Arctic freshwater natural capital in the Nordic countriesOinonen, Soili; Pohjola, Johanna; Salminen, Jani; Nõmmann, Tea2019 Are companies from new block EU countries willing to publicly present financial reports? 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: a cross-country empirical studyKotšina, Svetlana; Hazak, AaroInternational proceedings of economics development and research2012 / p. 157-161 : ill Eastern European countries salaries and productivity by the example EstoniaTanning, Toivo; Tanning, Lembo; Saat, MaksimJournal of international scientific publications : economy & business2012 / p. 286-301 : ill Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) implementation in the European Union : survey of Estonian certified organisationsKivi, Krislin; Gurvitš, NataljaEuropean integration studies : research and topicalities2017 / p. 211-219 : ill e-Governance as a Future OptionRamiro Troitino, DavidE-Governance in the European Union : strategies, tools, and implementation2024 / p. 1-6 Elite agenda, media framing, and public perception of European integration in EstoniaMölder, Holger; Chochia, Archil; Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin MerikeTalTech journal of European studies2023 / p. 63-110 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS EMU and the Italian debt problem : destabilising periphery or destabilising the periphery?Notermans, Ton; Piattoni, SimonaJournal of European Integration2020 / p. 345 - 362 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Energy policy in the EU and its influence on East and Central EuropeRamiro Troitino, DavidJournal on legal and economic issues of Central Europe2013 / p. 106-113 Enhanced fiscal governance in the European Union : the fiscal compactKukk, Merike; Staehr, KarstenBaltic journal of European studies2015 / p. 73-92 Estonia and the European UnionKerikmäe, Tanel; Mölder, Holger; Chochia, ArchilThe Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics2019 / 18 p httpd:// EU Common position on international law and cyberspaceOsula, Anna-Maria; Kasper, Agnes; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar JohannesMasaryk University journal of law and technology2022 / p. 89-123 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus EU in twenty-first century, does crisis mean opportunity?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Martin de la Guardia, Ricardo; Perez Sanchez, Guillermo A.The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 3-9 .eu regulations under BrexitSinisalo, Touko JohannesBaltic journal of European studies2018 / p. 121-144 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS EU-Financed peripheral large-scale infrastructure projects and the white elephant syndrome : the example of Rail BalticaVeebel, Viljar; Ploom, Illimar; Markus, RaulRomanian journal of European affairs2018 / p. 113–128 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Eu-financed peripheral large-scale infrastructure projects and the white elephant syndrome : the example of Rail BalticaVeebel, Viljar; Markus, Raul; Ploom, IllimarActa Oeconomica2019 / p. 17 - 39 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The Euribor rate : a forecasting exercise based on fractional integrationCuestas, Juan Carlos; Gil-Alana, Luis AlberikoApplied economics letters2023 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Europa Central y del Este en la Unión Europea, 1989-2019 : De la reconciliación continental a la participación en el futuro de EuropaRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelAyer2023 / p. 21-48 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS European Commission and the management of Europe : past, present and futureRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2014 / p. 241-250 : ill European firm adjustment during times of economic crisisFabiani, Silvia; Lamo, Ana; Messina, Julian; Rõõm, TairiIZA journal of labor policy2015 / p. 1-28 : ill European firm adjustment during times of economic crisisFabiani, Silvia; Lamo, Ana; Messina, Julian; Rõõm, Tairi2015 European identity and English as official language of EuropeRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilL'Europe unie = United Europe2013 / p. 131-142 European normative power during Ukrainian-Russian conflictVeebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulBaltic journal of law & politics2018 / p. 1-20 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus European Union labour force competitiveness in the worldTanning, Toivo; Tanning, LemboInternational journal of arts and commerce2012 / p. 64-79 : ill European Union strategy and capabilities to Counter Hostile Influence OperationsLoik, Ramon; Madeira, VictorThe Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood2021 / p. 247–264*est Europe's refugee crisis in 2015 and security threats from the Baltic perspectiveVeebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulJournal of politics and law2015 / p. 254-262 : ill Expansion of science-based industries : technological and organisational accumulation vs. fragmentation? Insights from biotechnology in EstoniaKirs, MargitInternational journal of technological learning, innovation and development2016 / p. 303-344 Female emigration from North Africa to Europe - intercultural functionsPando Ballestros, Maria de la Paz; Ramiro Troitino, DavidL'Europe unie = United Europe2017 / p. 1-13 First European and Pan-European integration efforts and British reluctanceRamiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, Tanel; Chochia, Archil; Hrebickova, AndreaBrexit : history, reasoning and perspectives2018 / p. 3-20 Georgia and the European Union from the Mediterranean perspectiveRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilBaltic journal of European studies2012 / p. 81-102 Gig economy workers in the European Union: towards changing their legal classificationKerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar JohannesRevista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals2022 / p. 117-139 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS How do European firms adjust their labour costs when nominal wages are rigid?Babecky, Jan; Rõõm, TairiLabour economics2012 / p. 792-801 Immigration policy formation in new EU member states : the case of EstoniaTrei, MariliisImmigration Policy and Crisis in the Regional Context. Asian and European Experiences2021 / p. 209−227 Is Estonian transit sector in trouble after the EU accession and sanctions against Russia? A qualitative study of transit flowsMarkus, Raul; Veebel, ViljarJournal of International Studies2020 / p. 224 - 241 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Is there a relationship between company profitability and salary level? A Pan-European empirical studyRuubel, Raul; Hazak, Aaro2011 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service : IPEDR. Vol.142011 / p. 332-337 : ill Is there a relationship between EBITDA and investment intensity? : an empirical study of European companiesKotšina, Svetlana; Hazak, AaroInternational proceedings of economics development and research2012 / p. 160-164 : ill Jean Monnet before the first European community : a historical perspective and criticRamiro Troitino, DavidTrames2017 / p. 193-213*est Keeping Safe Distance: Chapters from Randomised (Non)Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights before Polish Constitutional TribunalKustra-Rogatka, Aleksandra; Hamulak, OndrejBaltic journal of European studies2019 / p. 72-107 Kondratiev wave : overview of world economic cyclesTanning, Toivo; Saat, Maksim; Tanning, LemboGlobal business and economics research journal2013 / p. 1-11 : ill La ciberseguridad en la era de hipercompetitividad: ¿puede la Union Europea afrontar los nuevos retos?Munkoe, Malthe; Mölder, HolgerRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 69-94 La estrategia de las instituciones de la Unión Europea ante el reto de digitalizaciónRamiro Troitino, DavidRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 17-40 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS La Unión Europea y el Reino Unido. Divergencia histórica y miopismo contemporáneoRamiro Troitino, DavidA Unión Europea post-brexit e o novo escenario institucional e político2020 / p. 61-73 Lessons from the EU-Russia sanctions 2014-2015Veebel, Viljar; Markus, RaulBaltic journal of law & politics2015 / p. 165-194 : ill LIVE: Open Society Forum “Rule of Law in the European Union: Liberty of the Many or Duty of the Few?” [Online resource]estonianworld.com2021 Live: XXIV Open Society Forum discussion [Online resource]Whyte, Andrewnews.err.ee2021 Macroeconomic trends in the Baltic states before and after accession to the EURandveer, Martti; Staehr, KarstenDoes EU membership facilitate convergence? The experience of the EU's eastern enlargement : Overall trends and country experiences2021 / p. 211−237 Margaret Thatcher : ¿Precursora del Brexit o Europeista Ambigua?Ramiro Troitino, David; Kerikmäe, TanelHistoria y Política2019 / p. 331-356 Modernized Beveridge curveTanning, Toivo; Tanning, LemboTEM journal : technology, education, management, informatics2012 / p. 258-269 : ill Neutrality and equality aspects in the EU State Aid Temporary Framework 2020 : the case of the airline industryKasser, Kevin; Solarte Vasquez, Maria ClaudiaTalTech journal of European studies2022 / p. 99-122 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Protecting economic interests or the right to life? Perception of the European Court of Justice on emergency medical servicesUusitalo, JennaBaltic journal of European studies2018 / p. 197–209*est Public participation in environmental assessments in the EU : a systematic search and qualitative synthesis of empirical scientific literatureSuškevičs, Monika; Ehrlich, Triin; Peterson, Kaja; Hiiemäe, Olavi; Sepp, KalevEnvironmental impact assessment review2023 / art. 106944, 17 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Regulación de las Fintech en la Unión Europea: tendencias y líneas difusasAben, Janika; Etti, PaulaRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 95−114 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Risks and societal implications of identity theftKalvet, Tarmo; Tiits, Marek; Ubakivi-Hadachi, PilleElectronic Governance and Open Society : Challenges in Eurasia5th International Conference, EGOSE 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 14–16, 2018 : Revised Selected Papers2019 / p. 67-81 : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Safety compliance of occupational exposure to electromagnetic fieldsKoppel, Tarmo; Vilcane, IneseResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2018 / p. 5-28 : ill., tab Schimbarea de paradigma teoretica a extinderii Uniunii EuropeneKerikmäe, Tanel; Roots, LehteAdministrarea Publiča : revista metodico-stiintifica trimestriala2014 / p. 114-125 Self-employment by gender in the EU: convergence and clustersFaria, Joao Ricardo; Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Gil-Alana, Luis Alberiko; Mourelle, EstefaniaEmpirica2021 / p. 717-741 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Shortcomings of the EU state aid model from peripheral perspective : the case of Estonian AirVeebel, Viljar; Ploom, Illimar; Kulu, LiinaBaltic journal of economics2015 / p. 50-64 Some aspects of the Baltic Countries' pre- and post-accession convergence to the European UnionTalts, MaitBaltic journal of European studies2013 / p. 58-83*est The British position towards European integration : a different economic and political approachRamiro Troitino, DavidBaltic journal of European studies2014 / p. 119-136 : map*est The common agricultural policy, its role in European integration and influence on the enlargements of the organization : (case study : Georgia)Ramiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilInternational and comparative law review2013 / p. 37-58 : ill The concepts of trademark exhaustion and parallel imports : a comparative analysis between the EU and the USADobrin, Samuel; Chochia, ArchilBaltic journal of European studies2016 / p. 28-57 The current economic crisis of the EU : genesis, analysis and solutionsRamiro Troitino, DavidBaltic journal of European studies2013 / p. 6-28 : ill*est The EU foreign affairs and the European values : future enlargements of the EU and limits of the organizationRamiro Troitino, David; Chochia, ArchilL'Europe Unie = United Europe2012 / p. 2-26 The European Union - a federation or a confederation?Hazak, GabrielBaltic journal of European studies2012 / p. 43-64 The new occupational electromagnetic fields' directive 2013/35/EU compared to the existing Estonian national legislationKoppel, Tarmo; Vilcane, Inese56th International Riga Technical University Conference "Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship SCEE'2015" : proceedings2015 / p. 156-158 : tab The quality and motivation of the workforceTanning, Toivo; Tanning, LemboTEM journal : technology, education, management, informatics2013 / p. 35-42 : ill The regulatory intersections between artificial intelligence, data protection and cyber security : challenges and opportunities for the EU legal frameworkAndraško, Jozef; Mesarčik, Matuš; Hamulak, OndrejAI & Society2021 / p. 623–636 The right for regional integration organisations to protect democracy : legitimacy at the regional level?Nyman-Metcalf, Katrin Merike; Papageorgiou, Ioannis F.Baltic journal of European studies2016 / p. 28-47 The Single European Act - the creation of the interior market in EuropeRamiro Troitino, DavidJournal on legal and economic issues of Central Europe2014 / p. 8-13 Time for cyber Maastricht? [Online resource]Kasper, AgnesDirections2020 Trabajadores de la economía gig en la Unión Europea : hacia un cambio en su clasificación jurídicaKerikmäe, Tanel; Kajander, Aleksi Oskar JohannesRevista CIDOB d'afers internacionals2022 / p. 117-139 Transport policy in the European UnionRamiro Troitino, DavidMEST journal2015 / p. 135-141 Trustworthy AI as a future driver for competitiveness and social change in the EUAntonov, Alexander; Kerikmäe, TanelThe EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process2020 / p. 135-154 Unemployment and vacancyTanning, Toivo; Tanning, LemboXXXIV International Research and Practice Conference “Solution of a social requirements and objective reality issues in economical and juridical sciences”/III stage of the championship in economical and juridical sciences2012 / p. 117-120 : ill Walking a tightrope - looking back on risky position of German federal constitutional court in OMT preliminary questionHamulak, Ondrej; Kopal, David; Kerikmäe, TanelEuropean studies : the review of European law, economics and politics2016 / p. 115-141 Western misperception when deterring Russia : Cultural and linguistic factorsVeebel, Viljar; Vihmand, Liia; Ploom, Illimar; Markus, RaulJournal of politics and law2020 / p. 151-159