ABCA4 locus as a model for complex genetics in monogenic diseases = ABCA4 lookus kui monogeensete haiguste kompleksse geneetika mudelZernant, Jana2019*est Ajumahu ja üldintelligentsi seosed genotüübigaVeske, AndresRahvusvaheline konverents Inimteadvus ja käitumine muutuvas maailmas : 14.-15. oktoober 2004 : Rahvusraamatukogu Konverentsikeskus, Tallinn, Eesti2004 / lk. 111-112 Andres Veske: varsti on loodusega tasakaalus majandustegevus konkurentsis püsimise eeldus [Võrguväljaanne]Veske, Andresaripaev.ee2022 Arvamusfestival : töö liginullenergiahoonetega ei lõpe aastal 2020Kiisler, Eva; Veske, Andres; Kurnitski, Jarek; Koit, Priit; Sillmann, Karin; Hani, AllanEhitaja2017 / lk. 17-18 : fot*est Associations between the brain volume and general intelligence with genotypeVeske, AndresRahvusvaheline konverents Inimteadvus ja käitumine muutuvas maailmas : 14.-15. oktoober 2004 : Rahvusraamatukogu Konverentsikeskus, Tallinn, Eesti2004 / p. 219-220 B-plexins control microtubule dynamica and dendritic morphology in co-operation with end-binding proteinsLaht, Piret; Pill, Kaie; Haller, Elina; Remm, Jaanus; Veske, AndresSemaphorin function & mechanism of action : EMBO workshop : 29-31 October 2013, Cernay-la-Ville, France2013 B-plexins control microtubule dynamics and dendrite morphology of hippocampal neuronsLaht, Piret; Otsus, Maarja; Remm, Jaanus; Veske, AndresExperimental cell research2014 / p. 174-184 : ill B-plexins regulate the maturation of neurons through microtubule dynamics = B-pleksiinid mõjutavad mikrotorukeste liikumise kaudu närvirakkude küpsemistLaht, Piret2015 Characterization of the rodent PLXNB3 gene and its minimal promoterTiismus, Liivi; Laht, Piret; Otsus, Maarja; Veske, AndresAxion guidance, synaptogenesis and neural plasticity : Cold Spring Harbor, 2008, September 10-142008 / p. 243 Chronic pain after lower abdominal surgery : do catechol-O-methyl transferase/opioid receptor μ-1 polymorphisms contribute?Kolesnikov, Yuri; Gabovits, Boris; Levin, Ariel; Veske, Andres; Qin, Li; Dai, Feng; Belfer, InnaMolecular pain2013 / p. 1-7 Combined catechol-O-methyltransferase and [micro]-opioid receptor gene polymorphisms affect morphine postoperative analgesia and central side effectsKolesnikov, Yuri; Gabovits, Boris; Levin, Ariel; Voiko, Edward; Veske, AndresAnesthesia and analgesia2011 / p. 448-453 : ill Eesti autori geneetikaõpikVeske, AndresHorisont2013 / lk. 59*est Estonian Energy Roadmap to carbon neutralityVolkova, Anna; Kisel, Einari; Grünvald, Olavi; Veske, Andres; Sukumaran, Sreenath; Purga, JaanusInternational journal of sustainable energy planning and management2023 / p. 30-46 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Identification and characterization of mouse plexin B3 promoterTiismus, Liivi; Laht, Piret; Otsus, Maarja; Veske, AndresBiochemical and biophysical research communications2008 / p. 11-15 : ill Missense mutations in the extracellular domain of the human neural cell adhesion molecule L1 reduce neurite outgrowth of murine cerebellar neuronsMichelson, P.; Veske, AndresHuman mutations2002 / 6, p. 481-482 Parema inimrassi suunasVeske, Andres; Kalling, KenHorisont2011 / 2, lk. 10-16 : ill*est Plexin B3 is genetically associated with verbal performance and white matter volume in human brainRujescu, D.; Meisenzahl, E.M.; Veske, AndresMolecular psychiatry2007 / 2, p. 190-194 : ill Plexin B3 promotes neurite outgrowth, interacts homophilically, and interacts with RinHartwig, C.; Veske, Andres; Krejcova, S.; Rosenberger, G.; Finckh, U.BMC neuroscience2005 / p. 53 Plexin-B3 interacts with EB-family proteins through a conserved motifLaht, Piret; Pill, Kaie; Haller, Elina; Veske, AndresBiochimica et biophysica acta2012 / p. 888-893 : ill Plexin-B3 interacts with EB-family proteins through a conserved motifLaht, Piret; Pill, Kaie; Haller, Elina; Veske, AndresEMBO Conference Series "Microtubules : Structure, Regulation and Functions" Heidelberg, Germany : 23 May - 26 May 20122012 Plexin-B3 suppresses excitatory and promotes inhibitory synapse formation in rat hippocampal neuronsLaht, Piret; Tammaru, Epp; Otsus, Maarja; Rohtla, Johan; Tiismus, Liivi; Veske, AndresExperimental cell research2015 / p. 269-278 : ill Teadust rohkem kui arendust : [teadus- ja arendustegevuse seaduseeelnõust]Veske, AndresÕpetajate Leht2010 / lk. 7 Ассоциация генетического полиморфизма гуанозинтрифосфат циклогидролазы и катехол-O-метилтрансферазы с частотой появления хронической боли после операцийGаbovich, Boris; Veske, Andres; Dаi, Feng; Kolesnikov, YuriВестник анестезиологии и реаниматологии2019 / c. 5−11