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Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 10-15, 20112011 / p. 72-75 Mente et manu / Tallinn Technical University2002*est Methods and approaches to PhD thesis writingLaane, Mare-Anne6th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology : [Kuressaare, January 12-17, 2009]2009 / p. 168-170 Optimization in Boolean spaceZakrevskij, Arkadij; Pottosin, Yu.; Cheremisinova, L.2009*est Power electronics and electrical drivesLehtla, Tõnu2003*est Proceedings of International Advanced Writing Conference, Tallinn, 17-19 June 19961997*est Readability of research writing and text variables in readability formulasLaane, Mare-Anne11th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering." Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II : Pärnu, Estonia, January 16-21, 20122012 / p. 7-10 Research activities / Tallinn Technical University1993*est Rhetorical and cultural differences in academic writing : an Estonian experienceLaane, Mare-AnneProceedings of International Advanced Writing Conference, Tallinn, 17-19 June 19961997 / p. 57-63 Rhetorical conventions and stylistic practices in science writingLaane, Mare-Anne9th International Symposium "Topical problems in the field of electrical and power engineering". Doctoral school of energy and geotechnology. II : Pärnu, Estonia, June 14-19, 20102010 / p. 106-110 Rhetorical devices and language support in PhD thesis writingLaane, Mare-Anne7th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering" : Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology. 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II : [Pärnu, January 11-16, 2010 : proceedings]2010 / p. 3-7 Tallinn Technical UniversityTamm, Boris, inform.; Tamm, Boris, politol.1986*est Tallinn University of Technology2005*est Tallinn University of Technology : 2005Aviksoo, Kai; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Udam, Maiki; Vaikmäe, Rein; Keevallik, Andres; Parre, Kiira; Järs, Jüri; Everest, Ragnar; Pihel, Mare; Kamratov, Ardo; Põder, Ülle; Toompuu, Katrin; Karits, Henn; Krispin, Madli; Johannes, Anu; Orulaid, Kerly; Lill, Heino; Pihlamägi, Olavi2006*est Tallinn University of Technology : annual report 2003Aviksoo, Kai; Arumaa, Helgi; Udam, Maiki; Kamratov, Ardo; Parre, Kiira; Järs, Jüri; Pihel, Mare; Põder, Ülle; Toompuu, Katrin; Järva, Rein; Aru, Mare; Joorik, Aivar; Pihlamägi, Olavi; Lill, Heino; Kaasik, Imbi2004*est Tallinn University of Technology : annual report 2004Keevallik, Andres; Aviksoo, Kai; Nirk, Tiit; Neudorf, Reet; Parre, Kiira; Järs, Jüri; Veinthal, Renno; Palm, Enrico; Laur, Toomas; Pihel, Mare; Põder, Ülle; Toompuu, Katrin; Murumets, Urmas; Järva, Rein; Krispin, Madli; Johannes, Anu; Pällo, Arnel; Orulaid, Kerly; Lill, Heino; Pihlamägi, Olavi2005*est Tallinn University of Technology = Tallinna Tehnikaülikool2008*est Tallinn University of Technology 20062007*est Tallinn University of Technology annual report 2007Kübarsepp, Jakob; Udam, Maiki; Vaikmäe, Rein; Parre, Kiira; Keevallik, Andres; Jakobson, Indrek; Kamratov, Ardo; Põder, Ülle; Toompuu, Katrin; Leivo, Margus; Järva, Rein; Pihel, Mare; Krispin, Madli; Johannes, Anu; Kallas, Oliver; Orulaid, Kerly; Järs, Jüri; Lill, Heino; Pihlamägi, Olavi; Moldau, Merike2008*est Tallinn University of Technology annual report 2008Laane, Mare-Anne; Rajangu, Väino; Aviksoo, Kai; Krispin, Madli; Johannes, Anu; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Udam, Maiki; Vaikmäe, Rein; Parre, Kiira; Keevallik, Andres; Jakobson, Indrek; Järs, Jüri; Toomel, Kärt; Orulaid, Kerly; Pihel, Mare; Põder, Ülle; Toompuu, Katrin; Leivo, Margus; Järva, Rein; Lill, Heino; Pihlamägi, Olavi; Arumaa, Helgi2009*est Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut : [reklaamprospekt 50. aastapäevaks]1986*est Teachers' handbook of advanced writingLaane, Mare-Anne; Rummel, Kärt1999*est Tehnikaülikoolis varitseb oht : [külalisõppejõu Charles E.Scott'i probleemidest Eestis ja soovitusi õppetöö korraldamiseks TTÜs]Scott, Charles E.Tehnikaülikool1994 / 18. nov., lk. 3-4 TPI : [tutvustaja]Metsvahi, Tiit; Mespak, Vello; Tarassenko, Marianne; Laane, Mare-Anne; Lepp, Marge; Vallittu, I.s. a Tunnustus TTÜ teadustoimetajale : [TTÜ lektor Mare-Anne Laane valimisest Euroopa Teadustoimetajate Assotsiatsiooni (EASE) nõukogu liikmeks : intervjuu Mare-Anne Laanega]Laane, Mare-AnneMente et Manu2006 / lk. 2 : portr*est