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p Outstanding reviewers for : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry in 2019Dickschat, Jeroen; Han, Jianlin; Hao, Erhong; Hasan, Mohammed; Knolker, Hans-Joachim; Loska, Rafal; Mehta, Vaibhav Pravinchandra; Poudel, Tej Narayan; Verma, Akhilesh Kumar; Wang, ChunxiangOrganic and Biomolecular Chemistry2020 / p. 4496 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Oxidative ring-cleavage reactions of cyclopropanols and their application for the synthesis of bioactive cyclopeptides = Tsüklopropanoolide oksüdeerivad tsükliavamisreaktsioonid ja nende rakendus bioaktiivsete tsüklopeptiidide sünteesilElek, Gabor Zoltan2020 Oxime functionalized surfactants in pH-responsive mixed micellar assemblies : physicochemical properties and esterolytic reactivityKapitanov, Illia; Mirgorodskaya, Alla B.; Zakharova, Lucia Y.; Gathergood, Nicholas; Karpichev, YevgenKyiv-Toulouse : IXth International Chemistry Conference "Kyiv-Toulouse" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Fedir Babichev = IXth Conference Internationale de Chimie "Kyiv-Toulouse" dedie au 100eme anniversaire de Fedir Babichev : (Kyiv, 4-9 June 2017) : materials of reports and performances2017 / p. 131 Paul Kogermani uuringud dieenide keemia valdkonnasLääts, KoitPaul Nikolai Kogermani 100. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud mälestuskonverentsi ettekanded 5. detsembril 19911991 / lk. 12-13 Peatükke orgaanilisest keemiast : täiendav õpik keemias kaubandus- ja ärinduskeskkoolideleVeiderma, Aleksander1940*est Primary amines as heterogeneous catalysts in an enantioselective [2,3]-Wittig rearrangement reactionMurre, Aleksandra; Mikli, Valdek; Erkman, Kristin; Kanger, TõnisiScience2023 / art. 107822, 18 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Quest for asymmetric Kulinkovich reaction: from mechanism towards enhanced enantioselectivityBarysevich, Maryia V.; Iskryk, Marharyta; Kananovich, DzmitryESOC 2019 : 21st European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, July 14-18, 2019, Vienna, Austria : abstracts2019 / OC-10 ; p. 92 Reactivity of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids in wet air oxidation conditionsKaldas, Kristiina; Preegel, Gert; Muldma, Kati; Lopp, MargusIndustrial & engineering chemistry research2019 / p. 10855–10863 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Some tentative experience gained on teaching the organic chemistry program in Estonian schoolsKarolin, Liina23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 52 Study of the asymmetric organocatalyzed [3+2] annulation of cyclopropenone and β-keto esterReitel, Kärt; Kriis, Kadri; Järving, Ivar; Kanger, TõnisChemistry of heterocyclic compounds2018 / p. 929–933 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Surface active ionic liquids (SAILs) : to squeeze between biodegradability and toxicity constrainsKarpichev, Yevgen; Kapitanov, Illia; Gathergood, NicholasKyiv-Toulouse : IXth International Chemistry Conference "Kyiv-Toulouse" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Fedir Babichev = IXth Conference Internationale de Chimie "Kyiv-Toulouse" dedie au 100eme anniversaire de Fedir Babichev : (Kyiv, 4-9 June 2017) : materials of reports and performances2017 / p. 30 : ill Sustainable synthesis of useful building blocks enabled by electrolysis in continuous-flowOšeka, MaksimBalticum Organicum Syntheticum (BOS 2022) : program and abstract book2022 / p. 137 Kogumik Synthesis and use of 3,3'-bimorpholine derivatives in asymmetric Michael addition and intramolecular aldol reactionSulzer-Mosse, Sarah; Laars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Alexakis, AlexandreSynthesis2007 / 11, p. 1729-1732 Synthesis of amphiphilic pentaerithritol-based chelate ligands for transition metal complexesMariichak, Oleksandra Y.; Kapitanov, Illia; Radio, Serhii V.; Gathergood, Nicholas; Karpichev, YevgenKyiv-Toulouse : IXth International Chemistry Conference "Kyiv-Toulouse" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Fedir Babichev = IXth Conference Internationale de Chimie "Kyiv-Toulouse" dedie au 100eme anniversaire de Fedir Babichev : (Kyiv, 4-9 June 2017) : materials of reports and performances2017 / p. 136 : ill TalTechi professor Riina Aav: kui jäägid on tekkinud, tuleb leida viis, kuidas teha need ohutult kahjutuks ning see on rohelise keemia väga suur proovikiviAav, Riinadigi.geenius.ee2023 TalTechi professor Riina Aav: kui jäägid on tekkinud, tuleb leida viis, kuidas teha need ohutult kahjutuks ning see on rohelise keemia väga suur proovikivi The journal of organic chemistry2023 Uus orgaanilise keemia konspekt : koostatud prof. 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