A turn for constructivist human security research? : review of this special Human Security issuePolese, AbelForum of EthnoGeoPolitics2015 / p. 93-96 Adjusting social welfare and social policy in Central and Eastern Europe : growth, crisis and recession : chapter 12Kovacs, Borbala; Polese, Abel; Morris, JeremyHandbook of European social policy2017 / p. 194–217 https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783476466.00021 Az "állam ellenére" és az "államon túl" megvalósuló informális gyakorlatok ártalmas és ártalmatlan természete : magyarországi és romániai példákPolese, Abel; Kovacs, Borbala; Jancsics, DavidSzociologiai szemle2016 / o. 44-70 http://www.szociologia.hu/2016_2_szam/ Between "imagined" and "real" nation-building : identities and nationhood in post-Soviet Central AsiaIsaacs, Rico; Polese, AbelNationalities papers2015 / p. 371-382 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2015.1029044 Between "official" and "unofficial" temperatures : introducing a complication to the hot and cold ethnicity theory from OdessaPolese, AbelJournal of multilingual and multicultural development2014 / p. 59-75 Building a Ukrainian identity in Odessa: negotiation of markers and informal nationalismPolese, AbelOtoritas : jurnal ilmu pemerintahan2018 / p. 1-16 http://dx.doi.org/10.26618/ojip.v8i1.1014 Can nation building be ‘spontaneous’? A (belated) ethnography of the Orange RevolutionPolese, AbelIdentity and nation building in everyday post-socialist life2018 / p. 161-175 Conclusion : agency strikes back? Quo vadis informality?Morris, Jeremy; Polese, AbelInformal economies in post-socialist spaces : practices, institutions and networks2015 / p. 294-299 http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137483072 Conclusion : (re)imagining or imagined nation-building?Isaacs, Rico; Polese, AbelNation-building and identity in the post-Soviet space : new tools and approaches2016 / p. 250-254 Consommation, identité et intégration en Estonie et en LettoniePolese, Abel; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Cheskin, Ammon; Perchoc, PhilippeLes incommunications européennes2017 / p. 141-150 https://www.cairn.info/revue-hermes-la-revue-2017-1-p-141.htm Coping strategies of cancer patients in UkraineLevenets, Oleana; Stepurko, Tetiana; Polese, Abel; Pavlova, Milena; Groot, WimThe International journal of health planning and management2019 / p. 1423-1438 https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.2802 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Coping with cancer in post-communist Europe : a systematic literature reviewLevenets, Oleana; Stepurko, Tetiana; Polese, Abel; Pavlova, Milena; Groot, WimHealth Policy and Planning2021 / p. 1690−1704 https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czab121 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Corruption state trust and informality in UkrainePolese, AbelAddressing security risks at the Ukrainian border through best practices on good governance2016 / p. 31-41 http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-710-8-31 Cultivating new moralities: the construction of alternative moral standards in the Ukrainian healthcare sector – from universities to hospitalsPolese, Abel; Stepurko, TetianaThird annual Tartu conference on Russian and East European studies "Reflecting on nation-statehood in Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia" 10-12 June 2018, University of Tartu, Estonia2018 / p. 27 https://sisu.ut.ee/sites/default/files/tartuconference/files/konverentsi_programm_loplik.pdf https://www.ester.ee/record=b5182583*est De Gaulle y Europa. Nacionalismo frente a integración en la construcción europeaRamiro Troitino, David; Polese, Abel; Braghiroli, StefanoRevista de Occidente2018 / p. 40–55 https://ortegaygasset.edu/producto/abr-18/ Dnevniki Skopus i (ne)logichnost’ akademicheskogo vyzhivaniya. Kratkoye rukovodstvo o tom, kak razrabotat’ sobstvennuyu strategiyu ipreodolet’ bibliometricheskiye otsenivaniya, konferentsii I zavyshennyye ozhidaniya v akademii = Дневники SCOPUS и Логика (или её отсутствие) академического выживания. Дневники SCOPUS и Логика (или её отсутствие) академического выживанияPolese, Abel2023 https://www.ibidem.eu/de/dnevniki-skopus-i-ne-logichnost-akademicheskogo-vyzhivaniya-9783838218991.html https://www.ester.ee/record=b5272350*est Drinking with Vova : an individual entrepreneur between illegality and informalityPolese, AbelThe informal post-socialist economy : embedded practices and livelihoods2014 / p. 85-101 Editorial : politics, the economy and their moralities [Online publication]Polese, AbelStudies of transition states and societies2015 / p. 1-3 http://publications.tlu.ee/index.php/stss/article/view/262 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2539555*est Estonian identity construction between nation branding and buildingPolese, Abel; Ambrosio, Thomas; Kerikmäe, TanelCzech journal of international relations2020 / p. 24-46 https://doi.org/10.32422/mv.1690 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Estonie : la diplomatie du marketing nationalPolese, Abel; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Seliverstova, OleksandraDe la communication en diplomatie2018 / p. 64-71 https://www.cairn.info/revue-hermes-la-revue-2018-2-page-64.htm?contenu=resume Exploring the practice of making informal payments in the health sector : some lessons from GreeceHorodnic, Adrian; Williams, Colin; Polese, Abel; Zait, Adriana; Oprea, LiviuThe informal economy in global perspective : varieties of governance2017 / p. 157-172 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40931-3_9 Governance beyond the law : the immoral, the illegal, the criminal2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05039-9 Identity and nation building in everyday post-socialist life2018 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4692473*est Informal economies in post-socialist spaces : practices, institutions and networks2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137483072 Informal governance in urban spaces : power, negotiation and resistance among Georgian street vendorsPolese, Abel; Rekhviashvili, Lela; Morris, JeremyGeography research forum2016 / p. 15-32 : ill http://raphael.geography.ad.bgu.ac.il/ojs/index.php/GRF/article/view/508/465 Informal health and education sector payments in Russian and Ukrainian cities : structuring welfare from belowMorris, Jeremy; Polese, AbelEuropean urban and regional studies2014 / p. 1-16 Informal nationalism after communism : the everyday construction of post-socialist identities2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350986824 Informal payments in Ukrainian hospitals : on the boundary between informal payments, gifts, and bribesPolese, AbelAnthropological forum : a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology2014 / p. 381-395 Informalidad y supervivencia en Chernobil : etnografia de un espacio nuclear = The informal sector and survival in Chernobyl : ethnography of a nuclear placeDavies, Thom; Polese, Abelmethaodos.revista de ciencias sociales2015 / p. 221-238 : il http://dx.doi.org/10.17502/m.rcs.v3i2.87 Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape : living with the risks of ChernobylDavies, Thom; Polese, AbelJournal of Eurasian studies2015 / p. 34-45 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.euras.2014.09.002 Informality and Ukrainian higher educational institutions: happy together?Polese, Abel; Stepurko, Tetiana; Oksamytna, Svetlana; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Levenets, OleanaPolicy futures in education2018 / p. 482-500 : ill https://doi.org/10.1177/1478210318758812 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Informality crusades : why informal practices are stigmatized, fought and allowed in different contexts according to an apparently unintelligible logicPolese, AbelCaucasus social science review2015 / p. 1-26 : tab http://openjournals.gela.org.ge/index.php/CSSR/article/view/1648 Informality currencies : a tale of Misha, his brigada and informal practices among Uzbek labour migrants in RussiaUrinboyev, Rustamjon; Polese, AbelJournal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe2016 / p. 191-206 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965156X.2016.1261215 Informality 'in spite of' or 'beyond' the state : some evidence from Hungary and RomaniaPolese, Abel; Kovacs, Borbala; Jancsics, DavidEuropean societies2018 / p. 207–235 https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2017.1354390 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Informality versus shadow economy : reflecting on the first results of a manager’s survey in KyrgyzstanPolese, Abel; Moisé, Gian Marco; Tokyzhanova, Talshyn; Aguzzi, Tommaso; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sagynbaeva, Ainoura; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, OleksandraCentral Asian Survey2023 / p. 149 - 170 https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2022.2093328 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Informality, labour mobility and precariousness : supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82499-0 Introduction - limited statehood and its security implications on the fragmentation political order in the Middle East and North AfricaPolese, Abel; Hanau Santini, RuthRethinking statehood in the Middle East and North Africa : security, sovereignty and new political orders2019 https://www.crcpress.com/Rethinking-Statehood-in-the-Middle-East-and-North-Africa-Security-Sovereignty/Polese-Santini/p/book/9780367180881 Introduction : hybrid warfare in post-Soviet spaces, is there a logic behind?Polese, Abel; Kevlihan, Rob; Beachain, Donnacha O.Small wars & insurgencies2016 / p. 361-366 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09592318.2016.1151660 Introduction : informal economies as varieties of governancePolese, Abel; Williams, Colin; Horodnic, Ioana; Bejakovic, PredragThe informal economy in global perspective : varieties of governance2017 / p. 1-14 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40931-3_1 Introduction : informality - enduring practices, entwined livelihoodsMorris, Jeremy; Polese, AbelThe informal post-socialist economy : embedded practices and livelihoods2014 / p. 1-18 : ill Introduction : informality and power in the South CaucasusPolese, Abel; Rekhviashvili, LelaCaucasus survey2017 / p. 1-10 https://doi.org/10.1080/23761199.2017.1295671 Introduction : my name is Legion. The resilience and endurance of informality beyond, or in spite of, the StatePolese, Abel; Morris, JeremyInformal economies in post-socialist spaces : practices, institutions and networks2015 / p. 1-21 http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137483072 Introduction : nation-building in the post-Soviet space : old, new and changing toolsIsaacs, Rico; Polese, AbelNation-building and identity in the post-Soviet space : new tools and approaches2016 / p. 1-23 : tab Introduction : the failure and future of the welfare state in post-socialismPolese, Abel; Morris, Jeremy; Kovacs, BorbalaJournal of Eurasian studies2015 / p. 1-5 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.euras.2014.11.001 Introduction : "The good, the bad and the ugly" : transnational perspectives on the extralegal fieldPolese, Abel; Russo, Alessandra; Strazzari, FrancescoGovernance beyond the law : the immoral, the illegal, the criminal2019 / p. 1-26 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05039-9_1 Labour mobility and informality: Romanian migrants in Spain and Ethnic entrepreneurs in CroatiaPolese, Abel; Fradejas‐garcía, Ignacio; Banović, Ružica Šimić; Škokić, Vlatka; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Molina, José Luis; Alpeza, Mirela; Lubbers, Miranda J.; Camerani, AlbericaPolitics and Governance2022 / p. 279-292 https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v10i2.5166 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Liberalism and shadow interventionism in post-revolutionary Georgia (2003-2012)Rekhviashvili, Lela; Polese, AbelCaucasus survey2017 / p. 27-50 https://doi.org/10.1080/23761199.2017.1283471 Life lessons from the informality secession project : prefacePolese, AbelInformality, labour mobility and precariousness : supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable2022 / p. v-viii https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-82499-0 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm:978-3-030-82499-0/1?pdf=chapter%20toc Limited statehood and its security implications on the fragmentation political order in the Middle East and North AfricaPolese, Abel; Hanau Santini, RuthSmall wars & insurgencies2018 / p. 379-390 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09592318.2018.1456815# Limits of a post-Soviet state : how informality replaces, renegotiates, and reshapes governance in contemporary UkrainePolese, Abel2016 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4572434*est Looking at the 'sharing' economies concept through the prism of informalityKovacs, Borbala; Morris, Jeremy; Polese, Abel; Imami, DriniCambridge journal of regions, economy and society2017 / p. 365-378 https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsw046 Luxury consumption as identity markers in Tallinn : A study of Russian and Estonian everyday identity construction through consumer citizenshipPolese, Abel; Seliverstova, OleksandraJournal of Consumer Culture2020 / p. 194–215 https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1469540519891276 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Nation branding : tourism brochures and the idea of an Estonian nationPolese, Abel; Pawłusz, EmiliaBaltic worlds : a scholarly journal and news magazine2017 / p. 28-31 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b2520977*est National identity for breakfast : food consumption and the everyday construction of national narratives in EstoniaPolese, Abel; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Cheskin, AmmonNationalities papers2020 / p. 1015-1035 : ill https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2019.131 Nation-building and identity in the post-Soviet space : new tools and approaches2016 Negotiating spaces and the public-private boundary : language policies versus language use practices in OdessaPolese, Abel; Urinboyev, Rustamjon; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Murru, SarahSpace and culture2019 / 16 p https://doi.org/10.1177/1206331218799021 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS On sustainability and its perceptions: presenting the results of the first national survey on Sustainable Development Goals and its understanding by Vietnamese youthPolese, Abel; Phuong, Don Thuan; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Ramiro Troitino, DavidRivista di studi sulla sostenibilita2018 / p. 49-69 https://doi.org/10.3280/RISS2018-001006 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Personality cults and nation-building in TurkmenistanHorak, Slavomir; Polese, AbelNation-building and identity in the post-Soviet space : new tools and approaches2016 / p. 159-175 Political vs everyday forms of governance in Uzbekistan : the illegal, immoral and illegitimate politics and legitimacy in post-soviet Eurasia [Online resource]Urinboyev, Rustamjon; Polese, Abel; Svensson, Mans; Adams, Laura; Kerikmäe, TanelStudies of transition states and societies2018 / p. 50-64 : ill http://publications.tlu.ee/index.php/stss/article/view/347/521 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Political vs. everyday forms of governance in Uzbekistan : the illegal, immoral, and illegitimatePolese, Abel; Urinboyev, Rustamjon; Svensson, Mans; Adams, Laura; Kerikmäe, TanelInformality, labour mobility and precariousness : supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable2022 / p. 223-247 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82499-0_9 Post-socialist informalities : power, agency and the construction of extra-legalities from Bosnia to China2018 http://www.ester.ee/record=b4694342*est https://www.routledge.com/Post-socialist-Informalities-Power-Agency-and-the-Construction-of-Extra-legalities/Polese-Rekhviashvili-Kovacs-Morris/p/book/9781138296220 Practici informale nocive sau inofensive? "In pofida" si "dincolo de" stat : cazul Ungariei si RomanieiPolese, Abel; Kovacs, Borbala; Jancsics, DavidStudia politica2016 / p. 219-242 Presenting the results of the shadow economy survey in Ukraine while reflecting on the future(s) of informality studiesPolese, Abel; Moise, Gian Marco; Lysa, Olha; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, OleksandraJournal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe2022 / p. 101-123 https://doi.org/10.1080/25739638.2022.2044585 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Resistances : between theories and the fieldMurru, Sarah; Polese, Abel2020 https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786609359/Resistances-Between-Theories-and-the-Field Rethinking statehood in the Middle East and North Africa : security, sovereignty and new political orders2019 https://www.crcpress.com/Rethinking-Statehood-in-the-Middle-East-and-North-Africa-Security-Sovereignty/Polese-Santini/p/book/9780367180881 "Scandinavia's best-kept secret." Tourism promotion, nation-branding, and identity construction in Estonia (with a free guided tour of Tallinn Airport)Pawłusz, Emilia; Polese, AbelNationalities papers2017 / p. 873-892 : ill https://doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2017.1287167 Services, modes of governance and the state : editorial [Online resource]Polese, AbelStudies of transition states and societies2016 / p. 1-2 http://publications.tlu.ee/index.php/stss/issue/view/36 "States" of informality in post-socialist Europe (and beyond)Polese, Abel; Morris, Jeremy; Kovacs, BorbalaJournal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe2016 / p. 181-190 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965156X.2016.1261216 Strategies of legitimation in Central Asia: regime durability in TurkmenistanPolese, Abel; Beachain, Donnacha O.; Horak, SlavomirContemporary politics2017 / p. 427-445 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13569775.2017.1331391 A tale of two presidents : personality cult and symbolic nation-building in TurkmenistanPolese, Abel; Horak, SlavomirNationalities papers2015 / p. 457-478 : tab https://doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2015.1028913 The (Im)Moralities of Informality : States, Their Citizens and Conflicting Moral OrdersPolese, AbelInformality, labour mobility and precariousness : supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable2022 / p. 3-30 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82499-0_1 The informal economy in global perspective : varieties of governance2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40931-3 The informal post-socialist economy : embedded practices and livelihoods2014 The Scopus diaries and the (il)logics of academic survival : a short guide to design your own strategy and survive bibliometrics, conferences, and unreal expectations in academiaPolese, Abel2018 https://cup.columbia.edu/book/the-scopus-diaries-and-the-illogics-of-academic-survival/9783838211992 https://www.academia.edu/37977130/THE_SCOPUS_DIARIES_AND_THE_IL_LOGICS_OF_ACADEMIC_SURVIVAL_A_Short_Guide_to_Design_Your_Own_Strategy_And_Survive_Bibliometrics_Conferences_and_Unreal_Expectations_in_Academia_ibidem-Verlag_Stuttgart The silent noise of (everyday) identities : intoductionPolese, Abel; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Pawłusz, Emilia; Morris, JeremyInformal nationalism after communism : the everyday construction of post-socialist identities2018 / p. 1-16 http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350986824.0006 The socio-economic function of borders, evidence from EU neighbourhood countriesPolese, AbelEurolimes2013 / p. 22 Turkmenistan presidential election 2017. A facade of pluralismBeachain, Donnacha O.; Polese, AbelBaltic worlds : a scholarly journal and news magazine2017 / p. 125 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b2520977*est http://balticworlds.com/a-facade-of-pluralism/ "Welfare States" and social policies in Eastern Europe and the former USSR : where informality fits in?Polese, Abel; Morris, Jeremy; Borbala, Kovacs; Harboe, IdaJournal of contemporary European studies2014 / p. 184-198 What is informality? (mapping) “the art of bypassing the state” in Eurasian spaces - and beyondPolese, AbelEurasian Geography and Economics2023 / p. 322-364 https://doi.org/10.1080/15387216.2021.1992791 When “branding” meets “building:” the consequences of nation branding on identity in Kyrgyzstan and EstoniaPolese, Abel; Sheranova, ArzuuJournal of baltic studies2023 / 23 p https://doi.org/10.1080/01629778.2023.2271889 When post-socialism meets everyday : conclusionPolese, Abel; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Pawłusz, Emilia; Morris, JeremyInformal nationalism after communism : the everyday construction of post-socialist identities2018 / p. 183-187 http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350986824.0007 Why shadow economy and informality should be separated as concepts : results and implications of the shadow economy survey in the post-Soviet regionPolese, Abel; Tokyzhanova, Talshyn; Moise, Gian Marco; Aguzzi, Tommaso; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Sagynbaeva, Ainoura; Sauka, Arnis; Seliverstova, Oleksandra; Lysa, Olha; Kussaiynkyzy, AigerimStudia politica. Romanian political science review2023 / p. 65-88 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iPAUdHK3PiBQrNGxg1kP0dMj1Rf-XJLW/view Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus