Calculation and compliance procedures of thermal bridges in energy calculations in various European countriesKuusk, Kalle; Kurnitski, Jarek; Kalamees, TargoEnergy procedia2017 / p. 27-32 : ill Degradation of imidazolium-based ionic liquids by UV photolysis and pulsed corona discharge combined with persulfateNikitin, Dmitri; Preis, Sergei; Dulova, Niina18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2023), June 11-15, 2023 : Book of abstracts2023 / p. 394 Dynamic calculations of thermal bridges in curtain wall and its effects on cooling loads and thermal delayCahyadi, Muhammad Rafif; Alkadri, Miktha Farid; De Luca, FrancescoProceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2023), 21-23 March 2023 ; vol. 22023 / p. 441–450 : ill A guide for renovation solution types of ventilation and building envelopes of typical post WWII apartment buildingsKalamees, Targo; Thalfeldt, Martin; Zelenski, Maksim; Meos, Heiki; Laas, Margus; Kurnitski, Jarek; Kuusk, Kalle14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2016) : Ghent, Belgium, 3-8 July 2016. Vol. 32016 / p. 1618-1625 : ill An integrated computational method for calculating dynamic thermal bridges of building facades in tropical countriesCahyadi Agung, Muhammad Rafif; Alkadri, Miktha Farid; De Luca, FrancescoFrontiers of architectural research2024 / p. 201-218 : ill