Adding years to life and life to years : collection of research articles2005*est An analysis of engineering students' knowledge on the topic of occupational health and safetyPaju, Jana; Kalle, SigridAgronomy research2015 / p. 810-819 : ill An analysis of engineering students' knowledge on the topic of occupational health and safety [Electronic resource]Paju, Jana; Kalle, Sigrid6th International Conference Biosystems Engineering 2015 : 7-8 May 2015, Tartu, Estonia : book of abstracts2015 / p. 113. 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Serija 15, Safety of technogenic environment2012 / p. 50-55 : ill Asutati Töötervishoiu Arstide SeltsTuulik, ViiuEesti Töötervishoid1996 / 1, lk. 11, 24 Best workplace practices award for interest in OSH and for providing solutions to specific problems - Estonia : Good example 8Järvis, Marina; Woolfson, Charles Alexander; Reisberg, Rein; Plangi, KristelSafety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU: from policy to practice : description of good examples2018 / p. 57-64 Comparative study of the noise levels : impact of renovationKalle, Sigrid; Paju, JanaAgronomy research2016 / p. 1300-1306 : ill*est Conceptual framework for integrating key elements of a safety management system into organisational performance management = Kontseptuaalne raamistik ohutuse juhtimissüsteemi põhielementide integreerimiseks organisatsiooni tulemusjuhtimisseHrenov, Georgi2023*est Conceptual model for the development of OHS management in SMEsHrenov, GeorgiProceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022)2022 / p. 2718-2725 : ill Consultancy service in OSH and face-to-face consultancy on site to increase employers’ OSH knowledge and to support OSH management - Estonia : Good example 15Järvis, Marina; Woolfson, Charles Alexander; Reisberg, Rein; Raigna, Anni; Miidla-Vanatalu, Anni; Saarep, KaireSafety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU: from policy to practice : description of good examples2018 / p. 100-106 Contexts and arrangements for occupational safety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU - SESAME project : European risk observatory : literature reviewWalters, David; Wadsworth, Emma2016 A digital transformation into occupational health and safety systems: a review of the best practices in EuropeDemikhov, O.,; Opanasiuk, Y.; Demikhova, Nadiia; Merisalu, EdaAgronomy research2023 / p. 674-692 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Dr Toomas Põld: Eesti tööandjad hoolivad töötajate tervisest aina rohkemPõld, Toomastervise.geenius.ee2023 Dr Toomas Põld: Eesti tööandjad hoolivad töötajate tervisest aina rohkem Dr Viiu Tuulik 85Eesti Arst2024 / lk. 218*est Duty of care as a basic concept of modern occupational health and safety solutions in EstoniaSiirak, Virve5th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education ICIE'10 : New Higher Education Programs, June 17-19, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings2010 / p. 243-247 Early diagnosing of occupational diseases caused by chemical hazardsTint, Piia; Tuulik, Viiu; Reinhold, KarinRisk and Safety Management in Industry, Logistics, Transport and Military Service : New Solutions for the 21st Century : proceedings of the international scientific-educational conference : March 25-28, 2003, Tallinn2003 / p. 86-92 : ill Ebaõnnestumised tööl lähevad hinge? Võta kergemalt - see tuleb kõik ajaloost!Teichmann, MareDirector2010 / lk. 22-23 EEG spectral asymmetry index detects differences between leaders and non-leadersPõld, Toomas; Bachmann, Maie; Orgo, Laura; Kalev, Kaia; Lass, Jaanus; Hinrikus, HiieEMBEC & NBC 2017 : joint conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 20172018 / p. 17-20 Eesti põllumajanduse töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse profiilKempinen, Marina; Kurppa, KariEesti Töötervishoid2005 / 1, lk. 54-57 Eesti töötervishoiu arengulugu 1918-2008 : faktid, mälestused, seisukohad, hinnangud, soovidKahn, Hubert2009*est Ehitustööliste töötingimused ja nende tervislik seisundTuulik, Viiu; Šmidt, Nadežda; Lang, Irina; Veimer, Sonia; Loogna, Naomi; Kahn, HubertEesti Töötervishoid2001 / 1, lk. 5-8, 20-23 : ill Elektroneuromüograafia (ENMG) töötervishoiusTuulik, ViiuEesti Töötervishoid2003 / 1, lk. 14-15 Elukutse ja kehaline ettevalmistus : abiks lektorilePeegel, Virve1983*est Employer's role in the improvement of safety level in Estonian enterprisesHrenov, Georgi; Reinhold, Karin; Tint, PiiaVide. 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