Anchimeric assistance in the case of vicinal dimesylate : formation of enantiomeric or meso-biomorpholineKanger, Tõnis; Laars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthesis2006 / 11, p. 1853-1857 Asendatud (2S,2'S)-bimorfoliinide sünteesLippur, Kristin; Kriis, Kadri; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Kanger, TõnisXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 82-83 Asymmetric oxidation of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones. Part 1, 3-hydroxylation of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanedionesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2002 / p. 2439-2448 Asymmetric oxidation of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones. Part 2, Oxidative ring cleavage of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones : synthesis of 2-alkyl-[gamma]-lactone acidsPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Lindmaa, Rasmus; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2003 / p.1565-1573 Asymmetric oxidation of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones. Part 3, Oxidative ring cleavage of 3-hydroxyethyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones : synthesis of [alfa]-hydroxy-[gamma]-lactone acids and spiro-[gamma]-dilactonesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Niitsoo, Olivia; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2003 / p. 2393-2399 Asymmetric synthesis of 2-aryl-5-oxotetrahydrofuran-2-carboxylic acidsJõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthesis2006 / 18, p. 3031-3036 : ill Asymmetric synthesis of 4'-C-benzyl-2',3'-dideoxynucleoside analogues from 3-benzyl-2-hydroxy-2-cyclopenten-1-oneJõgi, Artur; Ilves, Marit; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2008 / 5, p. 628-634'-C-benzyl-2'3'-dideoxynucleoside_analogues_from_3-benzyl-2-hydroxy-2-cyclopenten-1-one Asymmetric synthesis of novel C2-symmetric bimorpholinesKanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2002 / p. 857-865 Bimorpholine as an organocatalyst for asymmetric aldol condensationKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Laars, Marju; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstracts2006 / p. 104 Bimorpholine-mediated enantioselective intramolecular and intermolecular aldol condensationKanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Laars, Marju; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusJournal of organic chemistry2007 / p. 5168-5173 Bitsüklo[3.3.0]oktanooni derivaatide sünteesRaudla, Kristin; Kanger, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 94-95 C2-symmetric bimorpholines : a new ligand for metal mediated hydride transfer reduction of ketonesKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusKomppa Centenary Symposium : July 6-9, 2003, Espoo, Finland : abstracts2003 / p. A50 C2-symmetric bimorpholines as chiral ligands in the asymmetric hydrogenation of ketonesKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2003 / p. 2271-2275 Chemical investigation of the essential oil from berries and needles of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) growing wild in EstoniaOrav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiNatural product research2010 / 19, p. 1789-1799 Comparative analysis of the composition of essential oils and supercritical carbon dioxide extracts from the berries and needles of Estonian juniper (Juniperus communis L.)Orav, Anne; Koel, Mihkel; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiProcedia chemistry2010 / p. 161-167 Comparative analysis of the essential oil and supercritical carbon dioxide etracts of Juniperus communis L.berries and needles from EstoniaOrav, Anne; Koel, Mihkel; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiNoSSS2009 : 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society : 26-29 August, 2009, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia : abstract book and program2009 / p. 123 A comparative study of the synthesis of C2-symmetric chiral 2,2'-biaziridinylsn of 3-alkyl-1,2-cyclopentanedionesKanger, Tõnis; Ausmees, Kerti; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynlett2003 / p. 1055-1057 A comparative study of the synthesis of C2-symmetric chiral 2,2'-bisaziridinylsKanger, Tõnis; Ausmees, Kerti; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusKomppa Centenary Symposium : July 6-9, 2003, Espoo, Finland : abstracts2003 / p. A44 Composition of blackcurrant aroma isolated from leaves, buds, and berries of Ribes nigrum L.Orav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2002 / 4, p. 225-234 : ill Composition of essential oil of aerial parts of Chamomilla suaveolens from EstoniaOrav, Anne; Sepp, Janne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Arak, Elmar; Raal, AinNatural product communications2010 / 1, p. 133-136 Composition of the essential oil of Artemisia absinthium L. of different geographical originOrav, Anne; Raal, Ain; Arak, Elmar; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kailas, TiiuProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2006 / 3, p. 155-165 : ill Composition of the essential oil of Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch from some European countriesRaal, Ain; Arak, Elmar; Orav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiJournal of essential oil research2008 / p. 318-322 Composition of the oil and supercritical fluid CO2 extract of sweet gale (Myrica gale L.) fruitsSokolova, Maia; Orav, Anne; Koel, Mihkel; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiJournal of essential oil research2005 / March/April, p. 188-191 : ill Composition of the oil from waste tires. 1, Fraction boiling at up to 160COrav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kann, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / 1, p. 30-39 Composition of the oil from waste tires. 2, Fraction boiling at 160-180COrav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kann, JüriProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / 3, p. 136-140 Content and composition of essential oils in some Asteraceae speciesRaal, Ain; Kaur, Helen; Orav, Anne; Arak, Elmar; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2011 / 1, p. 55-63 Dioksügenaasid korallis Gersemia fruticosa : hapniku allikas, selektiivsete inhibiitorite toimeVarvas, Külliki; Järving, Ivar; Koljak, Reet; Valmsen, Karin; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Liiv, Milana; Samel, NigulasXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 152 Eestis kasvava hariliku kadaka okaste ja marjade eeterliku õli koostise määramineOrav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 107-108 Effect of storage on the essential oil composition of Piper nigrum L. fruits of different ripening statesOrav, Anne; Stulova, Irina; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiJournal of agricultural and food chemistry2004 / p. 2582-2586 Enantioselective synthesis of Wieland-Miescher ketone through biomorpholine-catalyzed organocatalytic aldol condensationKriis, Kadri; Kanger, Tõnis; Laars, Marju; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynlett2006 / 11, p. 1699-1702 Investigation of kukersite structure using NMR and oxidative cleavage : on the nature of phenolic precursors in the kerogen of Estonian kukersiteLille, Ülo; Heinmaa, I.; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, TõnisOil shale2002 / 2, p. 101-116 : ill 2-metüül-3-tsüano-tsükloheks-2-een-1-ooni sünteesNiidu, Allan; Maasalu, A.; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 113 3'hüdroksü-4'-asendatud-2'-deoksünukleosidi analoogide sünteesJõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 28 : ill Käeliste tetrahüdrofuraani analoogide sünteesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Kislitsõn, Konstantin; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusXXX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 30th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2007 / lk. 104-105 Lipase-catalyzed stereoresolution of long-chain 1,2-alkanediols: a screening of preferable reaction conditionsParve, Jaan; Reile, Indrek; Aid, Tiina; Kudrjašova, Marina; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Vallikivi, Imre; Villo, Ly; Aav, Riina; Pehk, Tõnis; Vares, Lauri; Parve, OmarJournal of molecular catalysis B : enzymatic2015 / p. 60-69 : ill New cytotoxic sterols from the soft coral Gersemia fruticosaKoljak, Reet; Lopp, Annika; Pehk, Tõnis; Varvas, Külliki; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Järving, Ivar; Samel, NigulasTetrahedron1998 / p. 179-186 Oxidation of cyclopentane-1,2-dione: a study with 18O labeled reagentsReile, Indrek; Paju, Anne; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2011 / p. 5942-5948 Oxidative ring cleavage of 3-hydroxyethyl-1,2-cyclopentanediones : synthesis of 4-hydroxy-[??]-lactone acids and spiro-[??]-dilactonesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Niitsoo, Olivia; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusKomppa Centenary Symposium : July 6-9, 2003, Espoo, Finland : abstracts2003 / p. A73 Sonogashira cross-coupling of 3-bromo-1,2.diones : an access to 3-alkynyl-1,2-dionesPaju, Anne; Kanger, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Aid, Tiina; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2014 / p. 5843-5848 : ill Stereoselective synthesis of 1-methyl-1,2-and 1,3-cyclopentanediols via γ-lactonesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Järving, Ivar; Kailas, Tiiu; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusChemistry of heterocyclic compounds2013 / p. 1751-1760 : ill Structural constraints for C2-symmetric heterocyclic organocatalysts in asymmetric aldol reactionsLaars, Marju; Kriis, Kadri; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2008 / p. 641-645 Study of rubber waste thermal processingKann, Jüri; Marguste, Mart; Orav, Anne; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Võssotskaja, V.; Kriis, J.24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 27 Süsiniku isotoopkoostis ning bioloogiliste markerite jaotumine Balti regiooni naftades ja kivimitesBondar, J.; Bitjukov, Mihhail; Palu, Vilja; Liiv, Milana; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 13-14 Synthesis and derivatization of bis-nor Wieland-Miescher ketoneKanger, Tõnis; Raudla, Kristin; Aav, Riina; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthesis2005 / p. 3147-3151 Synthesis and quantitative analysis of diastereomeric linked ester conjugates with remote stereocenters using high field NMR and chiral HPLCDoyle, Eva; Parve, Jaan; Kudrjašova, Marina; Tamp, Sven; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Villo, Ly; Vares, Lauri; Pehk, Tõnis; Parve, OmarChirality2013 / p. 793-798 : ill Synthesis of (2S,2'S)-bimorpholine N,N'-quaternary salts as chiral phase transfer catalystsLippur, Kristin; Kanger, Tõnis; Kriis, Kadri; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron: asymmetry2007 / p. 137-141 Synthesis of 3-phenyl-2-hydroxy-2-cyclopenten-1-ones and their asymmetric oxidationJõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kailas, Tiiu; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstracts2006 / p. 100 Synthesis of 4'-aryl-2',3'-dideoxynucleoside analoguesJõgi, Artur; Paju, Anne; Pehk, Tõnis; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2009 / p. 2959-2965 Synthesis of 5,5'-disubstituted bimorpholinesLippur, Kristin; Elmers, Cindy; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthetic communications2010 / p. 266-281 Synthesis of 5,5'-disubstituted biomorpholinesLippur, Kristin; Elmers, Cindy; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Kanger, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusSynthetic communications2009 / p. 1-16 Synthesis of chiral enantioenriched tetrahydrofuran derivativesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kailas, Tiiu; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusArkivoc2009 / XIV, p. 39-52 Synthesis of chiral epoxyalkynesKanger, Tõnis; Niidas, Piret; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry1998 / p. 2499-2508 Synthesis of chiral FHF-analoguesNiidu, Allan; Kislitsõn, Konstantin; Paju, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusBalticum Organicum Syntheticum : International Conference on Organic Synthesis : June 29 - July 2, 2008, Vilnius : program and abstract book2008 / ? p Synthesis of chiral hydroxylated cyclopentanones and cyclopentanesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Eek, Margus; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron : asymmetry2006 / 18, p. 2678-2683 Synthesis of cyclopetane hydroxy derivativesNiidu, Allan; Paju, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Pehk, Tõnis; Lopp, MargusBOS 2012 : International Conference on Organic Synthesis : July 1-4, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia : program and abstracts2012 / p. 142 Synthesis of N,N'-disubstituted (2S,2'S)-bimorpholineRaudla, Kristin; Kanger, Tõnis; Pehk, Tõnis; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Lopp, MargusInternational Conference on Organic Synthesis : Tallinn, Estonia, June 25-29, 2006 : program and abstracts2006 / p. 138 Synthesis of novel acyclic nucleoside analogues with anti-retroviral activityPaju, Anne; Päri, M.; Selyutina, Anastasia; Žusinaite, Eva; Merits, Andres; Pehk, Tõnis; Siirde, Kaarel; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Kailas, Tiiu; Lopp, MargusNucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids2010 / 9, p. 707-720 The dioxygenases in the soft coral Gersemia fruticosa : origin of the oxygen, the eff[e]ct of selective inhibitorsVarvas, Külliki; Järving, Ivar; Koljak, Reet; Valmsen, Karin; Müürisepp, Aleksander-Mati; Liiv, Milana; Samel, Nigulas23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 160 Variation in the composition of the essential oil of commercial Valeriana officinalis L. roots from different countriesRaal, Ain; Arak, Elmar; Orav, Anne; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiJournal of essential oil research2008 / 6, p. 524-529 Variation in the composition of the essential oil of Valeriana officinalis L. roots from EstoniaRaal, Ain; Orav, Anne; Arak, Elmar; Kailas, Tiiu; Müürisepp, Aleksander-MatiProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2007 / 2, p. 67-74