A method for mixing molten metal and a compatible electric arc furnaceMõlder, Heigo; Järvik, Jaan; Janson, Kuno; Gordon, Rauno; Vaimann, ToomasEstonian journal of engineering2011 / 3, p. 220-240 : ill Aasta tehnikaüliõpilane 2021 on Karolina KudelinaVaimann, ToomasMeie Leht2021 / lk. 4 http://narva-joesuu.ee/documents/2032926/30038466/Meie_Leht_DETSEMBER_2021_EST.pdf/6812d56d-dce2-4684-87ee-72639332075f AC losses analysis approaches for electric vehicle motors with hairpin winding configurationShams Ghahfarokhi, Payam; Podgornovs, Andrejs; Marques Cardoso, Antonio J.; Kallaste, Ants; Belahcen, Anouar; Vaimann, ToomasIECON 2021 - 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 20212021 / p. 1-4 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/IECON48115.2021.9589339 Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS AC magnetic loss reduction of SLM processed Fe-Si for additive manufacturing of electrical machinesTiismus, Hans; Kallaste, Ants; Belahcen, Anouar; Tarraste, Marek; Vaimann, Toomas; Rassõlkin, Anton; Asad, Bilal; Ghahfarokhi, Payam ShamsEnergies2021 / 13 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.3390/en14051241 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS ADCS development for student CubeSat satellites - TalTech case studyRassõlkin, Anton; Vaimann, Toomas; Org, Peeter; Leibak, Alar; Gordon, Rauno; Priidel, EikoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2021 / p. 268-285 : ill https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2021.3.06 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Additive design possibilities of electrical machinesKallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Rassõlkin, Anton59th Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering : November 12, 13, 2018, Riga Technical University (RTUCON) : conference proceedings2018 / 5 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/RTUCON.2018.8659828 Additive Manufacturing and Performance of E-Type Transformer CoreTiismus, Hans; Kallaste, Ants; Belahcen, Anouar; 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Vaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, Anouar; Kallaste, Ants; Rassõlkin, Anton; Iqbal, Muhammad NaveedIET electric power applications2019 / p. 2005–2014 https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-epa.2019.0350 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Broken rotor bar fault diagnostic of inverter fed induction motor using FFT, Hilbert and Park's vector approachAsad, Bilal; Vaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, Anouar; Kallaste, Ants2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018) : Alexandroupoli, Greece, 3-6 September 20182018 / p. 2352-2358 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/ICELMACH.2018.8506957 Calculation of the traction effort of ISEAUTO self-driving vehicleRassõlkin, Anton; Gevorkov, Levon; Vaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants; Sell, Raivo2018 25th International Workshop on Electric Drives: Optimization in Control of Electric Drives (IWED)2018 / p. 1-5 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/IWED.2018.8321397 Challenges of additive manufacturing of electrical machinesTiismus, Hans; 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Vaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)2023 / 6 p https://doi.org/10.1109/CPE-POWERENG58103.2023.10227417 Comparative analysis of wind generator energy efficiency based on machine designKallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Kilk, Aleksander; Belahcen, Anouar2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON) : proceedings2014 / p. 9-12 : ill Comparative simulation study of pump system efficiency driven by induction and synchronous reluctance motorsGevorkov, Levon; Dominguez-Garcia, Jose Luis; Rassõlkin, Anton; Vaimann, ToomasEnergies2022 / art. 4068 https://doi.org/10.3390/en15114068 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Comparative study of field-oriented control model in application for induction and synchronous reluctance motors for life-cycle analysisAutsou, Siarhei; Saroka, Viktor; 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Rjabtšikov, Viktor; Jegorov, Sergei; Rassõlkin, Anton; Vaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants2022 IEEE 20th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC) : Brasov, Romania, 25-28 Sept. 2022 : proceedings2022 / p. 156-160 https://doi.org/10.1109/PEMC51159.2022.9962943 Conceptual test bench for small class unmanned autonomous vehicle performance estimationPütsep, Kristjan; Rassõlkin, Anton; Vaimann, Toomas2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, The Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland, 25 - 29 April, 2021 (PEMC) : proceedings2021 / p. 695-698 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/PEMC48073.2021.9432509 Condition monitoring and fault detection for electrical machines using IOTRaja, Hadi Ashraf; Vaimann, Toomas; Rassõlkin, Anton; Kallaste, AntsProceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2022. 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Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 16-21, 20122012 / p. 209-212 : ill Condition monitoring of electrical machines and its relation to industrial internetBelahcen, Anouar; Gyftakis, Konstantinos N.; Martinez, Javier; Climente-Alarcon, Vicente; Vaimann, Toomas2015 IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis (WEMDCD) : proceedings : Castello del Valentino, Torino, Italy, 26-27 March, 20152015 / p. 233-241 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WEMDCD.2015.7194535 Condition monitoring of electrical machines and its relation to IoTVaimann, Toomas18th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering". 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ID-42 Distance learning in technical education on example of Estonia and PolandVaimann, Toomas; Stepien, Mariusz; Rassõlkin, Anton; Palu, Ivo2020 XI International Conference on Electrical Power Drive Systems (ICEPDS), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 4-7, 20202020 / p. 285-288 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEPDS47235.2020.9249317 Distantsõppest tehnikaharidusesVaimann, Toomas; Palu, IvoElektriala2020 / lk. 10-12 : portr http://www.ester.ee/record=b1240496*est Dynamic control system for electric motor drive testing on the test benchRassõlkin, Anton; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE) : proceedings : Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT), Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June, 20152015 / p. 252-257 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CPE.2015.7231082 Dynamic modeling of the demagnetization in Halbach array permanent magnet machinesKallaste, Ants; Belahcen, Anouar; Vaimann, ToomasCOMPUMAG 2013 : [proceedings]2013 / p. 1-2 : ill Dynamic state space model based analysis of a three-phase induction motor using nonlinear magnetization inductanceAsad, Bilal; Vaimann, Toomas; Rassõlkin, Anton; Belahcen, Anouar2018 19th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE 2018) : Brno, Czech Republic, 16 - 18 May 20182018 / p. 260-265 : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/EPE.2018.8396039 Eddy current loss reduction prospects in laser additively manufactured soft magnetic coresTiismus, Hans; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Rassõlkin, Anton2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM)2022 / p. 1511-1516 https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEM51905.2022.9910679 EDUTECH - good practices in cooperation between schools and academia attracting candidates for technical educationRassõlkin, Anton; Vaimann, Toomas; Kudelina, Karolina; Stepien, Mariusz; Berger, Kevin2020 IEEE 61st International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), Riga, Latvia, Nov. 5-7, 2020 : conference proceedings2020 https://doi.org/10.1109/RTUCON51174.2020.9316614 Eesti energeetika 100 aastatVaimann, Toomas; Risthein, Endel2018 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4774821*est The effect of build direction on the thermal conductivity of additively manufactured AIS10Mg and silicon-steel samplesSarap, Martin; Kallaste, Ants; Shams Ghahfarokhi, Payam; Tiismus, Hans; Vaimann, Toomas2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM)2022 / p. 538-543 https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEM51905.2022.9910944 Effect of PM parameters variability on the operation quantities of a wind generatorKallaste, Ants; Belahcen, Anouar; Vaimann, Toomas2015 IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis (WEMDCD) : proceedings : Castello del Valentino, Torino, Italy, 26-27 March, 20152015 / p. 242-247 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WEMDCD.2015.7194536 Efficiency map comparison of induction and synchronous reluctance motorsRassõlkin, Anton; Heidari, Hamidreza; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Acedo, Jaime Pando; Romero-Cadaval, Enrique2019 26th International Workshop on Electric Drives : Improvement in Efficiency of Electric Drives (IWED) : Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia, 30th of January – 2nd of February 2019 : proceedings2019 / 4 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/IWED.2019.8664334 Electric drive for throttle control of centrifugal pump systemGevorkov, Levon; Rassõlkin, Anton; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas59th Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering : November 12, 13, 2018, Riga Technical University (RTUCON) : conference proceedings2018 / 5 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/RTUCON.2018.8659845 Electrical machine research in TalTechVaimann, Toomas19th International Symposium “Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering. 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Laser additively manufactured magnetic core design and process for electrical machine applicationsTiismus, Hans; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Lind, Liina; Virro, Indrek; Rassõlkin, Anton; Dedova, TatjanaEnergies2022 / art. 3665 https://doi.org/10.3390/en15103665 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Life cycle analysis of electrical motor-drive system based on electrical machine typeRassõlkin, Anton; Belahcen, Anouar; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Heidari, Hamidreza; Asad, BilalProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2020 / p. 162–177 : ill https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2020.2.07 journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Lifecycle analysis of different motors from the standpoint of environmental impactOrlova, Svetlana; Rassõlkin, Anton; Kallaste, Ants; Vaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, AnouarLatvian journal of physics and technical sciences2016 / p. 37-46 : ill http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/lpts-2016-0042 Lifecycle-based design and optimization of electrical motor-drives - challenges and possibilitiesVaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants; Kilk, Aleksander; Belahcen, AnouarThe 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS 2013) : [proceedings]2013 / p. 1-4 : ill LightGBM-based fault diagnosis of rotating machinery under changing working conditions using modified recursive feature eliminationSaberi, Alireza Nemat; Belahcen, Anouar; Sobra, Jan; Vaimann, ToomasIEEE Access2022 / p. 81910-81925 https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3195939 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Magnetic properties of reduced Dy NdFeB permanent magnets and their usage in electrical machinesVaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, Ants; Kilk, Aleksander; Belahcen, AnouarIEEE AFRICON 2013 : [proceedings]2013 / p. 1124-1128 : ill Main faults and diagnostic possibilities of BLDC motorsKudelina, Karolina; Asad, Bilal; Vaimann, Toomas; Rassõlkin, Anton; Kallaste, Ants; Lukichev, Dmitry2020 27th International Workshop on Electric Drives: MPEI Department of Electric Drives 90th Anniversary (IWED), Moscow, Russia, January 27-30, 20202020 / 6 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1109/IWED48848.2020.9069553 Mathematical modelling of three phase squirrel cage induction motor and related signal processing for fault diagnostics = Kolmefaasilise lühisrootoriga asünkroonmootori matemaatiline modelleerimine ning lähtuv rikkediagnostiline signaalitöötlusAsad, Bilal2021 https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/8b5869c8-de30-4380-a0c6-8a6a2d6b6ff3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5452432*est https://doi.org/10.23658/taltech.40/2021 Mechanical vibration analysis of induction machine under dynamic rotor eccentricity [Electronic resource]Sobra, Jan; Vaimann, Toomas; Belahcen, Anouar2016 17th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE) : proceedings2016 / [4] p. : ill. 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