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Varema, Tiit; Meissner, DieterTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1994 / lk. 101-113: ill ZnO nanorods via spray deposition of solutions containing zinc chloride and thiocarbamideDedova, Tatjana; Volobujeva, Olga; Klauson, Jelena; Mere, Arvo; Krunks, MalleNanoscale research letters2007 / p. 391-396 : ill https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11671-007-9072-6 ZnO nanostructured layers by wet chemical deposition methods : growth, surface properties, photocatalytic capability = ZnO nanostruktuursed kihid vedeliksadestuse meetoditel : kasvatamine, pinnaomadused, fotokatalüütiline võimekusGromõko, Inga2018 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?9962 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5141465*est ZnO nanostruktuursed kihid keemilise pihustuspürolüüsi meetodilDedova, Tatjana; Annert, Katre; Volobujeva, Olga; Grossberg, Maarja; Oja Acik, Ilona; Krunks, MalleXXXI Eesti keemiapäevad : [28. aprill 2010, Tallinn] : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 31st Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2010 / lk. 25 ZnO thin films as transparent conductive oxides by chemical spray pyrolysisVent, Merike; 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Kulu, Priit; Käerdi, HelmoProceedings of Joint Nordic Conference in Powder Technology2000 / p. 21 The effect of growth temperature and spraying rate on the properties of ZnO:In filmsKriisa, Merike; Kärber, Erki; Unt, Tarmo; Mere, Arvo; Krunks, MallePhysica status solidi (c)2012 / p. 1604-1606 : ill https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/pssc.201200008 Thermal spray coatings from WC-Co powders produced by mechanically activated synthesis [Electronic resource]Zimakov, Sergei; Peetsalu, Priidu; Pirso, Jüri; Kulu, Priit; Mikli, ValdekThermal spray 2006 : building on 100 years of success : proceedings of the 2006 International Thermal Spray Conference : May 15-18, 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA2006 / p. 1387-1392 [CD-ROM] Thermal spray processes in Estonia industryKulu, PriitSpraytime2000 / 2, p. 17 Thermoanalytical study of a precursor for CuInS2 thin films deposited by chemical spray pyrolysisOja Acik, Ilona; Otto, Kairi; Tõnsuaadu, Kaia; Katerski, Atanas; Niinistö, L.; Krunks, MalleESTAC10 : 10th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry : August 22-27, 2010, Rotterdam, The Netherland : abstract book2010 / p. 175 Thermoanalytical study of a precursor for In2S3 films by spray pyrolysisOtto, Kairi; 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