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A historical perspectiveNotermans, Antonius Johannes HubertusJournal of reviews on global economics2017 / p. 129-142 : tab Changing readiness of Estonian business leaders to apply people oriented and performance oriented management ideas before and after the global financial crisisKumpikaite-Valiuniene, Vilmante; Elenurm, Tiit; Alas, Ruth; Zernand-Vilson, Maris32nd EGOS Colloquium : Organizing in the Shadow of Power : July 7-9, 2016, Naples, Italy2016 / p. 16 Companies working efficiency and the economic crisis the example of the Baltic StatesTanning, ToivoInternational journal of scientific research2013 / p. 135-137 : ill COVID-19 as an accelerator for developing strong(er) businesses? 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