Interaction of point defects with impurities in the Si-SiO2 system and its influence on the interface propertiesKropman, Daniel; Mellikov, Enn; Kärner, Tiit; Heinmaa, Ivo; Laas, Tõnu; Londos, Charalampos; Misiuk, AndrzejSolid state phenomena2011 / p. 263-266 Interaction of point defects with impurities in the Si-SiO2 system and its influence on the interface propertiesKropman, Daniel; Kärner, Tiit; Dolgov, Sergei; Heinmaa, Ivo; Laas, Tõnu; Londos, CharalamposPhysica status solidi (c)2011 / p. 694-696 : ill Interaction of point defects with impurities in the Si-SiO2 system and its influence on the interface propertiesKropman, Daniel; Kärner, Tiit; Dolgov, Sergei; Heinmaa, Ivo; Laas, Tõnu; Londos, C. A.The 9th International Conference on Global Research and Education : August 9-12, 2010, Riga : digest2010 / p. 231-233 Stress relaxation mechanism by strain in the Si-SiO2 system and its influence on the interface propertiesKropman, Daniel; Mellikov, Enn; Kärner, Tiit; Laas, Tõnu; Medvid, Arthur; Onufrijevs, Pavels; Dauksta, EdvinsSolid state phenomena2011 / p. 259-262