Accuracy assessment of RTK-GNSS equipped UAV conducted as-built surveys for construction site modellingVarbla, Sander; Puust, Raido; Ellmann, ArtuSurvey review2021 / p. 477-492 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Adapting a regional geoid model to national geodetic infrastructure and conventions [Online resource]Oja, Tõnis; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Rüdja, Andres1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016 : September 19-23, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece : program2016 / [2] p Adaptively undersampled image processing for fast multiline laser detectionMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Land, Raul2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2013) : proceedings2013 / p. 60-64 : ill [CD-ROM] Advancements in underground mine surveys by using SLAM-enabled handheld laser scannersEllmann, Artu; Kütimets, Kaia; Varbla, Sander; Väli, Erik; Kanter, SanderSurvey review2022 / p. 363-374 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Aerolaserskaneerimise andmetest maapinna tuvastamine erinevate filtreerimisalgoritmidegaJulge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, ArtuGeodeet2013 / lk. 32-36 : ill Airborne laser scanning derived sea surface height datasets in the Gulf of Finland (10.05.2018)Varbla, Sander; Ellmann, Artu; Delpeche-Ellmann, Nicole CamilleSEANOE2020 Airborne laser scanning determination of sea surface heights [Electronic resource]Ellmann, Artu; Julge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Liibusk, Aive26th IUGG General Assembly 2015 : Prague, Czech Republic, Prague Congress Centre, June 22-July 02, 20152015 / [1] p Airborne laser scanning validation of marine geoid models [Online resource]Ellmann, Artu; Julge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Liibusk, Aive1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016 : September 19-23, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece : program2016 / [1] p Analysis of the performances of hyperspectral lidar for water pollution diagnosticsSobolev, Innokenti; Babichenko, SergeyEARSeL eProceedings2013 / p. 113-123 : ill Application of orthogonality-relation for the separation of Lamb modes at a plate edge : numerical and experimental predictionsRatassepp, Madis; Klauson, Aleksander; Chati, FaridUltrasonics2015 / p. 90-95 : ill Application of terrestrial laser scanning technology for engineering structure surveys = Terrestriline laserskaneerimine ehituskonstruktsioonide mõõdistamiselMill, Tarvo2017*est Application of the wavelet transform for feature extraction in the analysis of hyperspectral laser-induced fluorescence dataSobolev, Innokenti; Babichenko, SergeyInternational journal of remote sensing2013 / p. 7218-7235 : ill Applications of airborne laser scanning for determining marine geoid and surface waves propertiesVarbla, Sander; Ellmann, Artu; Delpeche-Ellmann, Nicole CamilleEuropean journal of remote sensing2021 / p. 558−568 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Assessment of along-normal uncertainties for application to terrestrial laser scanning surveys of engineering structuresMill, Tarvo; Ellmann, ArtuSurvey review2019 / p. 1-16 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Body measurements extraction from 3D scanner dataElbrecht, Pirjo; Henno, Jaak; Palm, Knut-JoosepMechatronics and control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 Asian Pacific Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (APCMCE 2013), March 26-27, 2013, Hong Kong2013 / p. 372-377 Centimetre-range deformations of built environment revealed by drone-based photogrammetryVarbla, Sander; Ellmann, Artu; Puust, RaidoAutomation in Construction2021 / art. 103787 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Combined 3D building surveying techniques – terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and total station surveying for BIM data management purposesMill, Tarvo; Alt, Aivars; Liias, RoodeJournal of civil engineering and management2013 / p. S23-S32 : ill Combined laser scanning to monitor coastal processesEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, Tarmo; Tõnisson, HannesMEME'2014 : Mathematics and Engineering in Marine and Earth Problems : 22-25 July 2014, Aveiro, Portugal : book of abstracts2014 / p. 106-108 : ill Combining Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning technologies for measuring complex structuresJulge, Kalev; Ellmann, ArtuThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / p. 1-7 : ill Combining airborne and terrestrial laser scanning to monitor coastal processesJulge, Kalev; Eelsalu, Maris; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, Tarmo; Tõnisson, Hannes2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [10] p. : ill Combining airborne and terrestrial laser scanning to monitor coastal processesJulge, Kalev; Eelsalu, Maris; Grünthal, Erkko; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, Artu; Tõnisson, HannesMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 49 Determining sea surface heights using small footprint airborne laser scanningGruno, Anti; Liibusk, Aive; Ellmann, ArtuRemote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2013 : 24 September 2013, Dresden, Germany2013 / p. 88880R-1-88880R-13 : ill A DSP-based laser scannerSaar, Tõnis; Märtens, OlevBEC 2008 : 2008 International Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 11th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology : October 6-8, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia2008 / p. 345-348 : ill Elektrontahhümeetrite ja laserskanneri kaugusmõõturi täpsuse hindamineSaarik, Sander; Kala, Vello; Märdla, SiljaGeodeet2014 / lk. 76-82 : ill Enhancement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle photogrammetry by high-resolution airborne laser scanning data [Electronic resource]Julge, Kalev; Ellmann, Artu26th IUGG General Assembly 2015 : Prague, Czech Republic, Prague Congress Centre, June 22-July 02, 20152015 / [1] p Estimation of gap fraction and foliage clumping in forest canopiesKuusk, Andres; Pisek, Jan; Lang, Mait; Märdla, SiljaRemote sensing2018 / art. 1153, 17 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Exploring sea surface heights by using airborne laser scanningJulge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, Artu; Liibusk, Aive; Oja, Tõnis2014 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium : 26-29 May 2014, Tallinn, Estonia : [proceedings]2014 / [7] p. : ill Exploring sea surface heights by using airborne laser scanningJulge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, Artu; Oja, Tõnis; Liibusk, AiveMeasuring and Modeling of Multi-Scale Interactions in the Marine Environment : IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, May 26.-29.2014, Tallinn, Estonia : book of abstracts2014 / p. 50 Extraction of the variable width laser lineMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Land, RaulBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 157-160 : ill Fassaadide võrdlev mõõdistus tahhümeetria, maapealse fotogramm-meetria ja laserskaneerimise teelElmi, Liis; Märdla, Silja; Ellmann, ArtuGeodeet2014 / lk. 92-94, 96-101 : ill*est Friction studies of metal surfaces with various 3D printed patterns tested in dry sliding conditionsHolovenko, Yaroslav; Antonov, Maksim; Kollo, Lauri; Hussainova, IrinaProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of engineering tribology2018 / p. 43-53 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS From discrete gravity survey data to a high-resolution gravity field representation in the Nordic-Baltic regionMärdla, Silja; Agren, Jonas; Strykowski, Gabriel; Oja, Tõnis; Ellmann, ArtuMarine geodesy2017 / p. 416-453 : ill From discrete gravity survey data to a high-resolution gravity field representation in the Nordic-Baltic region [Online resource]Märdla, Silja; Ågren, Jonas; Strykowski, Gabriel; Oja, Tõnis; Ellmann, Artu1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016 : September 19-23, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece : program2016 / [2] p Geodeedid valmistavad maailma kolmemõõtmelise mudeliAru, ErikMente et Manu2015 / lk. 16-17 : fot*est Geodetic monitoring of bridge deformations occurring during static load testingMill, Tarvo; Ellmann, Artu; Kiisa, Martti; Idnurm, Juhan; Horemuz, Milan; Aavik, AndrusThe Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering2015 / p. 17-27 : ill Information processing for mass-customized clothing productionElbrecht, Pirjo; Palm, Knut-Joosep2016 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Semantic Computing : 3-5 February 2016, Laguna Hills, California : proceedings2016 / p. 362-365 : ill Initial tests and accuracy assessment of a compact mobile laser scanning system [Online resource]Julge, Kalev; Ellmann, Artu; Vajakas, Toivo; Kolka, RiivoThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences : XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12-19 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Volume XLI-B12016 / p. 633-638 : ill Interannual coastal processes in Estonia, Peraküla beach monitored by laser scanning technology [Online resource]Eelsalu, Maris; Pindsoo, Katri; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, Kalev2nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea in Transition : Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018 : conference proceedings2018 / p. 115-116 : ill Iterative refinement and accuracy validation of marine geoid models = Meregeoidi mudelite iteratiivne täpsustamine ja täpsuse valideerimineVarbla, Sander2023*est Kiire ja lihtne 3D-mõõdistamine Flexijeti abigaKaru, VeikoInseneeria2013 / lk. 37 : ill 3D-kaamerad - jälle üksStrandberg, MarekInseneeria2015 / lk. 41 : ill*est Laser line detection with sub-pixel accuracyMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Land, RaulElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2014 / p. 132-135 : ill Laser scanner calibration dependency on the line detection methodMõlder, Ago; Märtens, Olev; Saar, Tõnis; Land, RaulElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2015 / p. 66-69 : ill Laser scanning of built environment and landforms with spatial modelling applications = Laserskaneerimine ehitiste ja looduslike pinnavormide mõõdistamisel ning tulemuste modelleerimineJulge, Kalev2018*est Laser scanning reveals detailed spatial structure of sandy beachesEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko; Ellmann, Artu; Soomere, TarmoIUTAM Symposium on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves : book of abstracts2014 / p. 45 Lasermõõtesüsteem muudab mudelprojekteerimise tasuvaksJüriorg, UrmasEhitaja2013 / lk. 48-49 : ill*est Leica kõrgtäpsed 3D laserskanneridKala, VelloGeodeet2005 / lk. 38-40 Metsa võrastiku läbipaistvusKuusk, Andres; Lang, Mait; Märdla, Silja; Pisek, JanKaugseire Eestis 2018 : artiklikogumik2018 / lk. 77-89 : ill Metsapuude maapealne laserskaneerimine – võlud ja valudTalvik, Silja; Kangur, AhtoXII Eesti Ökoloogiakonverents, Tartu, 18-19 oktoober 20132013 Mittestandardse kujuga ehitiste laserskaneerimine ja punktpilve põhjal modelleerimine TTÜ veetorni näitelAule, SilverGeodeet2016 / lk. 60-64 : ill*est*est Monitoring of coastal processes by using airborne laser scanning dataGrünthal, Erkko; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, ArtuThe 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering" : 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2014 / p. 1-7 : ill Performance analysis of a compact and low-cost mapping-grade mobile laser scanning systemJulge, Kalev; Vajakas, Toivo; Ellmann, ArtuJournal of applied remote sensing2017 / p. 044003-1 - 044003-23 : ill Performance analysis of freeware filtering algorithms for determining ground surface from airborne laser scanning dataJulge, Kalev; Ellmann, Artu; Gruno, AntiJournal of applied remote sensing2014 / p. 083573-1-083573-15 : ill Pinnavormide mõõdistuspunktide asukohavalikust tulenevate üldistusvigade kvanifitseerimine terrestrilise laserskaneerimise lausandmestiku põhjalSobak, Martin; Ellmann, Artu; Mill, TarvoGeodeet2014 / lk. 84-91 : ill*est Preventive management of undesired changes in alongshore sediment transport in the planning of a waterfront infrastructureKäärd, Arvo; Valdmann, Ain; Eelsalu, Maris; Pindsoo, Katri; Männikus, Rain; Soomere, TarmoThe Sustainable City XI2016 / p. 419-430 : ill Product development technological environmentMesila, Rein; Pohlak, MeelisProceedings of the 3rd International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 25-27 April 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 112-115 : ill Quantification of changes in the beach volume by applying an inverse Bruun’s Rule and laser scanning technology in Pirita Beach, Tallinn BayEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, KalevClimate modelling and impacts from the global to the regional to the urban scale : an international scientific seminar at HafenCity University Hamburg, 10 March 2015 : poster abstracts2015 / p. 8 Quantification of changes in the beach volume by the application of an inverse of the Bruun Rule and laser scanning technologyEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, KalevProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2015 / p. 240-248 : ill*est Quantification of longshore sediment transport and compartments in urban areas : a case study of shores of Tallinn, the Baltic SeaEelsalu, Maris; Viigand, KatriRegional studies in marine science2023 / art. 103199 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Quantification of the changes in sediment volume in a small beach applying laser scanning technologyEelsalu, Maris; Soomere, Tarmo; Julge, Kalev; Grünthal, Erkko10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 197 Quantification of the evolution of a small beach applying laser scanning technologyEelsalu, Maris; Julge, Kalev; Soomere, Tarmo; Grünthal, ErkkoBaltic Earth - Gulf of Finland Year 2014 Modelling Workshop : Modelling as a tool to ensure sustainable development of the Gulf of Finland-Baltic Sea ecosystem : Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Helsinki, 24-25 November 2014 : Programme, abstracts, participants2014 / p. 10 Rannaprotsesside anatoomia laserskaneerimise skalpelligaEelsalu, Maris; Ellmann, Artu; Julge, Kalev; Märdla, Silja; Soomere, TarmoKaugseire Eestis 2014 : artiklikogumik2014 / lk. 47-58 : ill., kaart Rannaprotsesside monitooring aerolaserskaneerimise korduvmõõtmistestGrünthal, Erkko; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, ArtuGeodeet2013 / lk. 37-42 : ill Rannaprotsesside seire aerolaserskaneerimise korduvmõõtmistestGruno, Anti; Grünthal, Erkko; Ellmann, ArtuXII Eesti Ökoloogiakonverents, Tartu, 18-19 oktoober 20132013 Road surface surveying using terrestrial laser scanner and total station technologiesMill, Tarvo; Ellmann, Artu; Uueküla, Katrin; Joala, VahurThe 8th International Conference Environmental Engineering : May 19-20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers. Volume III2011 / p. 1142-1147 : ill Small-footprint airborne laser scanner data for validating marine geoid modelsGruno, Anti; Liibusk, Aive; Ellmann, Artu; Oja, Tõnis; Vain, Ants; Jürgenson, Harli2013 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium : [programme and abstracts]2013 / [1] p TalTech teeb oma õppelinnaku hoonetest digitaalse 3D-mudeliAlvela, AinEhitusEST2023 / lk. 12-15 : ill*est Teetasapinna mõõdistamine terrestrilise laserskaneerimise ja elektrontahhümeetrilise mõõdistamise tehnoloogiagaMill, Tarvo; Ellmann, Artu; Uueküla, Katrin; Joala, VahurGeodeet2011 / lk. 81-85 : ill Terrestrial laser scanning assessment of generalization errors in conventional topographic surveysSobak, Martin; Ellmann, Artu; Mill, TarvoGeodesy and cartography2015 / p. 15-24 : ill Terrestrial laser scanning for the monitoring of bridge load tests - two case studiesLõhmus, Hannes; Ellmann, Artu; Märdla, Silja; Idnurm, SiimSurvey review2018 / p. 270-284 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Terrestrial laser scanning technology for deformation monitoring of a large suspension roof structureMill, Tarvo; Ellmann, ArtuINGEO 2104 : proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Surveying : Prague, Czech Republic, April 03-04, 20142014 / p. 179-186 : ill Terrestrilise laserskaneerimise kaasamine sildade koormus-katsetuste geodeetilistel uuringutelLõhmus, H.; Ellmann, Artu; Märdla, SiljaGeodeet2014 / lk. 32-42*est The 5 mm geoid model for Estonia computed by the least squares modified Stokes’s formulaEllmann, Artu; Märdla, Silja; Oja, TõnisSurvey review2020 / p. 352-372 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The data integration tool for digitized tailoringElbrecht, Pirjo; Henno, Jaak; Palm, Knut-JoosepINES 2013 : IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : proceedings : June 19-21, 2013, Costa Rica2013 / p. 193-196 : ill The D-bar method for diffuse optical tomography : a computational studyTamminen, Janne Pertti Olavi; Tarvainen, T.; Siltanen, SamuliExperimental mathematics2017 / p. 225-240 : ill 3D geological and petrophysical numerical models of E6 structure for CO2 storage in the Baltic SeaŠogenov, Kazbulat; Forlin, Edy; Šogenova, AllaEnergy procedia2017 / p. 3564-3571 : ill Tree stems from terrestrial laser scanner measurementsKuusk, Andres; Lang, Mait; Märdla, Silja; Pisek, JanForestry studies = Metsanduslikud uurimused2015 / p. 44-55 : ill*est Underground oil shale mine surveying using handheld mobile laser scannerKütimets, Kaia; Ellmann, Artu; Väli, Erik; Kanter, SanderOil shale2021 / p. 42–64 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Use of 3D body scanner data in digital tailoringElbrecht, PirjoProceedings of the 4th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies : Long Beach CA, USA, 19-20 November 20132013 / p. 76-83 Using airborne laser scanning profiles to validate marine geoid models [Electronic resource]Julge, Kalev; Gruno, Anti; Ellmann, Artu; Liibusk, Aive; Oja, TõnisGeophysical research abstracts2014 / p. EGU2014-412. [CD-ROM] Utilising airborne laser scanning and geoid model for examining marine processesVarbla, Sander; Ellmann, Artu; Delpeche-Ellmann, Nicole CamilleAbstracts : [BSSC 2019]2019 / p. 166!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf Utilizing airborne laser scanning and geoid model for near-coast improvements in sea surface height and marine dynamicsVarbla, Sander; Ellmann, Artu; Delpeche-Ellmann, Nicole CamilleJournal of coastal research2020 / p. 1339-1343 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Waist circumference measurement extraction from 3D scanner dataElbrecht, Pirjo; Henno, Jaak; Palm, Knut-JoosepIndustrial materials - applications, products, and technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 World Congress on Industrial Materials – Applications, Products and Technologies (WCIM 2013), April 1-2, 2013, Beijing, China2013 / p. 725-731 Üksikpuu kõrguse mõõtmineKangur, Ahto; Märdla, Silja; Arumäe, Tauri; Jürgenson, Harli; Kask, PriitEesti Mets2015 / lk. 34-39 : fot*est