Activity classification for real-time wearable systems : effect of window length, sampling frequency and number of features on classifier performanceAllik, Ardo; Pilt, Kristjan; Karai, Deniss; Fridolin, Ivo; Leier, Mairo; Jervan, Gert2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) : Kuala Lumpur, 4-8 December 20162016 / p. 460-464 : ill Asjade Internet teeb TTÜ kampusest digilinnakuLeier, MairoMente et Manu2018 / lk. 40-41 : fot*est*est Autonomous last mile shuttle ISEAUTO for education and researchSell, Raivo; Leier, Mairo; Rassõlkin, Anton; Ernits, Juhan-PeepInternational journal of artificial intelligence and machine learning2020 / p. 18−30 Classification algorithm improvement for physical activity recognition in maritime environmentsAllik, Ardo; Pilt, Kristjan; Karai, Deniss; Fridolin, Ivo; Leier, Mairo; Jervan, GertWorld Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 : June 3–8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 3)2019 / p. 13-17 Conference proceeding Article at Scopus Article at WOS Comparison of predictive equations for basal metabolic rateAllik, Ardo; Mägi, Siiri; Pilt, Kristjan; Karai, Deniss; Fridolin, Ivo; Leier, Mairo; Jervan, GertWireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare : 7th International Conference, MobiHealth 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 14–15, 2017 : proceedings2018 / p. 261-264 : ill Conference Proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Development case study of the first Estonian self-driving car, ISEAUTORassõlkin, Anton; Sell, Raivo; Leier, MairoScientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Electrical, control and communication engineering2018 / p. 81-88 : ill Edge intelligence resource consumption by UAV-based IR object detectionPolukhin, Andrii; Gordienko, Yuri; Leier, Mairo; Jervan, Gert; Rokovyi, Oleksandr; Alienin, Oleg; Stirenko, SergiiUAVM '23 : proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on UAVs in multimedia : capturing the world from a new perspective2023 / p. 57-61 Elevator passenger in-cabin behaviour – a study on Smart-Elevator PlatformBasov, Kevin; Robal, Tarmo; Reinsalu, Uljana; Leier, MairoDigital Business and Intelligent Systems : 15th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2022, Riga, Latvia, July 4-6, 2022 : proceedings2022 / p. 3-18 : ill Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Ensemble of Tensor Train Decomposition and Quantization Methods for Deep Learning Model CompressionAdemola, Olutosin Ajibola; Petlenkov, Eduard; Leier, Mairo2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)2022 Conference proceedings at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Ensuring reliable wireless data transmission - performance study from field deploymentLeier, MairoInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK viienda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 25.-26. novembril 2011, Nelijärve2011 / p. 151-155 : ill Environmentally adaptive fish or no-fish classification for river video fish counters using high-performance desktop and embedded hardwareSoom, Jürgen; Pattanaik, Vishwajeet; Leier, Mairo; Tuhtan, Jeffrey AndrewEcological Informatics2022 / art. 101817, 14 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Evaluation of deep neural network compression methods for edge devices using weighted score-based ranking schemeAdemola, Olutosin Ajibola; Leier, Mairo; Petlenkov, EduardSensors2021 / art. 7529 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Fall detection and activity recognition system for usage in smart work-wear [Online resource]Leier, Mairo; Jervan, Gert; Allik, Ardo; Pilt, Kristjan; Karai, Deniss; Fridolin, IvoBEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 20182018 / 4 p.: ill Floor selection proposal for automated travel with smart elevatorReinsalu, Uljana; Robal, Tarmo; Leier, MairoDatabases and Information Systems : 14th International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, June 16-19, 2020 : Proceedings2020 Conference proceeding at Scopus Article at Scopus Hardware Trojans for confidence reduction and misclassifications on neural networksGrailoo, Mahdieh; Leier, Mairo; Pagliarini, Samuel NascimentoProceedings Of The Twenty Third International Symposium On Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2022)2022 / art. 180541, p. 230-235 Kas sa oled kodus üksi?Härmat, KarinMente et Manu2019 / lk. 22-25 : fot*est Miniaturized wireless monitor for long-term monitoring of newbornsLeier, Mairo; Jervan, GertBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 193-196 : ill Motivation-driven learning processes at the example of embedded systemsHollstein, Thomas; Reinsalu, Uljana; Leier, Mairo10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : EWME 2014 : May 14-16, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 3-6 : ill Optimization of physical activity recognition for real-time wearable systems : effect of window length, sampling frequency and number of featuresAllik, Ardo; Pilt, Kristjan; Karai, Deniss; Fridolin, Ivo; Leier, Mairo; Jervan, GertApplied sciences2019 / art. 4833, 14 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Practicing start-up culture in teaching embedded systemsReinsalu, Uljana; Azad, Siavoosh Payandeh; Leier, Mairo; Tammemäe, Kalle; Hollstein, ThomasEWME 2016 : 11th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education : May 11-13, 2016, Southampton, UK2016 / [6] p. : ill Preventing distillation-based attacks on Neural Network IPGrailoo, Mahdieh; Abideen, Zain Ul; Leier, Mairo; Pagliarini, Samuel NascimentoarXiv.org2022 / 7 p. : ill Pulse wave registration from radial artery using photoplethysmographic methodPilt, Kristjan; Leier, Mairo; Silluta, Sandra; Kööts, Kristina; Meigas, Kalju; Viigimaa, MargusConference proceedings : 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society : Milan, Italy, August 25-29 20152015 / p. 6425-6428 : ill Resource-aware scene text recognition using learned features, quantization, and contour-based character extractionAdemola, Olutosin Ajibola; Petlenkov, Eduard; Leier, MairoIEEE Access2023 / p. 56865 - 56874 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Respiration signal extraction from photoplethysmogram using pulse wave amplitude variationLeier, Mairo; Jervan, Gert; Stork, Wilhelm2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) : Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014 2014 / p. 3535-3540 : ill Scalable open platform for reliable medical sensorics = Laiendatav avatud platvorm usaldusväärsete meditsiiniliste sensorite jaoksLeier, Mairo2016*est Self-driving car ISEAUTO for research and educationSell, Raivo; Leier, Mairo; Rassõlkin, Anton; Ernits, Juhan-PeepProceedings of the 2018 19th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics : (REM 2018), Delft, The Netherlands, June 7-8, 20182018 / p. 111-116 : ill Service quality meter design for self-aware systemsTammemäe, Kalle; Leier, MairoAmiES-2015 : Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems : International Symposium, 24-26 September, 2015, Oostende, Belgium2015 / [4] p. : ill Sleep apnea pre-screening on neonates and children with shoe integrated sensors [Electronic resource]Leier, Mairo; Jervan, Gert31st Norchip Conference : Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-12 November 2013 : conference program and papers2013 / [4] p. : ill [USB] A small-size sleep apnea pre-screening prototype for neonates and childrenLeier, Mairo; Jervan, GertInfo- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikooli IKTDK seitsmenda aastakonverentsi artiklite kogumik : 15.-16. novembril 2013, Haapsalu2013 / p. 49-52 : ill Smart elevator with unsupervised learning for visitor profiling and personalised destination predictionLeier, Mairo; Riid, Andri; Alumäe, Tanel; Pihlak, Rene; Udal, Andres; Heinsar, Risto; Vainküla, Sven2021 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) : Virtual Conference, 14-22 May 2021 : proceedings2021 / p. 9-16 Smart photoplethysmographic sensor for pulse wave registration at different vascular depthsLeier, Mairo; Jervan, Gert; Pilt, KristjanProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies : December 5-6, 2014, Rakvere2014 / p. 67-70 : ill Smart photoplethysmographic sensor for pulse wave registration at different vascular depthsLeier, Mairo; Pilt, Kristjan; Karai, Deniss; Jervan, GertConference proceedings : 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society : Milan, Italy, August 25-29 20152015 / p. 1849-1852 : ill Startup-üritused Silicon Valleys : [TTÜ tudengid Räniorus]Leier, MairoArvutimaailm2012 / lk. 8-9 : fot A study into elevator passenger in-cabin behaviour on a smart-elevator platformRobal, Tarmo; Basov, Kevin; Reinsalu, Uljana; Leier, MairoBaltic Journal of Modern Computing2022 / p. 665-688 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli tudengite reis Silicon Valleysse : [innovaatiliste ärimudelite konkursi Stratos Futuris võitjate auhinnareis]Leier, MairoMente et Manu2012 / lk. 1, 3, 6 : fot*est TalTechi targad liftid jätavad külastajad meeldeEhitaja2019 / lk. 9 : fot*est Teadlane arutleb : missugused on moodsa kübersõja eetilised aspektid ja kas me suudame ennast kaitsta?Leier, Mairodigi.geenius.ee2024 Teadlane arutleb : missugused on moodsa kübersõja eetilised aspektid ja kas me suudame ennast kaitsta? The benefits of self-awareness and attention in fog and mist computingPreden, Jürgo-Sören; Tammemäe, Kalle; Jantsch, Axel; Leier, Mairo; Riid, Andri; Calis, EmineComputer2015 / p. 37-45 : ill Towards personalized elevator travel with smart elevator systemRobal, Tarmo; Reinsalu, Uljana; Leier, MairoBaltic journal of modern computing2020 / p. 675-697 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS TTÜ doktorant Mairo Leier: "Ma motiveerin iseennast, tehes seda, mis mulle meeldib."Leier, MairoStudioosus2015 / lk. 8-9*est „Viisin talle isegi tulekindla teki, aga...“ Tulesurmade arv kasvab ehmatava kiirusegaMichelson, Tarmomaaleht.delfi.ee2024 „Viisin talle isegi tulekindla teki, aga...“ Tulesurmade arv kasvab ehmatava kiirusega