An essay on P2P energy policyPapanikolaou, G.; Kostakis, VasileiosAcoustic space2011 / p. 26-30 Another now, another how ehk kuidas teistsuguse lähenemise kaudu jõuda teistsuguste lahendusteni?Enn, Ülly; Kostakis, VasileiosMihus2021 Another now, another how ehk kuidas teistsuguse lähenemise kaudu jõuda teistsuguste lahendusteni? Are the most influential websites peer-produced or price-incentivized? Organizing value in the digital economyPazaitis, Alexandros; Kostakis, VasileiosOrganization2022 / p. 757–769 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS At the turning point of the current techno-economic paradigm : commons-based peer production, desktop manufacturing and the role of civil society in the Perezian frameworkKostakis, VasileiosTripleC2013 / p. 173-190 Beyond bitcoin : is bitcoin a misguided information technology tool here to create more problems than it solves?Kostakis, Vasileios; Giotitsas, Christosevonomics.com2017 Beyond bitcoin : is bitcoin a misguided information technology tool here to create more problems than it solves? Beyond global versus local : illuminating a cosmolocal framework for convivial technology developmentKostakis, Vasileios; Niaros, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosSustainability Science2023 / p. 2309-2322 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Beyond high-tech versus low-tech : a tentative framework for sustainable urban data governanceKostakis, Vasileios; Pazaitis, Alexandros; Liarokapis, MinasBig data and society2023 / 6 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Blockchain and value systems in the sharing economy : the illustrative case of backfeed [Online resource]Pazaitis, Alexandros; De Filippi, Primavera; Kostakis, Vasileios2017 Bridging barriers in sustainability research: Α review from sustainability science to life cycle sustainability assessmentTroullaki, Katerina; Rozakis, Stelios; Kostakis, VasileiosEcological economics2021 / art. 107007, 12 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Bringing the community back : a case study of the post-earthquake heritage restoration in Kathmandu ValleyLekakis, Stelios; Shakya, Shobhit; Kostakis, VasileiosSustainability2018 / art. 2798, 17 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Buddhist governance and economics : historical and contemporary perspective from Cambodia and beyond = Budistlik valitsemise ja majanduse käsitlus : kaasaegsed ja ajaloolised vaated Kambodžast ja kaugemaltSan, Pisith2024*est Can blockchain, a swiftly evolving technology, be controlled?Kostakis, Vasileios; De Filippi, Primavera; Drechsler, Wolfgangtheconversation.com2017 Can blockchain, a swiftly evolving technology, be controlled? Can peer production democratize technology and society? A critical review of the critiquesKostakis, Vasileios; Vragoteris, Vangelis; Acharja, Indra LalFutures2021 / art. 102760 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Capital in the twenty-first century, and an alternativeKostakis, Vasileiosopendemocracy.net2017 Commons transition and P2P : a primerBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileios; Troncoso, Stracco; Utratel, Ann Marie2017 Commons transition and peer-to-peer : a primer [Online recource]Bauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileios; Troncoso, Stracco; Utratel, Ann Marie2017 Commons-based peer production and artistic expression : two cases from GreeceKostakis, Vasileios; Drechsler, WolfgangNew media & society2015 / p. 740-754 Commons-based peer production and digital fabrication : the case of a RepRap-based, Lego-built 3D printing-milling machineKostakis, Vasileios; Papachristou, MariosTelematics and informatics2014 / p. 434-443 : ill Commons-based peer production and the Neo-Weberian State : synergies and interdependenciesKostakis, VasileiosHalduskultuur = Administrative culture = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri. Vol. 12, no. 22011 / p. 146-161 Co-operativism in the digital era or how to form a global counter-economyKostakis, Vasileios; Bauwens, Michelopendemocracy.net2017 Co-operativism in the Digital Era or How to Form a Global Counter-economy Design global, manufacture local : a new industrial revolution?Kostakis, Vasileios; Ramos, JoseThe conversation2017 Design global, manufacture local : exploring the contours of an emerging productive modelKostakis, Vasileios; Niaros, Vasileios; Dafermos, George; Bauwens, MichelFutures2015 / p. 126-135 : ill Design global-manufacture local : the rise of a new productive modelKostakis, VasileiosOpenhere festival : November 14-16, 2014, Dublin, Ireland2014 / [1] p Digital economy and the rise of open cooperativism : the case of the Enspiral NetworkPazaitis, Alexandros; Kostakis, Vasileios; Bauwens, MichelTransfer : European review of labour and research2017 / p. 177-192 : ill Editorial notes : public policy proposals for a society of the commonsDafermos, George; Kostakis, VasileiosJournal of peer production2015 Energy governance as a commons : engineering alternative socio-technical configurationsGiotitsas, Christos; Nardelli, Pedro H.J.; Williamson, Sam; Roos, Andreas; Pournaras, Evangelos; Kostakis, VasileiosEnergy research & social science2022 / art. 102354, 6 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS European Union, politic production and collective intelligenceKostakis, VasileiosRe-public journal2009 / ? p From private to public governance : The case for reconfiguring energy systems as a commonsGiotitsas, Christos; Nardelli, Pedro H.J.; Kostakis, Vasileios; Narayanan, ArunEnergy research & social science2020 / art. 101737 ; 7 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS From the communism of capital to capital for the commonsKostakis, Vasileios; Bauwens, Michelopendemocracy.net2017 From the communism of capital to capital for the commons From the communism of capital to capital for the commons : towards an open co-operativismBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosTripleC2014 / p. 356-361 Governance in commons-based communities : paving the way for open source democracy?Kostakis, VasileiosJournadas de Comunicacion y Sociedad Civil : Cultura digital, redes y política distribuida en la era de Internet : de la primavera global a la democracia de red : 24 y 25 de octubre de 2012, UOC/IN3 (MediaTic), Barcelona2012 H ανάδυση της ομότιμης προοπτικής: Η δημόσια πληροφορία ως Kοινό, η περίπτωση του ψηφιακού αρχείου της E.P.T. και η προσέγγιση του κράτους εταίρουKostakis, VasileiosΤεύχος2013 / p. 127-141 How to reap the benefits of the “digital revolution”? Modularity and the commonsKostakis, VasileiosHalduskultuur : The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance2019 / p. 4-19 : ill*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus How to unite local initiatives for a more sustainable global futureKostakis, Vasileios; Tsiouris, NikiforosSustainable futures2024 / art. 100187 In defense of digital commoningKostakis, VasileiosOrganization2018 / p. 812-818 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Information literacy and peer-to-peer infrastructures : an autopoietic perspectiveGonzalez-Rodriguez, Diego; Kostakis, VasileiosTelematics and informatics2015 / p. 586-593 : ill Intervention – “Small and local are not only beautiful; they can be powerful” [Online resource]Kostakis, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosAntipode2020 Introduction : the materiality of the immaterial : ICTs and the digital commonsRoos, Andreas; Kostakis, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosTripleC2016 / p. 48-50 Is ‘deschooling society’ possible? Notes from the fieldKostakis, Vasileios; Pantazis, AlexandrosPostdigital science and education2021 / p. 686–692 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Learning and the concept of commons: how peer-to-peer can enhance learning and education in the digital era = Õppimine ja ühisvara kontseptsioon – kuidas üksteiselt õppimine saab digiajastul õppimist ja õpetamist parendadaPantazis, Alexandros2021*est Making (in) the smart city : the emergence of makerspacesNiaros, Vasileios; Kostakis, Vasileios; Drechsler, WolfgangTelematics and informatics2017 / p. 1143-1152 : ill Making (in) the smart city : urban makerspaces for commons-based peer production in innovation, education and community-buildingNiaros, Vasileios2016*est Manifeste pour une véritable économie collaborative : vers une société des communsBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileios2017 Mapping the types of modularity in open-source hardwareGavras, Kosmas; Kostakis, VasileiosDesign Science2021 / e13 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Network society and future scenarios for a collaborative economyKostakis, Vasileios; Bauwens, Michel2014*est A new post-capitalist ecosystem of value creationBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileiosopendemocracy.net2017 A new post-capitalist ecosystem of value creation New technologies won’t reduce scarcity, but here’s something that mightKostakis, Vasileios; Roos, AndreasHarvard business review2018 Open source 3D printing as a means of learning : an educational experiment in two high schools in GreeceKostakis, Vasileios; Niaros, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosTelematics and informatics2015 / p. 118-128 : ill Open source approach to public policy : the cases of ERT and OLPC in GreeceKostakis, VasileiosThe politics of open source : journal of information technology and politics, thematics conference2010 / 1, p. 186-199 P2P and planetary futuresRamos, Jose; Bauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosCritical posthumanism and planetary futures2016 / p. 193-214 P2P (peer to peer) economiesBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosPosthuman glossary2018 / p. 310−312 Peer governance and Wikipedia : identifying and understanding the problems of Wikipedia’s governanceKostakis, VasileiosFirst monday : journal on the Internet2010 Peer production and desktop manufacturing : the case of the Helix-T wind turbine projectKostakis, Vasileios; Fountouklis, Michalis; Drechsler, WolfgangScience, technology & human values2013 / p. 773-800 : ill Peer to peer : the commons manifestoBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileios; Pazaitis, Alexandros2019 Peer-to-peer : a new opportunity for the leftBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileiosroarmag.org2017 Peer-to-peer: a new opportunity for the left A peer-to-peer approach to energy productionGiotitsas, Christos; Pazaitis, Alexandros; Kostakis, VasileiosTechnology in society2015 / p. 28-38 Peer‐to‐Peer [Online resource]Bauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosThe Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology2017 Production and governance in hackerspaces : a manifestation of commons-based peer production in the physical realm?Kostakis, Vasileios; Niaros, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosInternational journal of cultural studies2015 / p. 555-573 Public information as a commons : the case of the ERT and the peer-to-peer prospectKostakis, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosInternational journal of electronic governance2013 / p. 209-217 Research on degrowthKallis, Giorgos; Kostakis, Vasileios; Lange, SteffenAnnual review of environment and resources2018 / p. 291-316 Collection metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Collection metrics at WOS Article at WOS Should law keep pace with technology? Law as katechonDrechsler, Wolfgang; Kostakis, VasileiosBulletin of science, technology & society2014 / p. 128-132 Should we look for a hero to save us from the Coronavirus? The commons as an alternative trajectory for social changePazaitis, Alexandros; Kostakis, Vasileios; Kallis, Giorgos; Troullaki, KaterinatripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique2020 / p. 613−621 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus The advent of open source democracy and wikipolitics : challenges, threats and opportunities for democratic discourseKostakis, VasileiosHuman technology : an interdisciplinary journal on humans in ICT environments2011 / p. 9-29 The amateur class or the reserve army of the webKostakis, VasileiosRethinking marxism2009 / 3, p. 457-461 The (a)political economy of BitcoinKostakis, Vasileios; Giotitsas, ChristosTripleC2014 / p. 431-440 The convergence of digital commons with local manufacturing from a degrowth perspective : two illustrative casesKostakis, Vasileios; Latoufis, Kostas; Liarokapis, Minas; Bauwens, MichelJournal of cleaner production2018 / p. 1684-1693 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The grammar of peer productionKostakis, Vasileios; Bauwens, MichelThe Handbook of peer production2021 / p. 21-33 The information commons and the partner state approachKostakis, VasileiosLondon School of Economics - Hellenic Observatory2011 The materiality of the immaterial : ICTs and the digital commons2016 The parody of the commonsKostakis, Vasileios; Stavroulakis, SteliosTripleC2013 / p. 412-424 The political economy of 3D printingKostakis, Vasileios; Fountouklis, MichalisRe-public journal2012 The political economy of information production in the social web : chances for reflection on our institutional designKostakis, VasileiosUnLike Us Kick Off Meeting, Cyprus University of Technology & Institute of Network Cultures2011 The political economy of information production in the Social Web : chances for reflection on our institutionaldesignKostakis, VasileiosContemporary social science2012 / p. 305-319 The political economy of information production in the social web : towards a "partner state approach"Kostakis, Vasileios2011 The reconfiguration of time and place after the emergence of peer-to-peer infrastructures : four future scenarios with an impact on urbanismBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosHybrid City 2013 : [conference proceedings]2013 / p. 295-298 : ill Towards a convivial built environment : developing an open construction systems framework = Ehituses inimmõõtmelisusele üleminemine : avatud ehituse süsteemi raamistikPriavolou, Christina2020*est Towards a new reconfiguration among the state, civil society and the marketBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosJournal of peer production2015 / p. 1-6 : ill Towards a political ecology of the digital economy : socio-environmental implications of two competing value modelsKostakis, Vasileios; Roos, Andreas; Bauwens, MichelEnvironmental innovation and societal transitions2016 / p. 82-100 : ill Towards a society of the commonsBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, Vasileios; Pazaitis, AlexandrosThe enigma of Europe : transform! 20162016 / p. 137-146 : ill Towards a theory of value as a commonsPazaitis, Alexandros; Kostakis, Vasileios; Drechsler, WolfgangInternational Journal of the Commons2022 / p. 248-262 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Towards a theory of value as a commons: production and organisation in times of the digital economy = Ühisvaral põhineva väärtusteooria suunas: tootmine ja korraldus digitaalmajanduse ajastulPazaitis, Alexandros2021*est Towards sustainable construction practices : how to reinvigorate vernacular buildings in the digital era?Priavolou, Christina; Tsiouris, Nikiforos; Niaros, Vasileios; Kostakis, VasileiosBuildings2021 / art. 297 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metriics at WOS Article at WOS Tracing sustainable production from a degrowth and localisation perspective : a case of 3D printersPriavolou, Christina; Troullaki, Katerina; Tsiouris, Nikiforos; Giotitsas, Christos; Kostakis, VasileiosJournal of cleaner production2022 / art. 134291 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Urban reconfiguration after the emergence of peer-to-peer infrastructure : four future scenarios with an impact on smart citiesKostakis, Vasileios; Bauwens, Michel; Niaros, VasileiosSmart cities as democratic ecologies2015 / p. 116-124 : ill Utopia is nowKostakis, Vasileios; Drechsler, Wolfgangaeon.co2024 Utopia is now Vasileios Kostakis ja Alexandros Pazaitis: kesktehnoloogia kui lahendusKostakis, Vasileios; Pazaitis, Alexandroserr.ee2024 Vasileios Kostakis ja Alexandros Pazaitis: kesktehnoloogia kui lahendus Vasilis Kostakise tulevikutöö valem : disaini globaalselt, tooda lokaalseltKostakis, VasileiosMente et Manu2018 / lk. 14-19 : fot*est*est Who creates value? Insights on value theory from the last danceKostakis, Vasileios; Pazaitis, AlexandrosHalduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance2020 / p. 76-85*est Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Why platform co-ops should be open co-opsBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosOurs to hack and to own : the rise of platform cooperativism, a new vision for the future of work and a fairer internet2016 / p. 163-166 Ένα σημείωμα για το μέλλον του καπιταλισμού και των Κοινών και μία πρότασηBauwens, Michel; Kostakis, VasileiosΤεύχος2013 / p. 101-108 : ill Η ανάδυση του Ομότιμου Κινήματος [Electronic resource]Kostakis, VasileiosTEDxYouth@Pamvotis2013 / [Video] Η ανάδυση του ομότιμου κινήματος και η τρισδιάστατη εκτύπωσηKostakis, Vasileiosδράσεις κοινωνικής αυτο-οργάνωσης και διαδίκτυο : προς μια έννοια οργάνωσης 2.02013 / p. [5] Η ομότιμη παραγωγή ως μοχλός τεχνογένεσης της περιφερειακής ανάπτυξηςPyrgiotis, Lampros; Niaros, Vasileios; Kostakis, VasileiosΠεριφερειακή Εξειδίκευση και Επιχειρηματικότητα : 18o Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο του Συνδέσμου Ελλήνων Περιφερειολόγων : 08-09 Μαίου 2014, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης2014 / σ. 47-53 ΜατριόσκαKostakis, Vasileios2011 Ο άνδρας με την πουά γραβάτα : Μαύρη κωμωδία [Electronic book]Kostakis, Vasileios2012 Ομότιμο Κίνημα, η Τρισδιάστατη Εκτύπωση και ένα Συνεργατικό Μέλλον [Electronic resource]Kostakis, VasileiosInternational Congress "Innovative, Open and Sustainable Economic Structures creative industries" - Module 12013 / [Video] Πέρα από το κράτος και την αγορά : Η ομότιμη προοπτική2014 Το ομότιμο μανιφέστοKostakis, Vasileios2012 智慧城市是好城市吗?Drechsler, Wolfgang; Kostakis, Vasileios; Yu, Wenxuan; Zhiliu, Liao国家治理评论2020 / p. 5-6