Aastavestlus, millest on kasu töötajale ja tööandjaleMaltsev, Tiina; Ojasoo, MerleEesti Õde : Eesti Õdede Liidu ametlik väljaanne2020 / lk. 29-30 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072030*est https://dea.digar.ee/article/AKeestiode/2020/09/0/14.1 Appearance-based discrimination against young women in the workplaceLämsä, Anna-Maija; Ojasoo, Merle; Jyrkinen, Marjut; Pučetaite, RamintaQualitative research in organizations and management2023 / p. 125-141 https://doi.org/10.1108/QROM-02-2022-2292 Assessing engineering students’ attitudes towards corporate social responsibility principlesSaari, Ulla A.; Ojasoo, Merle; Venesaar, Urve; Puhakka, Ilmari; Nokelainen, Petri; Mäkinen, Saku J.European journal of engineering education2024 / 22 p https://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2023.2299731 The challenges of a stakeholder dialogue : the case of inexhaustible energy for exhaustible consumptionOjasoo, Merle; Roostalu, Lea; Leppiman, Anu; Riivits-Arkonsuo, IiviEvolving business models in ecosystem of disruptive technologies and social media2019 / p. 89-95 : ill CSR reporting, stakeholder engagement and preventing hypocrisy through ethics auditOjasoo, MerleJournal of global entrepreneurship research2016 / p. 1-14 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40497-016-0056-9 Emotional coping of nursing students during mental health nursing simulation trainingAnnion, Marianne; Ojasoo, Merle; Ernits, Ülle; Puusepp, KristiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2023 / p. 212-219 https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2023.3.03 Eriõe professionaalne areng ja võimestamine magistriõppe arendusprojekti kauduOjasoo, MerleEesti õendus ajas ja muutumises: Teadus- ja õppemetoodiliste artiklite kogumik2020 / p. 133-139 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5379916*est ESG alusraamistikudOjasoo, MerlePersonalijuhtimise käsiraamat2024 / lk. 273-293 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b5650955*est Ethics and sustainability in the communication of Tallinn City TheatreKooskora, Mari; Ojasoo, Merle; Roostalu, Lea4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017, SGEM2017 : conference proceedings2017 / p. 173-180 https://sgemworld.at/ssgemlib/spip.php?article4685 Ethics audit as a marketing instrument and its potential for organic farmingOjasoo, Merle; Leppiman, AnuAgronomy research2016 / p. 150-159 : ill http://ise.elnet.ee/record=b2860036~S1*est E-õpik kui ruum ja vahend - ärieetika e-õpiku näitelOjasoo, MerleÕppejõult õppejõule 2021: õppimise ja õpetamise ruumid, Tartu Ülikool, 21.01.2021 : virtuaalkonverents2021 E-õpik kui ruum ja vahend - ärieetika e-õpiku näitel Fair Trade and social responsibility - whose duty? 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