est Short annotation [Online resource]Müür, Kristiina; Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirRussian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis2016 / p. 4-5*est Sõjateoloogia ilmingud Lähis-Idas Daeshi näitel : kas religioosne liikumine või poliitilis-sõjaline organisatsioon?Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirSõjateadlane = Estonian journal of military studies2016 / lk. 208-231*est Süüria - kas järjekordne ususõda Lähis-Idas?Sazonov, Vladimir; Mölder, HolgerIdakiri : Eesti Akadeemilise Orientaalseltsi aastaraamat 20142015 / lk. 134-154*est Teekond Magellani pilve : dokumentaalmüütMölder, Holger2020*est The culture of fear in international politics - a western-dominated international system and its extremist challengesMölder, HolgerCurrent debates in international relations2016 / p. 270-277*est The culture of fear in international politics - a western-dominated international system and its extremist challengesMölder, HolgerCurrent debates in international relations2019 / p. 241-263 The EU’s common security and defence policy in facing new security challenges and its impact on cyber defenceKasper, Agnes; Mölder, HolgerThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 271-294 The failure of intercultural dialogue in the Middle East - the impact of war theology to contemporary ideological-religious conflictsMölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirCultural crossroads in the Middle East : the historical, cultural and political legacy of intercultural dialogue and conflict from the ancient Near East to the present day2020 / p. 10-35*est The Hobbesian challenges against the Kantian international system and the failure of international security governanceMölder, HolgerVoices on Peace and War2023 The impact of Russian anti-western conspiracy theories on the status-related conflict in Ukraine : the case of flight MH17Mölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirBaltic journal of European studies2019 / p. 96–115*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS The inca legacy and indigenous political movements in contemporary Latin AmericaMölder, HolgerWhen gods spoke : researches and reflections on religious phenomena and artefacts : studia in honorem Tarmo Kulmar2015 / p. 211-226*est The Islamic State, clash of civilizations and their impact on the development of contemporary international relationsMölder, HolgerCultural crossroads in the Middle East : the historical, cultural and political legacy of intercultural dialogue and conflict from the ancient Near East to the present day2020 / p. 314-345*est The Kremlin’s strategic narratives on the Baltic states during the COVID-19 crisisMölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirKwartalnik Bellona2020 / p. 1-10 The Kremlin’s strategic narrativeson the Baltic States duringthe COVID-19 crisisSazonov, Vladimir; Mölder, HolgerKwartalnik Bellona2020 / p. 35-54 The narrative of Islamic State and the Lemmas of Middle Eastern security environmentMölder, Holger2nd Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies Conference : Tartu, 7-9 April 2016 : program and abstracts2016 / p. 52 The war of narratives - Putin's challenge to international security governance in UkraineMölder, HolgerCultural, peace and conflict studies series. Vol. 6, The crisis in Ukraine and information operations of the Russian Federation2016 / p. 88-113 : tab*est Troonide mängud Donald Trumpi õukonnas – tõsieluseriaal Ameerika Ühendriikide poliitikaareenilMölder, HolgerMaailma Vaade2018 / [5] lk. : fot Ukraine in Russia's sphere of interests [Online resource]Sazonov, Vladimir; Mölder, Holger; Müür, KristiinaRussian information campaign against the Ukrainian state and defence forces : combined analysis2016 / p. 40-44*est USA presidendivalimiste ralli kogub hooguMölder, HolgerArvamus, kultuur : [ajalehe Postimees lisa]2023 / Lk. 10 USA presidendivalimiste ralli kogub hoogu Uued sõjad uuenevas maailmas – hübriidsõjad tõejärgsel ajastulMölder, HolgerArvamus, kultuur : [ajalehe Postimees lisa]2021 / Lk. 6 Valimised lõhestunud Ameerika ÜhendriikidesMölder, HolgerDiplomaatia2020 / lk. 2-4 ; fot War of narratives and revisionist challenge—The evolving strategic partnership between the new right movement in the United States and the Russian FederationMölder, HolgerProducing cultural change in political communities : The impact of populism and extremism on the international security environment2023 / p. 269–295 Venemaa heidutamine : strateegiadebati keerdkäigudJermalavicius, TomasDiplomaatia2018 / lk. 2-4 : portr*est Venemaa mobiliseerub režiimi kaitseksMölder, HolgerPostimees2022 / Lk. 12 Venemaa mobiliseerub režiimi kaitseks Venemaa strateegilised narratiivid Balti riikidele suunatud mõjutustegevuses COVID-19 kriisi ajalMölder, Holger; Sazonov, VladimirSõjateadlane = Estonian journal of military studies2020 / lk. 197−225 Why did Russia attack Ukraine?Sazonov, Vladimir; Mölder, HolgerRussian information operations against Ukrainian armed forces and Ukrainian countermeasures (2014-2015)2017 / p. 28-33*est Väärtuspõhine välispoliitika ujub nüüd vastuvooluRaik, KristiSirp : Diplomaatia2018 / lk. 2-4 : fot Üleilmne teadmiste sõda : strateegilise ettekujutuse kasutamine ebakindluse ja hirmu ohjeldamiseksMölder, Holger; Shiraev, EricTurvalisuskompass : turvalisuse ja julgeoleku teadusajakiri2021 / lk. 185-197*est Üleilmne teadmistesõda, strateegiline ettekujutus, ebakindlus ja hirmMölder, Holger; Shiraev, EricSõjateadlane = Estonian journal of military studies2021 / lk. 33–61*est Мёльдер: важно то, о чем говорили Меркель и Лукашенко [Online resource]Mölder, HolgerStolitsa.ee2021 "Мёльдер: важно то, о чем говорили Меркель и Лукашенко" Мёльдер: гражданская война в Афганистане продолжится [Online resource]Mölder, HolgerStolitsa.ee2021 "Мёльдер: гражданская война в Афганистане продолжится" Мёльдер: желание Украины стать частью НАТО очень логично [Online resources]Mölder, HolgerStolitsa.ee2022 Мёльдер: желание Украины стать частью НАТО очень логично Мёльдер: недовольство народа режимом нашло повод для выхода [Online resources]Mölder, HolgerStolitsa.ee2022 "Мёльдер: недовольство народа режимом нашло повод для выхода "