Application of ATP-method in rapid monitoring of plant hygiene of Estonian food manufacturersKurvet, Madis; Külm, I.; Kahru, AnneBIOBALT '96 : Biotechnology in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania : International Workshop, 19-20 April, 1996, Tartu, Estonia : abstract book1996 / p. 24 ATP-meetod mikroobse biomassi kiireks määramiseks ja selle kasutamine hügieeni testimisel toiduainetetööstusesKahru, Anne; Kurvet, Madis; Külm, I.EMS 96 teaduskonverents, 6.-7. juuni 1996, Tallinn = EMS 96 Scientific Conference, 6-7 June 1996, Tallinn1996 / poster 17 Biosynthesis of dextran and complexation with FeCl3 for preparation of antianemic complexesRae, K.; Kumar, J.; Külm, I.; Kreen, Malle23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 129 Dekstraani biosüntees ja sidumine FeCl3-ga aneemiavastaste komplekside saamiseksRae, K.; Kumar, J.; Külm, I.; Kreen, MalleXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 118 Kiirmeetod paberi toksilisuse määramiseks, milles testorganismidena kasutatakse fotobaktereidKahru, Anne; Põllumaa, Lee; Külm, I.; Kanger, K.EMS 96 teaduskonverents, 6.-7. juuni 1996, Tallinn = EMS 96 Scientific Conference, 6-7 June 1996, Tallinn1996 / poster 18 Mikroobsete biotestide kasutamine tuhamägede vee toksilisuse uurimiselKahru, Anne; Kurvet, Madis; Külm, I.EMS 96 teaduskonverents, 6.-7. juuni 1996, Tallinn = EMS 96 Scientific Conference, 6-7 June 1996, Tallinn1996 / [1] p Pestitsiidide toksilisuse uurimine kasutades bakteriaalseid testsüsteeme : luminestseeruvad bakterid Photobacterium phosphoreumKahru, Anne; Tomson, K.; Pall, T.; Külm, I.XVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 32-34 Photobacteria as whole-cell biosensors in environmental toxicologyKahru, Anne; Kurvet, Madis; Külm, I.XIII Scandinavian Workshop on In Vitro Toxicology, Tampere, Finland, 21-24.9.1995 : abstracts1995 / p. 73 Prediction of toxicity of (phenolic) wastewater to activated sludge using luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreumKahru, Anne; Kurvet, Madis; Külm, I.2nd IAWQ Specialized Conference on Hazard Assessment and Control of Environmental Contaminants in Water - The Interface Between Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, 29-30. June 1995 : book of abstracts1995 / p. 56a Study of toxicity of pesticides using luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreumKahru, Anne; Tomson, K.; Pall, T.; Külm, I.2nd IAWQ Specialized Conference on Hazard Assessment and Control of Environmental Contaminants in Water - the Interface Between Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, 29-30. June 1995 : book of abstracts1995 / p. 148 Study of toxicity of pesticides using luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreumKahru, Anne; Tomson, Katrin; Pall, T.; Külm, I.Water science and technology1996 / 6, p. 147-154 Toxicity of phenolic wastewater to luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum and activated sludgesKahru, Anne; Kurvet, Madis; Külm, I.Water science and technology1996 / 6, p. 139-146