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[CD-ROM] Andres Öpik - profisportlasest dekaaniksKalle, SigridStudioosus2008 / lk. 9 : foto*est Comparative study of the noise levels : impact of renovationKalle, Sigrid; Paju, JanaAgronomy research2016 / p. 1300-1306 : ill*est Could urea in spent dialysate be a marker for monitoring removal of 4-pyridoxic acid?Kalle, Sigrid; Tanner, Risto; Arund, Jürgen; Tomson, Ruth; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoXIII Baltic Nephrology Conference : October 13-15, 2016, Jurmala, Latvia : final programme2016 / p. 6 Enn Listra - füüsikast majandusse : [TTÜ majandusteaduskonna dekaan]Kalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / lk. 12-13 : fot*est Ennu Rüstern - assistendist dekaaniksKalle, SigridStudioosus2008 / lk. 14-15: fot*est Exposure to high or low frequency noise at workplaces : differences between assessment, health complaints and implementation of adequate personal protective equipmentReinhold, Karin; Kalle, Sigrid; Paju, JanaAgronomy research2014 / p. 895-906 : ill Fluorescence of Beta-2-microglobulin in the spent dialysateKalle, Sigrid; Kressa, H.; Tanner, Risto; Holmar, Jana; Fridolin, Ivo16th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering : 16. NBC & 10. MTD 2014 Joint Conferences, October 14-16, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden2015 / p. 59-62 : ill 4-pyridoxic acid in the spent dialysate : contribution to fluorescence and optical monitoringKalle, Sigrid; Tanner, Risto; Arund, Jürgen; Tomson, Ruth; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoPLoS ONE2016 / art. e0162346, p. 1-11 : ill Free pentosidine assessment based on fluorescence measurements in spent dialysateKalle, Sigrid; Tanner, Risto; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoBlood Purification2019 / p. 85–93 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Heterogeneous platinum catalytic aerobic oxidation of cyclopentane-1,2-diols to cyclopentane-1,2-dionesReile, Indrek; Kalle, Sigrid; Werner, Franz; Järving, Ivar; Kudrjašova, Marina; Paju, Anne; Lopp, MargusTetrahedron2014 / p. 3608-3613 : ill Keemik Cambrex Tallinnas: "Mul oli võimalus näha, kuidas kahekümne liitrises reaktoris reaktsiooni läbi viidi" : [üliõpilasena praktikal]Kalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / oktoober, lk. 9*est Margus Lopp - dekaan ja õppejõud, kuid eelkõige teadlaneLopp, Margus; Kalle, SigridStudioosus2008 / okt., lk. 8-9: fot*est Noise characterization and exposure on a research shipKalle, Sigrid; Tint, PiiaXX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014 : Global Forum for Prevention : 24-27 August 2014, Frankfurt, Germany2014 / [1] p Operating center workers' skin diseases caused by disinfectants and antiseptics - disbeliefs and preventive measuresKalle, Sigrid; Pille, ViiveOEESC 2013 : 6th International conference on Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals, June 2-4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands : programme and abstract book2013 / [1] p Operating center workers' skin diseases caused by disinfectants and antiseptics - misbeliefs and preventive measures = Кожные заболевания у персонала процедурных центров, вызываемые антисептиками и дезинфекционными средствами: заблуждения и профилактикаKalle, Sigrid; Pille, ViiveBarents newsletter on occupational health and safety2012 / p. 10-13 : ill Optical measurement of 4-pyridoxic acid in the spent dialysate : algorithm developmentKalle, Sigrid; Tanner, Risto; Arund, Jürgen; Tomson, Ruth; Fridolin, IvoBEC 2016 : 2016 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 3-5, 2016, Tallinn, Estonia2016 / p. 115-118 : ill*est Optical monitoring of uremic metabolites-fluorophores during dialysis : the cases of [beta]-2-microglobulin, pentosidine, and 4-pyridoxic acid = Ureemiliste metaboliitide-fluorofooride optiline jälgimine dialüüsi jooksul: [beta]-2-mikroglobuliini, pentosidiini ja 4-püridokshappe näitedKalle, Sigrid2018*est Pelikani jälgedes : [doonorlusest TTÜs]Kalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / mai, lk. 6*est Priit Kulu - elust ja metallikiindumusest : [TTÜ mehaanikateaduskonna dekaanist]Kulu, Priit; Kalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / märts, lk. 14-15 : fot Reduction of urea and indoxyl sulphate concentration during different dialysis treatment modalitiesHolmar, Jana; Luman, Merike; Arund, Jürgen; Lauri, Kai; Tomson, Ruth; Tanner, Risto; Kalle, Sigrid; Fridolin, IvoInternational journal of artificial organs2016 / p. 379 Removal estimation of uremic CVD marker phosphate in dialysis using spectrophoto- and fluorimetrical signalsHolmar, Jana; Arund, Jürgen; Kalle, Sigrid; Lauri, Kai; Luman, Merike; Tanner, Risto; Tomson, Ruth; Fridolin, IvoEMBEC & NBC 2017 : joint conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 20172018 / p. 358-361 : ill Removal of Urea, beta 2-Microglobulin, and Indoxyl Sulfate Assessed by Absorbance and Fluorescence in the Spent Dialysate During HemodialysisLauri, Kai; Arund, Jürgen; Holmar, Jana; Tanner, Risto; Kalle, Sigrid; Luman, Merike; Fridolin, IvoAsaio journal2020 / p. 695−705 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Robotex läheneb juubelile : [4. dets. toimub TTÜ spordihoones 9. robotivõistlus]Kalle, SigridTehnikamaailm2009 / 12, lk. 72-74 : fot*est Roode Liiase parimad saavutused on veel ees : [intervjuu ehitusteaduskonna dekaaniga]Liias, Roode; Kalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / lk. 16 : portr Semest[r]ograafia - TTÜ tudengielu peegeldused aastail 2002-2008 : [TTÜ fotoklubi poolt väljaantud raamatust]Kalle, Sigrid; Puust, ChristenStudioosus2008 / okt., lk. 3*est Sulev Mäeltsemees - saatuse tahtel majandusgeograafiasseKalle, Sigrid; Mäeltsemees, SulevStudioosus2009 / lk. 8-9 : fot*est Teadlaste ööKalle, SigridStudioosus2008 / nov., lk. 12 Tipikas males - Tuuli VahtraKalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / lk. 9 : fot*est TTÜ 90 - killuke juubelipidustustestKalle, SigridStudioosus2008 / okt., lk. 3 Tõnu Lehtla: "Oluline on energeetikaalase pädeva oskusteabe loomine ja siirdamine Eestisse" : [T.Lehtla on TTÜ energeetikateaduskonna dekaan]Kalle, SigridStudioosus2009 / lk. 14-15 : fot*est Vibration and noise caused by lawn maintenance machines in association with risk to healthTint, Piia; Tarmas, Gültšara; Koppel, Tarmo; Reinhold, Karin; Kalle, SigridAgronomy research2012 / p. 251-260 : ill