Adaptive web-based quotation generic module for SME'sKarjust, Kristo; Küttner, Rein; Pääsuke, KaarelProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [II]2010 / p. 375-380 : ill Adhesion measuring method optimization in reinforced compositesKarjust, Kristo; Pohlak, Meelis; Majak, JüriProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 22012 / p. 633-638 : ill Aggregate planning of hydro spa equipment product familyKarjust, Kristo; Küttner, ReinProceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic : Industrial Engineering - Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur : 20-22 April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia2006 / p. 197-202 : ill Analysis and design of graphene laminates [Online resource]Majak, Jüri; Kirs, Maarjus; Karjust, KristoInternational Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2017" : Tartu, Estonia in April, 24-27, 2017 : book of abstracts2017 / p. 67*est Analysis model development to simplify PLM implementationPaavel, Marko; Kaganski, Sergei; Karjust, Kristo; Lemmik, Rivo; Eiskop, TanelProceedings of the 10th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 12-13th May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 69-74 : ill Application of evolutionary methods for solving optimization problems in engineeringMajak, Jüri; Küttner, Rein; Pohlak, Meelis; Eerme, Martin; Karjust, KristoProceedings of NordDesign 2008 : August 21-23, 20082008 / p. 39-48 : ill Artificial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms in engineering designVelsker, Tarmo; Majak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Eerme, Martin; Karjust, KristoJournal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering2011 / p. 88-95 : ill Artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms in engineering designMajak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Eerme, Martin; Küttner, Rein; Karjust, KristoInternational Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt 2008) : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008 : conference proceedings2008 / [11 p] : ill Autonomous mobile robots for production logistics: a process optimization model modificationRaamets, Tõnis; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Mahmood, Kashif; Hermaste, AigarProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2024 / p. 134-141 : ill A comparative analysis of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy VIKOR methods for prioritization of the risk criteria of an autonomous vehicle systemMehrparvar, Marmar; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2024 / p. 116-123 Coordination of complex tasks of engineering product and manufacturing process optimizationKüttner, Rein; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2006 / 3-1, p. 163-175 : ill Cyber-physical control system for autonomous logistic robotPikner, Heiko; Sell, Raivo; Karjust, Kristo; Malayjerdi, Ehsan; Velsker, Tarmo2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, The Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland, 25 - 29 April, 2021 (PEMC) : proceedings2021 / p. 699-704 : ill Cyber-physical control system for self-driving vehicles = Isejuhtivate sõidukite küberfüüsikaline juhtsüsteemPikner, Heiko2024*est Design and manufacturing of composite laminates with structural health monitoring capabilitiesHerranen, Henrik; Majak, Jüri; Tšukrejev, Pavel; Karjust, Kristo; Märtens, OlevProcedia CIRP2018 / p. 647-652 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Design of functionally graded sandwich panelsPohlak, Meelis; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Herranen, Henrik; Lend, HenriICCS17 : 17th International Conference on Composite Structures : Portugal 17-21 June 2013 : book of abstracts2013 / p. 55 Development and implementation of enterprise information management systems for interoperability = Ettevõtte infohaldussüsteemide arendamine ja juurutamine koostalitlusvõime jaoksLemmik, Rivo2018*est Development and implementation of the key performance indicator selection model for SMEs = Väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete võtmenäitajate valimimudeli arendus ja juurutusKaganski, Sergei2018*est Development and optimisation of production monitoring system = Tootmise monitooringu süsteemi arendus ja optimeerimineSnatkin, Aleksei2016*est Development of a product lifecycle management model based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy processPaavel, Marko; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2017 / p. 279-286 : ill*est Development of process optimization model for autonomous mobile robot used in production logisticsMajak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Mahmood, Kashif; Hermaste, Aigar; Raamets, TõnisAIP conference proceedings2024 / art. 020008 Development of the experimental integrated design environment for progressive cuttings diesSutt, Annes; Küttner, Rein; Pohlak, Meelis; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 161-164 : ill Difficulties in SMEs and KPI selection model as solverKaganski, Sergei; Paavel, Marko; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, Jüri; Snatkin, AlekseiProceedings of the 10th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 12-13th May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia2015 / p. 33-38 : ill Digitaalse kaksikuga juhitav logistikarobot BoxbotHorisont2021 / lk. 5 : fot*est Digitootmise tehnoloogiate arendusest töötlevale tööstuseleKüttner, Rein; Karjust, Kristo; Otto, Tauno; Riives, JüriTeadusmõte Eestis (X). Tehnikateadused. 3 : [artiklikogumik]2019 / lk. 122-129 : ill., fot*est Elust enesest: kuidas paigaldada laborisse mõõtmetelt väiksema vannitoa suurune ja 5,5 tonni kaaluv tööpink?digi.geenius.ee2023 Elust enesest: kuidas paigaldada laborisse mõõtmetelt väiksema vannitoa suurune ja 5,5 tonni kaaluv tööpink? ERP and PLM resources in Estonian SMEsTähemaa, Toivo; Karjust, Kristo; Pohlak, MeelisProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [II]2010 / p. 386-391 Evaluation of Haar wavelet method for analysis of functionally graded and nanostructures = Haari lainikute meetodi hindamine funktsionaalgradient- ja nanostruktuuride analüüsiksKirs, Maarjus2018*est Experimental evaluation and numerical modelling of the quality of photovoltaic modulesTšukrejev, Pavel; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2021 / p. 477-483 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Experimental study of incremental forming of sheet metal productsPohlak, Meelis; Küttner, Rein; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Sutt, AnnesProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 145-148 : ill Fault tolerance in integration interfaces of business softwareLemmik, Rivo; Karjust, Kristo; Otto, TaunoInternational Journal Of Scientific Knowledge (Computing and Information Technology) IJSK2014 / p. 35-43 : ill ForewordKarjust, KristoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2021 / p. 373 ForewordKarjust, KristoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2024 / lk. 99*est Free vibration analysis of a functionally graded material beam : evaluation of the Haar wavelet methodKirs, Maarjus; Karjust, Kristo; Aziz, Imran; Õunapuu, Erko; Tungel, ErnstProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2018 / p. 1-9 : ill*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Free vibration analysis of tapered Timoshenko beam with higher order Haar wavelet methodMehrparvar, Marmar; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Arda, MustafaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2022 / p. 77-83 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Conference Proceedings at WOS Article at WOS Free vibration analysis of Timoshenko beam by higher-order Haar wavelet methodMehrparvar, Marmar; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, KristoAIP conference proceedings2023 / art. 250007 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Free vibration analysis of uniform and tapered timoshenko beam by higher-order haar wavelet methodMehrparvar, Marmar; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, KristoGraduate School of Functional Materials and Technology (GSFMT) Scientific Conference : abstracts2022 / 38 l. Graduate School of Functional Materials and Technology (GSFMT) Scientific Conference 2022 Fuzzy AHP as a tool for prioritization of key performance indicatorsKaganski, Sergei; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, KristoProcedia CIRP2018 / p. 1227-1232 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Haar wavelet based discretization technique for analysis and design of composite plate and shell structuresMajak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Eerme, Martin; Karjust, Kristo; Kers, Jaan14th European Conference on Composite Materials : 7-10 June 2010, Budapest, Hungary2010 / Paper ID: 431-ECCM14, [10] p.: ill Higher-order Haar wavelet method for vibration analysis of nanobeamsMajak, Jüri; Shvartsman, Boris; Ratas, Mart; Bassir, David; Pohlak, Meelis; Karjust, Kristo; Eerme, MartinMaterials today communications2020 / art. 101290, 6 p. : tab Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Implementation of key performance indicators selection model as part of the enterprise analysis modelKaganski, Sergei; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Toompalu, SilverProcedia CIRP2017 / p. 283-288 : ill Integrated optimal planning of product family and manufacturing technology of its componentsKüttner, Rein; Karjust, Kristo; Pohlak, MeelisAdvances in Manufacturing Technology - XX : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2006) : Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 5th-7th September 20062006 / p. 55-60 : ill Integrated product development and manufacturing planning for product families with application to hydro spa equipmentKarjust, Kristo; Küttner, ReinNordPLM'06 : proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference on Product Lifecycle Management : January 25-26 2006, Göteborg2006 / p. 187-198 : ill Integrated product development and production technology of large composite plastic products = Suuregabariidiliste komposiidist plastdetailide tootearenduse metoodika ja valmistustehnoloogiadKarjust, Kristo2008*est Interoperability between different interest groups practice portal case studyLemmik, Rivo; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 12012 / p. 169-174 : ill Komplekssete tehniliste süsteemide optimaalne projekteerimine - toodete konkursivõime tagamise eeltingimusKüttner, Rein; Eerme, Martin; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, Jüri; Pohlak, MeelisTeadusmõte Eestis. 4, Tehnikateadused. 22007 / lk. 71-80 : ill KPI Optimization for Product Development ProcessDurkacova, Michaela; Lavin, Jaak; Karjust, KristoAnnals of DAAAM for 2012 & Proceedings of the 23rd International DAAAM Symposium : Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation2012 / p. 1079-1084 : ill [CD-ROM] Kristo Karjust: robot ja inimene töötagu koos!Karjust, KristoTööstus : [ajalehe Eesti Päevaleht lisa]2023 / Lk. 12*est Krowledge based system of the surface finishing processesKarjust, Kristo; Papstel, Jüri; Pohlak, MeelisProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 131-133 : ill Lean product development in Estonian SMEsTähemaa, Toivo; Temerbulatova, Anna; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 22012 / p. 603-608 : ill Masinaehituse instituutReedik, Vello; Karjust, KristoMehaanikainseneride koolitus 1998-20162016 / lk. 73-91 : fot*est Masinaehitustehnoloogia kateeder ja masinaehituse instituut 1918-20152015*est Materjalitehnika seletav sõnaraamat : eesti, inglise, veneKübarsepp, Jakob; Kulu, Priit; Laansoo, Andres; Karjust, Kristo; Saarna, Mart2013*est Materjalitehnika seletav sõnaraamat : eesti-inglise-veneKübarsepp, Jakob; Kulu, Priit; Laansoo, Andres; Karjust, Kristo; Saarna, Mart2014*est Mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituutKarjust, Kristo; Kulu, PriitEesti Masinatööstuse Liit. TTÜ mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituut 852021 / lk. 53-73 : ill., fot Mehaanikainseneri käsiraamat2012*est Mehaanikainseneri käsiraamat2015 Mehaanikainseneri käsiraamat2013*est Mehhanotehnika ja metallide käsiraamat2012*est Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewedpapers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia2019*est Modern Materials and Manufacturing (MMM 2021), 27th-29th April 2021, Tallinn, Estonia2021 Multicriteria optimization of large composite partsPohlak, Meelis; Majak, Jüri; Küttner, Rein; Karjust, Kristo15th International Conference on Composite Structures ICCS 15 : University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 15-17 June 20092009 / p. 1-2 Multi-criteria optimization of large composite partsPohlak, Meelis; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Küttner, ReinComposite structures2010 / 9, p. 2146-2152 : ill Multi-layer cyber-physical control method for mobile robot safety systemsPikner, Heiko; Sell, Raivo; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2021 / p. 383-391 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Multi-layer cyber-physical low-level control solution for mobile robotsPikner, Heiko; Karjust, KristoIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2021 / art. 012048 New higher order Haar wavelet method : application to FGM structuresMajak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Karjust, Kristo; Eerme, Martin; Kurnitski, Jarek; Shvartsman, BorisComposite Structures2018 / p. 72–78 : tab Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nutika tootmise uus tase paindtootmissüsteemide ja robootika demokeskuse abilKarjust, Kristo; Otto, TaunoMente et Manu2017 / lk. 36-37 : fot*est*est Nüüdistootmine : kõrgkooliõpikHermaste, Aigar; Karjust, Kristo; Kiolein, Indrek; Küttner, Rein; Lavin, Jaak; Lõun, Kaia; Mooste, Tarmo; Naams, Invar; Otto, Tauno; Pohlak, Meelis; Riives, Jüri; Sarkons, Martinš; Talkop, Adolf; Tähemaa, Toivo2023*est Offer management in the networking manufacturingRiives, Jüri; Lavin, Jaak; Karjust, Kristo; Koov, KasparProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 22012 / p. 561-566 : ill On the accuracy of the Haar wavelet discretization methodMajak, Jüri; Shvartsman, Boris; Karjust, Kristo; Mikola, Madis; Haavajõe, Anti; Pohlak, MeelisComposites Part B : Engineering2015 / p. 321-327 : tab Optimal adhesion area of the glass-fiber reinforcement layerKarjust, Kristo; Pohlak, Meelis; Majak, Jüri14th European Conference on Composite Materials : 7-10 June 2010, Budapest, Hungary2010 / [10] p Optimal adhesion measuring methods of the glass fibre reinforcement layerKarjust, Kristo; Pohlak, Meelis; Majak, JüriEstonian journal of engineering2010 / 4, p. 297-306 : ill Optimal adhesion measuring methods of the glass-fiber reinforcement layerKarjust, Kristo; Pohlak, Meelis; Majak, JüriProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [I]2010 / p. 232-237 : ill Optimal product development and manufacturing engineeringKüttner, Rein; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Pohlak, Meelis; Eerme, MartinResearch in Estonia : present and future2011 / p. 227-248 : ill Optimization study of composite bathtubPohlak, Meelis; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Küttner, ReinProceedings of Second International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and Applications : Gijon, Spain, 3-5 September 20082008 / p. 1-10 : ill Photovoltaic modules, design and manufacturing = Fotoelektrilised moodulid, disain ja tootmineTšukrejev, Pavel2023*est Planning and acquisition of real-time production data through the virtual factory in chemical industryRaamets, Tõnis; Karjust, Kristo; Hermaste, Aigar; Mahmood, KashifASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition2021 / paper no: IMECE2021-73080, 9 p PLM maturity model development and implementation in SMEPaavel, Marko; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriProcedia CIRP2017 / p. 651-657 PLM optimization with cooperation of PMS in production stagePaavel, Marko; Snatkin, Aleksei; Karjust, KristoArchives of materials science and engineering2013 / p. 38-45 : ill Prioritization of key performance indicators for small and medium enterpricesKaganski, Sergei; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriProceedings of the 11th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 20-22th April 2016, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 25-30 : ill Product lifecycle management maturity model development = Toote elutsükli halduse küpsusmudeli arendusPaavel, Marko2018*est Production intralogistics automation based on 3D simulation analysisMahmood, Kashif; Karjust, Kristo; Raamets, TõnisJournal of machine engineering2021 / p. 102-115 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Production monitoring system design and implementationEiskop, Tanel; Snatkin, Aleksei; Karjust, Kristo; Tungel, ErnstProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2018 / p. 10-16 : ill*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Production monitoring system development and modificationSnatkin, Aleksei; Eiskop, Tanel; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 567-580 : ill*est Production monitoring system development for manufacturing processes of photovoltaic modulesTšukrejev, Pavel; Kruuser, Kaarel; Karjust, KristoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2019 / p. 401-406 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Production monitoring system with predictive functionalityEiskop, Tanel; Snatkin, Aleksei; Karjust, KristoJournal of engineering science and technology2017 / p. 2410-2425 : ill Quality of photovoltaic modules, experimental evaluation and mathematical modellingTšukrejev, Pavel; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriIOP conference series : materials science and engineering2021 / art. 012044, 7 p. : ill Real time production monitoring system in SMESnatkin, Aleksei; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, Jüri; Aruväli, Tanel; Eiskop, TanelEstonian journal of engineering2013 / p. 62-75 Real time production monitoring system in SMESnatkin, Aleksei; Karjust, Kristo; Eiskop, TanelProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 22012 / p. 573-578 : ill Real-time monitoring of solar modules manufacturingTšukrejev, Pavel; Kruuser, Kaarel; Gorbachev, Georgy; Karjust, Kristo; Majak, JüriInternational journal of engineering research in Africa2020 / p. 9-13 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Safety system assessment case study of automated vehicle shuttlePikner, Heiko; Sell, Raivo; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, KristoElectronics (Switzerland)2022 / art. 1162 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Selecting the right KPIs for SMEs production with the support of PMS and PLMKaganski, Sergei; Snatkin, Aleksei; Paavel, Marko; Karjust, KristoInternational journal of research in social sciences2013 / p. 69-76 Service oriented and model-driven development methods of information systemsLemmik, Rivo; Karjust, Kristo; Koov, KasparProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [II]2010 / p. 404-408 : ill Simulation of incremental forming of sheet metal productsPohlak, Meelis; Küttner, Rein; Majak, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Sutt, AnnesProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 149-151 : ill Software development platform for integrated manufacturing engineering systemRiives, Jüri; Karjust, Kristo; Küttner, Rein; Lemmik, Rivo; Koov, Kaspar; Lavin, JaakProceedings of the 8th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, 19-21st April 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 22012 / p. 555-560 : ill Solution of fractional order differential equation by the Haar wavelet method. Numerical convergence analysis for most commonly used approachMajak, Jüri; Shvartsman, Boris; Pohlak, Meelis; Karjust, Kristo; Eerme, Martin; Tungel, ErnstInternational Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015) : 22-28 September 2015, Rhodes, Greece2016 / p. 480110-1 - 480110-4 Suuregabariidiliste plastdetailide tootearenduse metoodikaKarjust, KristoInseneeria2008 / 4, lk. 44-45 : ill A symbolic-numerical algorithm for material parameter identificationMajak, Jüri; Pohlak, Meelis; Küttner, Rein; Eerme, Martin; Karjust, Kristo; Kers, JaanProceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology : Valencia, Spain, 14-17 September 20102010 / Paper 133 Tahame laoroboti targemaks ehitadaKarjust, KristoTööstusuudised : [ajalehe Äripäev lisa]2021 / Lk. 7 Technology design of composite partsKarjust, Kristo; Küttner, Rein; Pohlak, MeelisJournal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering2007 / 2, p. 23-26 : ill Technology route planning of large composite partsKarjust, Kristo; Pohlak, Meelis; Majak, JüriInternational journal of material forming2010 / Suppl. 1, p. 631-634 : ill The design and production technology of large composite plastic productsKüttner, Rein; Karjust, Kristo; Pohlak, MeelisProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2007 / 2, p. 117-128 : ill The production technology considerations of large composite partsKarjust, Kristo; Küttner, Rein; Pohlak, MeelisProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [1]2008 / p. 251-256 : ill Transamees saab kaalsase - Boxbot hakkab tootmises kaste vedamaEinama, KaidoDirector. Inseneeria2020 / lk. 72-77 : fot*est TTÜ tehnoloogiline võimekus : (kõrgkoolide laboratoorne baas, teaduse põhitemaatika)Karjust, Kristo; Sergejev, FjodorEesti Masinatööstuse Liit. TTÜ mehaanikateaduskond 802016 / lk. 95-121 : ill Uuenduslik tootmine : käsiraamatRiives, Jüri; Lumiste, Rünno; Reedik, Vello; Roosimölder, Lembit; Karjust, Kristo; Kers, Jaan; Kiolein, Indrek; Kokla, Margo; Küttner, Rein; Lavin, Jaak; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Lõun, Kaia; Mõtus, Leo; Naams, Invar; Otto, Tauno; Pohlak, Meelis; Raba, Karl; Saks, Alo; Talkop, Adolf; Tähemaa, Toivo; Veinthal, Renno2011*est Uut laorobotit saab juhtida virtuaalse kaksikugaImeline Teadus2021 / lk. 21 : fot*est Wave propagation in axially graded carbon nanotubesArda, Mustafa; Karjust, Kristo; Mehrparvar, MarmarAIP conference proceedings2023 / art. 250006 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus